Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Sunday, 27 September 2009
G20 Dispatch -reposted
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: A re-post from those close to the G20 police attacks

G20 Dispatch #4: While World Leaders Fly Away, Riot Cops Blast Away at U of Pitt

Friday's major action was a permitted "People's March" from Oakland to downtown Pittsburgh and ending with a north side rally, endorsed by dozens of national groups and attended by an estimated 8,000 people.  Despite hundreds of riot cops lining every street downtown, no major altercations occurred.  (View photos, more info.)  But if anyone thought the resistance to the unwanted summit and accompanying police state was over, well, both the police and demonstrators had other ideas.


As the G20 leaders exited their meetings and started to board airplanes,the militarization of Pittsburgh continued well on into the night. A twitter feed received at 10:15 PM on the last day of the G20 summit: Reports of Dark Mark observed in the sky. Dementors in Schenley Plaza. Remember. “I do not consent to a soul kiss”.

As an anti-police brutality rally at the University of Pittsburgh campus turned into a police riot, it almost seemed that the struggles of the wizarding world could really have pertained to what happened here in Pittsburgh on Friday. As curious college students and anarchists alike gathered at Schenley Plaza in an attempt to hold the police accountable to their behaviors from the previous night, they were met by at least 800 riot cops in the surrounding vicinities of the campus.

The riot cops cornered off the area around the park and on Forbes Street, pushing onlookers out with Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs), tear gas and rubber bullets. In an attempt to remain calm, the anti-police brutality participants and other bystanders disbanded to 5th Avenue and other surrounding areas. The riot cops continued to move around the area, corralling people into the campus. No one was allowed to return to their homes across 5th without the fear of being gassed, detained or arrested.

Forty arrests were confirmed in the area inside the student union, including medics and media. One medic, Jeff Bartos, was arrested and handcuffed to the point where his hands were turning blue from lack of oxygen. Several media personnel witnessed a violent arrest of a young man on 5th avenue – he was thrown to the ground by three riot police and shot with rubber bullets several times. Another man was also thrown to the ground and arrested shortly thereafter. Media were videotaping these events and were approached by one riot cop and profusely pepper sprayed. Several people throughout the night independently likened these brutal events to that of Nazi Germany. Though clear hyperbole, perhaps this is not that far off from being a realistic statement.

While media and other innocent onlookers sat in paddy wagons for hours, the riot cops continued to rage their dementor-like soul kisses to all aspects of the University population. Police entered into dorms where students were pepper sprayed in their pajamas while another college student was chased back into his friend’s apartment and punched in the face while he was being arrested for trespassing (See indypgh.org “G-Infinity Stories”). According to an interview with Pittsburgh students who witnessed other clashes with police, a University student was arrested for holding her dorm door open for other students to get inside away from the tear gas.


The less-lethal rubber bullet guns commonly used by riot cops to disperse crowds had some disturbing effects last night as well. While one videographer was being told to get to the ground with around eight other college students, a line of police began to open fire on them, pounding them with rubber bullets while they remained helpless on the pavement. Police also shot rubber bullets into unsuspecting crowds as they were leaving the campus area – hitting one young man in the ear and another on his cheek. Both received abrasions from the impacts of the bullets; luckily the G20 medics were there to treat their injuries.

Around 170 people were arrested and booked in the last few days, some by National Guard personnel. There have been rumors that the campus was under martial law Friday night; although untrue, the bands of roaming men in fatigues have certainly made the campus feel like it. Snatch squads in unmarked vans drove around for hours, threatening people with K-9’s and arresting anyone who appeared to be in black bloc attire. Unfortunately, this type of harassment and brutality exists in other aspects of life – especially in neighborhoods of color. Talking to a man after the march yesterday, he told us of several stories, one of which being how a young boy 12 years old, was shot in the back of the head by neighborhood police. These terroristic acts against communities of color often are negated in the media. It often takes events like the G20 and college riots to bring the realities of police and state brutality into the mainstream light.

Most of those arrested in the last few days are out of jail, either on bail or by their own recognizance. Though the G20 may be over, these last days will be remembered by many of the people that were there to witness the grotesque apparition of the U.S. police state. I can only hope that this will start to challenge people to start asking questions about our current situation and where we are headed in this country. Perhaps the violence from the police will be blamed on the anarchists, but hopefully, some University of Pittsburgh students and other witnesses will begin to mobilize – to help expand the struggle for self-determination, liberation and freedom to live our own lives.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:51 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 September 2009 1:51 AM PDT
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: The Protest is ALIVE in Pittsburgh Pa. Just follow the links













http://twitter.com/g20imc  Twitter Account at the G20


http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/24/getting-out-the-anti-globalization-message/?hp   NY Times article “Getting Out the Anti-Globalization Message”


http://indypgh.org/g20/#k-877a0dc3afd39bbf  Indy Media in Pittsburgh

(RSS FEED) à http://ginfinity.pghimc.libsynpro.com/rss


http://radio.indypgh.org/  Streaming Radio from Indy media in Pittsburgh

G-Infinity Radio Stream
MP3 Hi

 MP3 Lo


http://twitter.com/SocialistZine Socialist Twitter account LIVE at G20


LIVE at G20 fell free to add any related links in the comment section below 

((( i )))






