Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
G20 - Cops - Balck Bloc
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: G20 - Black Bloc - And Police Provocation
Posted by Tikkun Daily at 11:35 am
June 30, 2010

Police Provocation at the G20 Demo in Toronto

By Peter Marmorek.

Crossposted from Tikkun Daily.


 Your 'umble observer.Saturday June 26th, the anti-G20 demonstration in Toronto was planned to start at 1 pm. I had been uncertain as to whether to go; originally a group of Tikkun Toronto veterans had planned an alternative demonstration, focussed around the slogan, “Open your heart to what matters more.” But the unexpected death of the brother of one core member, and difficulties around getting permission, and the predictions of violence and anarchy that the media had been purveying had reduced our enthusiasm below the critical mass we needed to make it happen. Perhaps, I thought, I don’t need to go. But the MSM descriptions of protesters against the G20 as “thugs and anarchists”, the spending of $1.2 billion on the summit, the revelation of new powers to arrest and detain that the police had been secretly given all made me feel that my right to peacefully gather with my peers was worth coming out to defend. As governments try to balance their budgets on the backs of the poor, lowering taxes on corporations and offering billions to financial institutions that have become too big to fail, surely someone should speak up. And if not me, then who? I created a “My Canada WAS a free country” t-shirt, and went down to the rally, humming the Rolling Stones’ “I went down to the demonstration, to get my fair share of abuse”.The Black Bloc at the G20 demo in TorontoIn front of Queen’s Park, the Ontario provincial legislature, there were about 25,000 people gathered. While waiting for the speeches, they chanted,”The people united, will never be defeated.” After years of hearing this, I couldn’t help but think that I wasn’t sure I still believed this. But as I wandered around, looking for all the friends and fellow travellers I knew were also there, I realized that it wasn’t really relevant, because while these people may have been many things, they weren’t united. Among the groups were the Ontario Federation of Labour (the organizers), CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees), assorted teachers’ unions, the Black Bloc, the Iranian and Iraqi communist parties (marching together!) , independent Kashmir, independent Khalistan, independent Palestine, independent Quebec, the Animal Liberation Front, the American Tea Party, “9/11 Was An Inside Job”, a lot of Trotskyist-Socialist-Marxist groups all selling newspapers, Greenpeace, an anti child-abuse group (are the G20 pro child-abuse?), a person with a sign protesting the mind-rays she claimed the government was using to control what people think, and the Judean People’s Front. (OK, I’m lying about them). But whatever this crowd might have been called, it wasn’t united. I wandered over to the OSSTF (my old school union) and met some long-time friends and fellow travellers, and we waited for the march to start. The speeches were pleasingly short, and largely inaudible, and then we were off on the predefined route. As the crowd headed down University avenue, I passed two women wearing hijabs, one of whom looked at my shirt, grimaced, and said, “My Canada used to be free, too.” I answered, “Maybe together we can get it back again,” and we all smiled at each other. The heavy weaponry on displayAs we walked along, the rain stopped, the umbrellas got put away, and the energy was good. There were a few differences from the usual demonstrations: the range of different issues, the Black Bloc who covered themselves up in hoodies and balaclavas, and were very unhappy when anyone took their pictures (above–more of my pictures of the demo are here). But the biggest difference was the massive police presence, with phalanxes of heavy weaponry closing us into the approved route. I’ve never seen that in Toronto – no one has – and as we marched past closed and boarded stores on Queen Street, the city felt less and less like the friendly place I’ve lived for 40 years. On Queen Street, the serpentine line of protestors with whom I was walking suddenly stopped, and no one knew why. We were at the point in the march where the Black Bloc had announced they were planning to leave the main group and head down to the fences and barricades that separated the G20 convention from us, and I was thinking about that. When I passed someone lying on the street, bleeding from an injury to his face and surrounded by people calling for medics, my spider-sense started tingling, and I ducked up some side-streets, coming out on Spadina where the demonstrators ahead of me should have been. No one was there: I could see the tail about a half mile north of me, and a big chaotic group milling about south of me, and I suddenly thought it was time to leave.That was when I learned that the streetcars and subway had been closed down, so I walked until 40 minutes later I managed to board a rogue streetcar whose driver had been told to go out to High Park, way off in the West, and hide in the bushes till it was safe to come out. He was picking up people as he went, not charging anything, and telling people waiting on the other side of the very strange and meandering route he took that there was no point to waiting. His route passed a block away from where I live, so (by then we were good friends) I thanked him and got home in time to take my dog for a walk and watch Ghana end US world cup media hegemony.By the time that was over the media was telling a non-stop litany about the three burnt police cars, the smashed windows, and that became the story of what had happened, on the web, on the radio, and world wide. At first I was appalled at the 25,000 protesters having the rally hijacked by the – at most – one percent of the protesters who were in the Black Bloc. But I wondered what the Bloc would have done if the police hadn’t been there? How far would they have gone? It seemed curious; I went on the protest because I was appalled at the police build up, and after seeing the anarchists, I was hugely more sympathetic to the need for police.But now, three days later, another side of the story has emerged. It turns out that the police cars were specially left out as bait for the anarchists. Some people have questioned whether the leaders who smashed windows were in fact police in a false flag operation, as has happened before in Canada. Was the police decision not to do anything while their cars were burnt, and store windows were smashed partially influenced by a desire to show how necessary their increased laws and weaponry was? It seems strange that with well over 5000 police on duty, and fewer than 100 Black Bloc members, there was no attempt to intervene.Certainly some of the police actions the next day, Sunday, were clearly excessive, with over 1000 people arrested, many of whom had been protesting peacefully and were released the next day. And when the dust had settled, no one had been injured, there had been very little theft, and the total damage was largely to the front windows of international corporations, and to those three police cars. That’s far less than has happened in both Montreal and Vancouver in the past decade when their hockey teams won rounds in the playoffs. (And that never happens in Toronto, because our hockey team never even makes it into the playoffs. I’m not going to talk about that.)

Those who use violence to enforce their will on others are my enemies, whether the shiny boots they wear are police issue, Black Bloc mufti, or both. It was worth going to emphasize that when the police chief says, as he did today, that the police were the only ones obeying the laws he’s lying: there were thousands of us who were law-abiding protestors. I’ve joined the Canadian Civil Liberties Union call for an external investigation, to clarify what really happened, and who was really doing it. And I’m more convinced than ever that the rest of us need to speak out, need to protest, need to form alliances. A bit more unity, and we’ll have a bit more of a chance against the boot boys. Without it, nada.


Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:13 PM PDT
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
An article about my cousin Ted Westhusing.
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Ted took his life in Iraq - The reason why is clear - So what are we going to do is the question?
Topic: WAR


Petraeus' Link to Troubling Suicide in Iraq:

The Ted Westhusing Story

Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:02 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 7:08 PM PDT
Monday, 28 June 2010
Protecting Cyberspace - Can the president "Close Down the Internet?"
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: President could get power to turn off Internet
Topic: MEDIA

Obama 'Internet kill switch'

plan approved by US Senate panel

President could get power to turn off Internet

A US Senate committee has approved a wide-ranging cybersecurity bill that some critics have suggested would give the US president the authority to shut down parts of the Internet during a cyberattack.

Senator Joe Lieberman and other bill sponsors have refuted the charges that the Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act gives the president an Internet "kill switch." Instead, the bill puts limits on the powers the president already has to cause "the closing of any facility or stations for wire communication" in a time of war, as described in the Communications Act of 1934, they said in a breakdown of the bill published on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee website.

The committee unanimously approved an amended version of the legislation by voice vote Thursday, a committee spokeswoman said. The bill next moves to the Senate floor for a vote, which has not yet been scheduled.

The bill, introduced earlier this month, would establish a White House Office for Cyberspace Policy and a National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications, which would work with private US companies to create cybersecurity requirements for the electrical grid, telecommunications networks and other critical infrastructure.

