Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Monday, 11 May 2009
Peace Vigil on Mothers Day = rightwingers start the name calling
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Mothers Day - Silent Vigil For Peace - My comment on a news blog
Hi Z3'ers
The following is a comment I posted on the Oregonian's Website
There were lots of crappy comments on the site so I jumped in
Of course I was there at this vigil, and my film link is included below.
I was commenter 122.
Posted by JoeAnybody on 05/11/09 at 7:40PM

Boy there is sure a lot of people on this comment page that:

1>hate others and are proud to be public about their hate of others.
2>use derogatory (hate speech) statements. 3>prefer "killing over peace".
4>criticize free speech when they don’t agree. 5>resort to name calling and ad-hominem attack. 6>display mean spirited condemnation to mothers who want peace on earth.
7>lies and political smears
8>use very uneducated comments.
9>encourage violence and promote the USA using violence for faux reasons.
10>cant stand the idea of "peace" nor do they understand it (or care to) so they discourage and try to shame mothers who want peace.
11>advocate using guns and death as the answer. 12>trup that "they are real Americans and Patriots, while stepping on a fellow Americans back to put him down.

What a sad shame to see developing, it is brewing HATE!

I’m glad that no "patriots" showed up to cause a negative scene, or to hurt anyone. I did see massive people walking around who seemed to care less about this war and the death its is causing.

A million dead Iraqi’s, many women & children and people have the nerve to chastise moms who don’t want more blood shed? Is this the twilight zone?

Save your left wing crap talk (I voted for Nader)
So all the "savior" crap or see what your vote has got you is not even pertinent to me.

I also challenge every big mouth who commented here to "crap talk the silent vigil for peace" to tell me what "your doing to bring peace on this earth? And shooting people in Iraq wont count.

So do tell me what your doing, I will even give you air time on YouTube. Now step up ...

Meanwhile check out this video I made FOR PEACE:
"Mothers Day Silent Peace Vigil May 10 09 We will not be silent"

And before you just use ad-hominem attacks on me, realize that I started to wise up 4 years ago when I heard that my cousin who was the highest ranking officer (Col.) in Iraq to so far die ...

He shot himself in the head Bagdad in 2005 ... when he wrote in his last note to his commander Petrus. ... he said (quote)"I didn't come here (from West Point) for greed, killing and destruction, I will not be sullied no more, death before dishonor".

Heck what do you think he was telling Petrus? What did he mean when he said "Your only concerned with your careers" As he shot himself he left a wife an 3 kids behind. Well it also changed my life I heard exactly his point and forgive me ...but I want the killings to end.

I want peace, I want the greed and corruption to stop, I want love and understanding. My cousin was a brilliant man, he was a professor at West point he studied and taught “The Ethic’s of War” So if people like him are x-ing themselves out, do any of you care? I know the peace movement cares, but why is their such a wall of people who encourage more blood … more death, and get angry because of people like me and these mothers who want a better world for all of us? At least try to understand what we are saying.

Suicides are at a point where more US soldiers and vets are dieing from their own demise, than the war itself. This is a horrible mistake for the US to be over there in a never ending blood bath, which has now caused 5 million Iraqi’s to be refugees and sent a million into their graves, theses are women and children folks ...can you wrap your mind around that? Thousands of women and children are dead (HELLO!?)

Look at today’s news a soldier shoots 5 of his fellow comrades. You know why …IT INSANE over in the hell zone of battle … killing is insane …its driving people into the depths of hell… and now we have a “cheerleading squad out here wanting MORE” and the whole time berating mothers on Mothers Day that want their children home and peace around the world.

Anyone want to tell me what your doing "for peace on this earth"?
I am really interested: contact me
But to just bash and crap talk on the web don’t waste my time... I’m trying to stop a war right now. I am filming the people in this world that want peace.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:08 PM PDT

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