Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Racism and US policy - The anti racists activists are only hope left for Amreica
Mood:  down
Now Playing: The myth of the anti-immigrant majority

The myth of the anti-immigrant majority

Supporters of immigrant rights can make a difference by organizing and activism.

ALL IT took was one glance at the headline of the Pew Research Center poll released last month--"Broad Approval for New Arizona Immigration Law"--and the mainstream media had a new storyline ever since about the state's latest anti-immigrant attack.

Sure, SB 1070 enshrined racial profiling into state law. Taken together with Arizona's ban on ethnic studies programs, yes, it did seem like a throwback to the era of Jim Crow segregation. But what does that matter as long as SB 1070 is "broadly" popular? The "American people" are okay with racism. End of story.

It's up to opponents of anti-immigrant bigotry to make sure that isn't the end of the story.

The survey results from Pew and other pollsters do reflect broad public sentiment in favor of immigration law enforcement. But there are a lot of contradictions in that sentiment if you examine what people actually tell the pollsters. And more importantly, supporters of immigrant rights have the opportunity to reshape the supposed consensus on this issue--but only if we organize an energetic campaign to counter the anti-immigrant lies and make our case to a wider audience.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THE PEW Center poll may have surprised supporters of immigrant rights, especially coming in the wake of the immediate activist response to Arizona's racist law.

According to the survey, 59 percent of people nationally approved of SB 1070. Only 32 percent disapproved. Nearly three in four respondents agreed with the core provision of the law--requiring people to have documents verifying their immigration status when asked by a law enforcement official acting on "reasonable suspicion."

These findings are similar to other polls, both specifically about SB 1070 and on the question of enforcement. But a closer look at the results undermines the media conclusion that people in the U.S. "broadly" support the policies pushed by the anti-immigrant right.

For one thing, there's a substantial generation gap in attitudes about the Arizona law and immigration policy generally, with people under 30 opposing SB 1070 in greater numbers. And, of course, Latinos, who have the most experience with the consequences of anti-immigrant criminalization and discrimination, oppose SB 1070 by a strong majority.

The polarization is particularly sharp in Arizona as a result of the interplay of these two factors. According to William Frey of the Brookings Institution, Arizona has the country's largest "cultural generation gap"--between older Americans who are mostly white (83 percent) and children under 18 who are increasingly members of minorities (57 percent).

What's more, among people who say they support SB 1070, the picture is more mixed than the headlines let on.

Numerous surveys show that only a small minority--roughly one in five Americans--agrees with the right wing's preferred "solution" of criminalization and deportation of the 12 million undocumented people in the U.S.

By contrast, an overwhelming majority of people say they would like to see national immigration reform legislation, including a "path to citizenship" for the undocumented--a proposal that the anti-immigrant right rejects outright. For example, in an America's Voice Education Fund poll, five out of six people who said they support SB 1070 also said they back comprehensive reform.

Obviously, there's a contradiction in this. The harsh enforcement mechanisms that many people say they support alongside "reform" are the prelude to the criminalization and deportation policies they say they oppose. Immigration crackdowns are not only a violation of basic human rights, but they undermine the possibility of a genuine "path to legalization."

The reason these contradictory ideas can coexist in many people's heads is because the right wing has been able dominate and disorient the debate on immigration in national politics.

The right's hysteria about a "crisis of illegal immigration" today is opportunistic. In reality, there were more undocumented immigrants coming into the U.S. five years ago and getting low-wage jobs. The debate has sharpened today because the Great Recession opened the way for the right to package its bigotry in a campaign of scapegoating immigrants for the crisis.

The small minority of people opposed to immigrant rights in any form has an influence far beyond its small size because, first of all, it gets outsized access to the media--but also because the right wing makes its case without qualifications or hedging.

On the other hand, genuine champions of immigrant rights--people who would make the case for legalization without punitive enforcement policies--aren't actually represented in the national debate. Instead, the "left" end of the mainstream political spectrum is occupied by the Democrats, who have given ground to the right at every step.

Consider how Barack Obama and his administration responded to the passage of SB 1070. When it was signed by Gov. Jan Brewer at the end of April, Obama criticized the law for undermining "basic notions of fairness." Administration officials promised that the Justice Department would consider taking federal action against it, which could lead to a court injunction before SB 1070 goes into effect at the end of July.