The bill also would allow the US president to take emergency actions to protect critical parts of the Internet, including ordering owners of critical infrastructure to implement emergency response plans, during a cyber-emergency. The president would need congressional approval to extend a national cyber-emergency beyond 120 days under an amendment to the legislation approved by the committee.

The legislation would give the US Department of Homeland Security authority that it does not now have to respond to cyber-attacks, Lieberman, a Connecticut independent, said earlier this month.

"Our responsibility for cyber defence goes well beyond the public sector because so much of cyberspace is owned and operated by the private sector," he said. "The Department of Homeland Security has actually shown that vulnerabilities in key private sector networks like utilities and communications could bring our economy down for a period of time if attacked or commandeered by a foreign power or cyber terrorists."

Other sponsors of the bill are Senators Susan Collins, a Maine Republican, and Tom Carper, a Delaware Democrat.

One critic said Thursday that the bill will hurt the nation's security, not help it. Security products operate in a competitive market that works best without heavy government intervention, said Wayne Crews, vice president for policy and director of technology studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, an anti-regulation think tank.

"Policymakers should reject such proposals to centralize cyber security risk management," Crews said in an e-mail. "The Internet that will evolve if government can resort to a 'kill switch' will be vastly different from, and inferior to, the safer one that will emerge otherwise."

Cybersecurity technologies and services thrive on competition, he added. "The unmistakable tenor of the cybersecurity discussion today is that of government steering while the market rows," he said. "To be sure, law enforcement has a crucial role in punishing intrusions on private networks and infrastructure. But government must coexist with, rather than crowd out, private sector security technologies."

On Wednesday, 24 privacy and civil liberties groups sent a letter raising concerns about the legislation to the sponsors. The bill gives the new National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications "significant authority" over critical infrastructure, but doesn't define what critical infrastructure is covered, the letter said.

Without a definition of critical infrastructure there are concerns that "it includes elements of the Internet that Americans rely on every day to engage in free speech and to access information," said the letter, signed by the Center for Democracy and Technology, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and other groups.

"Changes are needed to ensure that cybersecurity measures do not unnecessarily infringe on free speech, privacy, and other civil liberties interests," the letter added.



Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:17 PM PDT
Police Tracking Cell Phones with no warrants using Location Measurement Unit, or LMU.
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Police push to continue warrantless cell tracking

Police push to continue warrantless cell tracking

 A llaw requiring police to obtain a search warrant before tracking Americans' cell phones may imperil criminal investigations and endanger children's lives, a law enforcement representative told Congress this week.

Obtaining a search warrant when monitoring the whereabouts of someone "who may be attempting to victimize a child over the Internet will have a significant slowing effect on the processing of child exploitation leads," said Richard Littlehale of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. "If that is acceptable, so be it, but it is a downstream effect that must be considered."

Littlehale's remarks to a House of Representatives subcommittee come as an industry group called the Digital Due Process coalition is prodding politicians to update a mid-1980s federal law by inserting more privacy protections. The group includes Google, Microsoft, eBay, AT&T, the ACLU, and Americans for Tax Reform.

Legislation has not yet been introduced, and coalition members have braced themselves for an extended period of negotiations among police, civil libertarians, and members of Congress that could take as long as a year or two. Meanwhile, no federal appeals court has ruled on the topic--a case is pending before one in Philadelphia--and lower courts have split over whether the U.S. Constitution requires a warrant or not.

But if law enforcement defends the idea of warrantless tracking, the coalition's task will become more complicated. It took the better part of a decade for an alliance of privacy advocates and industry representatives to surmount stiff opposition from the FBI and intelligence agencies that loathed the idea of readily available strong encryption software.

The Obama administration has argued that no search warrants are needed to track cell phone locations; it has told judges that a 2703(d) order, which requires law enforcement to show that the records are "relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation," is sufficient. Because it's easier to obtain than a search warrant, a 2703(d) order is also less privacy-protective.

A U.S. Department of Justice representative told CNET on Friday afternoon that the legislative office would not be able to answer questions until next week.

Littlehale, an agent in the bureau's Technical Services Unit, told the House Judiciary subcommittee on civil liberties that a recent Tennessee case involving a kidnapped four-day-old infant would have turned out differently if police were required to request a warrant from a judge. "When you are talking about that volume of process," he said, "any change in the type of process required will have an impact on how rapidly law enforcement can process leads and resolve the case, and in a case of this type, every minute counts."

"The time required to generate a search warrant and have it signed, even in cases where probable cause exists, may in and of itself hamper law enforcement's efforts to move quickly in an investigation," Littlehale said.

Rep. Rick Boucher, a Democrat from rural Virginia, circulated draft legislation (PDF) last month that takes a small step toward preserving location privacy. It says that call location information can be shared with police under a limited set of circumstances--but does not explicitly require a search warrant signed by a judge.

CNET was the first to report on the controversy over location tracking in a 2005 news article. In a subsequent Arizona case, agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration tracked a tractor trailer with a drug shipment through a GPS-equipped Nextel phone owned by the suspect. Texas DEA agents have used cell site information in real time to locate a car driving from Rio Grande City to a ranch about 50 miles away. Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile logs showing the location of mobile phones at the time calls were made became evidence in a Los Angeles murder trial.

And a case currently being argued before a Connecticut federal judge shows that the FBI monitored the whereabouts of about 180 cell phones--without a warrant--while conducting surveillance of two men suspected of robbing local banks.

To locate customers, Sprint and other mobile providers that have built their networks on CDMA technology use a handset-based technique relying on GPS or assisted GPS. AT&T and other companies that have adopted GSM, on the other hand, use a network-based technique known as Uplink-Time-Difference of Arrival that estimates the device's location based on the exact moment that radio transmissions from cell towers arrive.

Such pinpoint accuracy requires special hardware called a Location Measurement Unit, or LMU. Michael Amarosa, vice president of wireless location firm TruePosition, told the House panel that his company has installed more than 100,000 of them.

A handset can communicate with dozens of LMUs, Amarosa said. "A minimum of three LMUs must receive the handset's signal to uniquely determine the location of it. Reception of the handset by more than three LMUs also enhances the accuracy of the location estimated," he said.

Probably the most interesting testimony, though, came from U.S. Magistrate Judge Stephen Smith from Texas, who ruled in 2005 that the Fourth Amendment requires that cell tracking orders be signed by a judge who has probable cause to believe that a crime is being committed.

It's unusual for a currently serving judge to show up before Congress, just as it was unusual, and perhaps even unprecedented, for five magistrate judges in Pennsylvania to jointly sign an opinion stressing a warrant was necessary for location tracking.

Some ways Congress could rewrite and improve the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act include clearer standards, and notification to anyone whose location was tracked, Smith said, adding that he was not taking a position on the broader concept of ECPA reform.

