Now Playing: Look What I found On (their blogroll) wow
(wow Z3 Readers I dare you to click on any of these links)
Blogroll from
Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Thursday, 24 June 2010
BMedia from Portland Oregon - Blogroll
Now Playing: Look What I found On (their blogroll) wow Topic: POLITICS (wow Z3 Readers I dare you to click on any of these links)Blogroll from
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 7:12 PM PDT
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Corruption and Greed in Iraq - Did I mention Contractors
Mood: smelly Now Playing: U.S. Troops, Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan Suspected of Corruption Topic: WAR
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 7:02 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 24 June 2010 6:29 PM PDT
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Rent A Cop gives me the Texas Death Stare as i film him in Portland Oregon
Mood: chatty Now Playing: Copwatching in Portland Topic: POLICE I went to film the weekly anti-torture protest in front of Pioneer Courthouse (Thursdays at noon) The 2 horse cops ask for ID from one person sitting on the sidewalk (not sure why) ? Reister ignores me (like he should) in this video, but the Rent A Cop who walks by decides to give me his best Sunglasses-Texas Stare Down. This lasts about 5 minutes, with a few word exchanges. He takes my picture from his cell phone as I film him The 3 Federal Marshals all watch quietly from their front porch of the Pioneer Courthouse, Also there is a transit police cop car that stops in the middle of the road for (I don't know what) and then drives off Another "Horse-cop hassling the homeless" video I filmed in August 2009 is here (the hassle the homeless for littering then their horse shits right on the sidewalk)-(yuk) The Federal Marshals like to wrestle, as seen in this video of them taking on a protester (a doctor) who walked up on "their porch" in 2009 to discuss the torture memos and the "torture judge jay bybee) Ironically enough the 2 horse cops do not leave their business cards (WTF ?) as they SAID THEY WOULD, they trot of into the sunset on their battle ponies to make our streets safe for all.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 1:12 PM PDT
Friday, 18 June 2010
hard to find article by Joe Vialls in 2005 - Mind Control At Work!
Now Playing: Danger: Mind Controllers At Work! A 2005 article by Joe Vialls Full Version: Danger: Mind Controllers At Work! So you think you voted for George Bush or Tony Blair or John Howard on their 'merits'? Think again. Media mind control techniques have now reached a new standard of excellence in the west. Out go old-fashioned baseball bats and heavy drugs, replaced by 'low light images', and a new 'color coded language' fired straight down your unsuspecting optic nerve. Part One - Copyright Joe Vialls, 15 May 2005 When government politicians and officials indulge in high crimes like treason, mass murder and pedophilia, an innocent "patsy" is always put in place to take the blame. As mentioned later in this report, these unfortunate patsies receive far harsher 'preparation and treatment' than the subliminal psychotronic brainwashing delivered to you via television screens and video stores.Hollywood tachistoscope control panel Just about everybody knows, or has heard of, a person who claims to have been 'mind controlled' at some point in the past or present. Generally the alleged victim will claim that the CIA/FBI/BATF or other dastardly organization planted one or more radio receivers in his or her head, thereby allowing sadistic government agents to speak directly and always abusively to the trembling victim. Apparently, no victim ever receives a helpful news or weather broadcast on this secure channel, with the 'implanted receiver(s)' reserved strictly for sniggering personal abuse, and detailed instructions on how to kill the American President, or perhaps on how to sabotage the whole of Russia and Central Asia with a single box of standard issue hand grenades. It is impossible to know whether these poor deluded folk really believe they can hear loud abusive voices in their heads, or whether they and their delusions are deliberately and cynically used by government, to deflect away from very real illegal and immoral mind control techniques, which are currently fully operational, and used against approximately 65% of all English-speaking residents in the western world. This is supposed to be top secret of course, so nowadays if you dare utter the words "mind control" in a public place, chances are you'll swiftly wind up incarcerated in a secure psychiatric institution, while an insane wide-eyed government shrink frantically pumps hypos full of thorazine into your veins. Yes, of course the deranged 'One World Government' controllers on Wall Street wish to manipulate your thoughts and reasoning, but are dead against you discovering that your thoughts and reasoning are not always your own. A major clue on this objective was provided by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter: "In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason." Brzezinski had no intention of 'implanting' radio receivers inside the heads of American citizens, because, thankfully, he knew there was absolutely no need to do so. Can you imagine ayone in America, Australia, or Britain meekly submitting to such a bizarre procedure? "Oh sure, Doc, that sounds great! Can you fit them to my wife and kids as well?" The fledgling 'One World Government' already knew that most citizens were hooked on simple television, and simply instructed its propaganda arm called "Hollywood" to get on with the mind control side of things. In virtually no time at all, these doyens of thought reform were flashing subliminal messages at 1/25th second exposures in cinemas and on television. Though 1/25th second is much too fast for your conscious brain to register, your subconscious sees it very well, meaning that the Hollywood thought reform message completely bypasses your normal conscious content filtering system. So, for example, your conscious perception tells you that George W. Bush is an incompetent idiot, but your subverted Hollywood subconscious undermines this harsh reality, with a subliminally-induced fuzzy and lovable George that you feel 'compelled' to vote for. Initially this work