Filmed on Nov 7 2014 on the front steps of the Federal Courthouse.
Breaking ICE: ICE Colludes with US Attorney To Arrest Beloved Portland Leader In Sanctuary
Unidos Con Francisco Demand: Drop the Charges, Release Him Immediately EMERGENCY RALLY at 4:00pm TODAY
1000 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR What: Community Expresses Outrage at Emergency Vigil for Francisco Aguirre, Taken into Custody
Under Warrant from US District Attorney
Where: US Department of Justice of Oregon Office, 1000 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR When: 4:00pm Today, Thursday, November 6th,

Kate Lore HRC, DOJ and the city
interview with Rev Kate Lore, where she explains whats going on regarding why she recently resigned from the Portland Human
Rights Commission and the troubles with the city, police and the DOJ agreement surrounding the recent appeal to the agreement
by the city

13 years in Afghanistan - Portland Oregong Protest
October 7 will mark 13 years since the devastating US
invasion of Afghanistan. A visibility action at the east end of the Burnside Bridge from 3:30 to 6 PM that day will remind
people that the US still has a large presence in Afghanistan despite its promise to withdraw all "combat troops" buy the end
of 2014. Of the 10,000 who will remain, roughly 10% will be members of the Oregon National Guard. The Peace and Justice Works
"Tower of Peace" will remind motorists, cyclists and pedestrians heading in three directions about the ongoing effects of
US policies in Afghanistan and the "Middle East."

Portland Human Rights Commission - Meeting
A monthly
meeting of the Portland Human rights Commission open to the public held on the First Wednesday of the month at 4PM.
This is the last meeting for Commissioner Abdul, he says his Thanks and goodbye in the first part of the meeting

Keaton Otis Vigil
A Portland Copwatch and
a dozen others at the Keaton Otis monthly vigil on the 12th of every month in NE Portland

Oregon Clinic"
The trimet Max riders who are using the Gateway Transit Stop
in Parkrose NE Portland are discarding lots of trash and no one is cleaning it up. It is beyond exceptable and is a disgrace.
Trimet Trash at the Gateway Transit Center in August 2014 - Portland Oregon
[Part 1]

Knuckle Head:
Portland: copwatching
arrest on 10th Ave
I arrive when a man is being
stuffed into the police car.
I was informed by a witness that said the "transit" police arrived and immediately called
out to the suspect as "Hey Knuckle Head".
After the arrest police sergeant, asks me for my name, what I saw and for
a copy of the video [or] a way to download it.
I inform her that I am filming for police accountability, and when asked
for my name I would rather not give it up

Sanctuary & Solidarity with Francisco Aguirre
"This is where I belong"
Community leader Francisco
Aguirre has taken sanctuary at a church in norteast Portland. He has requested support from the community. A few days ago,
agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) showed up at Francisco's home without a warrant. When
Francisco refused to answer their questions, the agents left and Francisco took sanctuary at Augustana Lutheran Church. He
remains in sanctuary with the support of allies, friends and neighbors.

Women in Black - Silent Vigil For Peace - Portland
Women in Black - Silent Vigil For Peace - Portland Oregon 8 29 14
Every Friday afternoon this group stands silently on SW 10th and Madison.

Lone Vet banned from Portland City Hall Floor
2 and 3
ndividuals for Justice founding member, The Lone Vet, has papers in his hand in front of city hall, from just being
served that morning, telling him he cant go to the 3rd or 4th floor of that building.
After talking with me about this "muzzling" and being "shut down" he then enters the building, and is briefly challenged by
the security staff, before going up to floor 4, which is the office for "the City Attorney'

David Rovics plays music in a barn at Report
Back from the 35th Anniversary of Nicaragua
David Rovics plays music in a barn at the Report Back from the 35th Anniversary
of Nicaragua event. In July, Portland Veterans For Peace members Brian Willson, Mike Hastie and Becky Luening traveled
to Nicaragua to help celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the 1979 victory of the revolution.

Copwatching and CHIERS Watching: South Park
This was filmed in the South Park blocks
in Portland.
The man was intoxicated and the police were on site
waiting for the detox CHIERS unit to pick him up.
The officer was trying to say I had an agenda and they
were there to help. I remind the officer I'm filming due
to police sometimes hurting people as like when
James Chasse was killed by the Portland police.

