Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
technology of warfare - Scientific American
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Terminate the Terminators
Topic: WAR

Apologies for omitting important references regarding my claim that we are witnessing a "profound escalation of warfare". The article copied below is an editorial in the July 2010 issue of Scientific American. In addition, there is a much better article of this new threat to peace in the same issue titled "War of the Machines" which is only (legally) available in hardcopy format.  I'm sure most on this list will appreciate that Hezbollah is mentioned as being a perpetrator of this new technology while no mention is made of Israel which does in fact already use robotic warfare technology on Palestinians. 

In addition, you can learn more about this from articles I've collected and posted here: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/VFJ-RoboticWarfare/ ,

or here:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RadicalVetGazette/
The potential for misuse of this new technology is staggering, and ample cause for great alarm. Yet hardly anyone in the national peace movement is talking about this.

Gordon Sturrock
Radical Vet for truth, justice and non-violence

Terminate the Terminators

by the editors of:

Scientific American, July 2010 edition


When U.S. forces invaded Iraq in 2003, they fought a traditional war of human on human. Since then, robots have joined the fight. Both there and in Afghanistan, thousands of “unmanned” systems dismantle roadside IEDs, take that first peek around the corner at a sniper’s lair and launch missiles at Taliban hideouts. Robots are pouring onto battlefields as if a new species of mechanotronic alien had just landed on our planet.

It is not the first time that the technology of warfare has advanced more rapidly than the body of international law that seeks to restrain its use. During World War I, cannons shot chemical weapons at and airplanes dropped bombs on unsuspecting cities. Only later did nations reach a verdict on whether it was acceptable to target a munitions factory next to a primary school.

Something similar is happening today with potentially even more profound and disturbing consequences. As Brookings Institution analyst P. W. Singer describes in “ War of the Machines,” the rise of robots leads to the frightening prospect of making obsolete the rule book by which nations go to war. Armed conflict between nation states is brutal, but at least it proceeds according to a set of rules grounded both in international law and in the demands of military discipline. It is not true that anything goes in the heat of battle. “Such rules are certainly not always followed, but their very existence is what separates killing in war from murder and what distinguishes soldiers from criminals,” writes Singer in Wired for War, his recent popular book on the military robotic revolution.

Those rules are stretched to their breaking point when robots go to war. The legal and ethical questions abound. Who is accountable when a Predator’s missile hits the wrong target? Missiles from errant drones have already killed as many as 1,000 civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Does responsibility reside with a field commander in the Middle East where spotters identified the “target of interest”? Or should blame be apportioned to the “remote pilot” stationed at a military base near Las Vegas who launched the strike from 7,000 miles away? And what about a software engineer who might have committed a programming error that caused a misfire?

Considering rules of engagement for war-at-a-distance raises a surreal set of questions. Does the remote operator in Nevada remain a legal combatant­in other words, a legitimate enemy target­on the trip after work to Walmart or to a daughter’s soccer match? Would an increasingly sketchy line between warrior and civilian invite attacks on U.S. soil against homes and schools?

Remote-controlled robots are here to stay, and rules can be worked out to regulate their use. But the more serious threat comes from semiautonomous machines over which humans retain nothing more than last-ditch veto power. These systems are only a software upgrade away from fully self-sufficient operation. The prospect of androids that hunt down and kill on their own accord (shades of Terminator) should give us all pause. An automatic pilot that makes its own calls about whom to shoot violates the “human” part of international humanitarian law, the one that recognizes that some weapons are so abhorrent that they just should be eliminated.

Some might call a ban on autonomous robots naive or complain that it would tie the hands of soldiers faced with irregular warfare. But although robots have clear tactical advantages, they carry a heavy strategic price. The laws of war are an act not of charity but of self-interest; the U.S. would be weakened, not strengthened, if chemical and biological weapons were widespread, and the same is true of robots. They are a cheap way to offset conventional military strength, and other nations and groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon are already deploying them. The U.S. may not always be the leader in this technology and would be well advised to negotiate restrictions on their use from a position of strength. We can never put the genie back into the bottle, but putting a hold on further development of this technology could limit the damage.

