Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Thursday, 5 January 2006
Jack & Tom went up the hill to fetch a pail of ca$h
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Jack fell down ......& Tom came a-tumbling after !!
Sounds like a story huh reader?

Ya know every day we are hearing about the indictments.
It is becoming a common accepted notion that
"So what!"yahhhnnn! He was stealing money for the
Right Wing Neocon War Hawk Pro-Torture Spy GOP Party"

Well it looks like jack is gonna spill his pail
let’s just see who-all comes a-tumbling down the hill behind him?

I must add, It should be remembered, that when you drink from the
'Governments Swine-Trough of Greed & Lies' ....You might!
Pick up a disease or a jail term or something!

The fact that
Leaders Of Joe Anybody's Country
and the Ca$h Cow of these Lobbyist Pay-Olla still continues even if Jack & Tommy can't play for a while (unless its "time in the yard")
And the paymasters are still collecting for their Special Interests and its business as usual, as policy is favored-out and all that money pours into hands in exchange for favors in the old ....
"Remember Me Club"
Stop the flow of Big Dollar by some campaing Finance Reform and include lobbiest and maybe some Honest Government might have a shade of hope?

Speaking of Blogging on These Story-Book characters check this link I couldnt resist not clicking on ... The title got me interested--->

You want the truth?
You can't handle the truth

Z3 back issues on this crap --->HERE

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:03 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, 5 January 2006 2:59 AM PST
Tuesday, 3 January 2006
No Heat For The Poor! ummmmmmm ... All The Money Went To War !
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: COLD as HELL
Lack of heating is causing a new
"scrapping for wood" in the Suburbs these days.
This is the beginning of what may become a big concern as we move into a new era of our future with declining resources becoming a very serious reality.
This type of survival just to stay warm by a "nation that has been over the past decade been spoiled and very non-resourceful" ....and I know the average joe-anybody has not even begun to envision let alone pre-pare for this possible up-coming 'need' to stay warm with no source of Heat Available to them or funds that will be able to provide him with what may soon become "something only the wealthy can afford or will have"

quote below from
--> from the wilderness
In his seminal work on The Collapse of Complex Societies, Joseph Tainter argued that social complexity (which includes infrastructure, political economy, physical plant, etc.) yields diminishing returns as a society declines. After a few convulsive revivals have elapsed, the people find themselves running to stand still. When complex means of appropriating energy become prohibitively expensive or impractical, they return to simpler means. Soon the complex methods become prestigious and exotic. We are now just beginning to leave the period in which it’s common practice for even the working class to throw a switch and enjoy heating and electricity from a power plant tens of miles away, mitigated by thousands of yards of well-maintained transmission cable, driven by the burning of cheap natural gas piped from Uzbekistan to the coast, liquefied at super-low temperatures, shipped in amazingly expensive LNG tankers, received in even more expensive (and well-guarded) LNG ports, and distributed through a vast domestic pipeline network to be burned as gas at the plant. When the society can’t manage all that, people leave the house and start looking for wood. And as Mike Kane has found, they’re already out there. *click link above and $subscribe$ to read more of this info


Now on Today's news I hear of the shortfall of Emergency Funds to help the POOR with their HEATing this winter
From just what I heard on 1-3-06 is said that all funds for helping will be gone by the end of this January ?... Whoaaaa ! NO Money For Heat ???
Is somebody smoking CRACK?

Rising costing 'fuel' (in spite of record profits in oil) and lack of "income increases" in the average joe-anybody's wages is going to be the

Death of Some this winter.

Causing me to stand up and yell!!

"?!? Hell the White House just oKed Homeland Security Funds$ to be spread around by the millions for ???????...SECURITY? "

The Damn War Budget is boiling in through the billions but
No Money To Help Stay Warm?

...HEY!? Were did all the money go ??!!

And Our wealthy congress just approved Now up to $165,20 in saleries with a NEW! $3,100 pay raises to each other, starting NOW here in January.
But ...no money to keep the Poor in some states Warm in our Own Country as we head into winter time.... hmmm how coincidental that just when the heating money is just running out they are getting raises? hmmmmmmm really!

And mind You "No minimum wage increase since 1997 ?!!!! by the Greedy Rich Bastards"
(Z3 WAGES link Past Report)

"Good Job Leaders"
Z3 Readers ----> are we in a third world ???
Is this a crime scene ????

The lawmakers are claiming ( read it here ) they will look back into this in January ....? Ha They Better !

in the mean time
~Stay Warm~
~Stay Informed~

Posted by Joe Anybody at 4:43 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 January 2006 5:52 PM PST
Monday, 2 January 2006
Groups Fights Back Against Spy Cameras In Public
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: I see You - You see Me - Oppps! .. Now you Don't


Anti-Camera Activism Tips!

! Say Cheese* and Click Here !