Declan McCullagh has covered the intersection of politics and technology for over a decade. E-mail Declan.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:37 AM PDT
Friday, 25 June 2010
Mapping the Gulf Oil Leak With Kites and Balloons (Made in Oregon)
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Help Map the Gulf from Portland





Saturday, June 26th
11 am – 4 pm
@ galleryHOMELAND

Portland Oregon


Grand Detour and Research Club presents Grassroots Mapping:

Help Map the Gulf

 from Portland

The Government is not creating high-res maps of the Deepwater horizon spill that truly show the ecological damage. Grassroots Mapping is. Help build aerial photography rigs to send to the Gulf! no expertise required.
Grassroots Mapping is a group empowering communities to map their own space. They're in the Gulf right now using simple and cheap balloon and kite aerial photography rigs to photograph the oil spill. It's a truly grassroots effort, and the number of mapping teams continues to grow as teams train new teams. This Saturday at Gallery Homeland (Map here) in inner SE we'll be building balloons, testing out homemade designs to reduce the cost of getting airborne, and assembling rigs to send to the Gulf. Come join us- no expertise required, all supplies provided.
If you can, bring food!
Portland Indy media Link posted on 6.25.10


Grassroots Mapping is a group empowering communities to map their own space. They're in the Gulf right now using simple and cheap balloon and kite aerial photography rigs to photograph the oil spill. It's a truly grassroots effort, and the number of mapping teams continues to grow as teams train new teams. This Saturday at Gallery Homeland (Map here) in inner SE we'll be building balloons, testing out homemade designs to reduce the cost of getting airborne, and assembling rigs to send to the Gulf. Come join us- no expertise required, all supplies provided. If you can, bring food!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:26 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 7:10 PM PDT
Thursday, 24 June 2010
BMedia from Portland Oregon - Blogroll
Now Playing: Look What I found On Bmediacollective.org (their blogroll) wow
(wow Z3 Readers I dare you to click on any of these links)  Surprised

Blogroll from http://bmediacollective.org/?p=115

Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:12 PM PDT
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Corruption and Greed in Iraq - Did I mention Contractors
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: U.S. Troops, Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan Suspected of Corruption
Topic: WAR

U.S. Troops, Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan Suspected of Corruption


Published on 06-20-2010  

Source: ABC News

The U.S. government, which is pressing Iraqi and Afghan leaders to get tough on internal corruption, is doing the same in its ranks.

Cases of suspected fraud and other wrongdoing by U.S. troops and contractors overseeing reconstruction and relief projects in Iraq and Afghanistan are up dramatically.

James Burch, the Defense Department's deputy inspector general for investigations, says his agency is investigating 223 cases -- 18 percent more than a year ago.

Investigators have charged an Army officer with pocketing cash meant to pay Iraqi civilian militiamen, contractors offering an Army officer $1 million for the inside track on a road project in Afghanistan, and three contractors for an alleged conspiracy to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fuel from a U.S. base in Baghdad.

Army Maj. John Cockerham was sentenced in December to 17½ years in prison for accepting $9 million in bribes for contracts to sell water and other supplies to the U.S. military.

In Afghanistan, where U.S. spending on reconstruction will soon surpass the $50 billion spent in Iraq, the U.S. government is bolstering its investigative presence. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has a staff of 15 and plans to expand to 32 by October. By September 2011, the agency plans to have 49 full-time employees, says Raymond DiNunzio, an assistant inspector general

In Iraq, investigators have opened 67 fraud cases this year, compared with 69 for all of 2009, according to the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR). In Afghanistan, it's 42 cases this year vs. four last year.

Stuart Bowen, who heads SIGIR, says more tipsters are coming forward. "Some of these people have come back to the States, so they're out of the threat zone," he says. "Perhaps what they saw is gnawing at their conscience."

The U.S. spent more than $1.2 billion last year on reconstruction and relief in Afghanistan and Iraq. The funds were paid to local contractors, often in cash, at the discretion of officers in the war zones.

"Given the lessons from Iraq," Bowen says, "ratcheting up the resources devoted to pursuing cases and effective prosecution in Afghanistan is paramount."

U.S. Troops, Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan Suspected of Corruption
     Print Version



Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:02 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 24 June 2010 6:29 PM PDT
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Rent A Cop gives me the Texas Death Stare as i film him in Portland Oregon
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Copwatching in Portland

 I went to film the weekly anti-torture protest in front of Pioneer Courthouse (Thursdays at noon)
Got sidetracked when 2 horse cops show up, as they headed over to some kids sitting on the sidewalk
Then a sidetracked Private Police Rent A cop shows up to stare me down for 5 minutes

The 2 horse cops ask for ID from one person sitting on the sidewalk (not sure why) ?
She complies with their request and then leaves?
One of the cops on a horse is Dane Reister who in 2008 took my video camera when I filmed him hassling two innocent citizens

Reister ignores me (like he should) in this video, but the Rent A Cop who walks by decides to give me his best Sunglasses-Texas Stare Down. This lasts about 5 minutes, with a few word exchanges. He takes my picture from his cell phone as I film him

The 3 Federal Marshals all watch quietly from their front porch of the Pioneer Courthouse,
One of the Marshals takes a cell picture of me and the horse cops as seen in the beginning of the film

Also there is a transit police cop car that stops in the middle of the road for (I don't know what) and then drives off

Another "Horse-cop hassling the homeless" video I filmed in August 2009 is here (the hassle the homeless for littering then their horse shits right on the sidewalk)-(yuk)

The Federal Marshals like to wrestle, as seen in this video of them taking on a protester (a doctor) who walked up on "their porch" in 2009 to discuss the torture memos and the "torture judge jay bybee)

Ironically enough the 2 horse cops do not leave their business cards (WTF ?) as they SAID THEY WOULD, they trot of into the sunset on their battle ponies to make our streets safe for all.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:12 PM PDT
Friday, 18 June 2010
hard to find article by Joe Vialls in 2005 - Mind Control At Work!
Now Playing: Danger: Mind Controllers At Work! A 2005 article by Joe Vialls
Full Version:
Salahuddin Ayubi
Danger: Mind Controllers At Work!

So you think you voted for George Bush or Tony Blair or John Howard
on their 'merits'? Think again. Media mind control techniques have
now reached a new standard of excellence in the west. Out go
old-fashioned baseball bats and heavy drugs, replaced by
'low light images', and a new 'color coded language'
fired straight down your unsuspecting optic nerve.

Part One - Copyright Joe Vialls, 15 May 2005

When government politicians and officials indulge in high crimes like treason, mass murder and pedophilia, an innocent "patsy" is always put in place to take the blame. As mentioned later in this report, these unfortunate patsies receive far harsher 'preparation and treatment' than the subliminal psychotronic brainwashing delivered to you via television screens and video stores.Hollywood tachistoscope control panel

Just about everybody knows, or has heard of, a person who claims to have been 'mind controlled' at some point in the past or present. Generally the alleged victim will claim that the CIA/FBI/BATF or other dastardly organization planted one or more radio receivers in his or her head, thereby allowing sadistic government agents to speak directly and always abusively to the trembling victim. Apparently, no victim ever receives a helpful news or weather broadcast on this secure channel, with the 'implanted receiver(s)' reserved strictly for sniggering personal abuse, and detailed instructions on how to kill the American President, or perhaps on how to sabotage the whole of Russia and Central Asia with a single box of standard issue hand grenades.

It is impossible to know whether these poor deluded folk really believe they can hear loud abusive voices in their heads, or whether they and their delusions are deliberately and cynically used by government, to deflect away from very real illegal and immoral mind control techniques, which are currently fully operational, and used against approximately 65% of all English-speaking residents in the western world.

This is supposed to be top secret of course, so nowadays if you dare utter the words "mind control" in a public place, chances are you'll swiftly wind up incarcerated in a secure psychiatric institution, while an insane wide-eyed government shrink frantically pumps hypos full of thorazine into your veins.

Yes, of course the deranged 'One World Government' controllers on Wall Street wish to manipulate your thoughts and reasoning, but are dead against you discovering that your thoughts and reasoning are not always your own. A major clue on this objective was provided by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter:

"In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason."

Brzezinski had no intention of 'implanting' radio receivers inside the heads of American citizens, because, thankfully, he knew there was absolutely no need to do so. Can you imagine ayone in America, Australia, or Britain meekly submitting to such a bizarre procedure? "Oh sure, Doc, that sounds great! Can you fit them to my wife and kids as well?"

The fledgling 'One World Government' already knew that most citizens were hooked on simple television, and simply instructed its propaganda arm called "Hollywood" to get on with the mind control side of things. In virtually no time at all, these doyens of thought reform were flashing subliminal messages at 1/25th second exposures in cinemas and on television.