At the same time, however, Obama said he sympathized with what he called "frustrations" with the current immigration system that produced SB 1070. Standing next to Mexico's conservative President Felipe Calderón during a state visit last month, for example, Obama was the more cautious of the two, insisting that the solution to laws like SB 1070 was federal legislation with a "path to citizenship," but also toughened enforcement and punishment for both undocumented workers and businesses that hire them.

Then, just a few days before the May 29 national day of action against SB 1070, Obama took a page out of George W. Bush's playbook and announced he was sending 1,200 National Guard troops to the Southwest--the lion's share destined for Arizona--for a renewed border crackdown.

That was good enough for Jan Brewer. She declared after a meeting at the White House that she and Obama were working together to tighten border security.

The effect of Obama's qualified criticisms and actions has been to signal opposition to the letter of SB 1070, but to confirm the claims of the law's supporters that there is a "crisis of illegal immigration" about which the federal government can't or won't do anything.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

MAINSTREAM IMMIGRANT rights groups have signaled their disappointment in Obama's ramped-up enforcement and inaction on reform legislation. These groups had greeted Obama's victory as a signal that their voices would finally be heard in Washington.

But immigrant rights advocates, however well connected to the party establishment, aren't foremost in shaping the Democrats' position on immigration. Corporate America is.

Ever since the right wing's Sensenbrenner bill--which would have criminalized all 12 million undocumented immigrants, along with anyone who aided them--was pushed back by the pro-immigrant mega-marches of spring 2006, Democrats leaders have supported a series of pro-corporate immigration proposals masquerading as compassionate compromises.

The latest of these--the bipartisan "framework" for legislation from Sens. Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham--is the worst yet. It proposes a highly restrictive "path to citizenship" that ties the undocumented to employers through a guest worker program and requires them to pay fines and perform "community service," with the threat of deportation for even minor violations of the law still hanging over them.

And that's not to mention the sops to the right wing in the proposal--a national biometric ID card and, inevitably, more money and personnel for border enforcement.

These proposals don't reflect the interests of immigrants--but they do reflect the interests of Corporate America.

U.S. businesses of all kinds depend on being able to employ immigrant workers at low wages, so they don't want to see the anti-immigrant right succeed with its full program. But they also depend, in order to keep those wages low, on immigrants being denied full legal rights, including the right to organize unions.

This two-faced position can be seen throughout U.S. history and the history of other counties. All other things being equal, capitalists support the free movement across borders of every commodity but one--human labor. They seek to use the undocumented twice over--as workers who can be super-exploited because they have no legal rights, and as a group that can be pitted against other workers, whether native-born or immigrants themselves, to push down the wages of everybody.

In other words, Corporate America needs an immigration system that secures its access to cheap labor, but that also continues to consign immigrants to second-class citizenship--just what Schumer-Graham does.

And this is what passes in national politics for the "liberal" position on immigration. As a consequence, the case for legalization without punishing the undocumented and without tighter border controls never gets heard.

The contradictory public sentiment on immigration is the product of a national political debate that is taking place not between left and right, but between the center and a bigoted right-wing fringe.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THE ANSWER to polls that show public sentiment against equality for immigrants--however shallow and mixed that sentiment may be--can't be to wait for the Democrats to take a stand or do the right thing.

Democratic Party politicians are, by nature, cowards. They hate taking a controversial position that might lose them votes. Compromise and concession are second nature to them--which is why the Democrats are uniquely qualified to serve Corporate America on an issue where it needs to steer between the fanatics of the right and the legitimate demands of immigrants.

It's up to immigrants themselves and everyone who supports social justice to take that stand, loud and proud. We need to apply pressure from below to counter the relentless pressure on politicians from above. Our movement needs to become a pole of attraction on the issue of immigration, so the debate isn't between the center and the right, but our side against theirs.

Such a movement can take heart when Obama and the Democrats feel compelled to criticize SB 1070 and even take legal action against it. That can open space for a genuine immigrant rights position. But we can't depend on the Democrats to follow through.

The New York Times put its finger on an important connection between civil rights struggles past and present in an editorial in support of four immigrant students who were arrested for sitting in at Sen. John McCain's Arizona office:

The fight for reform is stalled. It could be simple acts of protest that ignite a fire. Half a century ago, it was young people, at lunch counters and aboard buses across the South, who helped galvanize the movement for civil rights, and wakened more powerful elders to injustice.