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:50 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 January 2006 3:33 PM PST
"Give Me That Ol' Hand Jive"
Mood:  vegas lucky
Now Playing: Dick ...........................................................................George

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:58 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 2 January 2006 2:15 AM PST
Saturday, 31 December 2005
Joe Anybody is Everywhere
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Peace On Earth Good Will to All - 2006 - Joe is Me -*- Joe is You -*- Joe is Anybody

Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:13 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 31 December 2005 6:15 PM PST
Friday, 30 December 2005
Mood:  down
I heard mentioned on a Talk Radio Program that the award for the
"Biggest Blunder of 2005"
should be, without a doubt:

"The Neglect And Lack-Of-Attention Given To The Flood Refugees And Victims Many Who Died And The Thousands That To This Day That Have Been Forgotten Or Left With Nothing."




<1>...The 2005 Flood Pictures from Time Magazine Best of 2005 a total disaster in Response and concern by
The White House and the loss of Respect for FEMA who blunders to this very day. Photos of Katrinas Flood

<2>...Police Shoot Guns Towards Victims and Yell
------"Get Off The Fucking Freeway"-------
'Dont want to read?'
Then listen to it all here in their words.....This American Life WOW!

<3>... The Neglect of not letting Patriot Act Sunset Laws Sunset as they should have.

<4>...TORTURE ....the Award goes whole heartedly to;
"This White House Administration"
For their Blatant Pissing on Geneva and The United Nation and World Law and International War Rules Of Engagement and Detainee Treatment.
And their Total Disregard for Human Rights and all the Torture and Abuses...the number 4 link goes to for Bush and Cheney's TORTURE POLICY

Which were designed and ran by this predidents house of crooks and by their in-house policy Circumventors such as to name a few... Yoo, Ashcroft, Gonzalous, Rice, and Rummy, Cheney, Bush, Wolfowitz, and Rove.

Hooray for Torturing People In The USA Name!

Happy New Year ...this Last Year Was a Winner!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 31 December 2005 6:16 PM PST
Thursday, 29 December 2005
How much is 2000 anyway?
Topic: WAR

Turn up Speakers!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:25 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 31 December 2005 6:28 PM PST
Wednesday, 28 December 2005
Democracy*Anti War* = I voted For Ralph Nader
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Ralph Nader
Topic: NADER

The Ralph Nader Team wrote Joe Anybody:
And I have reposted what they say below;
I am proud to say I voted for this Man.
Z3 Readers I hope your vote leaves you as proud and confident that you interests were being represented by your choice, of who you vote for, to represent you as much as mine did! Many People of Both the Du-Oply Parties,,,
tried to keep my choice off the ballot, here in Oregon and many many other states too...
This Joe Anybody "Had To Write His Name In" becaus of the efforts to stiffle Democracy.
With some "Hope for the Future" Read the letter below from
Peter Miguel Camejo about his running partner,
my Hero "RALPH NADER".

Dear Friend,

Over a year has passed since the 2004 presidential elections. While it is still early to fully analyze the meaning of Ralph Nader’s candidacy for president, it has occurred to me that certain fundamental themes are now easier to see than at the time of the campaign.

Fundamentally what separates Ralph Nader from the progressives who opposed his running is Nader’s deep belief in the people themselves being able to change society. That is, Nader really believes democracy is possible. Those who opposed Nader and capitulated by calling for a vote for a candidate who opposed everything they claim to support reflect a hopelessness that there is no way to overcome the control of money over people. Deep down they do not really believe the people could ever rise up and take control of their lives, their country and institute democracy.

Never in the history of our nation has there been such a massive campaign to try and prevent ballot access by an individual running for Presidential office so that those who agreed with him could actually vote for him.

The anti-Nader campaign was a totalitarian effort against free elections aimed at the people’s right to choose and specifically aimed at those who will not surrender their commitment to democracy. Not a single elected Democrat in the United States spoke out against their party’s campaign not to allow the voters to choose. Not one. This alone shows the utter political and moral bankruptcy of that Party.

The Nation, the Progressive, Mother Jones, MoveOn.org, all the leaders of the Progressive Democrats of America not only did not oppose the campaign against democracy but in most cases participated and promoted it.

I can think of only one similar historical event. The early abolitionist movement believed slavery could only be ended if the slave owners could be convinced to free their slaves. Like today they believed you had to accept the political system, you could not go outside the framework and challenge the two pro-slavery parties. You could only lobby, petition, beg but not challenge directly who should rule.

Then in 1840 James G. Birney ran for president on behalf of a newly formed party, the abolitionist Liberty Party. Many of the abolitionists, like progressives today, opposed Birney’s daring to run. It was not realistic. But in fact Birney’s campaign was the opening shot of what was to change America forever and lead to the collapse of the political framework that had allowed slavery to remain unchallenged.

The Liberty Party supporters were called fanatics, self-isolating, unrealistic, and even crazy, as Michael Moore called Nader for daring to run for peace, democracy and pro labor.

But Birney and Nader are not alone in American history. General James B. Weaver ran in 1880 for president for the Greenback Labor Party and campaigned in the South after the crushing of the reconstruction government defending the rights of African Americans. Weaver’s campaign helped set the background for the great rise of the Populist movement and later the rise of another champion of the people - Eugene V. Debs.

There has been a long history of efforts to break the control of money over people and to establish a political movement to fight for democracy in the United States. Nader’s whole life has been rooted in his belief that the people through their own actions can make a difference. His appeals have always been to mobilize from the bottom up.