was done with the assistance of a "tachistoscope", a machine which times the insertion and duration of each subliminal frame, but the crude tachistoscope has one major drawback. Anyone able to gain access to the film or television tapes and play then back at slow speed, would immediately see the inserted subliminal frames as individual entities, and be able to study their subliminal content at leisure. This actually happened, and there was very nearly hell to pay, but in the end the matter was settled with hard cash and a handful of meaningless laws. For a large consideration and a new Mercedes convertible, the aggrieved scientist who discovered the technique by accident, agreed to a cover story that the tachistoscope was only used for one experimental film run, involving subliminal prompts to buy Coke and popcorn, but was not terrible successful. The Mercedes convertible was involved in a high speed accident and fireball just two months later. There were no survivors. At the public level, this was the official end of the story, with Congress banning 'subliminal advertising' for good measure. You the public were protected from these horrors, or so you thought, while Hollywood frantically worked on improvements and alternate methods of controlling your thoughts and reasoning through the essentially benign television box. It was by now the early ninteen seventies, and the 'One World Government' fully intended to have you firmly under subliminal television control in less than a decade. Covert development proceeded along two parallel but independent tracks, with the first focusing on blending 'low light images' into an existing film or commercial. This was fast, and it was also a master stroke in its own right. The 'low light' system was ready for trials in less than six months, and the effects were startling. Essentially, while the conscious mind was viewing and inwardly digesting the main film or commercial content, the subconscious mind was picking up the low light subliminal messages, which fell just below the threshold of normal vision. Where the older tachistoscope was jerky and only partly efficient, the new 'low light' system proved to be a control revolution. The low light images were a complete 'film within a film' running at normal speed, and thus able to "properly educate" those citizens not entirely in accord with One World Government views. The critical test was whether or not the 'low light' technique could be uncovered if a copy of the film fell into the wrong hands. Exhaustive trials proved that it could not. Despite the most sophisticated ultraviolet analysis known to man, the embedded low light images could not be detected at all, because they were comprised of exactly the same color spectrum as the film itself. So, low light was dramatically effective, relatively cheap to engineer, and easy to transport and use without fear of security breaches. This low light system is still in use today, and is still dramatically effective, though you need a very highly placed friend in Hollywood if you want the system to benefit your personal political aspirations. One recent applicant was Australian Prime Minister John Howard ("President Winston" to his friends), who felt that his slavish obedience in sending Australian troops to die for America in Afghanistan and Iraq, had earned him the absolute right to be re-elected to office unopposed. Hollywood and Wall Street agreed, and Australian citizens were then bombarded with thousands of custom low light subliminals of "President Winston" the "Great Leader", when most Australians knew very well at the conscious level that the man is an an arrogant pompous fool, and a traitor under Australian Federal Law. The price for electronically fixing the election was high, but a price that President Winston was quite prepared to pay in order to retain his 'fame' and 'popularity' induced by the covert Hollywood low light images. Precisely when ordered to do so, Prime Minister John Winston Howard paid Hollywood for his false subliminal election victory, by sending more troops into Iraq to face a vastly superior Republican Guard. Before radio telephony was invented, electronic communication was restricted to Morse Code, where a unique set of dots and dashes represented each letter in the alphabet. Though to an outsider Morse Code seemed and still seems clumsy, it is really very easy when you get used to it. Like any language, practice makes perfect, and expert signallers read morse so fast that they are able to simultaneously write down the English translation. So, while you as a layman will only hear disjointed dots and dashes, the signaller is hearing "Hi Fred, have you got those new coordinates for me?" in real time. The equivalent at sea (especially when radio silence had to be maintained) is visual morse code, normally transmitted ship-to-ship with a signal lamp, or exceptionally with flags, where each flag represents a different letter. Alternatively in 'semaphore', the position of the flags represents a different letter. However, the Morse signal lamp is the norm, meaning that in the military we have thousands of highly trained men and women who use their audio and visual skills for real time meaningful communication, but without actually using words as the term 'word' is understood by the general public. Steven Spielberg's 1977 film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", which arrogantly showcased the new 'color-coded language' to its viewers as 'fiction'. Remember the old saying, "Tell them the truth and they will never believe you"... The critical point to remember about Morse Code and the signallers who use it, is that after a period of learning and conditioning, a string of verbal words and complete concepts are manufactured purely by pulsed electrical input, be that input audio or visual. Nor should we forget the morse signal flags used less frequently by the navy and scouts in the field. In this case, the human brain is simultaneously decoding signals sent in a series of perplexing mixed colors, which are apparently meaningless until you are trained to understand them. Hollywood was enchanted by the myriad possibilities for controlling public thought and reasoning, and set about devising a top secret program designed to link specific colors to specific tones or words or concepts. For example, in the rather cynical 1977 Spielberg