The organization best placed to work toward a ban is the International Committee of the Red Cross, the guardian of the Geneva Conventions. A good starting point would be to convene a summit to consider armed, autonomous robots in the same framework as chemical and biological agents. The scientific community at large should get involved with this issue much as the Pugwash movement has worked toward nuclear arms control. Now is the time to take steps to ensure that a war of the machines remains nothing more than a science-fiction nightmare.

editor Radical Vet Gazette

Squadron13 Aviation Museum
& Flights of Thought on War and Politics - http://www.squadron13.com

founder- Veterans Against Torture

Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:52 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 8 October 2010 8:09 AM PDT
Larry Minard was the policeman betrayed by J. Edgar Hoover to frame Omaha Two
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Aug 17 1970 - The fix was in - the operation was in motion

Larry Minard was the policeman betrayed by J. Edgar Hoover to frame Omaha Two

Omaha police officer Larry Minard was murdered by an ambush bomb on August 17, 1970.  Minard and seven other patrol officers were responding to an anonymous phone call about a woman screaming at a vacant house.

The 29 year-old policeman was killed instantly when he examined a suitcase in the vacant dwelling.  Minard was buried three days later on what would have been his 30th birthday with fellow officers serving as pallbearers.  Three hundred Omaha policemen attended the funeral.

Minard had planned to go out and celebrate turning 30 with his wife Karen but instead was buried in Forest Lawn cemetery on his birthday.  Minard’s children, ages 4 to 11, had already wrapped his birthday presents--gifts that Larry would never open.

Larry Minard, Jr. now proudly displays a tattoo of his father’s official police photo.  Family members dutifully mark anniversaries, attend court sessions, and make media statements when Minard’s death is in the news.

Larry and Karen were married in 1958, the same year Minard joined the Navy.  Serving on a destroyer tender, Minard made two long overseas trips before his discharge from the service in 1961.

Minard applied for the Nebraska State Patrol but missed the deadline by one day so he then applied for positions with both the Omaha Fire and the Omaha Police Departments.  The police job opened up first and Larry put on the badge.

The day Larry Minard died, his boss Assistant Chief of Police Glen Gates and Special-Agent-in-Charge Paul Young of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, conspired to let the anonymous 911 caller that lured Minard to his death get away with murder.

J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, had been hounding Special Agent Young for months to get Black Panther leaders Ed Poindexter and Mondo we Longer (formerly David Rice) off the streets as part of the clandestine Operation COINTELPRO.

Young saw an opportunity to make a case against the two Panthers for the bombing but the unknown killer who made the 911 call stood in the way so a plan was hatched to send the 911 recording to Washington, D.C. where Hoover could intervene.

When Ivan Willard Conrad, the head of the FBI crime laboratory, got the tape and secret COINTELPRO memorandum from Omaha two days later he called Hoover to verify that he was to withhold a report on the identity of the 911 caller thus ending the search for Minard’s killer.

Hoover verified that no report was to be made on the 911 tape and that only oral information was to be shared with Paul Young at the Omaha FBI field office.  Conrad noted his call with Hoover on the memo and initialed and dated it one day before Larry Minard was buried.

Hoover’s order held, the jury that convicted Ed Poindexter and Mondo we Langa never got to hear the voice of Minard’s killer.  Nor did the jury know that the Omaha Two were targets of Hoover’s COINTELPRO program. 

Larry Minard’s widow and children believe the official version of the crime.  The awful truth that J. Edgar Hoover ordered the withholding of evidence about the identity of Minard’s killer didn’t come out until years later with the release of COINTELPRO documents and is too painful for the family to accept.

The Omaha Two, Ed Poindexter and Mondo we Langa, remain incarcerated at the maximum-security Nebraska State Penitentiary in their 40th year of imprisonment.  Both men deny any involvement in Larry Minard’s death.