 -- twitter reposts posted at 10:20am (PST) 9.24.09  --

cops loaded into budget rent-a-vans 14 minutes ago from web

protest march headed to upitt 14 minutes ago from web     

march of 100 protesters from Schenely Plaza 16 minutes ago from web     

huge group of riot cops at Schenely Plaza 21 minutes ago from web

Street medics and legal observers have arrived at Schenely Plaza - G20 Pittsburgh  34 minutes ago from web


Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:00 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 24 September 2009 3:21 PM PDT
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: President Manuel Zelaya returns to Honduras and is met with violence



President Manuel Zelaya, who was deposed on June 28 by a right-wing pro-U.S. coup, has returned home to his beloved country. Reports indicate that he is secure at the Brazilian embassy. His return is a victory for the people of Honduras and is a direct result of their non-stop and daily struggle for over 80 days.

There is however, currently a very dangerous situation in the country that demands the immediate solidarity from the movement in the U.S.

The illegal government of Roberto Micheletti is carrying out a violent wave of repression at this very moment.

Blogs report: “TeleSur is showing images of uniformed National Police members, with billy clubs, shields, helmets and guns, surrounding the zone near the Brazilian Embassy, apparently to close access to the area, blocking anti-coup demonstrators from entering or leaving. The network is also broadcasting live images, from Channel 36, of two helicopters circling over the Embassy.”

The internet and cell phone signals have been blocked hindering the people and the movement from getting information out about the repression.

People in Honduras report that at 5:20 in the morning a wave of repression began against the people gathered around the Brazilian Embassy. The Micheletti government has thrown tear gas and other tools of repression have been used.  One blogger stated:”The fascist repression is upon us.”

Another Honduran reports: "Just like Mel (President Zelaya) was able to get to the Brazilian embassy after being exiled, every Honduran should get to Tegucigalpa from whatever part of Honduras they are at.”

An unidentified individual told Radio Globo “We urge the International Community to come and count the dead.” They went on to say that the Resistance is not afraid and will not give up.

People from a neighborhood called Kennedy in Tegucigalpa declared massive civil disobedience and do not recognize any tax imposed by the coup government. They have taken to the streets in a massive spontaneous march that began at 9:30 at night and ended later that night.

The march started with a few dozen and ended with 3,000 in one neighborhood alone.

Solidarity with the people of Honduras more urgent than ever.

The IAC urges everyone to take part in an emergency alert. Here are some things you can do:

1)      If you are in NYC take part at the demonstration Wednesday, Sept. 23 from 5-7pm in front of the Honduran Embassy 48th St. and 1st Ave. If you are outside NYC, organize an emergency action in your city.

2)      On Wednesday afternoon at the Bail Out the Unemployed Tent City protesting the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, PA,  Rev. Lucius Walker of IFCO/Pastors for Peace, who has been in constant direct communication with the leaders of the resistance in Honduras, will be giving  an extensive briefing on the  Honduran situation. The Tent City is at Soho St and Wylie Ave. in the historic Hill District of Pittsburgh. Participate if you can.

3)      Call the White House and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton immediately and demand an end to the repression (202) 647-3482 or 202-647-5291 or email

Sign Online Petition to Obama Administration

4)      Support the work of the IAC by giving a generous donation.  You can donate online at http://iacenter.org/donate/

5)      The IAC is organizing a solidarity delegation to Honduras from October 7 through October 11 to participate in a Solidarity conference organized by the National Front of the Resistance. You can support this delegation with messages of solidarity or by inviting Hondurans and the other delegates to report back on that conference or with a donation.


Update from the National Front Against the State Coup:

Wednesday, September 23rd @ 2:00 a.m. EST

"The National Front Against the State Coup has organized peaceful demonstrations in almost all the neighborhoods of the Capital to demand the return of Constitutional Order and the establishment of a National Constitutional Assembly.  The police and the army have proceeded to move frenetically all over the city trying to control the demonstrations.  The police and military violently enter into neighborhoods attacking protestors with sprays of live bullets and tear gas bombs.

