Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Monday, 30 May 2011
WAr Timeline: U.S. Military, 1775 - 1994
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Timeline stops in 1995
Topic: WAR

PBS Timeline:

U.S. Military Actions and Wars, 1775 - 1994

Other Timelines


Signing the Declaration of Independence
Library of Congress

Signing the Declaration of Independence
1775-1783: The Thirteen Colonies

Colonists wage and win a guerilla war for American independence from England

1798-1800: The Quasi-War

Along the U.S. Atlantic Coast and the West Indies, an undeclared war with France begins; the U.S. wins 9 of 10 naval encounters.

1801-1805: Tripolitan War

Tripoli (now Libya) declares war on the U.S.; the U.S. responds by blockading and then invading Tripoli.

1811: The "Indian Belt" Affair

Across Indiana and Michigan, U.S. forces, led by Tecumseh defeat Native Americans and burn a city, Prophetstown.

U.S. Constitution and H.M.S. Java
Library of Congress

U.S. Constitution and H.M.S. Java
1812-1815: The War of 1812

The U.S. wars with Great Britain over freedom of the seas, capture of seamen, and a blockade of U.S. ports. Battles were fought in and around Lake Erie; New Orleans, Louisiana; and the nation's capital.

1817-1818: First Seminole War

Following Native American raids in Florida, U.S. forces destroy Seminole villages and break tribal resistance.

1832: Assault on Sumatra

In the first U.S. armed intervention in Asia, the U.S. retaliates against an attack on a U.S. merchant vessel, killing 100 Sumatrans and burning the town of Quallah Battoo, located in what is now Indonesia.

1832: Black Hawk War

In Illinois and Wisconsin, Sac and Fox tribes under Sac leader Black Hawk attack white settlers, but are defeated at the Battle of Bad Axe.

1835-1836: Texas Revolution

Texas settlers revolt against Mexico.

1835-1842: Second Seminole War

In Florida, American troops clash with Native Americans led by Osceola; the Seminole people are reduced to 350 in number by 1842.

1838-1839: Aroostook War

The U.S. fights an undeclared war with England over Maine's boundaries. Approximately 10,000 troops camp along the Aroostook River in a conflict without casualties.

Recruiting notice for the Mexican War
Library of Congress

Recruiting notice for the Mexican War
1846-1848: The Mexican War

The U.S. declares war against Mexico; the war ends with Mexico ceding all rights to Texas, and the U.S. purchase of New Mexico and California.

1847-1850: Cayuse War

In Washington state, Cayuse destroy the intrusive mission of Marcus Whitman, blaming the missionaries for a smallpox outbreak. In addition to Whitman, his wife, and their helpers, 14 Native Americans are killed. The U.S. military forces the Cayuse to surrender and hangs five people.

1855-1858: Third Seminole War

Brigadier General William S. Harney subdues Billy Bowlegs and other Seminole warriors in Florida.

1856: Bleeding Kansas

Conflict erupts in Kansas between pro- and anti-slavery forces, including John Brown; federal troops quell the fighting.

1857-1858: Mormon Expedition

The U.S. Army subdues Mormons who refuse to obey federal law in Utah.

Civil War Battle Scene
LIbrary of Congress

Civil War Battle Scene
1861-1865: American Civil War

Americans go to war over slavery and the attempted secession of southern states from the United States.

1871: War with Korea

After merchants are killed in Korea, the U.S. kills 250 Koreans in battle; a treaty is secured in 1882.

1871-1876: Apache Wars

Apache leaders Geronimo and Victorio raid white settlers and soldiers in Arizona; Geronimo surrenders in 1886.

Captain Jack and his followers checking the advance of Union troops in the lava beds
Colorado Historical Society

Captain Jack and his followers checking the advance of Union troops in the lava beds
1872-1873: Modoc War

In California and Oregon, U.S. cavalry fight to return the Modoc people and their leader, Kintpuash (known to whites as Captain Jack), to an Oregon reservation; Kintpuash is hanged and the Modoc are exiled to Oklahoma.