Permission granted to reprint


Oregon Jericho
The Jericho Movement for Political Prisoner Amnesty
P.O. Box 17420
Portland, Oregon 97217

Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:44 PM PDT
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
FBI raided six homes of eight peace activists
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Send Letters (links below) to demand justice "Fire FBI Director Mueller"
Dear Joe,

Two days ago the FBI raided six homes of eight peace activists in Minneapolis and Chicago as well as a Minneapolis office of an antiwar group. Agents kicked down doors of homes with guns drawn, smashed furniture, and seized computers, documents, phones, and other materials without making any arrests. These groups do not use guns and bombs. They are not terrorists. Their "weapons" are leaflets, newsletters, and nonviolent demonstrations.

The FBI searches highlight a dangerous trend that has been building for nearly a decade: domestic surveillance of peace activists. We are writing you to put these raids in context and to urge you to take acti

The raids took place just a few days after a report of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice examined 8,000 pages of documents from 2001 to 2006. The report blasted the Federal Bureau of Investigation for spying on anti-war activists, animal-rights groups, and environmentalists, calling the improper "terror" investigations "unreasonable and inconsistent with FBI policy." Among those targeted were the anti-war Thomas Merton Center, the Quakers, the Catholic Worker, Greenpeace, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and an individual Quaker peace activist. According to the Inspector General, there was "little or no basis" for the investigations.

Another report found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation used lies and trickery to illegally obtain thousands of records, then issued after-the-fact approvals in an attempt to cover it up. Released in January, this report was the result of another Justice Department investigation which built on a 2007 report covering similar matters. The Inspector General focused on the FBI's unlawful misuse of the already-unconstitutional informal requests known as "exigent letters" to demand information which they knew was illegal. The DOJ report described a "complete breakdown" of procedures within the FBI. According to the report, the "FBI broke law for years in phone record searches." Agents repeatedly and knowingly violated the law by invoking nonexistent "terror emergencies" to get access to information they were not authorized to have.

Nor do these reports cover all the incidences of domestic surveillance of peace advocates. Former FBI special agent and whistleblower, Colleen Rowley, reports that "in 2008, we found out through a Freedom of Information request that there are 300 pages of--I think it was four or five, six agents trailing a group of students in Iowa City to parks, libraries, bars, restaurants. They even went through their trash."

Just today, another Inspector General report found that hundreds of FBI employees cheated on exams related to domestic surveillance. The report described how they consulted with others while taking the exam even though that was forbidden. Others used or distributed answer sheets or study guides that provided test answers. Still others exploited a computer flaw that revealed answers. The agents were being tested on 2008 guidelines that FBI employees must follow when conducting domestic investigations.

There has been a constant battle between the constitution and domestic surveillance of political activists, especially peace advocates, for decades. The FBI has a long history of abusing its authority. If we do not act to curtail these actions we are all in danger of being spied on and added to terrorist watch lists for doing nothing more than attending a rally, signing a petition or holding a sign.

Steps are urgently needed to protect the basic constitutional rights of peace activists and others. These include:

  1. President Obama needs to speak out against the surveillance of Americans who are merely exercising their constitutional rights. As a former law professor he knows the long history of such abuse and how important it is to contain enforcement. Click here to write President Obama.

  2. Removal of FBI director Robert Mueller. His tenure since 2001 has been littered with abuses of domestic spying. The Inspector General has concluded Director Mueller provided "inaccurate and misleading information" to Congress. Mueller also failed to put in place adequate procedures to ensure the law is obeyed and to ensure agents are aware of the laws regarding domestic surveillance. You can write President Obama by clicking here. You can write Director Mueller and urge his resignation by clicking here.

  3. Congress needs to hold hearings to investigate the extent of domestic spying on Americans who are merely exercising the rights to free speech, to assembly, and to petition the government. These fundamental political rights need to be protected by tightening up the laws regarding domestic surveillance which were loosened by the PATRIOT Act. Click here to write your Member of Congress.

