Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Monday, 7 May 2007
Can You Say .... Darfur?
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: A subject that I have barley spoke of..... Changes today....

My Fellow Z3 Readers

It is with regret I say that this is my first post on "Darfur" - please forgive me and read this article I copied from ....... "Oxfam"

As the Need in Darfur Grows,

So Does the Difficulty of

Getting There

16 April 2007


It has been more than four years since conflict first erupted in Darfur, Sudan, and in that time the number of people in need has grown exponentially: About 4 million people now depend on humanitarian assistance. But as their numbers mount, so does the difficulty in reaching them.

Unabated violence has left huge swaths of Darfur inaccessible to aid groups. Carjackings, assaults, robberies—these are the almost daily dangers aid workers now face as tens of thousands of people have continued to flee ongoing attacks. In the first two months of this year, more than 80,000 people found themselves on the run—some for the second, third, and fourth times. With the conflict now spilling over into Chad, violence there has forced the displacement of 120,000 Chadians.

In Darfur alone, more than 2 million people are now crowded into temporary camps or massed on the outskirts of towns where Oxfam is providing clean water, sanitation services, and basic necessities—such as soap and jerry cans—to about 475,000 of them. The agency is offering similar help to an additional 63,000 people in Chad.

But in some places, such as Darfur’s largest camp—Gereida, where 130,000 people now live in limbo, waiting for peace—Oxfam has had to greatly reduce its assistance because of the violence. In December, armed men entered the compounds of Oxfam and other agencies there where they beat an Oxfam staffer, raped a worker at one of those other agencies, and stole 12 vehicles.

Roads have also become increasingly unsafe for travel because of the risk of hijackings. Many times, helicopters are the only way aid workers can reach the larger towns and camps. People in rural areas and smaller villages often get no attention at all since the helicopters do not fly to those areas.

The humanitarian effort in Darfur is now one of the largest in the world, and the initiative has managed to stabilize living conditions in the camps. But there is a growing concern among aid groups that inaccessibility to the camps could derail this progress. Aid workers fear a return to devastating levels of malnutrition and disease they witnessed at the start of the crisis.

Helplessness and frustration permeate the camps, where people are trapped with limited access to education or economic opportunities. The conflict has stretched on for so long that some camps have now taken on a feeling of permanence, with people transforming their temporary shelters into mud brick dwellings. The majority of those in the camps are women and children, many of whom have now spent most of their lives trapped there by the conflict. Inevitably, the impact of the crisis on a whole generation will have long-term consequences for Darfur.

Despite the dangers, Oxfam is committed to remaining in the region to help the people there. It continues to be one of the few agencies working in all three Darfur states. But what people need urgently is protection from violence. The African Union force now in place to provide that has just 7,000 members—not nearly enough to cover the vast region. And increasingly, the AU force itself has become the target of violence, with its members being assaulted, abducted, and killed. Its ranks urgently need strengthening.

More than anything, what’s needed now is increased pressure on everyone involved in the conflict to stop attacking civilians and stop targeting aid workers.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:22 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 7 May 2007 8:25 PM PDT
Army Cracks Down On Information -
Mood:  irritated
Topic: WAR

Army Cracks Down On Military Blogs & Emails

If you are the husband or wife or sibling or parent of a U.S. Army soldier serving in Iraq and you blog (and according to the new rules, email) about the war, you are now in official trouble with the U.S. Army.

 FOLKS ....this is your friendly military crack down on the Truth that gets leaked out to society. Well not if the WAR goons can squash the press. How do you feel knowing the Military we have is not going to let you know what they "really are doing"

Hell they want you to get your news from the Corporate Military feed pile



----- Wake Up America ---- Your getting a good screwing -----

From Mother Jones .com here is the article in the news today:



The Army is getting strict about its rule that soldiers sending emails or posting items on blogs must first clear the content with a superior officer. Since, to avoid possible court-martial, a soldier would have to check with her commanding officer before making every blog post, soldiers' blogs about the Iraq war can safely be called a thing of the past.

The guidelines also apply to civilians working for the Army, Army contractors and soldiers' family members.

"This is the final nail in the coffin for combat blogging," said retired paratrooper Matthew Burden, editor of The Blog of War anthology. "No more military bloggers writing about their experiences in the combat zone. This is the best PR the military has--its most honest voice out of the war zone--and it's being silenced."