Hands Up Dont Shoot - Portland Solidarity w/
Ferguson - Traffic Stopped at freeway
100 people gathered in Holladay
Park on Labor Day 8.1.14 in Portland Oregon in SOLIDARITY! with Ferguson Mo.
march went across the street (in the street), then through the biggest indoor mall on the West coast (Lloyd Center) and then
back into the streets, (NE Broadway) blocking the entire street with no police in sight (thus no violence) the 100 people
walked toward the Broadway bridge, at 2:30 pm in solidarity w/ the request fro thos in Ferguson the group stopped and blocked
traffic. Although talk was to 'head to the bridge' a quick change in plan resulted in the "freeway on-ramp going north to
I-5 was shut down by a "Sit-In" for about 10 minutes".

Portland Human Rights Commission - Meeting
A monthly
meeting of the Portland Human rights Commission open to the public held on the First Wednesday of the month at 4PM

8 21 14
The Secret War
Cluster Bombs; 50 years later in Laos
Bombs - A discussion and fundraiser in Portland Oregon
America's Secret War in Laos - 50 years later

We Love Mungen Cakes - Portland Oregon
A special
thanks to Mike Mungen in Portland Oregon for bringing [free] food and movies to the park in Portland Oregon on Wednesday

8 16 14
OUTAKE Don't Shoot Portland
-Dawson Park
OUTAKE from full video
This is an out-take from the full rally in Dawson Park 1- 4pm that was held on Saturday 8.16.14. This is a video
clip from one person who spoke.
Citizens of Portland Oregon gather in the park, out of concern for police accountability and
community safety. The stood in unity and in Solidarity with the community of Ferguson Missouri in public... to demand and
end to police violence and the abuse of their authority leveraged on the people they were sworn to protect and serve. This
gathering was open to anybody who wanted to speak.

Race Talks CRC -
Citizen Review Committee
by City Auditor's Independent Police Review/Citizen Review Committee Attendees
had a chance to meet the Citizen Review Committee and share thoughts and concerns about the Portland Police Bureau's Engagement
with Community.
There were small group discussions facilitated
by trained volunteers from: Uniting to Understand Racism.

Stop Dont Shoot. Portland Dawson Park Ferguson
shooting a young unarmed man in Ferguson Missouri and the treatment of the community who rose up in protest over the killing
has caused national attention and outrage. Citizens of Portland Oregon gather in the park, out of concern for police accountability
and community safety. The stood in unity and in Solidarity with the community of Ferguson Missouri in public... to demand
and end to police violence and the abuse of their authority leveraged on the people they were sworn to protect and serve.
This gathering was open to anybody who wanted to speak. The rally started slowly and eventually grew in size with over 100
people. There is a Facebook page "Stop Don't Shoot Portland" and there will be an email list anybody can join to stay in contact
and to unite. [more info and links forthcoming asap]

Portland Solidarity w Ferguson Community -
Pioneer Square
Police shooting a young unarmed
man in Ferguson Missouri and the treatment of the community who rose up in protest over the killing has caused national attention
and outrage. In Portland Oregon a couple hundred gather in Pioneer Square.

8.6 14
Portland Office of Equity Human Rights & Ted Nugent in Portland

Vigil at the Portland Oregon Federal Building; for Immigrations Rights and to demand that
President Obama take immediate action to keep families together and STOP the humanitarian crisis at the border!
Filmed on Thursday, July 31 2014
5:00 PM at the Portland Federal Building
and also

7 25 14
Long Live Palestine - Protest in Portland Oregon - Pioneer Square
Stop the Attacks on Gaza Protest Rally in Portland
Oregon on Friday afternoon at Pioneer Square in the center of downtown. A US flag and Israel flag had obstinately stuck them
selves in the middle of the rally where I seen [right-wing] Laughing at Liberals close at hand standing with his camera on
a mono-pole behind the Israeli flag ready to film any reactions. Hundreds rally on all four corners by Pioneer Square [with
a few police wandering around them]. (pro-Israel vrs Palestine) Debates along the back row and opinions about anti war are
prominent among the non stop LOUD chants and demands for freedom by the young and old who were pressed to the curbs and all
corners. and also