1876-1877: Black Hills War

Gold in South Dakota brings in whites to Sioux land. Colonel George A. Custer and 264 soldiers are killed at Little Bighorn; subsequently, the U.S. Army destroys Indian resistance.

Nez Perce group known as "Chief Joseph's Band", Lapwai, Idaho, spring, 1877
Library of Congress

Nez Perce group known as "Chief Joseph's Band", Lapwai, Idaho, spring, 1877
1877: Nez Percé War

Across Idaho, Oregon, and the Washington border, the U.S. moves against the previously peaceful Nez Percé people in the Northwest; Chief Joseph leads a skillful retreat towards Canada, but is caught.

1878: Bannock War

Native Americans of the Bannock tribe attack white settlers in Idaho before they suffer heavy losses and are forced back to Fort Hall Reservation.

1890: Messiah War

The U.S. apprehends Sioux leader Sitting Bull, who is killed when followers try to free him. The Sioux surrender but are massacred at Wounded Knee in South Dakota, in this final fight between Native Americans and the U.S. Army.

1893: Coup in Hawaii

U.S. Marines land in the kingdom of Hawaii to aid the overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani.

'Off to War' parade in Denver, CO
Colorado Historical Society

'Off to War' parade in Denver, CO
1898-1902: Spanish-American War

U.S. victories against Spain lead to the Treaty of Paris, which establishes the independence of Cuba, and cedes Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S.. The U.S. also purchases the Philippines for $20 million.

1912: Occupation of Nicaragua

Marines arrive in Nicaragua to bolster the government of Adolfo Diaz; the last marines depart in 1934.

1914: Tampico Affair

After U.S. Marines are arrested at Tampico, U.S. forces bombard Veracruz, Mexico, and occupy the city.

1915: Invasion of Haiti

U.S. Marines occupy Haiti after a civil war; a treaty between the U.S. and the Haitian Senate makes the island nation a virtual U.S. protectorate. Troops withdraw in 1934.

1916-1917: Expedition Against Villa

The U.S. military invades Northern Mexico to capture Mexican Pancho Villa, who had raided New Mexico, killing 18; U.S. forces numbering 11,000 withdraw, unable to capture Villa.

Corner of the battlefield near Arras
Library of Congress

Corner of the battlefield near Arras
1917-1918: World War I

The U.S. ends three years of neutrality in the European conflict, declaring war on Germany. An armistice is declared November 11, 1918.

1918-1920: Siberian Expedition

The U.S. and other Allied troops invade Russia to protect war supplies during the Russian Revolution.

1927: Protection of Shanghai's International Settlement

One hundred Marines land in Shanghai to defend U.S. property during a civil war there.

7 GI's at a sandbag bunker in Italy
Colorado Historical Society

7 GI's at a sandbag bunker in Italy
1941-1945: World War II

The U.S. enters World War II after Japanese planes attack Pearl Harbor in Hawaii; in 1945, Germany and Japan surrender to Allied forces

1950-1953: Korean War

The U.S. battles North Korean soldiers and then Chinese soldiers in Korea before an armistice is signed in 1953.

1955: Defense of Chinese Nationalists

The U.S. 7th Fleet helps Nationalist Chinese evacuate 25,000 troops and 17,000 civilians from China to Taiwan to escape victorious Communist forces.

Soldiers with a prisoner
Vietnam War Internet Project

Soldiers with a prisoner
1955-1973: Vietnam War

In 1955, U.S. advisers are sent to Vietnam; in 1964 Congress authorizes President Lyndon B. Johnson to "repel any armed attack" in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. A cease-fire is declared in 1973.

1961: Bay of Pigs Invasion

A CIA-backed invasion of Cuba fails.