The escalation of wars abroad by the Obama administration is moving forward alongside an escalation against antiwar activists at home. The groups targeted in these raids, while Marxist in ideology, endorsed and supported the election of President Obama. Their Political Report noted "Obama's election represents a rejection of the Bush administration policies and a desire amongst the people for a progressive agenda from the government." Now we know that the Obama administration is moving forward with Bush-era policies that target anti-war political dissent at the same time that more Americans oppose Obama's wars. Please act today to stop this from continuing.

If you are able to donate to our efforts, please click here to donate now.



Kevin B. Zeese
Executive Director

Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:52 PM PDT
Monday, 27 September 2010
Video posted on Labor Beat: Chicago Press Conference Protests FBI Raids
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Press Release - On FBI activist who were raided

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:28 AM PDT
Monday, 20 September 2010
Progressive Party of Oregon - Register Now
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Real Hope and Change - No Bullshit - Ralph Nader recomends it

The Progressive Party of Oregon has some excellent ideas, choices, and a platform that suits all my needs. Forget the 2 party system lets get this party started






Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:49 PM PDT
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Joe Anybody - average daily schedule
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Where does the time go when your a human rights media actvist?
Sleep 5.5
Reading / watching new stuff1.25
Email / projects1
My website0.5
Latin America0.5
Video Taping0.5
Video Editing1
Eating 1
24 hours

Posted by Joe Anybody at 4:53 PM PDT
Torture IS an “American” Value: Reality Versus the Rhetoric
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: A repost from Brian Wilsons blog - An article he wrote in 2007

Here is a blog post from a friend of mine {Brian Wilson} who clearly points out the connections and the on going use of torture by the USA throughout history to this present minute.




Torture IS an “American” Value: Reality Versus the Rhetoric

May 1, 2007

I became aware of torture as a U.S. policy in 1969 when I was serving as a USAF combat security officer working near Can Tho City in Viet Nam’s Mekong Delta. I was "informed" about the CIA’s Phong Dinh Province Interrogation Center (PIC) in Can Tho City and a POW camp near the Can Tho Army airfield where supposedly "significant members" of the VCI (Viet Cong Infrastructure) were taken for torture as part of the Phoenix "Pacification" Program. A huge nearby French-built prison was also apparently utilized for torture of "suspects" from the Delta region. The word was that many of the VC suspects were routinely murdered, and subsequent historical accounts confirm this.

Naive, I was shocked! The Agency for International Development (AID) working with Southern Illinois University, for example, trained Vietnamese police and prison officials the "art" of torture ("interrogations") under cover of "Public Safety." U.S. officials believed they were teaching "better methods," often making "suggestions" during torture sessions conducted by Vietnamese police.

Instead of the recent euphemism, "illegal combatants," the U.S. in Viet Nam claimed prisoners were "criminal" thus exempting them from Geneva Convention protections.

Use of torture as a function of terror, or its equivalent in sadistic behavior, has been historic de facto U.S. American policy.

Our European ancestor’s shameful, sadistic treatment of the original Indigenous inhabitants based on an ethos of arrogance and violence has become ingrained in our values. "Manifest Destiny" has rationalized as a religion the elimination or assimilation of those perceived to be blocking "American" progress — at home or abroad — a belief that expansion of the nation, including subjugation of natives and others, is divinely ordained, that our "superior race" is obligated to "civilize" those who stand in the way.

When examining my "roots" in New York and New England, I discovered that Indian captives were skinned alive and dragged through the streets of New Amsterdam (New York City) in the 1640s. Scalping enabled Indian bounty hunters to be paid.

Captains Underhill and Endicott in the Massachusetts Bay Colony governed by John Winthrop spent their time "burning and spoiling the country" of Indians in Rhode Island and Connecticut in 1636-37 while sparing the children and women as slaves.

My hometown of Geneva in the Finger Lakes region of New York State was once home to the Seneca Nation with its flourishing farms, orchards, and sturdy houses. In one two-week period in September 1779, General George Washington’s orders "to lay waste, that the country . . . be . . . destroyed," instilling "terror" among the Indians, were dutifully carried out by General Sullivan who promised that "the Indians shall see that there is malice enough in our hearts to destroy everything that contributes to their support." Sullivan’s campaign has been described as a ruthless policy of scorched earth, bearing comparison with Sherman’s march to the sea or the search-and-destroy missions of U.S. soldiers in Vietnam.