Return the land McKinley stole
from Cuba - Michael Meo
During a rally to "Close GITMO" Michael Meo speaks
about the "stolen land by McKinley", the sinking of the battleship "The Main" and the need to return the land that was stolen
back to Cuba. This was filmed at Directors Park in downtown Portland Oregon on May 23.
And also

Sen. Wyden Protest: Stop the Attack on Gaza
A protest in front of Sen Wyden's office in Portland Oregon on Monday afternoon.
Israel is now carrying out a ground invasion of Gaza. In Portland Oregon an emergency rally / die in was organized with the
demand for an end to the recent bombing campaign of Gaza, along with an end to the ongoing siege of Gaza. The protest also
demanded an end to Israel’s raids, killings, beatings, and arrests in West Bank.
and also

Immigration Amnesty protest at Portland
Ore. Mexican Consulate
March for America - No Amnesty protesters (two) in Portland Oregon, are met by over 2 dozen folks who are against
their Immigration protest". The two March for America protesters debated principles with the "anti-protesters" who are standing
in solidarity with human rights issues and our southern neighbors who are impacted by US Trade agreements, US imperialism
borders and unjust laws.

Race Talks:
"Walk a Mile in My Redface: Everyday Microaggressions in Unsettling the Settler"
a Mile in My Redface: Everyday Microaggressions in Unsettling the Settler"
Presented by: Dr. Cornel Pewewardy, D.Ed., Professor and Director, Native
American Studies, Portland State University
Filmed at McMenamins Kennedy School on July 8, 2014
Race Talks: 2nd Tuesdays held in Portland Oregon, 7pm - 9pm & Free/All Age

Zapatista Solidarity Rally #2
Portland Oregon
This was the second Solidarity rally was held in front of the Mexican Consulate in downtown Portland Oregon.
Recent attacks in Chiapas that left an unarmed teacher dead and many other unarmed Zapatistas wounded need an immediate response
to stop possible future attacks by paramilitaries with ties to the state government. Solidarity events are being held across
the nation and this rally in Portland was organized in Solidarity with their actions as well.

Zapatista Solidarity Rally
Portland Oregon
This Solidarity rally was held in front of the Mexican Consulate in downtown Portland Oregon. Recent attacks in
Chiapas that left an unarmed teacher dead and many other unarmed Zapatistas wounded need an immediate response to stop possible
future attacks by paramilitaries with ties to the state government.
Solidarity events are being held across the nation.

Fathers Rights Rally
Filmed in Salem
Oregon on the State Capital steps
Music [2 songs] Out-Take from the rally:

Portland Oregon USA
National Protest - This event was in SE Portland Oregon
It was in Solidarity with Columbia GM Workers and all
those who are demand justice from General Motors world wide.
Recently safety concerns and deaths are being marginalized by
GM headquarters and lawyers.

Portland Human Rights Commission Meeting
The monthly
Portland Human Rights Commission Meeting for June 2014. Two new members, and a request to divest from the Private Prison Industry. This complete video is also available to view or download here:
Prison Divestment Out-Take Video from Human Rights Meeting:

Keaton Otis Vigil
JoAnn Hardesty speaks on
accountability in PDX
Keaton Otis Vigil 6.12.14 in Portland Oregon
- JoAnn Hardesty speaks at the vigil about police accountability and the recent DOJ trial [and] the city of Portland's inability
to workout a settlement agreement. This monthly vigil gathering is
held at 6PM every 12th of the month in NE Portland at the site where Keaton was shot by the police which is on the corner
of NE 6th and NE Halsey.

Here to Help [hurt] You
[man on sidewalk]
Causing pain to a person in need, while sent to help them, is wrong!
Filmed on June 5 2014 in Portland Oregon on SW 10th & Salmon
The man needed help ....this is
not the right type of help to provide to a person passed out on a sidewalk, the pain tactics used to move this man on the
ground to the van, by the Chier's employee were uncalled for and not necessary. A stretcher to roll the person who was unconscious
or passed out on, and then lifting them into the van would be more prudent, human and dignified. Hurting a person who is non
violent is not appropriate. Its a violation of this mans rights.
~joe anybody

Close GITMO Protest
Portland Oregon USA
A national recognized day of protesting the USA Torture Prison:
"CLOSE GITMO" This action
was held in Portland Oregon at Director Park

YOYO 2014
YoYo artist Loran, filmed in SW Portland Oregon on 5.22.14.

