Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Wednesday, 18 January 2006
Texas Police Beat Woman Bloody
Mood:  on fire

Did she deserve this?

Are these suppose to be LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS?

Are they not sworn to serve and protect?

I will let you decide. TEXAS LINK HERE

Joe Anybody does not like 'Cops Hitting Women'

Even if they have a Badge or Live in Texas.

And even if she was not following "Their Damn Rules" exactly as they told her to.

They work for us citizens to protect us!
Joe Anybody wants to challenge this cop to a one on one

Like a REAL MAN fist to fist,
~ man to man ~

With the guns badges to the side and no back up.

Just a Man Fighting a Man
~No 200 lb man fighting a 100 lb woman this time~

Good(Joe Anybody)


Evil (Satan's Servant aka:Tough Texas Cop)

Myself I do not want to fight and I am a pacifist.
Facts be told, I never fought in my life!

BUT.... when I see this abuse on citizens and young female at that, I want to head to TEXAS, and call this women abuser to the sidewalk for a 'fair fight'

....Just me and him

I bet The Police Union smiled on this Texas cop as he beat her to the ground and rubbed her face in the cement.
...what a Bastard!


In Fact Joe Anybody found.....
RIGHT HERE a Large Report On Police Abuse Of Teenage Girls

But Who Cares??

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:52 PM PST
Updated: Friday, 20 January 2006 12:20 PM PST
Tuesday, 17 January 2006
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: While You Are Sitting There
Katrina destroyed this area
(click on the red words ENTER then click NEXT to see the dozen excellent photos from The Flood)

And where is the Jack
This is like watching a First Grader try to cover up a lie, pretty embarrasing to this average joe

The Only Corporate Media Joe that suggests you watch is....
...."Watch What They Are Up To"

click here to contact" Hey while I am pointing out all this neat stuff... what about this NSA Spying on all of us thats going on?
...Well PLEASE send your Senator an email asking for oversight and enforcement of the laws that covers this violation by "our above the law' Executive Department.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:44 PM PST
Updated: Friday, 27 January 2006 12:37 PM PST
Saturday, 14 January 2006
OK are we having Fun Yet?
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Banned Commercial ......not by this Joe!

~ Click Big Head ~ for Download of funny video ~

Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:39 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 14 January 2006 6:41 PM PST
~ Chomsky & Joe Think Alike ~
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: 'There Is No War On Terror' says Chomsky
Joe Anybody has been yelling about this for 5 years
Every morning of my life I get up.... look out the window and say......
"Wow! Another day of the USA Torturing People all over the globe! I need to get up! And wake up! And do something? to try and stop this"
Usually I then motivate my self to start my day by Reapeatedly thinking until it sinks in..."I gotta get up and get moving...gotta get going.... there are people being Tortured and I can't be sleeping while these atrocities are going on!!! I need to be awake!!!!! I need to be reading about what they (USA)(The Real Terrorist) did in the past 8 hours while I was asleep?? ....There is a war going on and if you blink or go to sleep or not stay on top of the daily news all throughout the day.... the rules change and these bastards will sneak into the protected walls of National Security, Homeland Defense and FIOA denials!!!! While I sleep men are dieing I need to wake up!!! Ya thats my every day morning ritual of just one Joe Anybody in Anytown USA!

People lives are being tossed into endless void with no kind of morals, laws, or safeguards, or Check and Balances, of Humanity or even the slightest decent virtues of Respect for Human Life is practiced or being valued. It is in that void where, a sick torturing neglect with sadistic smiles of US approval on their faces as The Pentagone and CIA keep their "human toys" on just this side of Death.

I hope the US Flag hangs on the wall behind these Interrogations to remind those being beaten and those having fun dishing-it-out to remember the USA Are The Proud SPONSORS Of These Acts Of Terror & Abuse

No I got to get up and see what they are doing NOW?!!
Five years readers, every day, I wake up and start to worry about this sickening attitude of our Administration and I can't be asleep knowing that this is happening every second of the day 24 hours. The USA approved torturers work around the clock 365 days a year 24/7.
wow Now! That Wakes Me Up!

Today I woke up .....took two steps and clicked on my email.....with only 30 seconds of being awake ...
I read that Chomsky is saying 'There Is No War On Terror' YEP!...thats exactly what Joe Anybody has Been saying everyday for the last 5 years. Excitedly I open the email and go to the link HERE

I want to point out just a couple quotes from that web site or points worth noting that Noam said concerning this illegal war in Iraq and the use of Terror as a way to manipulate Bushes agenda.

