Yesterday I stated that we are about to in effect go into the middle of a financial war. I am not sure the analogy was fully understood it wasn’t so much about fighting the battle but more about the way that even if good is the end result how many can be harmed in the process.
This resulted in a litany of people trying to nit pick about the justification for WWII, why the US prospered after the war, etc. Such people are literalists that don’t comprehend analogies and tell “ants are socialists”, when you tell them the ant and grasshopper story.
Today I will revisit a few things people took exception to (very briefly) and will spend most of the show outlining my “modern financial survival guide” for the coming future.
Join Me Today as We Discuss…
Is the Catholic Church calling for a “World Bank” and global tax or not
What exactly do I mean by a financial war
Why do I believe so emphatically that I am right about the coming collapse
What I think you need to do to be financially prepared for the future
Get rid of debt (especially floating rate debt)
Try to save at least 20% of your income (6 months security)
Know your exit points for every investment
If you are in stocks by only the best companies
Do not hold any and I mean any long term bonds
Keep an eye on TIPS Bond Yields
Remember most “experts” on TV are actually idiots
Develop your local community
Don’t bet on any government money (specifically @ 100%)
Consider land as the best investment (not houses)
Increase your financial IQ daily – start with vocabulary
Focus on gaining some % of self sufficiency with the 5 needs
Try to be as “cash rich” as possible
Don’t act in fear, think before you do anything
Do not listen to conventional wisdom during unconventional times
Remember the prepared can always profit and prosper
So after several versions, I believe this is the best model that will work for my broods’ needs now. It is quick to build (approximately 3hrs) and the rabbits love the pasture, not to mention having a built-in den. I am going to read the handholds from v2.0 as that makes rotating them around the field much easier for a single person to do, especially now that v 2.1 is 8ft long rather than 6ft. I am also going to see about adding a layer of something to keep out drafts in the thick of winter since we used the galvanized steel roofing for the den segment.
I picked up this small 1100 watt generator last summer for $40 off of craigslist. It didn’t run when I got it, the guy had probably used the wrong oil/gas ratio or just had old gas in it. I cleaned it up and made it a workable generator.
The video is a small review of the generator and how I hooked it up to my natural gas furnace to power it up during power outages. Many people say they are not powerful enough for this but I show you how to check that out. I have also used it for keeping our chest freezer cold as well, It’s small and only draws about 4 amps @ 120V and the inrush amperage is only 8 amps so the mini generator works just fine powering it up.
Our primary pantry is in our cellar which is fairly large. This is where the majority of our food is stored (including water and wine). This would include lots of various macaroni (which my wife, Denise, and I both love), canned food, freeze dried food, and five gal. buckets with Gamma seal lids. These buckets contain things like rice, flour, salt, sugar, and various other things.
However, being in the far corner of the cellar, our primary pantry is a ways from the kitchen. We have a cellar staircase just off the kitchen which is against an outside wall. We used this area to store some emergency supplies, 1st aid supplies, etc. But there weren’t really any shelves and it wasn’t organized (which I’m never happy about). I kept looking at this area and decided I could build a shelving unit at the angle of the stairs, and still have room for plenty of supplies.
Survivalist Podcasts & Links...and General Survival Information Mood:
lucky Now Playing: great sourse of information - I recommend the podcasts Topic: Survivalist
There will be no show today as I will be spending the day reflecting on how much 2009 has changed our lives with my family. There are several exciting announcements I want to share today.
One - I have been answering a lot of emails from new and even long time listeners that tell me that many of the features on the Survival Podcast website may not be as easy to find and use as I think they are. Hence I created a video tour, by Monday it will be featured on the home page of our site for all new listeners, until then you can check it out on YouTube by clicking here.
Two - As I announced yesterday Western Botanicals one of our really great sponsors is now providing a free preferred membership to all Member’s Support Brigade participants. This membership gets you 25% off EVERYTHING at the Western Botanicals Website. The normal cost of this preferred membership is 50 dollars a year. So this one benefit fully covers the cost of your MSB Membership. Full details are on on the benefits page of the MSB Website.