film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", a simple earthling with a synthesizer, sets about teaching an alien spaceship how to communicate with him, by matching synthesizer tones to the flashing colors on the spaceship itself. By the time Spielberg made this film in 1977, Hollywood had already been practicing on real live human audiences for four years. Hence my use of the word 'cynical', because Spielberg was a significant mover and shaker behind the covert Hollywood control program. As the years rolled by, an entire new visual language was built up, made even more powerful nowadays by precise digital television transmissions, which provide a wider range of hexidecimal colors for coded use. The problem, of course, is that like the old Enigma Code of WWII vintage, only those with the key know what they are sending, and only they know what impact the specific message will have on the viewing public. If you want a strong clue to the content, consider the words of insider Zbigniew Brzezinski once again: "In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason." Now then, ladies and gentlemen, would you say that George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard (Australia) are naturally endowed with "magnetic and attractive personalities", to the point where they can easily exploit the, "latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason"? Of course not, for all three men are repulsive and unattractive, and about as close as it is possible to get to borderline mental retardation. Where Brzezinski and Spielberg have won, and you have lost, lies in their ability to control your thoughts and reasoning with color coded language, to the point where you believe that grey-haired political weaklings are "magnetic and attractive personalities". Nowadays if Hollywood tells you that black is white, you'd better believe it, or else. For as long as you watch Hollywood's films and television, their power over you will be continually reinforced, and you will dutifully send son after son and daughter after daughter to die in far off lands on behalf of Wall Street. You can actually break the cycle and return to your own thoughs and reason, by the simple expedient of destroying your television set, VCR and DVD, but I'm betting you won't be prepared to make that sacrifice in order to save your children. Unsurprisingly perhaps, Hollywood is betting you won't do so either. As stated earlier, government-selected 'patsies' have rather more than subliminal color coding thrown at them from a television screen. For these men and women (at least those who survive), have to stand up in a court of law and, eventually, make a full confession about a crime they did not commit, or simply mumble "guilty" a few times. Just how this is managed will be explained in part two of this series, probably ready about one month from now. General Public References Body Language Julius Fast Journey into Madness Gordon Thomas None Dare Call it Conspiracy Gary Allen Operation Mind Control Walter Bowart Subliminal Seduction Wilson Bryan Key Techniques of Persuasion J.A.C. Brown War Crimes Ramsey Clark & Others War on The Mind Peter Watson Low Light LTVR Classified Project Spectrux Classified *using mind control* ZAP!! Turning ayubi into a intelligent man from what he presently is! QUOTE(Salahuddin Ayubi @ Jun 9 2005, 01:55 PM) Danger: Mind Controllers At Work! So you think you voted for George Bush or Tony Blair or John Howard on their 'merits'? Think again. Media mind control techniques have now reached a new standard of excellence in the west. Out go old-fashioned baseball bats and heavy drugs, replaced by 'low light images', and a new 'color coded language' fired straight down your unsuspecting optic nerve. Part One - Copyright Joe Vialls, 15 May 2005 When government politicians and officials indulge in high crimes like treason, mass murder and pedophilia, an innocent "patsy" is always put in place to take the blame. As mentioned later in this report, these unfortunate patsies receive far harsher 'preparation and treatment' than the subliminal psychotronic brainwashing delivered to you via television screens and video stores.Hollywood tachistoscope control panel Just about everybody knows, or has heard of, a person who claims to have been 'mind controlled' at some point in the past or present. Generally the alleged victim will claim that the CIA/FBI/BATF or other dastardly organization planted one or more radio receivers in his or her head, thereby allowing sadistic government agents to speak directly and always abusively to the trembling victim. Apparently, no victim ever receives a helpful news or weather broadcast on this secure channel, with the 'implanted receiver(s)' reserved strictly for sniggering personal abuse, and detailed instructions on how to kill the American President, or perhaps on how to sabotage the whole of Russia and Central Asia with a single box of standard issue hand grenades. It is impossible to know whether these poor deluded folk really believe they can hear loud abusive voices in their heads, or whether they and their delusions are deliberately and cynically used by government, to deflect away from very real illegal and immoral mind control techniques, which are currently fully operational, and used against approximately 65% of all English-speaking residents in the western world. This is supposed to be top secret of course, so nowadays if you dare utter the words "mind control" in a public place, chances are you'll swiftly wind up incarcerated in a secure psychiatric institution, while an insane wide-eyed government shrink frantically pumps hypos full of thorazine into your veins. Yes, of course the deranged 'One World Government' controllers on Wall Street wish to manipulate your thoughts and reasoning, but are dead against you discovering that your thoughts and reasoning are not always your own. A major clue on this objective was provided by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter: "In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason." Brzezinski had no intention of 'implanting' radio receivers inside the heads of American citizens, because, thankfully, he knew there was absolutely no need to do so. Can you imagine ayone in America, Australia, or Britain meekly submitting to such a bizarre procedure? "Oh sure, Doc, that sounds great! Can you