But before I do, I need you to read this question and then Noam's answer and then think of yourself:

Q)) What's your biggest regret over 40 years of political activism? What would you have done differently?

A))I would have done more. Because the problems are so serious and overwhelming that it's disgraceful not to do more about it.

*The fact of the matter is that there is no War on Terror. It's a minor consideration. So invading Iraq and taking control of the world's energy resources was way more important than the threat of terror. And the same with other things. Take, say, nuclear terror. The American intelligence systems estimate that the likelihood of a "dirty bomb," a dirty nuclear bomb attack in the United States in the next ten years, is about 50 percent. Well, that's pretty high. Are they doing anything about it? Yeah. They're increasing the threat, by increasing nuclear proliferation, by compelling potential adversaries to take very dangerous measures to try to counter rising American

*They did find weapons of mass destruction, namely, the ones that had been sent to Saddam by the United States, Britain, and others through the 1980s. A lot of them were still there. They were under control of U.N. inspectors and were being dismantled. But many were still there. When the U.S. invaded, the inspectors were kicked out, and Rumsfeld and Cheney didn't tell their troops to guard the sites. So the sites were left unguarded, and they were systematically looted. The U.N. inspectors did continue their work by satellite and they identified over 100 sites that were systematically looted, like, not somebody going in and stealing something, but carefully, systematically looted.

*The U.S. invaded Iraq because it has enormous oil resources, mostly untapped, and it's right in the heart of the world's energy system. Which means that if the U.S. manages to control Iraq, it extends enormously its strategic power, what Zbigniew Brzezinski calls its critical leverage over Europe and Asia. Yeah, that's a major reason for controlling the oil resources -- it gives you strategic power. Even if you're on renewable energy you want to do that. So that's the reason for invading Iraq, the fundamental reason.

*Well, there's a basis for democratic change. Take what happened in Bolivia a couple of days ago. How did a leftist indigenous leader get elected? Was it showing up at the polls once every four years and saying, "Vote for me!"? No. It's because there are mass popular organizations which are working all the time on everything from blocking privatization of water to resources to local issues and so on, and they're actually participatory organizations. Well, that's democracy. We're a long way from it. And that's one task of organizing.

I thought the comments by Noam were very very interesting .....Im just starting to wake up now! Better get a cup of coffee and see what new laws have changed on the torture subject overnight! I thinks its going to be a long day today.. I bet it feels even longer strapped from the ceiling by chains while Investigators from the US Interrogate you ....ya I bet their day is going to be real long today!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:03 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 14 January 2006 5:13 PM PST
Thursday, 12 January 2006
Today We Look At The Word The Describes The USA Under King George
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: IMPERIALISM and that 'goddamn peice of paper!'
Hello Readers! I plugged this word into Wikipedia and 'wow' it described the US under our NEW policies that seem to be changing without notice these days
....when we realize all this, concerning our "rights" that we have or don't have when tricky Dick, ooopssss! eeerrrr I mean when tricky George gets done screwing with our Constitution it may be too late.

Of interest concerning the Constitution of the United States Of America which Z3 readers you do know that Mr King George said was, and this is the quote --> "justa goddamn piece of paper"

So as we read in the paper and hear on the news our ... "War President" feels that he has the right to be projecting his Bush ........... -->
"Imperialism" across the Globe.
This guy is Insane Imperialist Neocon Warmonger!
Read Below From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on the Internet that defines this awful word, that describes the United States today.
'Imperialism' is a policy of extending control or authority over foreign entities as a means of acquisition and/or maintenance of empires, either through direct territorial conquest or through indirect methods of exerting control on the politics and/or economy of other countries. The term is often used to describe the policy of a country in maintaining colonies and dominance over distant lands, regardless of whether the country calls itself an empire.
Insofar as 'imperialism' might be used to refer to an intellectual position, it would imply the belief that the acquisition and maintenance of empires is a positive good, probably combined with an assumption of cultural or other such superiority inherent to imperial power. See The White Man's Burden.
Imperialism draws heavy criticism on the grounds that historically it has been frequently employed for economic exploitation in which the imperialist power makes use of other countries as sources of raw materials and cheap labor, shaping their economies to suit its own interests, and keeping their people in poverty. When imperialism is accompanied by overt military conquest,
It is also seen as a violation of freedom and human rights.
(ding!!! ding! Joe perks up!!?)
In recent years, there has also been a trend to criticize imperialism not at an economic or political level, but at a simply cultural level, particularly the widespread global influence of American culture -

(end quote)
Don't know about you but I don't want to be part of a Imperialist War Nation.
For extra credit on 'Todays World Politics'
I'm going to look up the word Fascist next.