Though 1/25th second is much too fast for your conscious brain to register, your subconscious sees it very well, meaning that the Hollywood thought reform message completely bypasses your normal conscious content filtering system. So, for example, your conscious perception tells you that George W. Bush is an incompetent idiot, but your subverted Hollywood subconscious undermines this harsh reality, with a subliminally-induced fuzzy and lovable George that you feel 'compelled' to vote for.

Initially this work was done with the assistance of a "tachistoscope", a machine which times the insertion and duration of each subliminal frame, but the crude tachistoscope has one major drawback. Anyone able to gain access to the film or television tapes and play then back at slow speed, would immediately see the inserted subliminal frames as individual entities, and be able to study their subliminal content at leisure.

This actually happened, and there was very nearly hell to pay, but in the end the matter was settled with hard cash and a handful of meaningless laws. For a large consideration and a new Mercedes convertible, the aggrieved scientist who discovered the technique by accident, agreed to a cover story that the tachistoscope was only used for one experimental film run, involving subliminal prompts to buy Coke and popcorn, but was not terrible successful. The Mercedes convertible was involved in a high speed accident and fireball just two months later. There were no survivors.

At the public level, this was the official end of the story, with Congress banning 'subliminal advertising' for good measure. You the public were protected from these horrors, or so you thought, while Hollywood frantically worked on improvements and alternate methods of controlling your thoughts and reasoning through the essentially benign television box. It was by now the early ninteen seventies, and the 'One World Government' fully intended to have you firmly under subliminal television control in less than a decade.

Covert development proceeded along two parallel but independent tracks, with the first focusing on blending 'low light images' into an existing film or commercial. This was fast, and it was also a master stroke in its own right. The 'low light' system was ready for trials in less than six months, and the effects were startling.

Essentially, while the conscious mind was viewing and inwardly digesting the main film or commercial content, the subconscious mind was picking up the low light subliminal messages, which fell just below the threshold of normal vision. Where the older tachistoscope was jerky and only partly efficient, the new 'low light' system proved to be a control revolution. The low light images were a complete 'film within a film' running at normal speed, and thus able to "properly educate" those citizens not entirely in accord with One World Government views.

The critical test was whether or not the 'low light' technique could be uncovered if a copy of the film fell into the wrong hands. Exhaustive trials proved that it could not. Despite the most sophisticated ultraviolet analysis known to man, the embedded low light images could not be detected at all, because they were comprised of exactly the same color spectrum as the film itself. So, low light was dramatically effective, relatively cheap to engineer, and easy to transport and use without fear of security breaches.

This low light system is still in use today, and is still dramatically effective, though you need a very highly placed friend in Hollywood if you want the system to benefit your personal political aspirations. One recent applicant was Australian Prime Minister John Howard ("President Winston" to his friends), who felt that his slavish obedience in sending Australian troops to die for America in Afghanistan and Iraq, had earned him the absolute right to be re-elected to office unopposed.

Hollywood and Wall Street agreed, and Australian citizens were then bombarded with thousands of custom low light subliminals of "President Winston" the "Great Leader", when most Australians knew very well at the conscious level that the man is an an arrogant pompous fool, and a traitor under Australian Federal Law.

The price for electronically fixing the election was high, but a price that President Winston was quite prepared to pay in order to retain his 'fame' and 'popularity' induced by the covert Hollywood low light images. Precisely when ordered to do so, Prime Minister John Winston Howard paid Hollywood for his false subliminal election victory, by sending more troops into Iraq to face a vastly superior Republican Guard.

Before radio telephony was invented, electronic communication was restricted to Morse Code, where a unique set of dots and dashes represented each letter in the alphabet. Though to an outsider Morse Code seemed and still seems clumsy, it is really very easy when you get used to it. Like any language, practice makes perfect, and expert signallers read morse so fast that they are able to simultaneously write down the English translation. So, while you as a layman will only hear disjointed dots and dashes, the signaller is hearing "Hi Fred, have you got those new coordinates for me?" in real time.

The equivalent at sea (especially when radio silence had to be maintained) is visual morse code, normally transmitted ship-to-ship with a signal lamp, or exceptionally with flags, where each flag represents a different letter. Alternatively in 'semaphore', the position of the flags represents a different letter. However, the Morse signal lamp is the norm, meaning that in the military we have thousands of highly trained men and women who use their audio and visual skills for real time meaningful communication, but without actually using words as the term 'word' is understood by the general public.

Steven Spielberg's 1977 film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", which arrogantly showcased the new 'color-coded language' to its viewers as 'fiction'. Remember the old saying, "Tell them the truth and they will never believe you"...

The critical point to remember about Morse Code and the signallers who use it, is that after a period of learning and conditioning, a string of verbal words and complete concepts are manufactured purely by pulsed electrical input, be that input audio or visual. Nor should we forget the morse signal flags used less frequently by the navy and scouts in the field. In this case, the human brain is simultaneously decoding signals sent in a series of perplexing mixed colors, which are apparently meaningless until you are trained to understand them.

Hollywood was enchanted by the myriad possibilities for controlling public thought and reasoning, and set about devising a top secret program designed to link specific colors to specific tones or words or concepts. For example, in the rather cynical 1977 Spielberg film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", a simple earthling with a synthesizer, sets about teaching an alien spaceship how to communicate with him, by matching synthesizer tones to the flashing colors on the spaceship itself.

By the time Spielberg made this film in 1977, Hollywood had already been practicing on real live human audiences for four years. Hence my use of the word 'cynical', because Spielberg was a significant mover and shaker behind the covert Hollywood control program.

As the years rolled by, an entire new visual language was built up, made even more powerful nowadays by precise digital television transmissions, which provide a wider range of hexidecimal colors for coded use. The problem, of course, is that like the old Enigma Code of WWII vintage, only those with the key know what they are sending, and only they know what impact the specific message will have on the viewing public.

If you want a strong clue to the content, consider the words of insider Zbigniew Brzezinski once again: "In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason."

Now then, ladies and gentlemen, would you say that George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard (Australia) are naturally endowed with "magnetic and attractive personalities", to the point where they can easily exploit the, "latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason"? Of course not, for all three men are repulsive and unattractive, and about as close as it is possible to get to borderline mental retardation.

Where Brzezinski and Spielberg have won, and you have lost, lies in their ability to control your thoughts and reasoning with color coded language, to the point where you believe that grey-haired political weaklings are "magnetic and attractive personalities". Nowadays if Hollywood tells you that black is white, you'd better believe it, or else. For as long as you watch Hollywood's films and television, their power over you will be continually reinforced, and you will dutifully send son after son and daughter after daughter to die in far off lands on behalf of Wall Street.

You can actually break the cycle and return to your own thoughs and reason, by the simple expedient of destroying your television set, VCR and DVD, but I'm betting you won't be prepared to make that sacrifice in order to save your children. Unsurprisingly perhaps, Hollywood is betting you won't do so either.

As stated earlier, government-selected 'patsies' have rather more than subliminal color coding thrown at them from a television screen. For these men and women (at least those who survive), have to stand up in a court of law and, eventually, make a full confession about a crime they did not commit, or simply mumble "guilty" a few times. Just how this is managed will be explained in part two of this series, probably ready about one month from now.

General Public References

Body Language Julius Fast

Journey into Madness Gordon Thomas

None Dare Call it Conspiracy Gary Allen

Operation Mind Control Walter Bowart

Subliminal Seduction Wilson Bryan Key

Techniques of Persuasion J.A.C. Brown

War Crimes Ramsey Clark & Others

War on The Mind Peter Watson

Low Light LTVR Classified

Project Spectrux Classified
*using mind control* ZAP!!