fit them to my wife and kids as well?" The fledgling 'One World Government' already knew that most citizens were hooked on simple television, and simply instructed its propaganda arm called "Hollywood" to get on with the mind control side of things. In virtually no time at all, these doyens of thought reform were flashing subliminal messages at 1/25th second exposures in cinemas and on television. Though 1/25th second is much too fast for your conscious brain to register, your subconscious sees it very well, meaning that the Hollywood thought reform message completely bypasses your normal conscious content filtering system. So, for example, your conscious perception tells you that George W. Bush is an incompetent idiot, but your subverted Hollywood subconscious undermines this harsh reality, with a subliminally-induced fuzzy and lovable George that you feel 'compelled' to vote for. Initially this work was done with the assistance of a "tachistoscope", a machine which times the insertion and duration of each subliminal frame, but the crude tachistoscope has one major drawback. Anyone able to gain access to the film or television tapes and play then back at slow speed, would immediately see the inserted subliminal frames as individual entities, and be able to study their subliminal content at leisure. This actually happened, and there was very nearly hell to pay, but in the end the matter was settled with hard cash and a handful of meaningless laws. For a large consideration and a new Mercedes convertible, the aggrieved scientist who discovered the technique by accident, agreed to a cover story that the tachistoscope was only used for one experimental film run, involving subliminal prompts to buy Coke and popcorn, but was not terrible successful. The Mercedes convertible was involved in a high speed accident and fireball just two months later. There were no survivors. At the public level, this was the official end of the story, with Congress banning 'subliminal advertising' for good measure. You the public were protected from these horrors, or so you thought, while Hollywood frantically worked on improvements and alternate methods of controlling your thoughts and reasoning through the essentially benign television box. It was by now the early ninteen seventies, and the 'One World Government' fully intended to have you firmly under subliminal television control in less than a decade. Covert development proceeded along two parallel but independent tracks, with the first focusing on blending 'low light images' into an existing film or commercial. This was fast, and it was also a master stroke in its own right. The 'low light' system was ready for trials in less than six months, and the effects were startling. Essentially, while the conscious mind was viewing and inwardly digesting the main film or commercial content, the subconscious mind was picking up the low light subliminal messages, which fell just below the threshold of normal vision. Where the older tachistoscope was jerky and only partly efficient, the new 'low light' system proved to be a control revolution. The low light images were a complete 'film within a film' running at normal speed, and thus able to "properly educate" those citizens not entirely in accord with One World Government views. The critical test was whether or not the 'low light' technique could be uncovered if a copy of the film fell into the wrong hands. Exhaustive trials proved that it could not. Despite the most sophisticated ultraviolet analysis known to man, the embedded low light images could not be detected at all, because they were comprised of exactly the same color spectrum as the film itself. So, low light was dramatically effective, relatively cheap to engineer, and easy to transport and use without fear of security breaches. This low light system is still in use today, and is still dramatically effective, though you need a very highly placed friend in Hollywood if you want the system to benefit your personal political aspirations. One recent applicant was Australian Prime Minister John Howard ("President Winston" to his friends), who felt that his slavish obedience in sending Australian troops to die for America in Afghanistan and Iraq, had earned him the absolute right to be re-elected to office unopposed. Hollywood and Wall Street agreed, and Australian citizens were then bombarded with thousands of custom low light subliminals of "President Winston" the "Great Leader", when most Australians knew very well at the conscious level that the man is an an arrogant pompous fool, and a traitor under Australian Federal Law. The price for electronically fixing the election was high, but a price that President Winston was quite prepared to pay in order to retain his 'fame' and 'popularity' induced by the covert Hollywood low light images. Precisely when ordered to do so, Prime Minister John Winston Howard paid Hollywood for his false subliminal election victory, by sending more troops into Iraq to face a vastly superior Republican Guard. Before radio telephony was invented, electronic communication was restricted to Morse Code, where a unique set of dots and dashes represented each letter in the alphabet. Though to an outsider Morse Code seemed and still seems clumsy, it is really very easy when you get used to it. Like any language, practice makes perfect, and expert signallers read morse so fast that they are able to simultaneously write down the English translation. So, while you as a layman will only hear disjointed dots and dashes, the signaller is hearing "Hi Fred, have you got those new coordinates for me?" in real time. The equivalent at sea (especially when radio silence had to be maintained) is visual morse code, normally transmitted ship-to-ship with a signal lamp, or exceptionally with flags, where each flag represents a different letter. Alternatively in 'semaphore', the position of the flags represents a different letter. However, the Morse signal lamp is the norm, meaning that in the military we have thousands of highly trained men and women who use their audio and visual skills for real time meaningful communication, but without actually using words as the term 'word' is understood by the general public. Steven Spielberg's 1977 film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", which arrogantly showcased the new 'color-coded language' to its