One important lesson of the actions of those young people 50 years ago is that they weren't deterred by majority opinion. As SocialistWorker.org columnist Sharon Smith pointed out, national polls in the late 1950s showed overwhelming support for the most vile elements of Jim Crow segregation. By 1964 and 1965, majority views had turned around 180 degrees. "There is no doubt," Smith concludes, "that the civil rights movement challenged and ultimately changed prevailing opinion."

Supporters of immigrant rights are finding that they, too, can make a difference by organizing and activism.

The 50,000-plus people who turned out in Phoenix for the May 29 demonstration against SB 1070--not to mention other protests around the country--dwarfed the size of anti-immigrant events. The spirit on the demonstrations was defiant--and the actions marked the rejuvenation of a movement that emerged with the mass marches of 2006 that opposed anti-immigrant legislation on the federal level.

Perhaps the racist right thought it could intimidate immigrants in Arizona and beyond with harsh new laws. But rather than cement "broad popularity," the attacks are provoking a vigorous response.

Thus, when a Columbus, Ohio, radio station started promoting a contest to win a trip to Phoenix for "a weekend chasing aliens," it took all of 24 hours and a campaign of phone calls to force an apology out of the station. The next target, as the National Council of La Raza suggested, out to be Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig, to get him to move the 2011 All-Star Game out of Phoenix.

The coming months will be important ones for the movement, whether activism comes in the form of protests and marches, or boycott campaigns, or public forums in every part of the country, where people can hear the stories of immigrants themselves--and the lies of the bigots exposed.

The Alto Arizona Web site that spearheaded the May 29 day of action against SB 1070 is promising a "Day of Non-Compliance" on July 29, when SB 1070 is scheduled to go into effect. And more besides:

We will make this summer a Human Rights summer everywhere. Wherever the Diamondbacks play, protest. Wherever there are new police/ICE collaborations, push back. Wherever Arizona companies do business, boycott. Wherever there is injustice, we must shut it down.

The key to turning the tide against the anti-immigrant bigots is what our side does to counter the lies and stand up for justice.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:58 PM PDT
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Protesters Block 12th St, Independence Ave in Washington DC
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Immigrant Activist Decend on Homeland Security in Washington DC

Immigrants' Rights Protesters Block 12th St, Independence Ave

On January 26, several hundred immigration reform/immigrant rights activists from groups such as Casa de Maryland descended on the Department of Homeland Security to demand an end to the workplace raids and detention of immigrants. Both 12th st and Independence Ave were blocked by sitting, arm-locked protesters at different times before 24 people were hauled off the street by the cops.



The blockade at 12th st in front of Homeland Security
The crowd in front of Homeland Security

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:16 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, 31 January 2010 2:19 AM PST
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Homeland Security Incarcerating Refugees in USA
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Human Rights are in the USA made toilet

Why Is the Department of Homeland Security Incarcerating Refugees Across the U.S.?



By Emily Creighton, Immigration Impact.

Posted December 1, 2009.

Last month, President Obama authorized the admission of 80,000 refugees into the U.S. in fiscal year 2010, something every President has done annually since passage of the Refugee Act of 1980. The United States has long recognized the importance of providing a safe haven for refugees. Beginning with laws granting refugee status to displaced persons after World War II and culminating with the comprehensive Refugee Act of 1980, the U.S. has sought to safeguard those who are unwilling or unable to return to their homeland based on a "well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion."

Despite this commitment to helping refugees resettle in the U.S. permanently, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its sub-agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), have adopted a policy of incarcerating refugees who have not adjusted to permanent resident status after one year of residency in the U.S. (“unadjusted refugees”). Often ICE comes in contact with unadjusted refugees who have had some contact with local law enforcement; however ICE also has detained refugees who have no criminal charges pending against them. In recent months, advocates have alerted DHS and ICE about such detained refugees in regions including Minneapolis, MN; Florence, AZ; Eloy, AZ; York, PA; Atlanta, GA; Los Angeles, CA.

ICE defends this detention policy by citing section 209(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which states that refugees who have not acquired permanent resident status after one year “shall return or be returned to the custody of the Department of Homeland Security for inspection and examination for admission.” ICE says “return to custody” means that refugees who have not applied for permanent resident status after one year may be detained and held while they complete their adjustment application and while ICE’s sister organization, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), adjudicates it. This interpretation is particularly unfair since the law prohibits refugees from applying for permanent residence until one year after they have been admitted to the U.S. as refugees. In essence, ICE detains refugees for not doing what the law bars them from doing.