Turning ayubi into a intelligent man from what he presently is!
Kim Jong-il Hater
QUOTE(Salahuddin Ayubi @ Jun 9 2005, 01:55 PM)
Danger: Mind Controllers At Work!
So you think you voted for George Bush or Tony Blair or John Howard
on their 'merits'? Think again. Media mind control techniques have
now reached a new standard of excellence in the west. Out go
old-fashioned baseball bats and heavy drugs, replaced by
'low light images', and a new 'color coded language'
fired straight down your unsuspecting optic nerve.

Part One - Copyright Joe Vialls, 15 May 2005
When government politicians and officials indulge in high crimes like treason, mass murder and pedophilia, an innocent "patsy" is always put in place to take the blame. As mentioned later in this report, these unfortunate patsies receive far harsher 'preparation and treatment' than the subliminal psychotronic brainwashing delivered to you via television screens and video stores.Hollywood tachistoscope control panel         

Just about everybody knows, or has heard of, a person who claims to have been 'mind controlled' at some point in the past or present.  Generally the alleged victim will claim that the CIA/FBI/BATF or other dastardly organization planted one or more radio receivers in his or her head, thereby allowing sadistic government agents to speak directly and always abusively to the trembling victim. Apparently, no victim ever receives a helpful news or weather broadcast on this secure channel, with the 'implanted receiver(s)' reserved strictly for sniggering personal abuse, and detailed instructions on how to kill the American President, or perhaps on how to sabotage the whole of Russia and Central Asia with a single box of standard issue hand grenades.

            It is impossible to know whether these poor deluded folk really believe they can hear loud abusive voices in their heads, or whether they and their delusions are deliberately and cynically used by government, to deflect away from very real illegal and immoral mind control techniques, which are currently fully operational, and used against approximately 65% of all English-speaking residents in the western world. 

          This is supposed to be top secret of course, so nowadays if you dare utter the words "mind control" in a public place, chances are you'll swiftly wind up incarcerated in a secure psychiatric institution, while an insane wide-eyed government shrink frantically pumps hypos full of thorazine into your veins.

            Yes, of course the deranged 'One World Government' controllers on Wall Street wish to manipulate your thoughts and reasoning,  but are dead against you discovering that your thoughts and reasoning are not always your own. A major clue on this objective was provided by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter:

            "In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason."

          Brzezinski had no intention of 'implanting' radio receivers inside the heads of American citizens, because, thankfully, he knew there was absolutely no need to do so. Can you imagine ayone in America, Australia, or Britain meekly submitting to such a bizarre procedure?  "Oh sure, Doc, that sounds great! Can you fit them to my wife and kids as well?"

            The fledgling 'One World Government' already knew that most citizens were hooked on simple television, and simply instructed its propaganda arm called "Hollywood" to get on with the mind control side of things. In virtually no time at all, these doyens of thought reform were flashing subliminal messages at 1/25th second exposures in cinemas and on television.

          Though 1/25th second is much too fast for your conscious brain to register, your subconscious sees it very well, meaning that the Hollywood thought reform message completely bypasses your normal conscious content filtering system. So, for example, your conscious perception tells you that George W. Bush is an incompetent idiot, but your subverted Hollywood subconscious undermines this harsh reality, with a subliminally-induced fuzzy and lovable George that you feel 'compelled' to vote for.

          Initially this work was done with the assistance of a "tachistoscope", a machine which times the insertion and duration of each subliminal frame, but the crude tachistoscope has one major drawback. Anyone able to gain access to the film or television tapes and play then back at slow speed, would immediately see the inserted subliminal frames as individual entities, and be able to study their subliminal content at leisure.
        This actually happened, and there was very nearly hell to pay, but in the end the matter was settled with hard cash and a handful of meaningless laws. For a large consideration and a new Mercedes convertible, the aggrieved scientist who discovered the technique by accident, agreed to a cover story that the tachistoscope was only used for one experimental film run, involving subliminal prompts to buy Coke and popcorn, but was not terrible successful. The Mercedes convertible was involved in a high speed accident and fireball just two months later. There were no survivors.

At the public level, this was the official end of the story, with Congress banning 'subliminal advertising' for good measure. You the public were protected from these horrors, or so you thought, while Hollywood frantically worked on improvements and alternate methods  of controlling your thoughts and reasoning through the essentially benign television box. It was by now the early ninteen seventies, and the 'One World Government' fully intended to have you firmly under subliminal television control in less than a decade.

            Covert development proceeded along two parallel but independent tracks, with the first focusing on blending 'low light images' into an existing film or commercial. This was fast, and it was also a master stroke in its own right. The 'low light' system was ready for trials in less than six months, and the effects were startling.
          Essentially, while the conscious mind was viewing and inwardly digesting the main film or commercial content, the subconscious mind was picking up the low light subliminal messages, which fell just below the threshold of normal vision. Where the older tachistoscope was jerky and only partly efficient, the new 'low light' system proved to be a control revolution.  The low light images were a complete 'film within a film' running at normal speed, and thus able to "properly educate" those citizens not entirely in accord with One World Government views.
        The critical test was whether or not the 'low light' technique could be uncovered if a copy of the film fell into the wrong hands. Exhaustive trials proved that it could not. Despite the most sophisticated ultraviolet analysis known to man, the embedded low light images could not be detected at all, because they were comprised of exactly the same color spectrum as the film itself. So, low light was dramatically effective, relatively cheap to engineer, and easy to transport and use without fear of security breaches.

          This low light system is still in use today, and is still dramatically effective, though you need a very highly placed friend in Hollywood if you want the system to benefit your personal political aspirations. One recent applicant was Australian Prime Minister John Howard ("President Winston" to his friends), who felt that his slavish obedience in sending Australian troops to die for America in Afghanistan and Iraq, had earned him the absolute right to be re-elected to office unopposed.
        Hollywood and Wall Street agreed, and Australian citizens were then bombarded with thousands of custom low light subliminals of "President Winston" the "Great Leader", when most Australians knew very well at the conscious level that the man is an an arrogant pompous fool, and a traitor under Australian Federal Law.

          The price for electronically fixing the election was high, but a price that President Winston was quite prepared to pay in order to retain his 'fame' and 'popularity' induced by the covert Hollywood low light images. Precisely when ordered to do so, Prime Minister John Winston Howard paid Hollywood for his false subliminal election victory, by sending more troops into Iraq to face a vastly superior Republican Guard.
                          Before radio telephony was invented, electronic communication was restricted to Morse Code, where a unique set of dots and dashes represented each letter in the alphabet. Though to an outsider Morse Code seemed and still seems clumsy, it is really very easy when you get used to it. Like any language, practice makes perfect, and expert signallers read morse so fast that they are able to simultaneously write down the English translation. So, while you as a layman will only hear disjointed dots and dashes, the signaller is hearing "Hi Fred, have you got those new coordinates for me?" in real time.

          The equivalent at sea (especially when radio silence had to be maintained) is visual morse code, normally transmitted ship-to-ship with a signal lamp, or exceptionally with flags, where each flag represents a different letter. Alternatively in 'semaphore', the position of the flags represents a different letter. However, the Morse signal lamp is the norm, meaning that in the military we have thousands of highly trained men and women who use their audio and visual skills for real time meaningful communication, but without actually using words as the term 'word' is understood by the general public. 
          Steven Spielberg's 1977 film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", which arrogantly showcased the new 'color-coded language' to its viewers as 'fiction'. Remember the old saying, "Tell them the truth and they will never believe you"... 

