Mood: celebratory
Now Playing: Iraq Body Count Flag Memorial Video I Made
Topic: WAR
I am sort of excited ....first time at uploading to the the big "You" !
I and my 14 year old son enjoyed helping with this project
Taking these videos and pictures was engaging and well worth the message that I hope I can help share
For more information on this project please visit the website of the ones behind this great idea
I am going to have a few more videos or pictures soon.
My hands are a little sore i probably did a few thousand or so flags.
I love the soldiers .... I love my country.... I love the Innocent Iraqi's Victims now at the mercy of this evil war. I want it all to stop. There is no reason for this madness. For every time I put a white flag in I felt like it represented a whole Family from Iraq. I feel the powerful message in all these flags took all day for this to be installed.
My fellow Z3 readers, That is a lot of dead people for this stupid war.
Look at all those white and red flags..... all representing lost lives.
Contact your congress man now
Tell your Congressmen there is enough dead.....
tell them 6 x 1 white flag x 60 thousand is ENOUGH !
...... I love all-people and want Peace on Earth
....... End The War Now