Have a good day

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 14 January 2006 11:46 AM PST
Tuesday, 10 January 2006
Neoliberalism "Dont let the Word Fool You" .....It's not a good one!
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: "Damn Liberal's!"
Just what does the term "neoliberalism" really mean?
I am glad you asked!
Glance at this chart below I that I borrowed from the neat website ---> Political Compass

And check this link
It probably has more info than you care to read right now. Although, it does have a good explanation of describing the differences and internal weavings between the many fractions of the political spectrum, like economic liberalism to political or authoritarian to fascism, and the right to the left, just to name a few which I'm sure all my fellow Z3 readers want to know more about!

For example this quote from the global issues website:

Liberalism can refer to political, economic, or even religious ideas. In the U.S. political liberalism has been a strategy to prevent social conflict. It is presented to poor and working people as progressive compared to conservative or Rightwing.

Economic liberalism is different. Conservative politicians who say they hate liberals meaning the political type have no real problem with economic liberalism, including neoliberalism.

Readers, this next quote from the link above is a good bite of defining those pesky "Neocons" position in this neoliberal topic

U.S. neo-conservatives, with their commitment to high military spending and the global assertion of national values, tend to be more authoritarian than hard right. By contrast, neo-liberals, opposed to such moral leadership and, more especially, the ensuing demands on the tax payer, belong to a further right but less authoritarian region. Paradoxically, the "free market", in neo-con parlance, also allows for the large-scale subsidy of the military-industrial complex, a considerable degree of corporate welfare, and protectionism when deemed in the national interest. These are viewed by neo-libs as impediments to the unfettered market forces that they champion.

Well from what I was reading in that website it mentions that "The goal of neoliberlism is to be able to to allow the free market to naturally balance itself via the pressures of market demands; a key to successful market-based economies."

And I read that and think Hmmm??? well.....OK!?
"I guess it sounds ok?"
But then I read the explanation that the Average Joe wouldn't understand by just reading the language of the meaning and the spin that goes with it and the language dissemination it takes to understand what they mean or meant and to finally realize that the following is more of a better description of what neoliberalism will actually get you that the spin and the misnomer of words like Free;

*The rule of the market.
*Freedom for capital, goods and services, where the market is self-regulating allowing the "trickle down" notion of wealth distribution.
*It also includes the deunionizing of labor forces and removals of any impediments to capital mobility, such as regulations.
*The freedom is from the state, or government.
Reducing public expenditure for social services, such as health and education, by the government
*Deregulation, to allow market forces to act as a self-regulating mechanism
*Privatization of public enterprise (things from water to even the Internet)
*Changing perceptions of public and community good to individualism and individual responsibility

The underlying assumption then is that the free markets are a good thing. They may well be, but unfortunately, reality seems different from theory.

It starts to become clearer the more of the article I read.("Changing to Individual Responsibility" = fuck the poor) And Z3 Readers may I remind you this is why thousands of protesters stand up to the WTO every damn year and to NAFTA and why thousands of protesters in Latin America stood up to say NO to the CAFTA this last year and to say NO to FREE Trade.

By the way it was pushed as "good for the people and the countries" The neoliberal viewpoint is not wanted by those "informed" average joes workers,citizen, of the poor or middle class.... no not by them especially!

But it is wanted by those that will profit in their wallets and their corporations, they are the ones selling the idea of Free Markets and Free Trade ...(How Nice!) (And Phony)......(How Liberal!)

As aptly said here in a quote by J.W. Smith in, The World's Wasted Wealth One cannot separate economics, political science, and history. Politics is the control of the economy. History, when accurately and fully recorded, is that story. In most textbooks and classrooms, not only are these three fields of study separated, but they are further compartmentalized into separate subfields, obscuring the close interconnections between them.

The article refers to a book written in 1776 by ...
a British economist, named Adam Smith who published his book, The Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith, who some regard as the father of modern free market capitalism and this very influential book, suggested that for maximum efficiency, all forms of government interventions in economic issues should be removed and that there should be no restrictions or tariffs on manufacturing and commerce within a nation for it to develop.
(WOW) ? so thats were the free markets got started, by being forced upon the people. Ol' Adam Smith started this ideology crap of economics I will be remembering him that's for sure!

