
Now Playing: DOCUMENT FROM 1793
In regards to the recent cases of developing, selling, stealing, and court battles over Native American land the following document explains the logic and the law, in clear to read wording
This is an exact quote from the Simcoe document of 1793 covering the protection of approximately 95,000 hectares.
"It is our royal will and pleasure that no transfer, alienation, conveyance, sale, gift, exchange, lease, property or possession shall at any time be had, made or given of the said district or territory of any part or parcel thereof by and of the said chiefs, warriors, women and people of the said Six Nations or body of people, person or persons whatsoever other than among themselves, the said chiefs, warriors, women and people of the said Six Nations, but that any such transfer, alienation, conveyance, sale, gift, exchange, lease or possession shall be null and void and of no affect whatever.
And that no person or persons shall possess or occupy the said district or territory or any part or parcel thereof by or under any pretense whatever under pain of severe displeasure. And that in case any person other than the chiefs, warriors, women and people of the said Six nations shall under pretense of any such title as aforesaid presume to possess or occupy the said district or territory or any part or parcel thereof that it shall and may be lawful for us, our heirs and successors at anytime hereafter to enter upon the lands so occupied and possessed by another person or persons other than the said chiefs, warriors, women and people of the Six Nations and them the said intruders thereof and there from, wholly do dispossess, evict and resume the same to
ourselves, our heirs and successors."
Read The Complete Article Here