Posted by Diane E. Dees on 05/03/07 at 6:15 AM |

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:48 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 7 May 2007 1:50 PM PDT
Sunday, 6 May 2007
My Letter To The Local Paper Concerning LA Police Abuse
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: I am Outraged and am Speaking out - Hear My Words
I was just informed that this letter to the Portland Tribune, is going to be published next week, or so they informed me by email. I stand by these words and wrote then President of the US and the MAyor of LA almost the exact same letter, I urge all my fellow readers to do the same.
Dear Editor,
I live in Portland and I am outraged on the use of Police Violence used on innocent people as we have seen in LA on this May Day Celebration. I as an American "Demand" justice and I demand that those who were involved and responsible to be "fired" and held with charges.

Our own police force in Portland is real close to this very same type of police abuse against the people they are serving.
We as "the People" need to stand up and say no more. I am disgusted and shocked to see innocent women and children, media, and bystanders being shot at and clubbed.

I am standing up to this Police Abuse in LA by demanding justice and accountability. Please join and speak out against abuse waged on the people by Officers who have sworn to uphold the constitution and protect the people in their city.
This attack was uncalled for and is wrong.
This is a disgrace to any officer in uniform.
It is a disgrace to a civilized society
It is an abomination to justice.

Every city in America needs to stand up against this type of police abuse. It will not be accepted. I demand justice! I encourage everyone to stand up in solidarity against police violence, police terror, and police abuse.
~joe anybody
((( SEE MY PREVIOUS POST with pictures HERE ))) index.blog/1685748/write-the-mayor-of-la-i-just-did/

Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:38 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 6 May 2007 10:41 PM PDT
Friday, 4 May 2007
My letter to a Terrorist: Senator Rohrabacher
Mood:  loud

A California Republican With Bad Attitude 

 I also posted this on Portland Indy Media


To Senator Rohrabacher, 'Dana@mail.house.gov'

Rendition is wrong, immoral, illegal, and it should be considered, to be a war crime.
SHAME on America for torturing and abusing Humans of this world, I want this practice STOPPED.
America deserve to be spit upon because of attitudes of people like you that are ruining this honorable nation.
You are a terrible representation of my country.
In fact "you don't represent me or any form of Human Rights".
You think nothing of Heabus Corpus, Geneva, and due process.

I think that you must be pretty twisted to approve this type of behavior.
I am urging war crime charges and I demand you apologize for your comments at this meeting of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Human Rights, on April 17 2007.

Your comment were sick for me to read, I want you to know I am disgusted.
Shame ... you don't speak for my country, you are speaking for Terrorists and Twisted Sick in the Head Administrators of War Crimes.
Everyday I pray for Justice for all those who enable this sick way of life you call justice to be sent to prison and treated like they are now doing to hundreds with out any RESPECT for Law, Order, or human dignity.
You are an insult from America to our European Community.
Shame on your choice of words and attitude and sick comments.
And truly I wish the very back at you and yours for your totally uncalled for, rude, and horrific comment of ... "I hope it's your family members that die when terrorists strike."... .. boy you are one foul-mouthed Senator ... how dare you talk to people like that while holding office of the United States of America.
You are part of why this country is now hated across this world.
Good Job!!

Don't write me back!
I want nothing to do with people like you!
I pray for justice, I pray that war crimes will be levied.
I hope you realize you are Insane and Thoughtless
You are not an American, you are a terrorist to the world!

Signed Joe


"Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Personifies Why Many Dislike America and Its Policies"

By Ann Wright
t r u t h o u t | Guest Contributor

Monday 23 April 2007

"I hope its your family members that [sic] die," said US Rep. Dana Rohrabacher to American citizens who questioned the Bush administration's unlawful extraordinary rendition policies.

Congressional hearings provide a deep insight into the inner spirit of our elected representatives - and sometimes the insight is not pretty.

On April 17, we witnessed Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) unleashing his anger onto members of the European Parliament's House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Human Rights. The members were invited guests and witnesses at the hearing. The subcommittee had issued a report in January, 2007 that was sharply critical of the Bush administration's extraordinary rendition program in which persons from all over the world were detained by either the CIA or local police, then flown by CIA jet (torture taxi) to other countries where they were imprisoned (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Libya, Djibouti, Morocco, Yemen. The report was equally critical of European governments for allowing the unlawful flights to take place.

From 2001 through 2005, the governments of fourteen countries in Europe allowed at least 1,245 CIA flights with illegally abducted terrorist suspects to be flown through their airspace or to land on their territory. Germany, Britain, Ireland and Portugal allowed the highest numbers of covert flights. As well as at least the 1,245 flights operated by the CIA, there were an unspecified number of US military flights for the same purpose.

The European Parliament report differentiated between lawful extradition of criminal suspects for trial in another country and unlawful abduction - sending to a third country usually noted for torture of prisoners and imprisoning for years without trial persons suspected of criminal terrorist acts.