The repressive forces aren’t satisfied with displacing the protests and they forcibly, illegally enter private houses looking for protestors, specifically young people.  The detained persons are brutally beaten with night sticks, sticks, kicks and punches.  The result of this violent, nocturnal persecution is dozens of persons injured, hundreds detained and various people killed by bullets.  In spite of the repression, the organized resistance continues in the residential zones. 

The National Front Against the State Coup repudiates the violent repression carried out the by the police and the army, condemns the assassinations effected by the coup regime."

The Front has called for a big demonstration on Wednesday, September 23rd.



La manifestación el miércoles 23 de septiembre en Nueva YORK cobra mayor urgencia



El Presidente Manuel Zelaya, quien fue depuesto el 28 de junio por un golpe de estado de la extrema derecha pro-estadounidense, ha regresado a su amado país. Los informes indican que se encuentra seguro en la Embajada brasileña. Su regreso es una victoria para el pueblo de Honduras y es un resultado directo de su lucha diaria y sin interrupción durante más de 80 días.    

Sin embargo, actualmente hay una situación muy peligrosa en el país que exige la solidaridad inmediata del movimiento en los Estados Unidos.  

El gobierno ilegal de Roberto Micheletti está realizando una violenta ola de represión en este momento.   

Informe de Blogs: "TeleSur está mostrando imágenes de miembros de la policía nacional con macanas, escudos, cascos y armas, rodeando la zona cerca de la embajada brasileña, aparentemente para cerrar el acceso a la zona, bloqueando la entrada y salida de los/as manifestantes contra el golpe. La televisora también difunde imágenes en vivo del Canal 36, de dos helicópteros sobrevolando la Embajada."  

Las señales de internet y telefonía celular han sido bloqueadas obstaculizando el acceso a información sobre la represión.   

Personas en Honduras informan que a las 5: 20 de la mañana comenzó una ola de represión contra el pueblo que se reunía alrededor de la Embajada brasileña. El Gobierno de Micheletti ha lanzado gases lacrimógenos y han utilizado otras armas de represión.  Un blogger declaró: "Se viene la represión fascista".

Otro hondureño informa: "Lo mismo que  Mel (Presidente Zelaya) pudo llegar a la Embajada brasileña después de ser exiliado, cada hondureño debe llegar a Tegucigalpa desde cualquier parte de Honduras".  

Un individuo no identificado dijo a Radio Globo "Exhortamos a la comunidad internacional a venir y contar los muertos". Continuó diciendo que la resistencia no tiene miedo y no va a renunciar.  

Los habitantes de la populosa colonia Kennedy en Tegucigalpa se han declarado en desobediencia civil y desconociendo el toque de queda impuesto por el gobierno de facto golpista, han salido a las calles en una espontanea marcha que inició a las nueve y treinta de la noche y concluyó cerca de la media noche.

La marcha comenzó con unas docenas de personas y terminó con 3.000 sólo en un barrio. 

La solidaridad con el pueblo de Honduras es más urgente que nunca

 El IAC-CAI exhorta a todos/as a participar en una alerta de emergencia. Éstas son algunas cosas que pueden hacer:

1) Si usted está en Nueva York, tomar parte en la manifestación del miércoles 23 de septiembre, de 5-7 pm frente a la Embajada hondureña calle 48 y 1ra avenida. Si está fuera de NYC, organice una acción de emergencia en su ciudad.

2) Llame a la Casa Blanca y a la Secretaria de Estado Hillary Rodham Clinton inmediatamente y demande poner fin a la represión. (202) 647-3482 o 202-647-5291 o email a
Firme la petici
ón Online:

3) Apoye el trabajo del IAC-CAI dando una generosa donación. http://iacenter.org/donate/

4) El IAC-CAI está organizando una delegación de solidaridad a Honduras del 7 al 11 de octubre para participar en una Conferencia de Solidaridad organizada por el Frente Nacional de Resistencia. Usted puede apoyar esta delegación con mensajes de solidaridad o invitando a hondureños/as y a los/as otros/as delegados/as para que reporten sobre la Conferencia o puede dar una donación.   


Martes, 22 de Septiembre de 2009





Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 September 2009 9:11 AM PDT
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Police crowd control tatics at the G20
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: The rights to protest get *Scuttled in order to *Kettle the crowds at big protests

Hi Z3-ers

This is a short article about the police use of "control tatics" in reference to the G20 protest and the up-coming Olympic in 2012. Scuttling the rights to protest in order to "Kettle" the crowd to surpress them. Sure seems like this discussion is much needed and years long over due.

The original article is here:



G20 protests policing 'inadequate'

Police risk losing public confidence if they do not change how they manage protests, the police watchdog has said.

Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary, Denis O'Connor, said senior officers were too focused on dealing with disorder, and not enough on allowing peaceful protest.

Public order training and tactics were "inadequate for the modern day", he said, in his review of the G20 protests in central London on April 1.