ICE’s interpretation of the law has particularly harsh consequences for refugees. First, the refugee is not in removal proceedings, so he or she cannot request bond before an Immigration Judge. Without an opportunity to be released, the refugee must complete the adjustment application process in detention -- for example, he or she must appear for the required USCIS interview and obtain vaccinations while detained. In some cases, the process can take over a year.

Second, even if USCIS denies the refugee’s application for adjustment and he or she is placed in removal proceedings, ICE has charged the refugee as an "arriving alien." Under the relevant law, "arriving aliens" may not ask an Immigration Judge for a bond hearing and are entirely dependant on ICE -- the prosecutor in the case—for release from detention. The interpretation of refugees as “arriving aliens” is incorrect because refugees have already been admitted to the U.S. as a refugee. Despite this, when the agency charges them as "arriving aliens," refugees are unable to seek release from detention from a neutral decision-maker -- neither during the pendency of the adjustment application, nor during removal proceedings.

In Arizona—where representatives of detained refugees recently filed a number of habeas lawsuits challenging the detention of unadjusted refugees—ICE stated that it will release unadjusted refugees or put them in removal proceedings within 48 hours. It also promised to stop charging refugees in removal proceedings as "arriving aliens," which therefore enables refugees to seek bond from a neutral immigration judge. Yet in light of these changes, advocates in Arizona report that unadjusted refugees continue to spend time in detention and cannot proceed with their immigration cases until DHS adjudicates their adjustment applications. In addition, DHS has not officially committed to these changes or to any widespread changes in policies related to detention of unadjusted refugees.

DHS’ policy of detaining unadjusted refugees is extremely problematic -- it is not required by the language of the statute and is unsupported by the policies that drove lawmakers to pass laws protecting refugees. The word “custody” in the statute does not require ICE to take physical custody of unadjusted refugees, something ICE’s predecessor organization recognized. The former Immigration and Nationality Service reasoned that "custody" in INA § 209(a) could be satisfied by simply requiring refugees to apply for adjustment of status and compelling them to appear at the agency.

Organizations that work with detained refugees continue to urge DHS to reconsider its policy of detaining unadjusted refugees and to this end, recently submitted a letter to DHS with policy suggestions. DHS acknowledged receipt of the letter. Hopefully, in any new policy, DHS will cease using "custody" in INA 209(a) as another means to detain refugees. This is not the purpose or intent of this statutory provision. Instead, the statute was designed to encourage refugees to apply for adjustment and to lawfully remain in the United States. Let’s hope the agency acts quickly to issue fair and humane new policy, so that future refugees will not have to suffer the unnecessary detention that current refugees face.


Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:16 PM PST
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Racism in America - Is by our own design
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Homeland Security spins their own - They are the ones encouraging racism

Z3 Readers ... I pass alongthis article I found online in the UK press... I have a hunch it is not the "new black president" that is leading to increase in "white supremacists" ... my hunch is that it is Americas Immigration Policies that is "fueling the fire" of hate, skin color, and white supremacism. In fact there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND... we have allowed our country to loose our dignity and we are breeding hate and racism by our very own (sic) Immigration Policies and attitudes.

~joe anybody

The recession and election of a black president has led to an increased risk from white supremacists, US security chiefs warned.


An intelligence report by officials at the Department of Homeland Security was issued last week alerting law enforcement agencies to right-wing extremists using the economic downturn to boost recruitment.

Security around Barack Obama has been tight since he was elected as president last year as a result of the perceived risk from racist groups.


White supremacist websites received a surge of new members after the election on November 4, analysis has found.

In their latest report, Homeland Security officials said the risk of extremist action had risen as a result of the current circumstances.

The document stated: "Despite similarities to the climate of the 1990s, the treat posed by lone wolves and small terrorist cells is more pronounced than in past years."

It further warns that restrictions on firearms and returning war veterans may lead to terror groups attempting to carry out attacks. Soldiers returning from the Iraq War could appeal to right-wing groups due to their skills and experience, it added.

The assessment came to light after conservative oblog sites began to comment on its content.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:08 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 20 April 2009 8:48 PM PDT
Friday, 27 March 2009
Shakle & Chain The Filthy Pregnant Immigrant This is America God Damnit
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Fuck People - In America we follow the (sic) law first

(Z3 Readers - an editor note) The title is written in sarcasm, I am sickened by the treatment our country levies on innocent human beings. Fuck Our Shitty Policy!