The report acknowledged that terrorism is a threat to European countries as well as to the United States, but the European Parliament committee said that terrorist acts must be handled lawfully by both European countries and by the United States. The report said: "After 11 September 2001, the so-called 'war on terror' - in its excesses - has produced a serious and dangerous erosion of human rights and fundamental freedoms." The extraordinary rendition program undercuts the exact liberties we are defending, the rule of law, the right for a fair and speedy trial and the right to know the evidence on which one is held and prosecuted.

Some who were kidnapped ended up in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Others were flown to prisons in other countries for interrogation and torture. Many of those who were subjected to extraordinary rendition are still in Guantanamo. Many have been there for over five years. Over 400 of the 770 persons who have been imprisoned in Guantanamo over the five years since it was opened have been released. Only 380 are left imprisoned in Guantanamo. Only three have been charged by the Military Commission, and only one was tried in Guantanamo. After five years of being held prisoner, Australian citizen David Hicks was convicted in March 2007 of material support to terrorism and sentenced to only seven months further imprisonment, which he is serving in Australia. The Bush administration has said it will try only 50-70 of the 380 remaining in Guantanamo. That means that of 770 who have been in Guantanamo, only 50-70 will be tried. The others eventually will be freed due to lack of evidence of a crime. Many will have spent five years or more in prison.

Virtually every prisoner who has been released reported being tortured while imprisoned in countries such as Syria, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some prisoners say they were tortured by police or interrogators. Some say they heard American voices in the background while they were tortured. None were charged with any crimes. None went to trial. They were abducted by CIA or local authorities at the request of the United States. The United States did not present evidence of criminal actions, nor request extradition from the country where the person was detained. Nor did a central approving authority look at the rationale for spiriting a person to the control of a third country for interrogation. Persons were "rendered" many times on the say-so of junior CIA officials.

Back to the Congressional hearing. With eyes narrowed and mouth in a contorted grimace, Congressman Rohrabacher attacked the two British and one Italian members of the European Parliament who testified before the committee. Reminding one of Joe McCarthy in tone and substance, Rohrabacher demeaned and degraded the report and chastised, belittled and berated the Parliamentarians. Remarkably, Rohrabacher said most of the CIA private flights that landed in Europe were to transport CIA agents all over the world, not to move prisoners. Yet the logs of the 1,245 flights have been tied by date and location to the movement of specific individual prisoners from one location to another.

Rohrabacher railed against anyone who questioned the right of the Bush administration to do whatever it wanted - legal or illegal - to prevent terrorist acts, and said that [European countries] not supporting the Bush policies were consigning their countrymen to terrorists. In particular, he said that any Americans who questioned the extraordinary rendition were un-American.

Citing historic examples of other countries kidnapping persons, Rohrabacher said Israel had every right to kidnap Nazi official Adolph Eichmann from Argentina, bring him to Israel and execute him. Rohrabacher conveniently forgot to mention that the Israeli government did put Eichmann on trial - a trial which none of those who have been extraordinarily rendered have had. Rohrabacher then attacked and belittled the European Community for outlawing the death penalty, saying, "You in the European Community won't stand up to evil people, you won't execute them. Eichmann deserved to be executed, just like these terrorists must be executed."

Rohrabacher never once mentioned due process, the rule of law, right to a trial for anyone picked up in the extraordinary rendition program. Merely because persons were "rendered" and imprisoned by the US meant to Rohrabacher they were guilty.

Rohrabacher said if European countries did not cooperate with the United States and go along with whatever the Bush administration wanted, they were condemning their countrymen to terrorists by not using extralegal methods to imprison terrorist suspects. When citizens attending the hearing, including members of Codepink Women for Peace and Veterans for Peace, heard Rohrabacher's statement, they collectively groaned. Then, much to the shock and disbelief of everyone in the hearing room, Rohrabacher said to those who had expressed displeasure at his statements: "I hope it's your family members that die when terrorists strike."

At that point, I had had enough of Rohrabacher. I stood up and said, "I did not serve 29 years in the US military and 16 years in the US diplomatic corps to see demise of the rule of law and violation of our own laws. Rohrabacher's statements are outrageous. No wonder the world hates us!"

Chairman Delahunt gaveled for me to stop speaking, and I was escorted by the police out of the committee room. I was not arrested.

Remarkably, I do agree with one thing Rohrabacher said. "They hate us."

Rohrabacher finished his sentence with, "They hate us because they hate our way of life." Unfortunately, many people do hate us, but it's not for our way of life.

Its for exactly the talk and actions that Rohrabacher and the Bush administration represent: illegal and unlawful actions, an arrogant attitude that America is always right and everyone else is wrong, that the world's resources are for the exclusive use of the United States and we have the right to invade and occupy any country.