Nader’s efforts have resulted in so many important victories. While many know of Nader having made their cars safer they do not realize that his efforts have been instrumental in protecting our air, and water, including the establishment of the EPA and OSHA in the early Seventies.

He helped win rights for passengers on airlines, fought for national health care, living wage, freedom of information, against nuclear power, against all kinds of corporate abuses, manipulation, false advertising, and fraudulent practices. He has fought to protect our national resources and public assets. He has defended workers in the mines, auto factories and throughout America and fought against WTO and corporate globalization. He advocated for the use of industrial hemp early, fought discrimination against women and minorities and the rise of monopolies.

As an incorruptible symbol of the rights of the people Nader is a threat to a world based on the corrupting power of money. In time Nader’s campaigns in 2000 and 2004 will be seen as the beginning of what may become a new wave in the battle for democracy. There are now so many signs world wide of the beginning of another radicalizing wave, waves that appear about once every 30 years. We can see it in the events in Latin America, the recent rise of the Maori people in New Zealand, and the massive world opposition to the war in Iraq and globalization. Unlike the radicalizations of the 1930s and 60s, the need to break with the two parties of money is in the air. Twenty five percent of our people are not registered in the two major parties and 38% answer they are independent in polls.

Six months after the election we saw Nader fighting at rally after rally for peace as the Democrats declared their loyalty to Bush’s war. Even Howard Dean had dropped his anti-war rhetoric as the Democrats gave George Bush thirty-nine standing ovations at his 2005 State of the Union address.

Nader stands on the side of all the mass social movements. His call for the need to break with the political duopoly will resound as the next wave develops.

As I speak at meetings here in California since the elections I notice how no one but absolutely no one gets up to defend John Kerry. Even those who voted for him feel a bit embarrassed. The winds are starting to shift.

It was a great honor for me to be part of Nader’s historic challenge as his vice presidential associate. As I traveled throughout our nation speaking to audiences, primarily of young people, I knew I was looking into the eyes of those in the future who will be the leaders of our nation. We know not yet what our nation owes Nader for the seeds he has planted among the minds of our people, especially our youth.

Let us all respect, assist and support Ralph Nader’s continuing efforts, as he has assisted and defended all efforts for social justice, democracy and peace.
Thank you for your generous support and bright horizons.

Peter Miguel Camejo

More from Z3 on Ralph

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:12 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 28 December 2005 1:28 PM PST
Tuesday, 27 December 2005
Hooded Family Holidays
Mood:  on fire
God Rest Ye Merry Torturers
(link is written By W. David Jenkins III)

* Joe Anybody Torture Page Here *

This month Senator McCain's amendment was presented and he had to FIGHT tooth-n-nail to get it brought to the floor but has "WON" overwhelming Senate support by a vote of 90-9

And... the "support" (if you can call it that)of House members on a vote of 308-122.
Yielding to this bipartisan mandate, President Bush finally endorsed the McCain amendment, and it has just become law!

You see Z3 Readers Bush and our White House had to be forced to admit that Torture isn't what The USA should be doing.
"FORCED" I say

?...and How sick does that sound to you I ask...?

Those sick PRO-TORTURE Representives, who were
the 122 House Representatives that DIDN'T vote to
"STOP THIS ATROTOCITY" should wear a *&^%$# bag on their heads for Christmas too.....
And then as most likely in this picture, they can explain that to their kids, who want to know why their "Daddy Has A Hood On His Head"........

“Tell em that’s how "We Do It In America To people We Don't Like Called Evil-Doers"

“Look at this picture and think of your children


Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:58 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 December 2005 11:48 PM PST
Monday, 26 December 2005
Ralph Naders Thoughts on George & Dick's Illegal War (Impeach)
Mood:  not sure
Topic: NADER
Have a, Merry, Merry Christmas,

and an

Impeachable New Year!

Ralph Nader actually suggested that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney both should resign.
Basically because they have disgraced their offices.

Now I couldn't agree more!
In fact this Joe Anybody Voted for the man who is saying just that, a man of principles and respect ....click Here to read about Ralph Asking for the Two War Criminals "To Step Down".
Bush violated the law because of the arrogance of power says Ralph on December 25 2005 Christmas Day, and my fellow Z3 Readers You all know why he is asking for this too, just in the atrocities you have read here in my reports alone are grounds for jail if not prison time.
And "Joe Patriotism Anybody" said that if you want to quote me.

Now an illegal, criminal war, means that every related U.S. death and injury, every related Iraqi civilian death and injury, every person tortured, every home and building destroyed become war crimes as a result--under established international law.

Just think about the old saying ....
"Justice is Served"
.....now that is Exactly what I have Ben Waiting for!!!!
That would be a start for a
"Happy New Year Indeed!"

Take The Survey on MSNBC
Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment? *
162172 responses

Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial.85%

No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching "high crimes and misdemeanors."5%

No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching.8%

I don't know.2%

Stay Vocal* Stay Involved* Push For Justice

Posted by Joe Anybody at 9:20 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 December 2005 2:05 AM PST

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