The report found officers were too interested in whether protests were lawful or not, instead of focusing on allowing peaceful demonstrations.

Some officers policing G20 were not sufficiently aware of human rights laws, he said, and he criticised police use of containment to pen in demonstrators on the day Ian Tomlinson died, calling it "inconsistent".

Mr O'Connor called on the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) to carry out a wide-ranging review of tactics and training for officers dealing with protesters.

The review should include a medical assessment of the damage done by shields and batons carried by riot police, he said.

In future, containment should be used more flexibly, and vulnerable or distressed people should be allowed out, he said.

Mr O'Connor said the changes needed to be made as soon as possible to "meet the challenges of the 21st century", and would be especially important for the Olympic Games in 2012.

The report backed the continued use of containment techniques known as "kettling". Mr O'Connor said they were useful in preventing "running riots", but he said they needed to be tempered, and officers needed to watch the crowds for signs of anyone in distress.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PDT
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Tiananmen Square prepared to crush any desenters
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: anniversary of Tiananmen Square "killing spree" from 1989

origanal article is here


BEIJING 2009 — In Tiananmen Square, police were ready to pounce at the first sign of protest. In Hong Kong, a sea of candles flickered in the hands of tens of thousands who vented their grief and anger.

Two starkly contrasting faces of China were on display Thursday, the 20th anniversary of the military's bloody crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators — from Beijing's rigid control in suppressing any dissent, to freewheeling Hong Kong, which enjoys freedoms all but absent on the mainland.

Tiananmen Square was blanketed by uniformed and plainclothes security officers who were ready to silence any potential demonstration, and there were few hints that the vast plaza was the epicenter of a student-led movement that was crushed on June 3-4, 1989, shocking the world.

Police barred foreign journalists from entering the square and threatened them with violence, even barring them from covering the daily raising of China's national flag.

Chinese and foreign tourists were allowed in Tiananmen as usual, although security officials appeared to outnumber visitors.

Dissidents and families of victims were confined to their homes or forced to leave Beijing, part of sweeping government efforts to prevent online debate or organized commemorations of the anniversary.

But in Hong Kong's Victoria Park, a crowd chanted slogans calling for Beijing to own up to the crackdown and release political dissidents. Organizers estimated its size at 150,000, while police put the number at 62,800.

"It is the dream of all Chinese people to have democracy!" the throng sang.

Hong Kong is one of the few places in China where the events of June 1989 are not off-limits, because the territory — returned by the British 12 years ago — operates under a separate political system that promises freedom of speech and other Western-style civil liberties.

"Hong Kong is China's conscience," Hong Kong pro-democracy lawmaker Cheung Man Kwong told the demonstration.

In the candlelight, speakers recalled the terrifying events in Tiananmen, where a military assault killed hundreds who had gathered for weeks in the square to demonstrate for freedom and even erect a makeshift statue of liberty. Those killed were eulogized as heroes in the struggle for a democratic China, their names read aloud before the crowd observed a minute of silence.

"Hong Kong is the only place where we can commemorate, and we have to repeat this every year so our younger generations don't forget," said Annie Chu, 36, a Hong Kong tourism worker who says she has attended every vigil for the last 20 years.

Earlier in the day, the central government ignored calls from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and even Taiwan's China-friendly president for Beijing to face up to the 1989 violence.

The extraordinary security in Beijing came after government censors shut down social networking and image-sharing Web sites such as Twitter and Flickr and blacked out CNN and other foreign news channels each time they showed stories about Tiananmen.

"We've been under 24-hour surveillance for a week and aren't able to leave home to mourn. It's totally inhuman," said Xu Jue, whose son was 22 when he was shot in the chest by soldiers and bled to death on June 4, 1989.

Police were also stationed outside the home of Wang Yannan, the daughter of Zhao Ziyang, the Communist Party leader deposed for sympathizing with the pro-democracy protesters, according to the Hong Kong-based Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy. Wang has never been politically active.

But Zhou was celebrated in Hong Kong. Tape recordings of Zhou recalling Tiananmen, used for his recently released posthumous memoir, were played over loudspeakers next to his portrait. One former student leader, Xiong Yan, stirred the crowd with predictions that "democracy will arrive in China."

Another student leader from 1989, Wu'er Kaixi, was forced to return to Taiwan on Thursday after flying to the Chinese territory of Macau the day before in an attempt to return home.

In Washington, Clinton said Wednesday that China, as an emerging global power, "should examine openly the darker events of its past and provide a public accounting of those killed, detained or missing, both to learn and to heal."

Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou urged China to lift the taboo on discussing the crackdown. "This painful chapter in history must be faced. Pretending it never happened is not an option," Ma said in a statement.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang attacked Clinton's comments as a "gross interference in China's internal affairs."