viewers as 'fiction'. Remember the old saying, "Tell them the truth and they will never believe you"... The critical point to remember about Morse Code and the signallers who use it, is that after a period of learning and conditioning, a string of verbal words and complete concepts are manufactured purely by pulsed electrical input, be that input audio or visual. Nor should we forget the morse signal flags used less frequently by the navy and scouts in the field. In this case, the human brain is simultaneously decoding signals sent in a series of perplexing mixed colors, which are apparently meaningless until you are trained to understand them. Hollywood was enchanted by the myriad possibilities for controlling public thought and reasoning, and set about devising a top secret program designed to link specific colors to specific tones or words or concepts. For example, in the rather cynical 1977 Spielberg film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", a simple earthling with a synthesizer, sets about teaching an alien spaceship how to communicate with him, by matching synthesizer tones to the flashing colors on the spaceship itself. By the time Spielberg made this film in 1977, Hollywood had already been practicing on real live human audiences for four years. Hence my use of the word 'cynical', because Spielberg was a significant mover and shaker behind the covert Hollywood control program. As the years rolled by, an entire new visual language was built up, made even more powerful nowadays by precise digital television transmissions, which provide a wider range of hexidecimal colors for coded use. The problem, of course, is that like the old Enigma Code of WWII vintage, only those with the key know what they are sending, and only they know what impact the specific message will have on the viewing public. If you want a strong clue to the content, consider the words of insider Zbigniew Brzezinski once again: "In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason." Now then, ladies and gentlemen, would you say that George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard (Australia) are naturally endowed with "magnetic and attractive personalities", to the point where they can easily exploit the, "latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason"? Of course not, for all three men are repulsive and unattractive, and about as close as it is possible to get to borderline mental retardation. Where Brzezinski and Spielberg have won, and you have lost, lies in their ability to control your thoughts and reasoning with color coded language, to the point where you believe that grey-haired political weaklings are "magnetic and attractive personalities". Nowadays if Hollywood tells you that black is white, you'd better believe it, or else. For as long as you watch Hollywood's films and television, their power over you will be continually reinforced, and you will dutifully send son after son and daughter after daughter to die in far off lands on behalf of Wall Street. You can actually break the cycle and return to your own thoughs and reason, by the simple expedient of destroying your television set, VCR and DVD, but I'm betting you won't be prepared to make that sacrifice in order to save your children. Unsurprisingly perhaps, Hollywood is betting you won't do so either. As stated earlier, government-selected 'patsies' have rather more than subliminal color coding thrown at them from a television screen. For these men and women (at least those who survive), have to stand up in a court of law and, eventually, make a full confession about a crime they did not commit, or simply mumble "guilty" a few times. Just how this is managed will be explained in part two of this series, probably ready about one month from now. General Public References Body Language Julius Fast Journey into Madness Gordon Thomas None Dare Call it Conspiracy Gary Allen Operation Mind Control Walter Bowart Subliminal Seduction Wilson Bryan Key Techniques of Persuasion J.A.C. Brown War Crimes Ramsey Clark & Others War on The Mind Peter Watson Low Light LTVR Classified Project Spectrux Classified [right][snapback]639604[/snapback][/right] If there was mind control going on, why did Bush barely win the election, how come so many people are against the War in Iraq, the reason why Howard was elected was because he has a great agenda, I read about it and I thought he must be one hell of a politician! Did I hear an ad about him? NO! I didn't even know who he was before! Blair's party went Dooooooooooooooown who cares who voted or not? in US campaign both Bush and Kerry where members of skull and bones back in the days... BTW terrorism is haram. i would request you visit the local mosque and ask the imaam to tell you of the 9 levels of jihad, then ask him which is the biggest jihad. he should reply the first level, Jihad against your self...example smoking is actualy haram in islam, [damages your health] do jihad against your self in that field. jihad for education, learn all that is to learn that is also jihad if you do not understand try to understand read books instead of reading quran all day you should technicaly get more merit for acquiring knowldge all day. if you have read quran once then the quran resides in your heart, (read as in read and understand not read in a language you do not understand and merely touch)
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 11:05 AM PDT
Joe Vialls - Nuke bombs and Tsunami
Mood: quizzical Now Playing: Tsunami result of U.S. nuclear bomb? Topic: CONSPIRACY
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 9:46 AM PDT
Thursday, 17 June 2010
filming police and officials -
Mood: loud Now Playing: In Public - But not wanting to be filmed An uproar over a cell phone video that shows a Seattle police officer punching a 17-year-old girl after his attempt to cite her for jaywalking is just one of several recent incidents where low-quality video footage shot by members of the public has incriminated public officials. The video, which you can watch here (warning: disturbing content), shows a young woman resisting Officer Ian P. Walsh, who was citing the woman and a friend Monday for jaywalking. Her friend attempts to intervene, inserting herself between the officer and her friend and grabbing the officer's arm. That's the moment when the officer punches her in the face.
