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Now Playing: Webmaster tips that are just about ... way over my head
Topic: MEDIA
5. Using Color Names Instead of Hexadecimal
Declaring red for color values is the lazy man’s #FF0000. By saying:
color: red;
You’re essentially saying that the browser should display what it thinks red is. If you’ve learned anything from making stuff function correctly in all browsers — and the hours of frustration you’ve accumulated because of a stupid list-bullet misalignment that can only be seen in IE7 — it’s that you should never let the browser decide how to display your web pages.
Instead, you should go to the effort to find the actual hex value for the color you’re trying to use. That way, you can make sure it’s the same color displayed across all browsers. You can use a color cheatsheet that provides a preview and the hex value of a color.
This may seem trivial, but when it comes to CSS, it’s the tiny things that often lead to the big gotchas.