Three - Also mentioned on the show yesterday was that I am in communication with Dave Duffy of Backwoods Home Magazine about adding them as a supporter to the MSB. We have a few details to work out on discount codes but it looks like we will be offering a 20% discount on first year subscriptions and 20% on several of their publications including “Growing and Canning Your Own Food“ by Jackie Clay and “The Coming American Dictatorship” by John Silveira. I am a long time reader of Backwoods Home and think they are a great addition to the MSB. Even if you are not a MSB member and don’t get the discount I really recommend reading their web site and picking up a subscription to them. You can do that at the Backwoods Home Website.
Four - As I have mentioned a few times I am going to be a staff write with Ron Hoods new magazine, Magazine. The first edition is due out in February. I really recommend subscribing to it as well. Also remember all MSB Members get 10% off of all DVDs in the General Store.
Five - Sometime in the next week or two Bill Wilson (owner of Midwest Permaculture) will be on TSP as my guest to talk about sustainable agriculture and all permaculture principles. Bill is a pretty amazing guy and I have learned a lot taking his Webinar Course already. I think he will be a great guest so send all your permaculture questions to me as soon as possible and I will include them in the interview. Again Bills website is called Midwest Permaculture and I am really enjoying his “Permaculture Webinar Course“.
Six - As I have said a few times I am working hard on a new eBook called, “Mastering the 22 Rifle“. This book should be finished before the end of January. It is a treasure trove of rifle craft wisdom and will teach you everything I know about shooting the 22 effectively as a hunting and survival tool. You can’t actually order the book yet, what you can do is click on the order button and get on a list to receive a large discount for registering in advance. This eBook is a major project, there are going to be over 100 full color photographs in it. Learn more at
As you can see we are only 1 day into 2010 and TSP is already expanding, growing and looking for better ways to serve our entire community. The next year will be exciting, I hope it brings you and your family greater joy, freedom, independence and opportunity then you have ever experienced before. I think in the next few years our nation and our world is going to be seriously tested, out community will do well though.
Remember we do not prepare due to fear, we prepare so that we may destroy and abolish fear from our lives. May your new year be blessed and keep on living that better life if times get tough or even if they don’t.
Join me today as I interview Christopher Nyerges from the editorial staff of Wilderness Way Magazine. Christopher is also the author of quite a few books and a wealth of knowledge on gardening, permaculture, botany, alternative energy, wilderness survival skills and more.
Note of Correction - In today’s show I mention a 5000 year old food forest, that was an error it was a 2000 year old forest. I apologize for the misstatement and a link to the Youtube video is in today’s show notes.
Join me today as we discuss…
Christopher’s new book, The Self Sufficient Home
How to be cost effective with solar, wind and other energy projects
Why being part of the effort is key to success with alternative energy projects
The parallels between surviving urban/suburban disasters and wilderness survival
The importance of caring for others in a survival situation
Why political awareness is important for modern survivalism
The three illusions of money
Why Christopher choose the format for his new book of showing multiple families and communities with real world projects
The importance of growing your own food
Methods of harvesting water and why it is key to your success
Why “resource shortage” is more important that political concepts like global warming
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK and you might hear yourself on the air.
I don’t live in the teepee, but in a trailer down the hill. I come up to the teepee to get online because there’s good reception without a cell satellite. We are building a cabin starting Spring of 2010. Our plan is cement wall against the hillside, another two walls of cement, and the front wall standing 12′ X 3′ logs side by side and energy efficient windows. We just got an 80 watt solar panel and Xantrex xPower 1500. We plan to get more deep cycle batteries and a few more solar panels. So what do we do when the sun doesn’t shine? Honda 5500watt gas generator. I like organic foods and eat and shop, sometimes, at Real Foods in Helena. Just remember, ‘green’ is the new ‘red’.
In the event of a disaster should you bug in or bug out (shelter in place or evacuate) is a big topic in many forums, email lists and among modern survivalists in general. There are times when the question is easy to answer and times when it can be difficult. The key is your life and the lives of those you love can hang in the balance of this decision so today we discuss 12 question to ask before you have to make the decision.
Tune in today as we consider the following questions…
Which choice gives you the best chance of survival for the scenario at hand? (this is not always clear)
How well prepared are you to bug in?
What exactly are you prepared for? (a forest fire is far different from local rioting)
Today’s show is based on a great article written by Clare Wolfe of Backwoods Home Magazine called, “Preparing for Civil Unrest“. I thought this article was so timely and though provoking that I last minute preempted today’s planned show and quickly put together an outline for today based on this article. In addition to listening today make sure to read Claire’s article.