Seattle community leaders are in an uproar, saying the use of force was excessive. Officials with the Seattle Police Department say they have "questions" about the officer's tactics and are investigating the incident. But Seattle Police Officers Guild President Rich O'Neil says the officer's use of force was appropriate. The Seattle department announced Wednesday that Walsh has been reassigned pending further inquiries. The Walsh footage is the latest in a series of incidents catching public figures in questionable — and at times legally suspect — conduct. In one of the more formal such encounters this week, Democratic Rep. Bob Etheridge apologized after video surfaced of the North Carolina lawmaker reacting angrily to questions from two young men holding a camera. He hit the camera down, roughly grabbed one of the men by the arm and neck, and demanded again and again to know his questioner's name. Watch:
In several other incidents, video footage has opened police to formal inquiries and criminal proceedings involving charges of excessive force. Indeed, videos are often the only way to prove cases of police brutality, where a victim's word is pitted against a cop's. A video shot by a University of Maryland student from a dorm room window showed three Maryland police beating a 21-year-old student. Police claimed the man had attacked the officers, and police charged him with assault. They have since dropped the charges, and at least one officer has been suspended in the incident. [Video: Wild crashes and other shocking moments caught on film] A cell phone video broadcast by the Spanish-language network Univision challenged the FBI's claims that a Border Patrol agent who shot a 15-year-old dead near El Paso had been "surrounded" by a rock-throwing group including the boy. In the video, the boy is a fair distance away when the officer pulls a weapon and appears to shoot. In Oakland, Calif., cell-phone video taken by train passengers showed a subway police officer firing a shot in the back of an unarmed man who appeared to be cooperating with the officers. The Bay Area transit officer who shot the man is now facing trial on murder charges. In response to the outbreak of incidents on camera, some police departments are trying to limit citizens' ability to record police actions. Authorities are increasingly using decades-old wiretapping laws to prevent people from filming arrests. In a dozen states, notes Annys Shin at the Washington Post, "all parties [must] consent before a recording might be made if a conversation takes place where there is a 'reasonable expectation of privacy.'" A man who filmed an officer giving him a speeding ticket was thrown into jail for posting the video of the incident onto YouTube. Civil libertarians contend that such laws do not apply to arrest, since the processing of a suspect is not a private conversation. If information from the conversation can be used in court, they contend, citizens should be allowed to film police officers. — Liz Goodwin is a national affairs writer for Yahoo! News.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 1:43 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 June 2010 2:17 PM PDT
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Wow....salary hikes for Foxconn employees in China
Mood: happy Now Playing: Due to an increase in suicides, Foxconn manufacturing increases wages Topic: CORPORATE CRAP Foxconn increases wages from 30 to 67% (original full article) Mark LaPedus Impact of salary hikes for Foxconn Jamie Wang, an analyst with Gartner, said: ''This wage hike may increase Foxconn's operational costs and affect its profitability, but the company cannot afford further tragic suicides, and this action will improve relations with its workers in China and help to deflect potential negativity from its outsourcing clients. ''For now, Foxconn needs to concentrate on handling recent events sensitively, which will affect its cost competitiveness in the short term. However, a continuous focus on improving quality and productivity will be recognized by Foxconn's OEM customers over the long term.'' ... was raising pay for its production workers by 30 percent (from RMB900 to RMB1200) effective June 1, the company announced further significant pay hikes of 67 percent ...
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 10:26 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 June 2010 10:28 AM PDT
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Civic Media - Participation in the Digital Age - MIT video
Mood: celebratory Now Playing: Video Topic: MEDIA
About the LectureIn a live demonstration of globe-straddling communication technologies like Skype, this forum connects to citizen journalists and activists around the world, some of whom frequently test the limits of governmental authority. Moderator Ethan Zuckerman wonders if these new digital forms are fundamentally liberating, providing users access to public spaces they might otherwise be denied. He pursues this line of inquiry in a series of internet conversations with correspondents covering some of the world’s most ravaged or oppressed regions.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 10:52 PM PDT
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Camera Taken from Filmer in Portland Oregon 2003
Mood: incredulous Now Playing: Dont Like the "Bum Fight" & "Dont Like Cops Taking Cameras Either" In Other News...UNCLE, ALREADY! When is enough enough? On a Friday night in early May, Kif Davis was watching a fight unfold between bouncers and some drunken patrons outside Berbati's. Davis, an amateur filmmaker who documents public bum fights all over the country, grabbed his video camera and started shooting. When police arrived on the scene a few moments later, Davis hid the camera behind his back and refused to surrender his film. Witnesses then say that while one cop restrained Davis, another--John Clinton, badge #30255--gave him a sucker punch to the stomach that later placed him in the emergency room. According to Davis, pleading "uncle" and offering up the camera to avoid arrest only led to some "choking and strangling." Davis also claims his rights weren't read to him until an hour later, at the Old Town precinct, where he was charged with interfering with the police and resisting arrest. And now, to add insult to injury, no one will give him his camera back. Davis plans to file a police brutality report. ANNA SIMON TRE, IS THAT YOU?In spite of pleas for peace and understanding, police harassment only seems to have intensified at the Portland Peace Encampment, an on-going protest against military action in Iraq. Last week, five demonstrators from the PPE formally requested that Mayor Katz cease police harassment. Police have routinely confiscated food, tarps, and chairs from the activists camped across from City Hall. But instead of compassion, the camp apparently has come under additional scrutiny from Homeland Security. Over the past few weeks, federal officers have acted on reports that Tre Arrow has been lingering around the area. Arrow is wanted in connection with an arson that blew up logging trucks two years ago. Last week, officers approached the encampment to ask if Arrow was there, suggesting that perhaps the best place to hide is in broad daylight. Todd Kurylowicz, who has been part of the PPE since its second day, thinks it is him they are confusing for Arrow. A week ago, Kurylowicz was asked for identification when entering Terry Shrunk Plaza, the outdoor park adjacent to PPE. The Homeland Security officer assured Kurylowicz that they were requesting identification from everyone, but he did not witness anyone else being carded. A day later, a detective visited Kurylowicz's former house. DAMON CLARK