Help Amnesty International correct this sick madness, read and donate info below.


Juana Villegas, who was nine months pregnant at the time, was arrested last July by the police for a minor driving offense in Nashville, Tennessee. After her arrest, authorities discovered that she was an immigrant from Mexico and transferred her to a county jail so that she could be picked up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Two nights later, Juana went into labor and was moved from jail to a hospital. She was shackled in the ambulance, while in her hospital bed, and again immediately after delivery. She even remained shackled to walk from her hospital bed to the bathroom, although there was never any reason to suspect that Juana was a flight risk or that she posed a danger to others.
 These detentions—which cost hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars each year—often violate both U.S. standards and international human rights laws.

In Amnesty's new report
Jailed Without Justice, our researchers discovered that tens of thousands of people are languishing in immigration detention, including immigrants, asylum seekers, torture survivors and even some U.S. citizens. Detainees can remain in immigration detention for years without ever receiving a court hearing to determine whether their detention is warranted and they are often treated inhumanely while in custody.

I'd like to tell you that Juana's case isn't typical. But, our researchers identified numerous stories similar to hers—where detainees have been housed in criminal facilities, excessive shackling is the norm, and medical needs are often ignored.

Our own government is mistreating many immigrants and asylum-seekers fleeing torture, religious persecution, or civil war. Many are sent to prison with no access to lawyers or medical care, and detained far away from family and support systems. You and I cannot let this stand.

Please make a tax-deductible donation to Amnesty International's campaign to pressure the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Congress to mandate that detainees are treated humanely and receive due process while in custody, just
click here if you can help support Amnesty International's new campaign to hold the U.S. government accountable for these serious human rights violations.

Thank you for your continued commitment to defending human rights.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:31 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 March 2009 5:19 AM PDT
Friday, 14 November 2008
see you in Hell "racists"
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Hate is on the rise against people of brown color

This makes me sick Z3 Readers

The link I found this is here:



An estimated half-million immigrants are living in the U.S. in defiance of deportation orders. The government has stepped up efforts to catch them, and has made 34,000 arrests in the past year.


The comment page is here:



I posted comment #145 and it is as follows:



joe-anybody wrote:How ignorant (is this a KKK site?) The Native Americans were here 1st and we "screwed them over" and TOOK their land How dare we act so pretentious These are humans these are people with hearts and souls All you who talk crap about "other people" will meet your maker someday and just to let you know "he is not racist nor does he (your maker) keep track of borders. How selfish, cruel and sick allot of you sound and "no doubt are"

Respect your fellow man or get on your "high horses" I dare you and challenge you to "try loving one another" You don't have it in you do you....? I might (inform you while I'm here) with "Hate in your Heart" you cant love your fellow man. Wow! No love... just all selfish crap talk about injustice and mean spirited laws. Don't bother arguing with me about "rules" or "laws" it all boils down to ONE THING...you either have LOVE or ....you have HATE......pick your sides and but be careful we don't see ya in hell ...for there are "no borders in heaven ... But "hell is full of Selfish, I got mine, beat down the poor-man, kind of people.

You make your bed on stolen Native American land ...and justify it by self-made white man law... and then you act as if God told you were better. Everyone of you who are for this insane treatment of fellow humans, should be "rounded up" by the real owners of this dirt you all parked your asses on. This land was stolen and now you point at others who skin is a different color.

Let me also add your opinions are the SAME as the KKK and other racist groups.... you are in league and "in bed" with white supremists... wither you like it or not your ideas both mesh along the SAME principles. They too will agree with you. Cool to be lock step with Racists huh! real true "Americans "Its ok for you will have friends in hell .... its full of people who think, act, and make laws that jail and criminalize others who only want a meaningful life and a chance to live. Justice is coming to people who hate! I cant wait!



Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:59 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 15 November 2008 4:26 PM PST
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
No English Lessons ...This is America! ...oh ..call the police!
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Hate - measures on the ballot in Oregon 2008 they are #19 and #112

Hello Zebra 3 Readers

I just seen the news in my email from the CIO organization in Portland Oregon


It was about the the recent ballot measures #19 & #112 …its not good!