In England what became known as The Great Transformation was produced by the creation of the free markets in the 19th century which were England's experiment in social engineering. The goal of the experiment that was attempted in mid-Victorian England was to demolish these social markets, and replace them by deregulated markets that operated independently of social needs.
Oh nice ..did you catch the part about operating independently of social needs?.....nice huh?
They basically created a selfish greedy economic system that has no regard for the society that makes it operate. The wealth goes to the owners and there is no correlations to the worker outside of his wage.(if you can sometimes even call it that!)

As very well covered in this Wikipedia link -->
I read a whole lot more of the creepy neoliberalism like this part about the World Bank and WTO...Neoliberalism generally favors multilateral political pressure, through managed-trade cartels such as the WTO and World Bank. It promotes reducing the role of national governments to a minimum. Neoliberalism favors the trickle-down theory over social programs, and measures success in overall economic gain. To improve corporate efficiency, it strives to reject or mitigate labor policies such as minimum wage, and collective bargaining rights.

This Joe Anybody is going to at least be able to put this group of neocons into the right context as I read words about Fair Trade and neoliberalism I will at least understand that it is BAD stuff ...not the spin that it sounds like it might be! Ha! don't ya love the confusion!
Boy, did some homework tonight, and the topics of compassion or social concern or freedom never did come up once.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:30 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 11 January 2006 1:51 AM PST
Sunday, 8 January 2006
I thought we Clairfied all this Torture stuff ? .......now what?
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Torture Laws Passed & Bush Still Thinks He Can Sneak Around It
Check This Update From Democracy Now
Besides the audio clip it has the full text (War & Peace Report) There is a reference to the Torture Bill that was just signed into Law, that states for one Bush,

"Quietly issued what is known as a "signing statement" in which he lays out his interpretation of the new law. In this document Bush declared that he will view the interrogation limits in the context of his broader powers to protect national security."

Legal experts say this means Bush believes he can waive
the anti-torture restrictions.
This is not sitting well with some Republican Senators, including John Warner, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

And it sure doesn't sit good with this Joe either!
more on this --> Here on G.N.N.

****** Presidential Law Discussion ******

Loophole and skirt around the Bush type of shit!
He still thinks he can get around the new laws by his presidential powers and sneaky lies!

Bush doesn't intend to follow the laws he is signing.
His quite comments that he muttered
when he was signing the McCain bill on Torture
and his terminology in words he used when he signed
....still give him wiggle room if you just happen to be;
a dirty Neocon bastard.

" Military Code of Justice"
.....hahahaha whats that?
Whats that mean to a Imperialism Presidency That Supports Torture and Writes "their own" Laws?

Skirting Laws every day these days, the whole world is seeing The Bush Administration as some Bad Bad People! Already in Europe the CIA has agents that charges are being leived...it could start becoming where the ones who are responsible for all this may have to face the music,
if ya know what I mean!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:27 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, 8 January 2006 6:29 PM PST
Saturday, 7 January 2006
"Hugh Thompson" Nam Vet Quietly Dies This Week
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: I am so Proud of the Rightous Viet Nam Solider - What a Hero!

The Other day a Hero Of Joe Anybody Died
His name was Hugh Thompson
Not allot was mentioned in the press.
Maybe some obscure left wing sites had info.
But I found one article and am looking into more on this courageous man of Humanity and common love for life.

Who was Hugh Thompson?
Readers... "I am so glad you asked"
Read the one site so far that I have reposted on Joe anybody's website the link is at

--> JOE's HOME <--

"Thanks Hugh, God Bless & Rest in Peace"

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:41 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, 8 January 2006 1:17 AM PST
Wash DC ...a town where only Bad Guys Carry Guns
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Criminals Prefer Unarmed Victims
* * * * * * * Gun News * * * * * * *

(quote from NRA)

Washington, D.C. has a gun ban,
and "Gun Bans Stop Crime."

That's the ruse the gun ban lobby and their cronies would have you believe. That's what Washington, D.C. Council member and former mayor Marion Barry (D) would have you believe. But, in an ironic twist of fate, Barry's anti-gun premise has been challenged by circumstances involving none other than Barry himself.

This week, the ex-mayor was the victim of a violent crime in "gun-free" Washington, D.C. He was robbed at gunpoint by two young men who entered his apartment, held a gun to his head, and robbed him of his wallet, cash, and credit cards. The nearly three-decades-old ban did nothing to protect Barry. Despite the ban, Barry admitted that "guns are everywhere." What he didn't say is that those guns are in the hands of criminals, while the District's law-abiding citizens are prohibited from possessing them. Clearly, the ban has done nothing to stem the tide of armed criminals carrying out violent crimes.
Councilman Barry, himself a convicted felon, says he does not want to prosecute the perpetrators (if they are ever caught), but also says that he will push the city council to pass a bill he introduced that would increase penalties for carrying a gun in the District!