Until we change the manner in which presidential administrations and the Congress operate and the way we approach our membership in the community of nations, the world will continue to question what America stands for.

Ann Wright retired as a colonel after serving 13 years on active duty and 16 years in the US Army Reserves. After 16 years in the US diplomatic corps, she resigned in March 2003 in opposition to the war in Iraq. She had been assigned in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia and Mongolia. She helped reopen the US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan in December 2001.  



Posted by Joe Anybody at 3:37 PM PDT
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Write The Mayor of LA .... I just did!
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Police Fire Rubber Bullets into Peace Crowd

This is an urgent call to action


All, Z3 Readers

Please contact the Mayor of LA at this link as I just did.....please!

 ((((( http://www.pephost.org/site/R?i=D1N8ELi8uzm0TeqjpWOg1g )))))))


I also wrote the President of the United States (who I cant stand by the way) about this attrocity. First here is the Information ...then last is my letter to the mayor. I am fricken mad as hell!!!!!





The ANSWER Coalition unequivocally condemns the brutal, unprovoked Los Angeles Police Department attack on immigrant families, media reporters and camerapersons and others in MacArthur Park on May 1. The LAPD’s racism and violent nature has been displayed once again for the world to see. 

We demand that Mayor Villaraigosa and all city officials take immediate action to bring the officers involved to justice. We also demand that the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners fire LAPD Chief William Bratton.

On May 1, tens of thousands of protesters participated in mass marches for immigrant rights in Los Angeles and around the United States. The march targeted by the LAPD was the second major action in the city that day. It marched from Vermont and 3rd to MacArthur Park.

By all accounts, the march was peaceful—that is, until the cops began their coordinated attack on the participants. 

Soon after the thousands of marchers arrived at MacArthur Park, a police motorcade forced its way into a large circle of people who were enjoying the Aztec Dancers perform an Indigenous ceremony in Alvarado St. near the Southeast corner of the park. The cops pushed people, including Aztec Dancers and children, to the ground.


Next, cops on bicycles rushed through the crowd demanding people evacuate the area. They were followed closely by LAPD “shock troops” on foot, who forced people from the area by hitting onlookers with batons.

The crowd was obviously upset and highly concerned by the unprovoked and violent police attack. In an attempt to defend themselves, people responded by hurling empty water bottles and fruit at the police. 

Contrary to LAPD Chief Bratton’s statement that their violence was in response to “certain elements of the crowd … [who] began to create a series of disturbances," it was really the other way around. 

As this was happening at the east corner of the park, several hundred yards away on the other end of the park, dozens of cops in full riot gear cleared the street by pushing people onto the sidewalks. 

The coordinated, military-style actions show a deliberate calculus used by the LAPD. This was a premeditated attack—a police riot. It is standard practice to repress mass movements and working people.

‘They were merciless’

The worst was yet to come. Less than one hour after the initial attack, the LAPD began its full assault on the marchers and all people in the park. Well over 100 riot cops, including 30 to 40 shooting pellet guns and rubber-coated bullets began attacking everyone in the park. They fired many times directly at people, many of whom could not get away from the police onslaught. Police also shot tear gas at the protesters.

One eyewitness to the LAPD violence was Ernesto Arce, ANSWER Coalition organizer and KPFK radio host. Arce, who was hit in the leg with a rubber-coated bullet during the attack, described the scene:

“Without warning, cops descended into a park full of families, homeless and handicapped individuals and street cart vendors. They were merciless. 

“For the next 30 minutes, hundreds of activists and bystanders were shot, beaten by night sticks and run out of the park. The police had no intention of entertaining requests from people who were not able to move quickly enough. They were forcefully hit on the legs until they were immobile. 

“The cops didn't only move people out of the perimeters of the park, they chased through the park firing at anyone who might have been an obstacle. I witnessed many people who were shot at from the back. Children and entire families were being violently pushed or beaten. An elderly woman cried out for help but few were willing to run back in the face of fast-approaching SWAT police.

“We were chased onto 7th street and forced at least 6 blocks west. The police tried to cordon off the entire area, but most protestors didn't stick around. It was frightening for even seasoned protestors.”

The cops shut down the organized rally. Many scheduled speakers did not get to speak. In addition, they overturned and destroyed the tables and displays of non-profits inside Macarthur Park. The LAPD claimed that they declared the legally permitted event an “unlawful assembly.” But no one heard an official order to disperse or face arrest. In fact, a Fox News reporter heard riot cops say, “Better hustle, it’s time to tussle,” as they moved in on people with batons and loaded weapons.

LAPD strategy

May 1 is International Workers’ Day. It started in the United States after police viciously attacked a demonstration of striking workers demanding better working conditions. The police killed several and wounded 200. They blamed the workers for the police violence.