"We urge the U.S. to put aside its political prejudice and correct its wrongdoing and refrain from disrupting or undermining bilateral relations," Qin said in response to a question at a regularly scheduled news briefing.

Qin refused to comment on the security measures — or even acknowledge them.

"Today is like any other day, stable," he said.

Beijing has never allowed an independent investigation into the crushing of the protests in 1989, in which possibly thousands of students, activists and ordinary citizens were killed. In one famous moment of resistance, a lone man holding shopping bags defiantly stood in front of a column of tanks on a street near the square.

Young mainland Chinese know little about the events, having grown up in a generation that has largely eschewed politics in favor of raw nationalism, wealth acquisition and individual pursuits.

But the issue still resonates with Hong Kong's younger generations.

"It's time for China to take responsibility for the killings," said Kin Cheung, a 17-year-old Hong Kong student who attended the yearly vigil for the first time Thursday. "They need to tell the truth."


Bodeen reported from Beijing, Marquez from Hong Kong. AP Writers Min Lee and Dikky Sinn in Hong Kong contributed to this report.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:45 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 June 2009 4:27 PM PDT
Monday, 11 May 2009
Peace Vigil on Mothers Day = rightwingers start the name calling
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Mothers Day - Silent Vigil For Peace - My comment on a news blog
Hi Z3'ers
The following is a comment I posted on the Oregonian's Website
There were lots of crappy comments on the site so I jumped in
Of course I was there at this vigil, and my film link is included below.
I was commenter 122.
Posted by JoeAnybody on 05/11/09 at 7:40PM

Boy there is sure a lot of people on this comment page that:

1>hate others and are proud to be public about their hate of others.
2>use derogatory (hate speech) statements. 3>prefer "killing over peace".
4>criticize free speech when they don’t agree. 5>resort to name calling and ad-hominem attack. 6>display mean spirited condemnation to mothers who want peace on earth.
7>lies and political smears
8>use very uneducated comments.
9>encourage violence and promote the USA using violence for faux reasons.
10>cant stand the idea of "peace" nor do they understand it (or care to) so they discourage and try to shame mothers who want peace.
11>advocate using guns and death as the answer. 12>trup that "they are real Americans and Patriots, while stepping on a fellow Americans back to put him down.

What a sad shame to see developing, it is brewing HATE!

I’m glad that no "patriots" showed up to cause a negative scene, or to hurt anyone. I did see massive people walking around who seemed to care less about this war and the death its is causing.

A million dead Iraqi’s, many women & children and people have the nerve to chastise moms who don’t want more blood shed? Is this the twilight zone?

Save your left wing crap talk (I voted for Nader)
So all the "savior" crap or see what your vote has got you is not even pertinent to me.

I also challenge every big mouth who commented here to "crap talk the silent vigil for peace" to tell me what "your doing to bring peace on this earth? And shooting people in Iraq wont count.

So do tell me what your doing, I will even give you air time on YouTube. Now step up ...

Meanwhile check out this video I made FOR PEACE:
"Mothers Day Silent Peace Vigil May 10 09 We will not be silent"

And before you just use ad-hominem attacks on me, realize that I started to wise up 4 years ago when I heard that my cousin who was the highest ranking officer (Col.) in Iraq to so far die ...

He shot himself in the head Bagdad in 2005 ... when he wrote in his last note to his commander Petrus. ... he said (quote)"I didn't come here (from West Point) for greed, killing and destruction, I will not be sullied no more, death before dishonor".

Heck what do you think he was telling Petrus? What did he mean when he said "Your only concerned with your careers" As he shot himself he left a wife an 3 kids behind. Well it also changed my life I heard exactly his point and forgive me ...but I want the killings to end.

I want peace, I want the greed and corruption to stop, I want love and understanding. My cousin was a brilliant man, he was a professor at West point he studied and taught “The Ethic’s of War” So if people like him are x-ing themselves out, do any of you care? I know the peace movement cares, but why is their such a wall of people who encourage more blood … more death, and get angry because of people like me and these mothers who want a better world for all of us? At least try to understand what we are saying.

Suicides are at a point where more US soldiers and vets are dieing from their own demise, than the war itself. This is a horrible mistake for the US to be over there in a never ending blood bath, which has now caused 5 million Iraqi’s to be refugees and sent a million into their graves, theses are women and children folks ...can you wrap your mind around that? Thousands of women and children are dead (HELLO!?)

Look at today’s news a soldier shoots 5 of his fellow comrades. You know why …IT INSANE over in the hell zone of battle … killing is insane …its driving people into the depths of hell… and now we have a “cheerleading squad out here wanting MORE” and the whole time berating mothers on Mothers Day that want their children home and peace around the world.