In northern California where I now live the same grueling history exists. Bret Harte wrote in 1860 that little children and old women were mercilessly stabbed and their skulls crushed by axes, "old women . . . lay weltering in blood, their brains dashed out . . . while infants . . . with their faces cloven with hatchets and their bodies ghastly wounds" lay nearby.

In 1920 the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) investigated the conduct of U.S. troops who had occupied Haiti since 1915: More than 3,000 Haitians had been killed by U. S. Marines, many having been tortured.

When Indigenous Nicaragua resistance fought against occupying United States Marines in the late 1920s, the Marines launched counter insurgency war. U.S. policy makers insisted on "stabilizing" the country to enforce loan repayments to U.S. banks. They defined the resistance forces as "bandits," an earlier equivalent to the "criminal prisoners" in Viet Nam and "illegal combatants" in Iraq. Thus, since the U.S. claimed not to be fighting a "legitimate" military force, any Nicaraguan perceived as interfering with the occupiers was commonly subjected to beatings, tortures, and beheadings. When the U.S-installed Somoza dictatorship was overthrown in 1979, the Somoza torture centers were immediately destroyed.

In 1946, the U.S. Army institutionalized teaching torture techniques to Latin American militaries with the opening of its School of the Americas (SOA) which continues today as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC).

Torture has been an historical U.S. practice in police stations and prisons (and via countless vigilante crimes of sadistic torture and mutilations against Black Americans).

The Wickersham Commission’s 1931 Report on Lawlessness in Law Enforcement, concluded that "The third degree is the employment of methods which inflict suffering, physical or mental, upon a person, in order to obtain from that person information about a crime. . . . The third degree is widespread. The third degree is a secret and illegal practice."

Seventy years later, the 2002 Human Rights Watch World Report documented systematic use of torture by U.S. police: ". . . thousands of allegations of police abuse, including excessive use of force, such as unjustified shootings, beatings, fatal chokings, and rough treatment."

My studies of brutality in Massachusetts prisons in 1981 concluded (in Walpole State Prison, Massachusetts: An Exercise in Torture), "a clear pattern and history of systematic torture including withholding water, heat, bedding, medical care, and showers; imposition of hazards such as flooding cells, placing foreign matter in food, igniting clothes and bedding, spraying with mace and tear gas; regular physical assaults and beatings; and forcing prisoners to lie face down, naked and handcuffed to one another . . . on freezing . . . outdoor ground while being kicked and beaten." This was two decades before the Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo revelations.

Terry Kupers, a psychiatrist has testified about human rights abuses in U.S. prisons: "The plight of prisoners in the USA is strikingly similar to the plight of the Iraqis who were abused by American GIs. Prisoners are maced, raped, beaten, starved, left naked in freezing cold cells and otherwise abused in too many American prisons, as substantiated by findings in many courts. . . ."

It would behoove us to attempt to understand the underlying psychological "defenses" that seem to have afflicted us like a cultural mental illness since our origins.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:55 PM PDT
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Lawyers For Guantánamo Prisoner....
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Court Should Uphold Habeas Ruling In Salahi Case, Says ACLU

September 16, 2010
11:51 AM

Rachel Myers, National ACLU, (212) 549-2689 or 2666; media@aclu.org

Lawyers For Guantánamo Prisoner In Court Friday To Defend Successful Challenge To Detention

Court Should Uphold Habeas Ruling In Salahi Case, Says ACLU

NEW YORK - September 16 - The American Civil Liberties Union and attorneys from the law firm Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Ives & Duncan P.A. will argue Friday, September 17, that a federal appeals court should uphold Guantánamo prisoner Mohamedou Ould Salahi's successful challenge to his unlawful detention. A federal judge ordered Salahi released from Guantánamo in March on the grounds that he was being held unlawfully, but the U.S. government is challenging that ruling.