The police strategy is still the same in 2007. This was displayed in L.A. as it has been many times before. 

The LAPD’s May 1 attack brings to memory to the violent repression of demonstrators outside the 2000 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. Similar tactics were used: firing rubber bullets and beating people without cause; chasing people on foot and in police vehicles, and then tackling and clubbing them; using military formations to intimidate and disperse crowds; and then blaming the victims for the aggression.

The police and Mayor Villaraigosa have promised investigations into the police assault in MacArthur Park. But what will come from the LAPD when its chief, Bratton, has already blamed those attacked and said they were throwing “missiles?”  

What will come from a mayor who wants more police on the streets and has been an apologist for police brutality and murder—like the killing of Susie Peña—many times before? Already, Villaraigosa has assured Los Angeles and his wealthy backers that “order has been fully restored”—when it was the LAPD that broke the “order” in the first place. 

Little will happen unless the movement demands justice.

Bratton should be fired. His first term as L.A.’s police chief is over, but he has applied for another. The Los Angeles Police Commission has 90 days to decide whether to reappoint him. His history of condoning police terror at the expense of working and oppressed people is clear. 


Attacking the immigrant rights movement

When mass movements arise—like last year’s mass upsurge for immigrant rights—they often are met with repression in order to maintain the status quo. The immigrant rights movement mobilized millions to demand equality and legalization.

Now, the ruling elite want the movement to go away for good. A wave of racist raids and deportations has swept the country in recent months, aiming to strike fear into immigrant communities. The LAPD action on May 1 is part of that strategy.

But the movement is still alive with potential. The April 7 protest in Los Angeles and now the May 1 protests around the country have showed this.

In the face of racist police violence, it is important that the people stay united to demand justice. We in the ANSWER Coalition demand justice, an end to racist police violence and full rights for all immigrants. Fighting against racism, immigrant bashing and police brutality must be a top priority for the anti-war movement and all progressive organizations. 

Take action today

Write an e-mail or contact Mayor Villaraigosa to express your outrage at the attack on immigrant rights marchers and community members. Due to the growing national outrage, Police Chief may try to distance himself from some of the worst police atrocities. But Bratton and other officials must be held responsible since this was a clearly planned and coordinated police assault that lasted a considerable period of time. 

ANSWER has set up an easy-to-use mechanism to fax or write a letter to the Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa demanding that Bratton be fired immediately and that his application for reappointment be denied. 

Click this link to send your letter by fax or email. (I did! ~joe)




(here is my letter to the mayor of LA, with my own opinion attached) 

We join with people around the country and the world who condemn the brutal, unprovoked LAPD attack on immigrant families, media reporters, camerapersons and others in Macarthur Park on May 1. We demand that you, Mayor Villaraigosa, and all city officials take immediate action to bring the officers involved to justice. We also demand that LAPD Chief William Bratton be immediately fired.   

Let me say in my own words that what your city Peace Force did was a disgrace to America. I am outraged and will write a letter to the President of the United States to tell him and you that this was un called for and a blatant use of violence against unarmed peaceful people.  How shocking to wake up and read your city police did this. You are a disgraced in the eyes of the world. I am so upset I want to quit my job and work 100% of my effort into bringing justice and retribution for this cowardly act of violence.

These are not tolerated actions by any lawful or sane civil servant. I demand accountability, and people involved FIRED. I will be writing the President Of the United States about this atrocity. Your city is in shame and unless this is righted, it is a turning point downhill for society at large.

Shame and Disgust I am appalled. I proudly sign my name and will when I write My President as well. This was an act of violence against the people of your city you were sworn to protect. 

SHAME ON YOUR CITY! ......signed Joe - Anybody



And then here is my letter to President Bush -- I just sent on 5-3-07


Mr. President Bush,

I am joining with people around the country and the world who condemn the brutal, unprovoked LAPD attack on immigrant families, media reporters, camerapersons and others in Macarthur Park on May 1.  

I (joe anybody), demand that Mayor Villaraigosa, and all city officials take immediate action to bring the officers involved to justice. I also demand that LAPD Chief William Bratton be immediately fired. 

I am writing you Mr. President, as the leader of our country to please look into the terrible, terrible, display of police violence on peaceful people in a city of the US. This needs to be addressed from the highest office as a signal that using police violence on innocent peaceful humans will NOT BE TOLERATED in America. 

I am disgusted and appalled. This needs oversight and correction as the whole world watches in disbelief.

Please Mr. President, let this behavior by the LA police be rectified and I want you to demand enforcement of peace and non-violence be used at all cost and to never fire rubber bullets into unarmed crowds. I am ashamed of this atrocity. Would you please consider my request to help straighten this out before it gets out of hand.