1962: Anti-Communist Intervention

President John F. Kennedy orders 5,000 troops to Thailand to support the right-wing Laotian government.

1965: Dominican Crisis

Marines invade the Dominican Republic at the start of a civil war; troops withdraw in 1966.

1975: Mayaguez Incident

A U.S. merchant ship is rescued from Cambodians by U.S. Navy and Marines off the coast of Cambodia.

1980: Operation Eagle Claw

A military mission to free American hostages in Iran fails.

1983: Operation Urgent Fury

U.S. Marines and Rangers remove U.S. medical students from Grenada.

1986: Operation El Dorado Canyon

U.S. war planes strike Libya in retaliation for the Libyan bombing of a West Berlin disco.

1990-1991: Persian Gulf War

The U.S. leads a multi-nation coalition against Iraq after that country invades Kuwait; Iraq surrenders.

199-1993: Operation Restore Hope

U.S. troops go to Somalia to help restore order and deliver food during a period of unrest and famine.

1994-1995: Operation Uphold Democracy

The U.S. Army sends troops to Haiti in September 1994 to help restore a democratic government.

1994-1995: Bosnian War

The United States bombs Bosnia to prevent "ethnic cleansing" by Serbs in that region and then sends troops to Bosnia to join a NATO peacekeeping force there, as well as in other Balkan areas including Macedonia and Kosovo.


Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:14 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 2 June 2011 7:37 AM PDT
Monday, 23 May 2011
War ... what is good for? Absolutly Nothing!.. Say it again!
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: May 21 updates from the Internet - whos that war going anyway?
Topic: WAR

 Feed: Terminal X
 Title: Operation Badar:

 May 21, 2011

Author: Anonymous 
Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid and Qari Yousuf Ahmadi | Afghan Taliban Spokespersons

Operation Badar MAY 21 2011

1. FARAH, May. 21 –Mujahideen detonated a remote-controlled roadside bomb on an American tank at 03:00 pm yesterday, instantly killing all 4 invaders onboard in Bakwa’s Ghaziabad area.

2. KANDAHAR, May. 21 – As many as 4 police minions lost their lives in Dand district’s Pazki area when their vehicle was blown to bits by a land mine at around 04:00 pm yesterday.

3. ZABUL, May. 21 – A US Special Forces military convoy travelling on Kabul-Kandahar main highway through Matizo area near Qalat city was hit by land mines, eliminating 2 Land Cruiser 4WD vehicles and killing all invaders inside.

4. KANDAHAR, May. 21 – At around 05:00 pm yesterday in Dand’s Pazki area, 3 police puppets including their commander were killed and 4 others seriously wounded in bombing which destroyed their vehicle.

5. ZABUL, May. 21 – An ebony skinned American terrorist who had come out of his outpost at 07:00 am local time was shot dead by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Shomolzo’s Qala Rasheed area.

6. ZABUL, May. 21 – 5 innocent civilians were detained and taken back to their bases by barbaric US invaders in Shomolzo’s Pie Khelo area after raided their homes last night.

7. ZABUL, May. 21 – A border police vehicle in Shomolzo’s Haji Ajab Khan Nawrhi area was obliterated by an IED at around 05:00 pm yesterday, killing all 4 puppets onboard.

8. ZABUL, May. 21 – As many as 7 police minions lost their lives or were severely wounded when their vehicle was annihilated by an IED in Nawrak area located near Qalat city at 09:00 am this morning.

9. KABUL, May 21 – As many as 51 military doctors and other officials of the NATO and local puppets got killed and dozens more were wounded on Saturday noon local time in twin martyr attacks that rocked the Charsad Bestar (400-bed) hospital, the largest military hospital in the country located in the heart of Kabul city, the capital of the country, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman for Al-Emarah reported from.

Both Mujahids have embraced martyrdom with an interval of an hour after fighting bravely in the military section of the hospital before detonating their explosivs belts, Mujahid added.