That said, I was reflecting on this video from the event they organized at PCC campus in Nov 2007 here in Portland Oregon and it was at this forum where we were listening to these very issue of these bad laws being discussed …. Here is my video from that event




The following is from the CIO website



Oregon's 2008 Anti-Immigrant

Ballot Measures - #19 and #112

#19: Prohibits Teaching Public School Student In Language Other Than English For More Than Two Years

Filed By: Alan Grosso, Bill Sizemore, and Russell Walker

Summary of Initiative

  • Non-English speaking students who enter the public school system will be limited to not more than two years of English Immersion classes.
  • The amount of time for ESL classes depends on the grade of non-English speaking student enter the public school system.

“Yes” statement: “Yes” vote prohibits teaching public school student in language other than English for more than two years (exception for teaching foreign language to English speakers).

“No” statement: “No” vote retains requiring English courses for students unable to profit from classes taught in English, permitting Multilanguage instruction to assist transition to English.

Significant Impact/Concerns

  • This initiative does not consider individual learning levels or students with special needs.
  • What are the consequences for non-English speaking students who are prematurely forced into English only classes?
  • How will this affect refugee children who have come directly from refugee camps with little formal education?
  • How will this affect ESL funding, school funding, and curriculum?

#112: Allows state cooperation with Immigration Enforcement; Requires “Legal Presence”/Citizenship for Specified States Rights/Privileges

Filed By: Mehran Smith and Shahriyar Smith

Summary of Initiative

  • No Statute, regulation, or agency/instrumentality of the state can prohibit public employees from cooperating with federal agencies in the enforcement of federal immigration law.
  • First time Oregon voters must provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote.
  • Proof of legal residence is required for driver license applicants.

“Yes” Statement: “Yes” vote allow state/local cooperation and resources for immigration enforcement; requires certain documentation of citizenship for voter registration, “legal presence” for driver/identification documents.

“No” Statement: “No” vote retains current state/local limits on cooperation and resources to enforce immigration laws, current requirements for voter registration, and grant of driver/identification documents.

Significant Concerns/Impacts

  • Would state and local police have the ability to arrest undocumented immigrants on a regular basis? Would state and local police receive proper training, funding and support to carry out federal immigration enforcement?
  • Would this initiative require all government workers (hospitals, schools, etc.) to report undocumented immigrants? Would this initiative promote racial profiling?
  • Would this eliminate the ability to hold street-side voter registration drives?
  • How long will it take to verify a voter’s status under the new system?



Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:53 AM PDT
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
This Has To Be Said.... Because it is true!
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: And I am here to say it - Wake Up - It is Rotton - It is In Your Face

"Illegal" is the new "Nigger"



Illegals is the 21st century version of 'nigger'. That is what I hear when the term is thrown at undocumented families. Just like nigger was (and still is, although less overtly) the soundtrack to the murder and oppression of black folks, 'illegals' is the political theatrical score for the police and minutemen murder and political oppression of undocumented families from the South.

It's a shame that the so-called US progressive movement isn't involved with what is obviously the true front of progressivism in the United States in the 21st century. The struggle for human rights led by immigrants.

As in the 60s, so many so-called political people stood on the sidelines or contented themselves with reading about how King and activist blacks fought for a more free USA, the progressive movement of today is for the most part, only watching as the real progressive movement, mostly latinos, fight for further realization of the USA some say exists right now and others say used to exist but certainly that we all want."

—MarcG, comment on BradBlog

MY DEAR black amig@s, you know I respect you and I hope you immediately understand my deciding to quote this word, and invoke all its ugly, historical glory. This is not a stand-up routine, this is not a song, and this is not a joke. Nor is it an attempt to take anything away from your unique history and current struggles. But in this specific instance, the framing of today's hate and fear-motivated violence against Mexican immigrants—on the border as well as over it—needs to be spelled out with this terribly appropriate metaphor, and for the very reason that makes "The N Word" a disturbing and volatile utterance to this day.

My opening explanation aside, I am, of course, speaking to all of us. All people, all colors. This creeping abuse leveled on Mexican immigrants must concern each and every one of us. Just as in the days when the "N Word" was invariably used hand-in-hand with gross violence, human beings are being lingually dehumanized in America so that nobody minds when they are exploited, hated, hunted, and killed.

Just one word—"LETS REMEMBER THAT THESE PEOPLE ARE ILLEGALS" or the wonderfully, soul-stripping ALIEN—and somehow, magically, conveniently, all humanity is negated, and average people find it comfortable to stand by and cheer on, or ignore, what should be seen as atrocities.