            The critical point to remember about Morse Code and the signallers who use it, is that after a period of learning and conditioning, a string of verbal words and complete concepts are manufactured purely by pulsed electrical input, be that input audio or visual. Nor should we forget the morse signal flags used less frequently by the navy and scouts in the field.  In this case, the human brain is simultaneously decoding signals sent in a series of perplexing mixed colors, which are apparently meaningless until you are trained to understand them.
          Hollywood was enchanted by the myriad possibilities for controlling public thought and reasoning, and set about devising a top secret program designed to link specific colors to specific tones or words or concepts. For example, in the rather cynical 1977 Spielberg film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", a simple earthling with a synthesizer, sets about teaching an alien spaceship how to communicate with him, by matching synthesizer tones to the flashing colors on the spaceship itself.
          By the time Spielberg made this film in 1977, Hollywood had already been practicing on real live human audiences for four years. Hence my use of the word 'cynical', because Spielberg was a significant mover and shaker behind the covert Hollywood control program.

          As the years rolled by, an entire new visual language was built up, made even more powerful nowadays by precise digital television transmissions, which provide a wider range of hexidecimal colors for coded use. The problem, of course, is that like the old Enigma Code of WWII vintage, only those with the key know what they are sending, and only they know what impact the specific message will have on the viewing public.
        If you want a strong clue to the content, consider the words of insider Zbigniew Brzezinski once again: "In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason."

            Now then, ladies and gentlemen, would you say that George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard (Australia) are naturally endowed with "magnetic and attractive personalities", to  the point where they can easily exploit the, "latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason"? Of course not, for all three men are repulsive and unattractive, and about as close as it is possible to get to borderline mental retardation.
          Where Brzezinski and Spielberg have won, and you have lost, lies in their ability to control your thoughts and reasoning with color coded language, to the point where you believe that grey-haired political weaklings are "magnetic and attractive personalities". Nowadays if Hollywood tells you that black is white, you'd better believe it, or else. For as long as you watch Hollywood's films and television, their power over you will be continually reinforced, and you will dutifully send son after son and daughter after daughter to die in far off lands on behalf of Wall Street.
          You can actually break the cycle and return to your own thoughs and reason, by the simple expedient of destroying your television set, VCR and DVD, but I'm betting you won't be prepared to make that sacrifice in order to save your children. Unsurprisingly perhaps, Hollywood is betting you won't do so either.

                          As stated earlier, government-selected 'patsies' have rather more than subliminal color coding thrown at them from a television screen. For these men and women (at least those who survive), have to stand up in a court of law and, eventually, make a full confession about a crime they did not commit, or simply mumble "guilty" a few times. Just how this is managed will be explained in part two of this series, probably ready about one month from now.           

              General Public References

Body Language                            Julius Fast

Journey into Madness                  Gordon Thomas

None Dare Call it Conspiracy        Gary Allen

Operation Mind Control                Walter Bowart

Subliminal Seduction                    Wilson Bryan Key   

Techniques of Persuasion            J.A.C. Brown

War Crimes                                  Ramsey Clark & Others

War on The Mind                          Peter Watson

Low Light LTVR                            Classified 

Project Spectrux                          Classified

wtf1.gif If there was mind control going on, why did Bush barely win the election, how come so many people are against the War in Iraq, the reason why Howard was elected was because he has a great agenda, I read about it and I thought he must be one hell of a politician! Did I hear an ad about him? NO! I didn't even know who he was before! Blair's party went Dooooooooooooooown

who cares who voted or not?

in US campaign both Bush and Kerry where members of skull and bones back in the days...

BTW terrorism is haram. i would request you visit the local mosque and ask the imaam to tell you of the 9 levels of jihad, then ask him which is the biggest jihad. he should reply the first level, Jihad against your self...example smoking is actualy haram in islam, [damages your health] do jihad against your self in that field. jihad for education, learn all that is to learn that is also jihad if you do not understand try to understand read books instead of reading quran all day you should technicaly get more merit for acquiring knowldge all day. if you have read quran once then the quran resides in your heart, (read as in read and understand not read in a language you do not understand and merely touch)

Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:05 AM PDT
Joe Vialls - Nuke bombs and Tsunami
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Tsunami result of U.S. nuclear bomb?

cyberjournal.org/newslog/show_archives/10 Jan 2005

When articles come across my desk that particularly catch my interest, I post them to newslog. Some of these articles provide real information, others are examples of matrix propaganda, and some are in between. One must always consider the source when evaluating articles, but much can be learned by listening to those with whom we disagree or even whom we mistrust.

Original article found here:

Joe Vialls: Tsunami result of U.S. nuclear bomb?

From: richard-at-cyberjournal.org

Date: 10 Jan 2005

Subject: Joe Vialls: Tsunami result of U.S. nuclear bomb?

To: newslog-at-cyberjournal.org





Tsunami nuclear blast, not earthquake? Copyright Joe Vialls,  5 January 2005

Was the tsunami the result of a U.S. nuclear bomb?

With Afghanistan and Iraq already lost, the Wall Street

bankers were all desperately looking for other ways to control

our world, when suddenly and very conveniently, the Sumatran

Trench exploded. Trick or Treat?




"Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby

they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos

remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves."  American

Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997.  Big

surprise! Presumably Cohen already knew that a nuclear weapon

generates what he refers to obliquely as "electromagnetic



Despite having a huge number of tsunami victims in its own

State of  Tamil Nadu, India completely converted the survey

ship INS Nirupak into a 50-bed floating hospital in less than

72 hours, then sent it unarmed to help the desperate people of

Aceh in Indonesia. . By direct comparison, America sent combat

ships and armed Marines. The US Navy has two 1,000 bed

hospital ships, the 'Comfort' and the 'Mercy', but neither one

was dispatched. Though the USNS Comfort was deployed to New

York when 3,000 Americans died in September 2001,  this

current lack of action sends a strong signal that 150,000

(mostly Muslim) dead in South East Asia, and half a million

injured, are of no concern whatever to the power brokers in

New York.


The Indian Government knew full well that this was not a

"normal" earthquake. On 27 December India refused to join

George Bush's planned exclusive 'club of four', which would

have effectively pulled this Asian nuclear power out of its

new coalition  with Russia, China and Brazil. On 28 December

the Indian Government politely warned the American military to

stay clear of Indian sovereign territory, and on 29 December

the India Daily Editorial publicly questioned the nature of

the event: "Was this a showdown by a country to show the

region what havoc can be created?" ... "Given the level of

devastation and given the fact India is a regional power in

South Asia, [the] Indian Navy has an obligation to investigate

and tell the world what they found."


Theoretically, the American 9 megaton W-53 thermonuclear

warhead shown on the left, could easily be encased in a small

'lookalike' saturation diving chamber similar to that on the

right, to protect it from the massive 10,000 pounds per square

inch pressures at the bottom of the Sumatran Trench. The whole

armored package would weigh less than five tons, allowing it

to be slipped over the stern of any oil rig supply vessel, of

which there are more than 300 in Asia alone. Who would even



Despite a natural human tendency to be shocked into silence by

the sheer number of dead and injured across Asia on 26

December 2004, and despite also being slightly fearful of

losing personal credibility because of the magnitude of the

apparent crime, there are many provable irregularities in the

official American tsunami story that simply have to be

recorded now, or forever be lost in the sands of time.


It is beyond any doubt that a giant tidal wave (tsunami)

smashed its way through South and South East Asia, and still

had enough legs to continue all the way across the Indian

Ocean to Africa, where it killed and injured a few hundred

more. So the only question we must ask, is whether this

tsunami was a natural or man-made catastrophe? A natural event

would be horrifying enough, but if the tsunami was man-made,

then we are unquestionably looking at the biggest single war

crime in global history.


To make any sense at all of the irregularities, we must start

at the very beginning, and then follow the course of events as

they unfold, especially events in the immediate vicinity of

the real tsunami epicenter, because the latter is quite

different from the location being remorselessly peddled by the

New York Times and CNN.


At midday local Australian time I faithfully recorded the

magnitude and position plotted by the Jakarta Geophysical

Office in Indonesia. An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the

Richter scale had hit the north of the Indonesian island of

Sumatra. The Jakarta Geophysical Office meticulously noted

that the epicenter of the event was located 155 miles

south-southwest of Aceh Province.