This was a crime of violence on the people in the US city of LA.  


My Name Here (joe-anybody)


Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:45 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 7 May 2007 11:06 PM PDT
Tuesday, 1 May 2007





550 Billion dollars spent on this Illegal war

The Army is building an embassy that is bigger than the Vatican in a country “we invaded” is pathetic and despicable.

I am sick of hearing of the 600 thousand dead Iraqis that we the USA are responsible for and the number is growing every minute.

Almost 4,000 dead US soldiers, and thousands wounded or crippled

There were no WMD … we owe an apology we need to prosecute this mass murder lie.

We have gutted Geneva

We have gutted Habeas Corpus

This lying president has laughed that he can violate the FISA acts and he is above the law.

That is an Impeachable offense he snuck past congress to do. Like the NSA / patriot act abuses.

The war profiteers are in complete control of my country

My cousin COL TED WESTHUSING took his own life and said he would not be sullied by this corrupt war. This is the highest ranging officer who shot him self in the head because he seen the disgusting greed in this war, while volunteering to train the Iraq police. He screamed out in the desert “THIS IS MORALLY WRONG”

I have been writing you for years. Here is a recent news story of Ted’s death in this illegal war (notice the words illegal war) http://www.texasobserver.org/article.php?aid=2440


I want no more money for “Blackwater” no more for the crooked greedy contractors

The Abu Ghraib and GITMO torture abuses and sick perverted ways we now treat prisoners with under our flag. Not to mention rendition that goes on as well, is shameful

This whole thing is wrong and is sickening. Shame Shame Shame

I want you to represent me and the citizens of Oregon and the US with honesty.

I want the troops completely out of the INVADED country that once was Iraq.

We are now “occupiers” how sick. Why I ask you are you allowing this?


I want my representative to DEMAND impeachment!


I don’t want to hear your “circus act” excuse I want this liar out now.

I want NO MONEY FOR WAR not one more penny.

Bush wants to play veto games over all this bull crap – Then IMPEACH HIM NOW!!!!

He and Cheney have “DESTROYED” our country.

Are you supporting these guys on this mass war crime?

Well if you don’t start defending the Constitution and protecting it I will be calling on you to step down as well. I am so serious and upset over Lack of representation and my reps not standing up to these corrupt war criminals


I am angry and sick that my Reps can not stop this mad man, because they wont STAND UP and demand accountability and demand an Investigation

DAMN ……. What is wrong …”Do Something” you are my rep……HELP Us!

IMPEACH THIS LIAR – For gods sake how much Blood can you keep wiping off your hands.

This cheating president will destroy everything by the time we sit on our butts and say “it will be a circus” hell it’s a killing circus at this moment….why don’t you stop it

I am loosing major faith and hope in you ability to uphold this constitution as you were sworn to do.

I don’t want no excuses. I told you what I want . I have been telling you for years ‘IMPEACH’ the liar.

Think of my highly respected cousin standing in his hot trailer in Baghdad with a gun to head. He said “death before dishonor” ….well maybe that doesn’t resonate with you. What a shame

The USA killing war profit greed machine is what you now represent. You need to stop this NOW give America some hope IMPEACH THIS LIAR AND THIEF


Sincerely and very Disgusted ,

(Joe Anybody)


Please read up on Ted Westhusing suicide and if you wont listen to the citizens here at home at least hear the cry from the bloody soaked desert of Baghdad.

God this is sick …help me please…… help America…… help the world


Tell the world we were wrong ..Let them know we are pulling out “WITH A TIMETABLE” ….god we are INVADERS AND MURDERERS …make it stop!



Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:31 PM PDT
Saturday, 28 April 2007
10 Easy Steps To Fascism
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Fascism is growing in the USA

Here is an Interesting article that unfortunately applies very much to the USA today

It is rather long so below is jus the opening paragraphs. You can read the whole article online at --> http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/51150/?page=1 

I also have posted it on:

Joe Anybody's site here --> http://www.joe-anybody.com/id54.html


Last autumn, there was a military coup in Thailand. The leaders of the coup took a number of steps, rather systematically, as if they had a shopping list. In a sense, they did. Within a matter of days, democracy had been closed down -- the coup leaders declared martial law, sent armed soldiers into residential areas, took over radio and TV stations, issued restrictions on the press, tightened some limits on travel and took certain activists into custody.

They were not figuring these things out as they went along. If you look at history, you can see that there is essentially a blueprint for turning an open society into a dictatorship. That blueprint has been used again and again in more and less bloody, more and less terrifying ways. But it is always effective. It is very difficult and arduous to create and sustain a democracy, but history shows that closing one down is much simpler. You simply have to be willing to take the 10 steps.