Anyone want to tell me what your doing "for peace on this earth"?
I am really interested: contact me
But to just bash and crap talk on the web don’t waste my time... I’m trying to stop a war right now. I am filming the people in this world that want peace.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:08 PM PDT
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
May Day - May Day - Workers - Labor - Rise Up -
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: A report From Death Row for May Day 2009
From Mumia Abu-Jamal on death rowMay Day 2009
May Day ’09

Taken from a March 23 commentary. Go to www.prisonradio.org to hear Mumia’s audio columns and www.millions4mumia.org to get legal and political updates on his case.

While May Day has historically been a day of workers’ solidarity and a celebration of labor power, this is not a day or year like any other.

That’s because many nations are in the midst of economic recession and financial failure, and it is workers worldwide who are suffering from layoffs and mass firings in almost every sector of the global economy.

While labor is depressed, capital is aggregating to itself bigger and bigger shares of national and global wealth, as governments rush to bail out banks and investment firms, but only if they are “too big to fail.”

Under the newly amended rules of capitalism, corporations—especially in the financial sector—can scam, steal and hustle virtually everyone, and when the economy falls, the government sails in and bails them out with public money!

Under a system such as this, capitalism can never lose. It’s like a gambling casino, where the house rules change every half hour, or depending on who’s winning and who’s losing. But workers are losing.

Around the world, workers are facing lost jobs, vanished careers, foreclosed homes and families broken and shattered against the grinding wheel of capital.

This will be one hell of a May Day, but it’s the one that globalized capital has fashioned for us all. Only if labor is truly globalized can it fight for and demand its fair share from the ravages of capitalism. Let that be our mission for May Day and for tomorrow.



Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:11 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 April 2009 10:15 PM PDT
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
tea part with the coppers
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: The police dont show in Portland - But NY city is another story

The Tea Party in Portland oregon ahd no police at it

I think the police in Portland only come out when its the left who is protesting. The Right was out in large numbers on April 15 in Pioneer Square;

Z3 Readers I wanted to share an account form a different perspective. The following article is from an economics blogger who I do like reading his insights on the economic system, but his right wing colors do come blazing out sometimes. In the article I will share below this rant, I wanted to note his observations on the "police contro;" and his insight on the "its the law" mentality many officers will take when they know they are enforcing bad rules:

Parting Shot...

Just so you Shooters know: I held the umbrella while Sam snapped the photos.

A Shooter sends us their account from my old hometown.

I attended the NYC Tea Party with my kids.  I wanted them to experience political activism by protesting out of control government, mad deficit spending, bailout boondoggles that will encumber them for the rest of their lives, and the rapid descent into socialism granted in the bailout bill without public discussion or vote.  The Congress voted for the bill without the benefit of reading it!  An act for which they should be imprisoned!

The rally was scheduled to be held in City Hall Park across from City Hall.  Police were everywhere in clusters of 5-6.  Police cars, vans and command vehicles lined the streets.  They had the park closed and barricaded.  Police would not let anyone walk around to the south if they were carrying a sign.  We tried to walk across the park, but were refused admission by police.  I asked if this was not a public park.  

And they admitted it was but refused entry.  My teenage girls carried their signs folded and out of site.  I tried to encourage them to hold them up with pride, but they told me they felt scared and intimidated by the police.  We were routed up several blocks, then across and then down to get to the rally.  The park remained empty and barricaded.  Police had set up metal barriers along the street so that there was only a narrow lane between the street and the metal fence of the park.  This resulted in a diffused body that was half spread out a quarter mile down Broadway, and half on the sidewalk on the other side of Broadway and across a closed side street.  You could not move or get close to the speakers.

The energy of the crowd was good, but had fewer and not as good signs as the ones out west.  There might have been 1000 people there.  (Rough guess). I was appalled by the feeling of repression and complete disregard for free speech and public assembly rights essential to our Bill of Rights.  I heard people complaining that they were not being permitted to walk where they wanted to.  When we were ready to leave we gave our signs away, so that police wouldn’t block our route back to the car, but they wouldn’t let us walk a block south to our car.  We were told we had to go north, across, and back down about 8 blocks out of our way.

The stoic, expressionless responses of the cops, saying, “it’s not my idea, just following orders,” is scary to experience because it makes me see that armed forces aren’t there to defend the constitution, they are there to execute the orders of the superiors as directed by whatever politician happens to hold the power.  Didn’t they take an oath to defend the constitution as I did?  Why is there no accountability for this?   Then I remember that the president took that oath as well.

The way that this was handled does not reflect well on NYC.  It is the same heavy-handed treatment that protesters received during the political convention, for which NYC is still handling the many civil actions.