After being arrested in Mauritania in 2001 on suspicion of ties to al Qaeda, Salahi was rendered by the U.S. government to Jordan, where he was detained, interrogated and abused for eight months. He was then rendered to Bagram, Afghanistan and finally to Guantánamo, where he has been held since August 2002.

Arguments in the U.S. government's appeal of a ruling ordering the release of Guantánamo prisoner Mohamedou Ould Salahi

Theresa Duncan of the law firm Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Ives & Duncan P.A. will argue before Judges Sentelle, Tatel and Brown of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. In addition to Duncan, lawyers on the case are Melissa Goodman and Jonathan Manes of the ACLU National Security Project; Jonathan Hafetz, cooperating attorney with the ACLU; Nancy Hollander of Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Ives & Duncan P.A. and Linda Moreno of Linda Moreno P.A.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
333 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, D.C.

Friday, September 17, 2010
9:30 a.m. EDT



The ACLU conserves America's original civic values working in courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in the United States by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 9:19 PM PDT
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Innocent Videographer Sentenced to 300 Days in Cook County Jail
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Journilst gets 300 days in jail
Topic: MEDIA

Innocent Videographer Sentenced to 300 Days in Cook County Jail – Free Gregory Koger!

Photo of Gregory“I am astonished by the extreme measures taken against Gregory Koger, all for misdemeanor charges. This is not justice, especially for a person of his moral standing.” 
  Fr. Robert Bossie, SCJ
“The amount of work and dedication that Gregory has invested in this school and the work he has done with the inner city youth… is beyond measure.” 

Chicago inner city high school principal, on behalf of teachers, staff and students

On September 8, Gregory Koger was sentenced to 300 days in jail for videotaping a brief political statement at a public event in Skokie, IL.  When Gregory was asked to stop, he put down his video camera.   Trespass charges were brought because he started filming with his iPhone.  But videotaping is not a crime!  Filming has nothing to do with the legal definition of trespass.  The trespass law states that you must be ordered to leave, and then show that you intend to remain after you have been given notice to leave.  Testimony in court made it clear that Gregory was not ordered to leave until the police were already dragging him out of the auditorium. 

Gregory Koger was the only person harmed in this whole episode.  He was assaulted and injured by police and then charged – as is often the case for victims of police brutality – with resisting arrest and simple battery.  An important issue brief from The American Constitution Society calls these “cover charges” because they are so often used to “cover up” police misconduct.   Gregory has maintained his innocence and is appealing his conviction.
As Gregory grew up, he and his family were often homeless.  Like millions of others, he got caught up in a life on the streets and was sent to prison at age 17.  There he began to question, to study, to understand, and to think beyond himself and beyond the prison walls.  Upon his release, Gregory entered college and plunged into social justice activism. He earned his certificate as a paralegal and is employed by a Chicago attorney. 
Read Gregory’s own words here.
Gregory has inspired many, from current prisoners who see their own potential in him, to people from more privileged backgrounds.  Far from being a threat to society, dozens of letters presented to the sentencing judge described Gregory’s contributions to society, as did the testimony of seven character witnesses, including two lawyers, a priest, one of Gregory’s former professors, a businessman, a University of Chicago student whom he mentored, and others.  Over 900 people signed a petition urging the judge to give no jail time.
Despite all this favorable testimony, the judge lambasted Gregory, cited his background, and declared that he “absolutely deserved” the maximum sentence.  Numerous irregularities in this case have struck many people as politically-driven.  Among these were:

-- In April, Gregory was charged with contempt of court because the prosecution objected to his defense committee’s website.  Before the written contempt charge was even presented to her, Judge Marguerite Quinn threatened Gregory’s attorney with disbarment two times, because she had heard that his name appeared on that website.  A separate hearing was required to defeat this bizarre contempt motion.