As difficult as this is to contemplate, it is clear, if you are willing to look, that each of these 10 steps has already been initiated in the United States by the Bush administration.

Because Americans like me were born in freedom, we have a hard time even considering that it is possible for us to become as unfree, domestically, as many other nations. Because we no longer learn much about our rights or our system of government -- the task of being aware of the Constitution has been outsourced from citizens to professionals such as lawyers and professors -- we scarcely recognise the checks and balances that the founders put in place, even as they are being systematically dismantled. Because we don't learn much about European history, the setting up of a department of "homeland" security -- remember who else was keen on the word "homeland"? -- didn't raise the alarm bells it might have.

It is my argument that, beneath our very noses, George Bush and his administration are using time-tested tactics to close down an open society. It is time for us to be willing to think the unthinkable -- as the author and political journalist Joe Conason has put it -- that it can happen here. And that we are further along than we realize.

Conason eloquently warned of the danger of American authoritarianism. I am arguing that we need also to look at the lessons of European and other kinds of fascism to understand the potential seriousness of the events we see unfolding in the United States.

My fellow Z3 Readers click on the full article link and see these 10 easy steps of serious concern

Posted by Joe Anybody at 4:35 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 April 2007 4:38 PM PDT
Thursday, 26 April 2007
Answer The Questions Or Are You Lieing
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Lies - Scamming the Public - War Crime Coverups


Sectary of State "Rice"

Listen ...... you will answer the questions.

We are the people of the Unite States and we hold you accountable

My fair Z3 Readers, how much more lies, cover up, nation security etc, are we going to take? I am so sick of reading news that says "no comment" or "I don't remember" or not "under Oath" or Refusing "just because I don't have to explain to the citizens"

How much of this scamming and covering up are you going to accept

I am about fed up ..... so here is todays article that shows exactly what is the core of why are country is so screwed up.


OSLO, Norway (AP) -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday she has already answered the questions she has been subpoenaed to answer before a U.S. congressional committee and suggested she is not inclined to comply with the order.

Rice said she would respond by mail to questions from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on the Bush administration's prewar claims about Saddam Hussein seeking weapons of mass destruction, but signaled she would not appear in person.

"I am more than happy to answer them again in a letter," she told reporters in Oslo, where she is attending a meeting of NATO foreign ministers.

The comments were her first reaction to a subpoena issued on Wednesday by the committee chaired by Rep. Henry Waxman, a Democrat from California.

Rice said she respected the oversight function of the legislative branch, but maintained she had already testified in person and under oath about claims that Iraq had sought uranium from Africa during her confirmation hearing for the job of secretary of state.

"I addressed these questions, almost the same questions, during my confirmation hearing," she said. "This is an issue that has been answered and answered and answered."

Rice noted that she had been serving as President George W. Bush's national security adviser during the period covered by the panel's questions, and stressed the administration's position that presidential aides not confirmed by the Senate cannot be forced to testify before Congress under the doctrine of executive privilege.

"This all took place in my role as national security adviser," she said. "There is a constitutional principle. There is a separation of powers and advisers to the president under that constitutional principle are not generally required to go and testify in Congress.

"So, I think we have to observe and uphold the constitutional principle, but I also observe and uphold the obligation of Congress to conduct its oversight role, I respect that. But I think I have more than answered these questions, and answered them directly to Congressman Waxman."

Rice declined to respond when asked if she would absolutely refuse to testify under subpoena.

Her spokesman, Sean McCormack, said later that no final decision had been made about Rice appearing before the committee.

Waxman's committee voted 21-10 on Wednesday to subpoena Rice despite the U.S. State Department's insistence that the questions have already been answered.

The congressman has complained for weeks that Rice and the State Department have failed to respond to questions about the claim that Saddam Hussein had tried to by uranium from Niger.


Posted by Joe Anybody at 4:39 PM PDT
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
I am starting a new "PICTURE BLOG" it is called "STREET GARBAGE"
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: GARBAGE EVERYDAY is what i see when I park for work - Now I am sharing the pictures on my new blog



Stop by frequently and see the daily Street Garbage on a sidewalk in Portland Oregon that I look at every day I go to work

Once in a while there is "NO GARBAGE" ????

But those days are very far and few.

Swing by to smell the heap and see my Picture blog I am just starting today on April 25 2007

Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:42 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 April 2007 6:53 PM PDT
Monday, 23 April 2007
Lockheed Martin faces setbacks
Mood:  chatty

 Hello Z3 Readers here is an article I copied from:




Top U.S. defence contractor Lockheed Martin faces setbacks, but Wall Street seems unfazed

WASHINGTON (AP) - Lockheed Martin is taking hits right and left - criticism of its newly designed presidential helicopter, the unusual Navy cancellation of a multimillion-dollar combat ship and losing its shared oversight role on a Coast Guard project worth billions.