DAY 2014
Portland Oregon May Day 2014 - Footage is from the rally before and after the march. Sorry no footage from the
march and a few speakers / performers were not recorded.

A Thon - Fundraiser for Climate Change [short version]
[Short Version Video 4 minutes] This was a fundraiser for organized by 10
year old Dylan Beckett. This event to raise money for was held in Portland Oregon in April 2014
The full version
video of this event is here:

Human Rights Commission Meeting

Copper Mining - A lecture by Bill Carter
Bill Carter who will talk about a proposed copper mine near Mount St. Helens.
He wrote
"Boom, Bust, Boom - A Story About Copper, the Metal that Runs the World." The book is an account of the presence of copper
in our lives and its cost on health, the economy and the environment.

impacts of the proposed fossil fuel
export facilities in the Pacific Northwest

Race Talks
"Playing The Race Card"
Race Talks - Filmed Portland Oregon
Filmed at Kennedy
School McMenamins
race talks are monthly presentations focusing in improving race relations

Human Rights Commission
Human Rights Commission Meeting
Meetings are open to the public on the first Wednesday of the month
also view or download here:

Human Rights Commission Meeting
Human Rights Commission get the chance to meet the PSU Dreamers

The International Day Against Police Brutality Protest March
in Portland Oregon - 9:00 PM protest
International Day Against Police Brutality - 9 PM video footage from joe anybody and jesse hadden - audio narration by
A march through SE Portland with some broken window statements along the way.

The International Day Against Police Brutality Protest March
in Portland Oregon - organized by FTP - 4 PM protest
Portland Oregon protest against Police Brutality and a call for Police Accountability in Portland Oregon

Fubonn Protest - Portland Oregon
The weekly 4:30 Protest to stand up for workers rights, held on 82nd street in Portland Oregon

Human Rights Commission Meeting.
Held in SE Portland
This meeting was held at Ron Russell Middle School, 3955 SE 112th Ave, Portland. This HRC March Meeting topic is
on housing rights / displacement.

PSU Teachers Contract Rally
The PSU faculty (and students) held a rally for a better teacher contract during mid day on Thursday in the park blocks
by Portland State University. The reasonable demands are for a student-centered budget, educator-led higher education and
a stable faculty for the benefit of everyone at PSU
Rally Before the Speeches

The Crows Know DOJ Agreement - Portland Ore.
Outside of the Federal Building after an all day hearing 2.18.14 - where the community and people of Portland called
out to the judge and DOJ for a better agreement or to reject the proposed agreement between the police and the city and the
DOJ; hundred of cows on that very day, flocked to the park across the street from the courthouse. The Crows Know. The People
Know and now The Judge Knows.

DOJ protest cellphone clip Portland Oregon
Protest outside of the Federal Courthouse before the Settlement Agreement Hearing with the public and the judge - This
was filmed from a cellphone around 8AM

Human Rights
The public monthly meeting, of the all volunteer, Human Rights

Report To Human Rights Commission No Door on men's restroom in Portland park
A report by Joe Anybody to the HRC (Human Rights Commission) in Portland regarding
the NO DOOR on a bathroom in the park. For over 10 years there has been no door on park bathroom in Portland Oregon at
Lownsdale Park. My first request to (both) Amanda Fritz and to the City Parks was blown off with a shallow reply back that
was unacceptable and shameful so I have now informed the Equity / HRC department in this short clip and by email.
The full
collection of info on this NO DOOR issue can be read here: (info webpage)

Tar Sands Threats to the Northwest WSU Lecture by professor Ian Urquhart
Join WSU Vancouver’s Center for Social and Environmental Justice as it hosts Ian Urquhart, associate professor
of political science at the University of Alberta, Ian will discuss Canada’s tar sands.
also posted here:

The Portland Gay Press
Rupert Kinnard & Renee LaChance
Social Justice History Presents:
The History of The Gay Press in Portland Oregon

Presentation inside
{download this video on Archive dot org here}
Protest / March to City Hall
Portland Oregon w/ VOZ & R2DToo
{download this video on Archive dot org here}

stop sweeping houseless peoples camps

Joe Anybody video's from 2014