10. HELMAND, May. 21 – At least 2 US invaders were killed and 3 fatally wounded in an IED attack on their foot patrol in Nad Ali’s Si Waik Gharbi area at 02:00 pm yesterday while walking in front of their outpost.

11. FARYAB, May. 21 – An ISAF tank in Khwaja Namusa district’s Ghra Taifa area was destroyed earlier this morning by a land mine, killing 2 invaders and seriously wounding 3 others onboard.

12. HELMAND, May. 21 – Heavy fighting is taking place in Nawa district since earlier this afternoon when Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, as part of operation ‘Badar’ carried out an armed assault on the invaders outposts located in Tangano Godar area.

13. KANDAHAR, May. 21 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate from Zhiri district say that the US tank, which the invaders used to park in Sarkili area to ambush Mujahideen everyday, was shot this afternoon by 82mm canon round, destroying the tank and killing all enemy personnel inside.

14. ZABUL, May. 21 – An anti-tank mine planted by Mujahideen on the main road to Shomolzo near Shinki district center tore through an American armored tank at 09:00 am this morning, killing and wounding all invaders inside.

15. HELMAND, May. 21 – Latest reports arriving about the Helmand offensive which carried out by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in the entire district 2 days earlier as a part of ‘Operation Badar’ say that those 20 missiles which slammed into Shurab airfield, considered as the enemies largest base in the province had destroyed 6 US helicopters after hitting their shelter besides causing the enemy deadly casualties.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:58 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 23 May 2011 11:18 AM PDT
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
My Voice Doesn't Count "The Job Review"
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Carolyn Gregory's Poem on work and competencies

The Job Review

Like a boil, my worry popped this morning
when the managers took me in
and updated my review :
Competencies unmet. . .
my sins too grievous to mention for polite folk,
my hands sweaty, folded in my lap,
incapable of  prayer.
When I woke today,
Louis Armstrong sang
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen,
Nobody knows my sorrow. . .
In my mind’s eye,
New Orleans floated by on a bloody mattress.
Once again, I’ve failed.
Too tall, too left-handed,
too disorganized, et cetera.
It’s time for another public whipping –
Bind my wrists,
shoot little flaming arrows into my flesh
and shut the door on my grievances. . .
In the bigger scheme,
my voice doesn’t count,
just the ability to say
Yes Sir, Yes Ma’am,
type up a storm of spreadsheets
and prop up a sagging floor plan.


(And just one more from Carolyn about "work")

In the Scheduling Office

A sales rep calls from Perceptive
as someone pages Dr. Ivan Ho overhead.
The transport gurney wheels patients for IV lines
and contrasts of arteries and veins.
Everywhere, there are screens full of ultrasounds.

In Radiology, it’s a regular archaeological dig!
Phone calls fly on little wings,
doctors analyze 3D films of abdomens,
scanned for disaster.

Invisible, I sit behind my bunker shield,
ducking facts and personalities.
A doctor says 6,000 veins a week get billed.
Another’s lost his pocket scheduler,
cursing in Spanish.
Another dictates upper case AORTA,
upper case ANEURYSM.
His report goes into the talk station.

My day is most peculiar and surreal.
A nurse thanks me for being kind
though I sounded gruff.
Dr. S talks about the Ivory Tower
to a pretty clerk smiling like Snow White
as she counts down to lunch.