The humorous piece for me when we left the party was when my kids said they were relieved because they had thought I was the only one who felt this way about the government handling of the economy!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PDT
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Paul Richmond
Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed never had it easy. The hard times probably began when they were named Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed. Still Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed decided they would make the best of this and live up to their name.

When they reached the age of maturity Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed decided they would solve the world’s problems and set off forging their path.

Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed had gone a short distance on their path when they noticed an obstruction blocking it. The obstruction was at about hip level, and extended not only across the path, but several feet beyond it.

Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed realized they had several options here. They could perhaps go over the obstruction or under it, or around it. Or perhaps Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed could simply ask the obstruction in their path to move. Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed decided to weigh the options. This would not take long.

In the years that followed the descendants of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed and all those who had stopped by to join them split into several distinct groups. One believed that the goals of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed could best be achieved if they all just went over the obstruction. Another believed the goal of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed could best be achieved if they went under the obstruction. Another group was certain that the goals of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed could best be achieved if they went around the obstruction. And of course another group believed the goals of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed could be achieved if they talked to the obstruction.

All of these groups were more or less equally convinced that theirs was the correct way to continue down the path begun by Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed, and so they all worked more or less equally hard to convince each other that their way was the correct way. In order to make sure that their arguments were the most convincing each of the groups tried out all the different arguments among themselves before trying them on the other groups.

And as the years progressed, this served to divide each of these splinter groups of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed into even more splinter groups of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed. For example there was the group that wanted to follow the path of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed and go under the obstruction by putting their left feet first, and the faction that wanted to follow the path of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed and lead with their right feet, and the faction that wanted to follow the path of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed by going under the obstruction on their bellies, and the faction that wanted to follow the path of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed by going under the obstruction on their backs, and so on.

And so it also went with the other factions determined to follow the path of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed. For example the faction that wanted to continue on the path of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed by talking to the obstruction divided over issues such as tone of voice, use of language, time of day they should talk to the obstruction and countless other issues. And the faction that wanted to continue on the path of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed by going over the obstruction divided among those who wanted to build a bridge over the obstruction, which divided into those who wanted to build different types of bridges, and there were those who wanted to build a craft that could go over the obstruction which divided into those who wanted to build a jumping device and those who wanted to build a balloon and those who wanted to build a helicopter each of which had their distinct advantages to be sure.

With time there came those who realized that all the fragments of Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed were all there for the same reason and should be working together. “Brothers and Sisters.” said one of these.

“It should be ‘Sisters and Brothers,” said one who started another faction of those who had the best way to unite the many factions of those who wanted Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed to continue down their path. “Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers,” said one who started another faction of those who wanted to unite all those who wanted Vast Coalition for Justice Uniting all the Oppressed to continue down their path. “Daughters, Sons…” began one who started another faction.

And so it went. And the struggle continued. And that was really what it was all about, wasn’t it?

Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:22 PM PDT
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Police Start Riot on False Information at Evergreen State College
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: A article by Owen Taylor how the police ruined everything

 Z3 Readers check out this story

... that I found at this Portland Oregon link:




This below story was written by Owen Taylor
                         and Originally titled:  

"The real story behind the Evergreen Riot"

It first appeared in the
Volcano Weekly.

Members of the Radical Freeschool Radio Show were at that Dead Prez Show and had a radio broadcast about the riot available online.  To listen to that Radio Broadcast and to see photos and read an article written about it by a member of the Radical Freeschool radio Show Collective, please click here.

===============Start of Story-==================

EVERGREEN RIOT: Kaylen Williams reflects on his Valentine’s Day life massacre.

On Valentine’s Day, Kaylen Williams, a 24-year-old chef, had a bad feeling in his gut all day. He had hoped it was just butterflies in the stomach. The handsome, single man was on his way to a much-anticipated V-Day concert, where plenty of eligible bachelorettes would be dancing to the revolutionary rhythms of Dead Prez, a popular and politically charged underground hip-hop duo that would be making a rare West Coast appearance.

Had Williams known what was to come, he might well have stayed home.

You see, later that night Williams found himself at the center of a riot at The Evergreen State College, staring out the windows of a police cruiser from the eye of a hurricane and watching it build momentum. Williams was arrested on the word of a volunteer security guard for something he says he had nothing to do with. His arrest triggered what would come to be known as the Evergreen Riot.

Unless you live under a rock or outside the blogosphere of Western Washington, you are no doubt aware that the Feb. 14 Dead Prez concert at The Evergreen State College ended with a Thurston County Sheriff’s patrol car flipped onto its roof with the windows smashed out and several witty slogans spray painted on it. Sheriff’s Lt. Christopher Mealy said four patrol cars were damaged at an estimated cost of $35,000 to $50,000. Since then, a storm of rhetoric has been issued by the Sheriff’s Department, the college, and every hippie and conservative with access to the Internet. Evergreen has banned concerts indefinitely, too. Most accounts, however, have suspiciously ignored the circumstance and events leading up to the riot.