It's not just the LAPDs stormtrooping the May Day parades. It's the language and the words online where Average Americans are angry that the cops didn't just open the bloody floodgates on Those Arrogant Mexicans, it's the slimey junk some politicians feel comfortable saying, it's watching the KKK grow its membership by 40% since taking on the HAWT New ALIEN issue as a selling point.

It's the conversations and words dropped that nobody contests. These seeds of a wicked vine must be stepped on wherever they lie.



Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:27 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 11 May 2007 2:52 AM PDT
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Bill O'Reilly & Geraldo Rivera -immigration & katrina clips-
Mood:  incredulous

my fellow Z3 readers, you got to see this racist getting upset

It is amazing the hate in peoples hearts

It is astounding that this kind of racism and disregard for humans is even able to see the light of day.

Watch this hot head O'riley get straightened out by Geraldo


Immigration debate with an extremist "hatemonger"(bill)  by Geraldo


     *************     ************    *************  


EXIT 235 Bridge Horror Story

New Orleans - Katrina - Abuse By Governemt And FEMA


One more good one by Geraldo and on a whole different topic is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPswpqB73SA

It is concerning the blatant disregard for Life in the Katrina disaster. And shows the extreme neglect that our Government and FEMA toward suffering Humans. It is a crime. The place still is a mess and a disaster

Watch this and remember this is the government that cares about you.

Do your self a favor and note how FAUX (FOX) news tries to tame this down .....watch Hanity try to not let this news be heard......
You know he works and serves his corporate News Masters......

These two reporters are real ......listen to their story and then ask yourselves my good fellow and faithfully readers ...

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS OUR GOVERNMENT/ POLICE?FEMA DOING TO THESE PEOPLE" ...please ask yourself that and remember this true story of the bridge that no one was allowed to cross.






Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:08 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 14 April 2007 10:18 PM PDT
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Mood:  loud


Take to


The Streets



May 1st 2007




In support of immigrant rights: 



No shopping, no work, no school!

Demand an end to


"Deportations & raids"

Fight for equal rights for


all workers,


U.S. and foreign born!

Across the country on Tuesday, May 1st 2007, tens of thousands of workers are expected to take to the streets once again to say no to anti-immigrant, anti-worker policies. 

The demonstrations are a continuation of last year’s historic marches of undocumented and documented immigrants as well as their supporters against the highly repressive and punitive Sensenbrenner legislation that criminalized workers.

The current raids and deportations in cities across the country carried out by ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) are just as deplorable and unacceptable.

By singling out Latinos, Asians, Muslims, Caribbeans, and Africans they are thoroughly racist. Not only are they meant to warn immigrants that they better not fight against super-exploitation, it is a message to all working people in this country. As the economic crisis deepens workers—whether they are foreign or U.S. born—are being warned that they had better accept these conditions. The raids and the anti-immigrant climate are designed to bust unions as well as to foster divisions among U.S. and foreign born workers.

But workers are fighting back. Across the country, the most exploited and poorest workers are standing together. Day laborers, for example are standing up to racist attacks whether they emanate from goons or from local city or state officials.

Others are standing up as well. Several unions such as the International Longshore Workers Union, Local 10 and the San Francisco Labor Council are passing resolutions in favor of May 1st and mobilizing to get people out on May Day. In
New York , a UFCW local pushed the May 1st event at a labor event demanding justice for Smithfield workers in Tar Heel, North Carolina .

The International Action Center , a member of the
New York May 1st Coalition and the National Movement for Worker and Immigrant Rights, is actively supporting these efforts in every way possible. We urge you to do the same!

Here is how you can help:


         ((1)) Endorse the May 1st action in your city and nationally.

         To endorse or to find out events visit


    ((2)) Donate to help build May Day events. Donations are urgently needed! Please make checks/money orders payable to "May 1st Movement" (on-line donations will be accepted shortly) and mail to:
    National May 1st Movement for Worker & Immigrant Rights
    c/o United Teachers
    Los Angeles
    3303 Wilshire Blvd. 10th floor
    Los Angeles CA 90010
    ((3)) Download flyers and help get the word out. For national flyer, click here English  Español.  For the New York flyers, click here:  English  Español

Posted by Joe Anybody at 9:48 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 April 2007 10:06 PM PDT

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