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 9:15 PM PDT
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Racism and US policy - The anti racists activists are only hope left for Amreica
Mood: down Now Playing: The myth of the anti-immigrant majority Topic: IMMIGRATION The myth of the anti-immigrant majoritySupporters of immigrant rights can make a difference by organizing and activism. June 9, 2010
ALL IT took was one glance at the headline of the Pew Research Center poll released last month--"Broad Approval for New Arizona Immigration Law"--and the mainstream media had a new storyline ever since about the state's latest anti-immigrant attack. Sure, SB 1070 enshrined racial profiling into state law. Taken together with Arizona's ban on ethnic studies programs, yes, it did seem like a throwback to the era of Jim Crow segregation. But what does that matter as long as SB 1070 is "broadly" popular? The "American people" are okay with racism. End of story. It's up to opponents of anti-immigrant bigotry to make sure that isn't the end of the story. The survey results from Pew and other pollsters do reflect broad public sentiment in favor of immigration law enforcement. But there are a lot of contradictions in that sentiment if you examine what people actually tell the pollsters. And more importantly, supporters of immigrant rights have the opportunity to reshape the supposed consensus on this issue--but only if we organize an energetic campaign to counter the anti-immigrant lies and make our case to a wider audience. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE PEW Center poll may have surprised supporters of immigrant rights, especially coming in the wake of the immediate activist response to Arizona's racist law. According to the survey, 59 percent of people nationally approved of SB 1070. Only 32 percent disapproved. Nearly three in four respondents agreed with the core provision of the law--requiring people to have documents verifying their immigration status when asked by a law enforcement official acting on "reasonable suspicion." These findings are similar to other polls, both specifically about SB 1070 and on the question of enforcement. But a closer look at the results undermines the media conclusion that people in the U.S. "broadly" support the policies pushed by the anti-immigrant right. For one thing, there's a substantial generation gap in attitudes about the Arizona law and immigration policy generally, with people under 30 opposing SB 1070 in greater numbers. And, of course, Latinos, who have the most experience with the consequences of anti-immigrant criminalization and discrimination, oppose SB 1070 by a strong majority. The polarization is particularly sharp in Arizona as a result of the interplay of these two factors. According to William Frey of the Brookings Institution, Arizona has the country's largest "cultural generation gap"--between older Americans who are mostly white (83 percent) and children under 18 who are increasingly members of minorities (57 percent). What's more, among people who say they support SB 1070, the picture is more mixed than the headlines let on. Numerous surveys show that only a small minority--roughly one in five Americans--agrees with the right wing's preferred "solution" of criminalization and deportation of the 12 million undocumented people in the U.S. By contrast, an overwhelming majority of people say they would like to see national immigration reform legislation, including a "path to citizenship" for the undocumented--a proposal that the anti-immigrant right rejects outright. For example, in an America's Voice Education Fund poll, five out of six people who said they support SB 1070 also said they back comprehensive reform. Obviously, there's a contradiction in this. The harsh enforcement mechanisms that many people say they support alongside "reform" are the prelude to the criminalization and deportation policies they say they oppose. Immigration crackdowns are not only a violation of basic human rights, but they undermine the possibility of a genuine "path to legalization." The reason these contradictory ideas can coexist in many people's heads is because the right wing has been able dominate and disorient the debate on immigration in national politics. The right's hysteria about a "crisis of illegal immigration" today is opportunistic. In reality, there were more undocumented immigrants coming into the U.S. five years ago and getting low-wage jobs. The debate has sharpened today because the Great Recession opened the way for the right to package its bigotry in a campaign of scapegoating immigrants for the crisis. The small minority of people opposed to immigrant rights in any form has an influence far beyond its small size because, first of all, it gets outsized access to the media--but also because the right wing makes its case without qualifications or hedging. On the other hand, genuine champions of immigrant rights--people who would make the case for legalization without punitive enforcement policies--aren't actually represented in the national debate. Instead, the "left" end of the mainstream political spectrum is occupied by the Democrats, who have given ground to the right at every step. Consider how Barack Obama and his administration responded to the passage of SB 1070. When it was signed by Gov. Jan Brewer at the end of April, Obama criticized the law for undermining "basic notions of fairness." Administration officials promised that the Justice Department would consider taking federal action against it, which could lead to a court injunction before SB 1070 goes into effect at the end of July. At the same time, however, Obama said he sympathized with what he called "frustrations" with the current immigration system that produced SB 1070. Standing next to Mexico's conservative President Felipe Calderón during a state visit last month, for example, Obama was the more cautious of the two, insisting that the solution to laws like SB 1070 was federal legislation with a "path to citizenship," but also toughened enforcement and punishment for both undocumented workers and businesses that hire them. Then, just a few days before the May 29 national day of action against SB 1070, Obama took a page out of George W. Bush's playbook and announced he was sending 1,200 National Guard troops to the Southwest--the lion's share destined for Arizona--for a renewed border crackdown. That was good enough for Jan Brewer. She declared after a meeting at the White House that she and Obama were working together to tighten border security. The effect of Obama's qualified criticisms and actions has been to signal opposition to the letter of SB 1070, but to confirm the claims of the law's supporters that there is a "crisis of illegal immigration" about which the federal government can't or won't do anything. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAINSTREAM IMMIGRANT rights groups have signaled their disappointment in Obama's ramped-up enforcement and inaction on reform legislation. These groups had greeted Obama's victory as a signal that their voices would finally be heard in Washington. But immigrant rights advocates, however well connected to the party establishment, aren't foremost in shaping the Democrats' position on immigration. Corporate America is. Ever since the right wing's Sensenbrenner bill--which would have criminalized all 12 million undocumented immigrants, along with anyone who aided them--was pushed back by the pro-immigrant mega-marches of spring 2006, Democrats leaders have supported a series of pro-corporate immigration proposals masquerading as compassionate compromises. The latest of these--the bipartisan "framework" for legislation from Sens. Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham--is the worst yet. It proposes a highly restrictive "path to citizenship" that ties the undocumented to employers through a guest worker program and requires them to pay fines and perform "community service," with the threat of deportation for even minor violations of the law still hanging over them. And that's not to mention the sops to the right wing in the proposal--a national biometric ID card and, inevitably, more money and personnel for border enforcement. These proposals don't reflect the interests of immigrants--but they do reflect the interests of Corporate America. U.S. businesses of all kinds depend on being able to employ immigrant workers at low wages, so they don't want to see the anti-immigrant right succeed with its full program. But they also depend, in order to keep those wages low, on immigrants being denied full legal rights, including the right to organize unions. This two-faced position can be seen throughout U.S. history and the history of other counties. All other things being equal, capitalists support the free movement across borders of every commodity but one--human labor. They seek to use the undocumented twice over--as workers who can be super-exploited because they have no legal rights, and as a group that can be pitted against other workers, whether native-born or immigrants themselves, to push down the wages of everybody. In other words, Corporate America needs an immigration system that secures its access to cheap labor, but that also continues to consign immigrants to second-class citizenship--just what Schumer-Graham does. And this is what passes in national politics for the "liberal" position on immigration. As a consequence, the case for legalization without punishing the undocumented and without tighter border controls never gets heard. The contradictory public sentiment on immigration is the product of a national political debate that is taking place not between left and right, but between the center and a bigoted right-wing fringe. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE ANSWER to polls that show public sentiment against equality for immigrants--however shallow and mixed that sentiment may be--can't be to wait for the Democrats to take a stand or do the right thing. Democratic Party politicians are, by nature, cowards. They hate taking a controversial position that might lose them votes. Compromise and concession are second nature to them--which is why the Democrats are uniquely qualified to serve Corporate America on an issue where it needs to steer between the fanatics of the right and the legitimate demands of immigrants. It's up to immigrants themselves and everyone who supports social justice to take that stand, loud and proud. We need to apply pressure from below to counter the relentless pressure on politicians from above. Our movement needs to become a pole of attraction on the issue of immigration, so the debate isn't between the center and the right, but our side against theirs. Such a movement can take heart when Obama and the Democrats feel compelled to criticize SB 1070 and even take legal action against it. That can open space for a genuine immigrant rights position. But we can't depend on the Democrats to follow through. The New York Times put its finger on an important connection between civil rights struggles past and present in an editorial in support of four immigrant students who were arrested for sitting in at Sen. John McCain's Arizona office:
One important lesson of the actions of those young people 50 years ago is that they weren't deterred by majority opinion. As columnist Sharon Smith pointed out, national polls in the late 1950s showed overwhelming support for the most vile elements of Jim Crow segregation. By 1964 and 1965, majority views had turned around 180 degrees. "There is no doubt," Smith concludes, "that the civil rights movement challenged and ultimately changed prevailing opinion." Supporters of immigrant rights are finding that they, too, can make a difference by organizing and activism. The 50,000-plus people who turned out in Phoenix for the May 29 demonstration against SB 1070--not to mention other protests around the country--dwarfed the size of anti-immigrant events. The spirit on the demonstrations was defiant--and the actions marked the rejuvenation of a movement that emerged with the mass marches of 2006 that opposed anti-immigrant legislation on the federal level. Perhaps the racist right thought it could intimidate immigrants in Arizona and beyond with harsh new laws. But rather than cement "broad popularity," the attacks are provoking a vigorous response. Thus, when a Columbus, Ohio, radio station started promoting a contest to win a trip to Phoenix for "a weekend chasing aliens," it took all of 24 hours and a campaign of phone calls to force an apology out of the station. The next target, as the National Council of La Raza suggested, out to be Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig, to get him to move the 2011 All-Star Game out of Phoenix. The coming months will be important ones for the movement, whether activism comes in the form of protests and marches, or boycott campaigns, or public forums in every part of the country, where people can hear the stories of immigrants themselves--and the lies of the bigots exposed. The Alto Arizona Web site that spearheaded the May 29 day of action against SB 1070 is promising a "Day of Non-Compliance" on July 29, when SB 1070 is scheduled to go into effect. And more besides:
The key to turning the tide against the anti-immigrant bigots is what our side does to counter the lies and stand up for justice.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 2:58 PM PDT
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