Evergreen police have declined to comment about the case.

Luckily, Williams had the best seat in the house. This is the story from his perspective.
As long as there have been concerts, there have been surly, tattooed guys in black shirts, clearly emblazoned with the word “Security,” who are charged with informing reefer-smoking concertgoers to “put it out.” Williams found himself in just such a crowd, confronted by security officers who lacked any markings denoting them as such.

One of the members of the anonymous security staff had noticed the distinct smell or a telltale cloud of smoke coming from where Williams was standing. Williams recalls that one of the security personnel, along with an unidentified and aggressive associate, moved forcefully toward the group of people he was with, demanding that they extinguish the contraband immediately. Williams replied that he wasn’t smoking. He implied that it was coming from the crowd in front of them and raised his empty hands in a “see, it’s not me” gesture. Someone in the crowd near Williams made a boisterously pro-marijuana statement. That was when, according to several eyewitnesses, the unidentified associate of the security volunteer responded with his fists. Williams emphasizes that the person throwing fists appeared to be an average concertgoer. As the fight ensued, Williams stepped in to separate what appeared to be an average thug and his victim. After the fight was broken up, Williams, on the guest list as a VIP, sought out the concert promoter to make sure everything was cool and calm.

Williams then proceeded back into the gym to enjoy the rest of the show. A few minutes later, Evergreen police officer April Meyers responded to the disturbance call and conferred with someone who fingered Williams as the instigator. She then went into the venue and took him into custody, telling him that he was under arrest for suspicion of assault. It was at this time that the men onstage informed the crowd of the situation and encouraged them to organize and gather information, including names and badge numbers, to ensure that nothing unjust was being done to the man being arrested.

Williams, an African-American and well-respected B-Boy in the greater Puget Sound area, was handcuffed and placed in the back of the car while the officer took statements from the “security volunteer,” his unidentified associate, and another unidentified female, all Caucasian. The female allegedly fingered Williams for a separate assault during the ruckus, a charge Williams sternly denies.

“I was raised in a house full of women,” says Williams. “My mother would kill me if I hit a woman.”

While Meyers was gathering statements from the accusers, several attendees started congregating around the police cruiser demanding information.  Many were calling for the release of Williams. As the concert ended, several hundred people flooded the exits only to see a swelling disturbance around a cop car. The Evergreen State College is renowned as an aggressively Socratic institution with learning processes heavily weighted toward self-reliance, pushing boundaries, gathering facts and breaking form. It is also not the kind of place where passive onlookers slowly shuffle past a disturbance. These principles, mixed with the restless idealism of youth and the powerful message in Dead Prez’s music, presented an opportunity to employ those ideals in a real setting, apparently.  

As the crowd of concerned onlookers grew, Meyers did what any smart cop would do — She called for backup. As the tension mounted and the fervor of the crowd increased, the officers on the scene decided it would be in the best interest of public safety to gather Williams’ information, release him, and contact him for a statement at a later date. Struggling to mount her car, the officer announced amid the deafening chant of “Let Him Go!” that she was indeed releasing Williams. Watching all of this through the glass partition in the back of the squad car, Williams was trying to grasp the gravity of his at least temporary vindication. “I just kept thinking, ‘wow, this is so much love right now, Evergreen,’“ he recalls. “They’ve come to get me out.” As Williams was let out of the backseat and released from the handcuffs, a cadre of riot police made their move to disperse the crowd.

One eyewitness, who asked to remain anonymous, had been acting as a go-between, trying to calm the crowd enough to talk to the officers and get information. He recalls the beginning of the melee with a grimace. “They came in swinging nightsticks and macing everybody. I was lucky to be where I was,” he says. “I would have been crushed if I wasn’t on the opposite side of the car.”

For Williams, the joy of freedom was short-lived as panic took over and the scene disintegrated into screaming and chaos.

“I was halfway up the hill when I realized that the cops still had my wallet,” says Williams.

Venturing back toward the car, he was confronted by an officer in full riot gear who told him to leave immediately, threatening him with a mace cannon mere inches from his face. Stunned and speechless, Williams decided to return the next day and retrieve the wallet.

Six days later on Feb. 20, much to his bewilderment, Williams was charged with fourth degree misdemeanor assault and told to come and give his statement about the alleged assault.

He steadfastly maintains his innocence.

“I just don’t get it. I tried to break up a fight, and they’re charging me with assault. It doesn’t make any sense.”

Williams is due to be arraigned March 10,2009 in Thurston County District Court.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:24 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 March 2009 9:25 PM PDT

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