This location is approximately 250 miles south of the position

later selected by the American NOAA, which plotted the

epicenter to the north-west of Aceh, and initially claimed a

Richter reading of 8.0. Alas, even that was not enough to

cover the damage caused by this extraordinary event, so NOAA

progressively upgraded the reading to 8.5, then to 8.9, and

finally to 9.0 - at least for the present.


So, the first proven irregularities were peddled by American

officials at the NOAA, who suddenly invented a new 'flexible'

peak seismic wave for the event, of far greater magnitude than

Jakarta, when the Jakarta office was located much closer at

almost point-blank range. Believe me when I tell you there is

no such thing as the new 'flexible' peak claimed by NOAA. The

first seismic peak you record is the only real peak, unless of

course you later manually draw in a few more peaks of your

own, to match a contrived agenda. Naturally there is also only

one epicenter, which was faithfully recorded by dozens of

Indonesian and Indian seismographs.


Quite apart from the huge disparity in Richter values, the

Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that the normal

earthquake 'preamble' was missing from their seismograph

charts.  All this means is that the normal steadily increasing

number of transverse shear "S" waves that always precede an

earthquake were missing, as were later aftershocks, which

likewise always accompany a naturally occurring or Tesla

standing-wave generated earthquake. There were 'warnings' of

aftershocks from the NOAA, but none actually eventuated.


To simplify matters for non-technical readers, an earthquake

is always triggered by a resonant electromagnetic frequency in

the range 0.5 to 12 Hertz, but it is not an instant process,

because the resonant frequency must be precise. Thus as true

resonance approaches, the fault line starts to tremble like a

piece of rope under tension, and sends out warnings to the

seismographs in the form of steadily increasing transverse

shear waves.


If all you get is a cluster of "P" compression waves, then you

are almost certainly looking at an underground or sub sea

explosion. These were in fact the only copious seismic signals

that the Indonesians and Indians received, and they looked

curiously similar to those generated many years ago by large

underground nuclear weapons in Nevada.


We will return later to the relatively simple task of

delivering a multi-megaton thermonuclear weapon to the bottom

of the Sumatran Trench, and then detonating it with awesome

effect, but right now we need to return to our initial task of

following the trail of events and inexplicable irregularities.

First we must travel south to the distant desert island of

Australia, currently ruled by an obsequious Wall Street toady

known as Little Johnny Howard. To the intense displeasure of

many of his Australian "subjects", Little Johnny never makes a

move outside Australia unless he first receives explicit

instructions from one of his New York minders. Remember this

reality, because it is extremely important in terms of what

Australia did next. On the morning of 27 December, the

Australian (New York owned) media was making it very clear

that the most badly hit nation in the region was Sri Lanka, an

island at the southern tip of India, which like Australia is a

member nation of the British Commonwealth.  Accordingly, Tim

Costello, head of one of Australia's largest charities, made

immediate plans to fly to the area and assess the need for

aid. But that same morning, Little Johnny was dancing to a

very different tune, which, based on his known subservience,

must have been playing down his secure telephone line from

Wall Street.


In true covert manner, Little Johnny secretly dispatched two

RAAF Hercules transport planes packed with supplies to

Malaysia on "Stand By", and directed two more to Darwin in

Australia's north. Please note that if Little Johnny had any

humanitarian concerns at all, all four Hercules could have

flown directly to Commonwealth partner Sri Lanka, where every

other Australian had already been told by the media that aid

was needed. But no, it wasn't to be, and Little Johnny waited

patiently for orders from New York.


The waiting period was short, and after a high-flying

reconnaissance jet confirmed that the runway was clear at

Medan in eastern Sumatra, all four Australian Hercules

complete with troops, guns and other tackle, invaded Sumatra

just south of the devastated province of Aceh. In turn, with

90% of its population killed by the tsunami, Aceh might

perhaps one day soon become Indonesia's very own Guantanamo

Bay, crawling with hundreds of heavily armed Australians and



Remember carefully though, at the time these four Hercules

touched down in Medan, the ordinary Australian public still

had no idea that Sumatra was badly hit.  Only Little Johnny

knew, and of course his trusty crystal ball in New York.  To

hell with Sri Lanka, his bosses wanted a main base for the

huge reconstruction contracts in Asia, designed to replace the

failed oil theft and reconstruction in Iraq, and keep poor old

Zion on its tottering New York legs for a few more weeks or



In the end, what the hell did it matter how many Goyim had to

die? And, hey, on the credit side they'd already managed to

kill more than 100,00 Muslims in Sumatra with a single tidal

wave, which was partial payback for their own resounding

defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Needless to say the Australians were merely the advance party,

soon to be joined by a curiously well prepared and equipped

U.S. Military, though it is doubtful that any of the officers

and men involved really comprehend what is going on. Only a

handful thought to question why they had been spending a whole

year training for a "Humanitarian Mission", when the whole

point of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps is normally to kill

people in very large numbers. Just look at Fallujah, people,

look at Fallujah.


As if by magic, the Pentagon managed to have two battle groups

ready to sail at an instant's notice from Hong Kong and Guam

during the normally chaotic Christmas to New Year period.

Crikey! Military discipline has come a hell of a long way

since my day, when everyone including the ship's cat was

sleeping it off at some highly questionably hostelry or

another. Not these 10,000+ Americans though, who must have

been standing rigidly to attention beside their hammocks day

and night, tugging furiously at their forelocks whenever an

officer of NCO came in sight.


The next bit was superbly orchestrated, because it took place

at sea, far away from the prying eyes of dock spies or

imaginary KGB agents. But oops, first you have to know who was

involved. Out of Hong Kong rushed team one, comprised of the

nuclear-powered USS Abraham Lincoln and her escort vessels,

while the far more interesting team two rushed out of Guam,

led by the USS Bonhomme Richard, a marine amphibious assault

carrier crammed to the gunwales with gun-toting wooden tops. And that is not all, believe me, because the Bonhomme Richard

is in fact leading a veritable armada known as "Expeditionary

Strike Group 5".


Flagship USS Bonhomme Richard is accompanied by the U.S.S.

Duluth, an amphibious transport dock vessel; the USS Rushmore,

a landing ship dock; the guided missile cruiser USS Bunker

Hill, guided missile destroyer USS Milius, and the guided

missile frigate USS Thach. To take care of the underwater side

of things they are joined by the nuclear hunter-killer

submarine USS Pasadena, while the U.S. Coast Guard's

high-endurance cutter Munro is also tagging along, presumably

to deal with Asian Customs and Excise.


Now then, though 'Strike Group 5' may be toting enough nuclear

weapons to destroy half of the known world, and the title is

perhaps lacking when viewed from a strictly humanitarian

perspective, engineer chief Staff Sgt. Julio C. Dominguez says

otherwise: "The Marine Service Support Group has been

preparing for a humanitarian mission of this type for about 12

months now, and is more prepared for an actual mission". Well,

OK chief, but didn't you ask why you were being trained for a

mysterious humanitarian mission a year before it actually

happened, especially when your day job is normally shooting

Muslims full of holes?


The really sneaky (inexplicable) bit came as both battle

groups entered the Indian Ocean. The USS Abraham Lincoln

looked about as innocent as a carrier with 70 attack planes

can look, but was already carrying 2,000 marines instead of

her normal complement of around 500. That is a huge amount of

grunt firepower to put on the deserted streets of Banda Aceh,

especially when Wall Street normally expects these marines to

die quietly for Zion in Iraq. Now then, how did they know the

extra marines would be needed before team one left Hong Kong,

because the surplus 1,500 marines were certainly not just

standing around on Kowloon dock waiting to hitch a ride.