Such is the contradictory logic of the ex-mayor.

"Pass more gun laws, and don't enforce existing ones"

The District’s gun laws are already the most restrictive of any big city in America. Even District residents who owned their firearms before the city passed its restrictive laws cannot use them for self-defense.

That’s why the National Rifle Association is making the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act (S. 1082 and H.R. 1288) a top priority for 2006. The measure, which would restore 2nd Amendment Rights to District residents, has already passed the House twice, but it continues to meet resistance in the Senate from Judiciary Committee member Mike DeWine, an anti-gun Republican from Ohio.
(end quote)

Read more on ol Barry getting the gun in face by bad guy story HERE

Z3 Readers, While we are on the Gun Issue

I read an worrisome(?)post on Portland Indy Media about a ammo purchase and the presence of police at the Gun Store, the confrontation as to the police presence was confronted by the Indy poster.
Read his pro-gun anti-police-state link * HERE *

Posted by Joe Anybody at 3:49 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 7 January 2006 6:01 PM PST
Thursday, 5 January 2006
Redemption Of Tookie Williams, Audio Clip Worth Listening To
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Live and Let Live

About one month ago an interview happened with a Ex-Gang Leader on San Quentin Death Row
He tells how he changed his life around. As he refers to Embracing Redemption -
"The End Of a Bad Begining & a New Start"

The worst thing he did in Life that he "Regrets"
he said was
"Creating The Cripps"

LISTEN RIGHT HERE to this audio clip interview of
Stanly Tookie Williams III
It begins with a small introduction by Amy Goodman from Democracy Now with a man who spent 1/2 his life in San Quentin prison.

I believe now more than ever that it is
"WRONG to Take A Mans Life"
I believe it was wrong to of taken Tookies!
I am so sad that the Humanity of Redemption is exploited and disregarded
without truth or justice!.

As I listen and read the facts ...they just plain don't add up!
....."I believe he was Innocent".
And the positive influence that he was projecting,
like how he has written nine books and has been nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize and has a anti-gang impact with his life story and real encouragement to young kids to stay away from the gang life... and all this does
NOT warrant taking his life.

"INJUSTICE! I say unto You ...INJUSTICE has took a mans life!"
Done in the name of incompetent and as racist, with coveruped, screwed up, evidence suppressed, and good old fashion fixing-of-the-facts...

Readers ......This is exactly why! Harold C. Wilsonand was found wrongly imprisoned for 17 years.
This is exactly how wrong and out of hand this can and does get. Read/listen how a Harold was just found Innocent and is.... thank-god free from his ill-induced death row prison sentence ...oooops!?

Tookie couldn't prove who did the crime he died for!
My Heart is Sad And Joe Hangs his head *
This is insane!
It opened my mind and expanded my
deep understanding of how a Life can be taken away, by a inept government hellbent on killing what ever & who ever they don't like. And not without shall I say really addressing the honest facts, the unanswered questions, and the integrity of law and order, and the humanity of redemption and the struggle for man to give back to a system that only deals in fear and power and incarceration and then death.

The facts certainly do not support this killing of a Human and as his blood is poisoned so he will Die, like the minds of these mockeries of what they call themselves Society Leaders and of Enforcers of Justice, their minds already are numb and Dead.

When was the last time you listened to a man on Collect Call from Death Row. By making two 15 minutes phone calls from a Prison pay phone that kept beeping every 30 sec and playing these annoying recordings about being monitored/listened to and "time left before call would be ending."
I mean ..."Were Sorry Time is up for your phone call please go to the Electric Chair" Listening to Tookie speak in a calm sincere honest manner I am ashamed our society would lash out and kill him in such a barbaric callous "shut up and die" attitude.
A pay phone call to the outside world from Death Row ....from a man who is being killed by the State.
wow...... listen to this man side. ....hmmmmmm?

I listened to it twice!
And the second time I was wearing his shoes as I listened!

Z3 old blog on Tookie

and from an even older blog from Z3..... HERE <---

If you think "I'm Off my Rocker"
You haven't listen to this audio
you haven't heard Tookies Message

"you have 60 seconds left in this call"
secnds later as Tookie explained his desire,
"I wan't to be part of the solution to"... *click!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:55 PM PST
Updated: Friday, 6 January 2006 10:21 PM PST

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