Wall Street so far has shrugged at the missteps of the biggest U.S. defence contractor, since its bottom line won't be hurt in the near term. But Lockheed executives are worried, experts say, and not just about the negative headlines. The Democrat-led Congress is scrutinizing defence spending more closely and each time Lockheed stumbles it gives rivals an opportunity to horn in on its business.


"These are significant setbacks for Lockheed that occur against a backdrop of remarkable success over the last five years," said Loren Thompson, a defence analyst at the Lexington Institute in Arlington, Va. "The real question is if that trend is going to continue.


The company has had recent stumbles:


-The Coast Guard this week said it was taking over management of a troubled US$24 billion modernization program dubbed Deepwater that had been run by a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Corp. and Northrop Grumman Corp. since its 2002 inception.


-The U.S. Navy last week cancelled a shipbuilding contract with Lockheed after negotiations to control costs on the second of two Littoral Combat Ships failed.


-The Government Accountability Office last month criticized Lockheed's work on a new fleet of Marine One helicopters for exceeding program costs and for being about 600 kilograms overweight.


Despite these events, Lockheed's stock price has been relatively steady and Wall Street analysts have barely raised an eyebrow. In fact, many analysts praised Lockheed's financial discipline for walking away from the combat ship deal after weeks of fruitless negotiations. Analysts said the cancelled Navy deal would have little effect on the bottom line of the Bethesda, Md.-based company, which reported a 6.5 per cent jump in 2006 sales to US$39.6 billion.


Since the beginning of the month, Lockheed's stock has dipped about one per cent, while some of its rivals, including General Dynamics Corp., Boeing Co. and others, have seen modest gains.


But government and technology industry experts said Lockheed is concerned about the high-profile problems on government deals. Although continued contract wins in a variety of areas suggest Lockheed's reputation remains solid, any problems that arise bring unwanted attention from the media and lawmakers.

"If you're going to build a new technology, you're going to have to accept some failures," said James Lewis, director of the technology and public policy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.


And the company is not shy about branching out. While being known for making fighter jets and missiles, it also is expanding into government information technology and shipbuilding.


Lockheed Martin used to be considered an aerospace firm, but Lewis said a company executive recently corrected him by saying, "we're an IT company now." That official also told Lewis that the shipbuilding problems were a "huge headache."


But with hundreds of contracts in place serving dozens of customers worldwide, Lockheed spokesman Craig Quigley said "rarely are these programs easy." He described Lockheed as a "high-end engineering company" faced with difficult challenges that attempts to effectively apply its systems integration and program management expertise.


With 140,000 employees, many of whom are engineers, Quigley scoffed at the notion that Lockheed had spread itself too thin and said the company "moves skill sets around ... to address the challenges we're faced with."

The Navy combat ship deal was Lockheed's first and only one working as a prime shipbuilding vendor for the government and was bigger than the rest of its shipbuilding contracts combined, Quigley said, adding that company is pursuing other opportunities internationally.


Still, Lockheed CEO Bob Stevens said last week the company was "greatly disappointed by the cost growth" on the first Navy combat ship and frustrated that "we will not have the opportunity to apply lessons learned to a second ship."


"The first time you try a new military technology there are teething problems," Lewis said, adding that he did not expect the Navy and Coast Guard issues to have any long-term effect on Lockheed.


"Neither of these stories is good news for Lockheed, but it's not as though the company was fired," said Thompson, who does some government budget and acquisition consulting for Lockheed, but not for specific programs. "My impression is that they're departures from the norm rather than a new trend."


But senior U.S. Navy officials have recently stressed a need to revamp their acquisition strategy as various key ship programs continue to exceed initial contract estimates. The service has floated the idea of moving toward fixed-priced contracts for most ship programs, rather than cost-plus contracts where vendors can raise their price tags and reap extra revenue.


The most harshest criticism of Lockheed's work is expected Wednesday afternoon at a House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing that will focus on the results of an investigation conducted by its oversight staff on the Deepwater patrol boat conversion.


The Coast Guard this week permanently decommissioned the eight cutters that had been removed from service late last year because of hull problems. Michael DeKort, a former Lockheed Martin employee who detailed electronics safety and security issues in the cutters beginning in 2003, and later chronicled his complaints in a YouTube video, is scheduled to testify about the company's alleged negligence and legislators already have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate.


Shares of Lockheed added 35 cents to $96.31 in Wednesday trading on the New York Stock Exchange.




Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:02 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 April 2007 6:54 PM PDT

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