-- When the defense submitted evidence before the trial, including Gregory’s video footage from the day of his arrest, the prosecution changed its story.  Judge Quinn allowed this, and she also refused to let Gregory’s attorney use the original police report to show the jury that some prosecution witnesses had changed their story.

-- In an extremely irregular move for misdemeanor charges, the judge sent Gregory straight to jail upon conviction, revoking bail even before sentencing.  In contrast, the notorious Chicago police detective Jon Burge, who tortured inmates and sent many to death row, and who was found guilty of felonies in June, is free on bond until his sentencing in November. 

-- In Illinois the default sentence for misdemeanors is probation. However, Judge Quinn gave Gregory 300 days, claiming he had “chosen the path of violence” and endangered the safety of everyone in the auditorium on the day he was arrested.  These claims were never made in the trial by any witness or prosecutor.  The judge literally made this up! 

What you can do:

Sign the petition below
to Gregory’s legal defense
online through PayPal) or checks can be made out to "Gregory Koger Fund" and mailed to:
Ad Hoc Committee, 1055 W. Bryn Mawr, #226, Chicago, IL 60660
Join us in court for the appeal of the sentence and reinstating bond on September 22, 9:30am
Cook County Courthouse, 5600 W Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL
For more information, see
Email: adhoc4reason AT gmail.com

The petition below has been signed by:

August Berkshire, President of the Minnesota Atheists*
Father Bob Bossie, SCJ
Pat Hill, Exec. Director, African-American Police League*
Prof. Theodore Jennings, Chicago Theological Seminary*
H. Candace Gorman, Attorney for Guantanamo detainees
Cynthia McKinney
Michael Radzilowsky, Attorney
Joann Shapiro
Cindy Sheehan
David Swanson
Debra Sweet
Sunsara Taylor
Matthis Chiroux, The Disobedient*
*For identification purposes only

Posted by Joe Anybody at 9:42 PM PDT
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Memory Cards Reviewed
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Memory Cards and some tips on what to consider when buying them

13 SDHC Memory Cards Reviewed

2:00 AM - February 17, 2009


















Ed.: For more memory card performance data, including SDHC and Compact Flash cards, please check out our most updated charts. You can find the SDHC charts here and the Compact Flash charts right here.)

The prices of portable memory cards have decreased to almost ridiculous levels: 8 GB SDHC cards now start at only $12. However, enthusiasts don’t want just any memory card—they want one that delivers high write throughput for their devices such as digital cameras, and fast reads, so they can copy contents to their systems quickly. These elite products are much more expensive, so we invited eight popular brands to a shootout.


SD Card Details

The Secure Digital (SD) card was invented by SanDisk in 2001 and was based on the multi-media card (MMC) standard. Technically, SD is similar to MMC, but adds digital rights management based on CPRM. SD cards also feature a write protection switch, but it is not a hardware feature: the client device has to handle both settings appropriately.


The 2 GB capacity defined by the SD 1.1 standard wasn’t enough as card sizes grew, so the SD 2.0 or SDHC standard was added. It allows for capacities of up to 32 GB today; the standard is potentially ready for capacities of up to 2 TB. SDXC will follow next year, as 32 GB may remain the limit for the SDHC standard. Note that SDHC and SD cards are identical from the outside, so be sure your device supports SDHC before purchasing such a card (4 GB and up).

Classes 2, 4, 6

The first SD cards could be read at 3.6 MB/s and written at 0.8 MB/s. Faster cards were required by the increasing resolutions of digital cameras, as well as more demanding consumers. As a result, SDHC was divided into three classes: 2, 4 and 6; the numbers represent the minimum sustainable write throughput in MB/s.


It’s not only high resolution digital SLR cameras that require fast memory cards, allowing them to write several photos per second onto the storage device. Another key application is multi-purpose, high-speed mobile storage, or using these cards as system drives via USB or eSATA card readers.

We asked Kingston, Lexar, OCZ, Patriot, PNY, Sandisk, Silicon Power and Transcend to send us their fastest and highest capacity SD cards for review. Let’s look at the 13 cards between 4 GB and 32 GB that we received.


Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:13 PM PDT

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