Then while the two battle groups (apparently) headed in two

different directions across the deserted Indian Ocean, an even

stranger event took place.  Though Expeditionary Strike Group

5 (Humanitarian) was supposed to help the folks in Sri Lanka,

the combat marines aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard transferred

to amphibious transport dock vessel U.S.S. Duluth, which then

split from ESG-5 and headed towards team one.  So without the

Indonesians really being aware of it, the (relatively)

harmless and Bulky aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has

been used to screen the arrival of at least 3,500

heavily-armed US Marines in tiny Aceh Province.


That more or less brings us up to date on known military

activity, though yesterday an Australian television cameraman

did accidentally film some of these heavily-armed US Marines

(who tried to shoo him away), searching a devastated

Indonesian military base for any remaining weapons. Now call

me old-fashioned, but if these guys and their bosses are

straight, that particular job should be left to the Indonesian



I will be circumspect as to exactly how a large American

thermonuclear weapon managed to arrive at the bottom of the

Sumatran Trench, though all of the seismic evidence and

preparedness for the resulting mission indicates strongly that

this is the case. After all, we are back to the age-old

question of "who benefits?", and in this particular case, "Who

is insane enough to kill more than 150,000 civilians just to

hang on to power?' Based on their past performance in Iraq and

other luckless countries, it would seem that the only

realistic candidates are Wolfowitz and company, striving as

always to create a "One World Government".


Certainly no other nuclear powers including Russia and China

stand to gain anything at all from such an outrageous mass

murder, so, as always in the end, we come back to  Sherlock

Holmes via the pen of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: "When you have

ruled out the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how

improbable, is the truth."


For the Zionist Cabal, obtaining a thermonuclear weapon in

America is no great trick, especially when we have the

precedent of 100 small 'decommissioned' air-to-air atomic

warheads being smuggled out the Pentagon's (civilian) back

door, to form the core of the Jewish State's current nuclear

arsenal. Once a weapon system is out date and out of service,

loyal uniformed US military personnel can no longer track it.


Those who wish to understand how such a seemingly small weapon

could rattle a 20,000 feet-deep oceanic trench, and then force

a giant tsunami right across the Indian Ocean, would do well

to look at the diagram of the famous 'Dambusters' attacking

the German dam below, most of which is self-explanatory.


The designer of the RAF's bouncing bomb (actually called

"Highball") was a scientist called Barnes Wallace, who had

already gained a formidable reputation with his Wellington

bomber,  which he constructed geodetically, thus enabling it

to absorb enormous punishment before actually being shot out

of the sky. Many Wellington returned to base literally in

tatters, while many luckless cousins like the Stirling and

Halifax were all too often consigned to the murky deep of the

North Sea.


Wallace knew that bombing the dams vertically was a complete

waste of time, and the only possibility of success lay in

placing a mine hard up against the dam wall at its base. You

see, water cannot be compressed, meaning that if the mine was

pressed against the dam wall at the moment of detonation, part

of its energy would automatically be expended on the wall

itself. Too far away in the relatively shallow water, and most

of the blast energy would be lost to atmosphere, in a huge

exploding cloud of water of course.


Though it was obvious that the dam wall could not be destroyed

by a single bomb from a single Lancaster bomber (it would

weight far too much for the aircraft to get off the ground),

Wallace pinned his hopes on the scientific fact that

cumulative stress should do the job, and he was proved right.

Though officially three of the bombs, each containing 6,500

pounds of TNT, were considered to be direct hits, one of these

veered off slightly, meaning that the giant Mohne Dam was

completely breached by a total of 13,000 pounds of tri-nitro



It is the incompressibility of water in particular that

matters deep down in the Sumatran Trench.  At the bottom you

already have 10,000 pounds of pressure per square inch

pressing down on your weapon of choice, and above that weapon

there is a column of water 20,000 feet tall, which is what

caused the pressure in the first place. Not only that. The

trench narrows at the bottom, meaning that the weapon is

'hemmed-in', with a very real chance of moving a tectonic

plate if sufficient tonnage is used.


In this particular case there was no real need to shift a

tectonic plate, and science suggests that if this blast had

caused such an effect, several very powerful aftershocks would

have occurred, as has happened with every other major

earthquake in the past. But, as previously stated, and setting

aside the seemingly deliberate provocative though false

warnings from the American NOAA, there has not been a single



To force subservience on Asia, and ensure the lion's share of

incredibly lucrative reconstruction contracts, all that was

needed was a very large tsunami targeted on the selected

nations, which was easily within the capabilities of a large

thermonuke. There is nothing new about "Sea Bursts" as they

are called, and more than 30 years ago plans existed in both

America and Russia to wipe out each other's coastal cities

using exactly this technique. The tidal wave from a deep sea

burst is relatively clean, allowing the aggressor to take over

both land and remaining buildings etc. with the minimum of



If everything had gone to plan, then Indonesia, Sri Lanka and

India would have been in hock to the IMF and World Bank for

thirty or more years - time enough to wait for the price of

oil to come down again after the lethal fiasco in Iraq. At the

same time, if the Indian Government had taken the bait, the

deadly Russian-Chinese-Indian-Brazilian coalition would have

been dead in the water. Not a bad day's work for a single

thermonuclear weapon discreetly removed from the

decommissioning process.


There are those who may claim that I have 'left out' the giant

ExxonMobil gas fields in Aceh, but that is not the case.

Certainly they are very productive sub-surface fields, and

will unquestionably produce lots of gas again once the surface

equipment has been repaired, but in isolation they are

completely incapable of saving the New Zion from collapse.

Wall Street needs giant reconstruction contracts, and plenty

of them.


If I remember correctly, shortly before Christmas I received a

large number of emails from various people about some "German

Guy", who apparently claimed that Wolfowitz had got hold of a

critical weapon and was going to nuke Houston on either the 26

or 27 of December. I never did read the whole email, but it

seems very likely that it was initially circulated by

Wolfowitz or one of his ilk, as a classic disinformation

distraction. Try something along the lines of "You suckers all

watch Houston very carefully on 26 December, while I nuke Asia

behind your backs... "




Sounds feasible


susanscully 05.Jan.2005 08:47


A quick comment.  Right from the start, I did not just assume

it was a natural disaster.  Thanks for the article.  I hope

you're wrong about this, but I have this creepy feeling...I

hope others will catch on and at least give it some thought.




Queer Planet 05.Jan.2005 15:43


While it wouldn't surprise me if Bush and company nuked Europe

so that they could start a cattle ranch, I have to wonder

about your scenario.


Nuclear weapons cause radiation.  The water would have been

irradiated and thousands of fish would be floating around the

Indian Ocean right now, not to mention sea plants.


The radiation would spread and eventually reach land if it

were that close to shore as you say.  There would now be

thousands of people dying from radiation exposure.


Now maybe they used a non radioactive device.  I don't know.


But what would be good for your article is if you could

present the actual records of the varying seismac readings,

proof that there were no aftershocks, and all else.


Bush and company are capable of all many of atrocity as we can

see in Iraq, but let's not stray into fiction when the truth

is bad enough.




Peter Bevan 05.Jan.2005 17:52


I'm sure many of us would dep down love this to be true, but I

have to say it strikes me as fairly contencious.


1) Any atomic blast would have to be enormous (several

thousand Hiroshimas).. not impossible but expensive and



2) There *WERE* aftershocks.. even one as sceptical as myself

about mainstream news media finds it hard to belive that so

many news agencies (and first hand accounts) are wrong on this



3) This idea that P-Waves have a wavelength of 0.5-12Hz would

mean surely waves between 15,000 and 30,000 miles... far to

large to be discernable on such a tiny object as earth.


4) There are a number of pretty tenusous political links

here.. Does the disharmony between the US and India really

explain all this? Hardly...



It does raise some interesting questions to be sure..

primarily; Why did the US send so many armed combatents? There

is however a world of difference between oppurtunism and mass

murder. --

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