 Current Occupation:   Free lance classical music and theatre arts reviewer for STYLUS and community activist
Former Occupation:  Academic hospital administrator and grant writer
Contact Information:  Carolyn Gregory has published poems and music/theatre reviews in American Poetry Review, Seattle Review, Bellowing Ark, Main Street Rag, Wilderness House Literary Review and STYLUS. Her full length book, Open Letters, was published in Boston in 2009 and her next book, Scenario, is due for publication this year.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 18 May 2011 10:20 AM PDT
Monday, 9 May 2011
Eva Golinger speaks in Portland Oregon 5.6.11
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: From Caracas to Cascadia - Eva Golinger speaks in Portland Oregon

Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:54 AM PDT
Thursday, 21 April 2011
911 Truth about the passengers - A big thanks to horse237
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: No Arabs On The 4 Hijacked 911 Airliners?
Topic: 911 TRUTH

No Arabs On

The 4 Hijacked

911 Airliners?

How did the 19 Arab hijackers get on board those planes? Not even one had a ticket!

original at  link to vidrebel.wordpress.com


There are two conspiracy theories of what happened on 9-11. The government side has been told by the Bush and Obama administrations and by all five Democrats and all five Republicans on the 911 Commission as well as the corporate news media. Their version is well known.

But there is an unanswered question. How did the 19 Arab hijackers get on board those planes? The list of the 19 men was conveniently found in a parked car. Not one of those 19 men was a passenger. Not even one had a ticket. Not even one had a boarding pass. Nor were any of the 19 men members of the flight crews.

All airlines have employees who will lose their jobs if they let men without tickets and boarding passes on to an airplane. To imagine that 19 men achieved this feat on 9-11 without one airline employee being fired is unbelievable.

It is true that there was a photo of Mohamed Atta at an airport in Portland Maine, but there were no surveillance videos of any of the 19 men on 9-11-2001. So the question is: How did the 19 men hijack four planes if not even one of the men were on board?

I sincerely believe that the list of passengers and crew members below should be considered as the first casualties of World War III. We dishonor them if we do nothing to protect others from the madmen who plan wars in which people like us are expected to die.

An alternative theory of 9-11 is that the four planes were electronically hijacked by what is know as the Command Transmitter System (CTS) which is made by SPC International whose CEO had been Rabbi Dov Zakheim in the 1990s. CTS can remotely control up to eight planes at once. Rabbi Zakheim, who was a member of the Project for a New American Century along with Richard Perle and Dick Cheney, was the Comptroller of the Pentagon on 9-11.

On 9-10-2001 Donald Rumsfeld admitted at a press conference that 2.3 trillion dollars in Pentagon money from the previous Clinton and Bush administrations was missing, On 9-11 a bomb was detonated inside the Pentagon that killed over forty military auditors who had been attempting to track down those missing trillions.

Among the witnesses to that bomb was Robert Andrews, a former Green Beret who was the Acting Assistant Secretary of the DOD in charge of America's 25,000 Special Operations soldiers. There were other witnesses including two military personnel with top secret clearances and a Danish diplomat. Unfortunately, I do not have a separate list of the military and civilian auditors who died that day.

With all respect to those who died on 9-11 and to those who were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan I submit the following list of those who died as a sacrifice to the games played by The Powers That Be.

We will never forget those who were the first civilian victims of World War III.

American Airlines Flight 11, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center with 92 people on board.
John Ogonowski, 52, of Dracut, Massachusetts, was the pilot of Flight 11. He lived on a 150-acre farm north of Boston. He is survived by his wife, Margaret, and three daughters, Laura, 16; Caroline, 14; and Mary, 11. A lifelong aviation buff, he joined the Air Force after graduating from college and flew planes at the close of the Vietnam War. He joined American Airlines in 1979.
First Officer Thomas McGuinness, 42, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, was Flight 11′s co-pilot. He is survived by his wife, Cheryl, and a 14-year-old son and 16-year-old daughter. He was active in Bethany Church in Greenland, New Hampshire, friends and neighbors told The Boston Globe. Rick DeKoven, a church administrator, described him as "a devoted family man."
Barbara Arestegui, 38, was a flight attendant from Marstons Mills, Massachusetts.
Jeffrey Collman was a flight attendant.
Sara Low, 28, was a flight attendant from Batesville, Arkansas.
Karen Martin was a flight attendant.
Kathleen Nicosia was a flight attendant.
Betty Ong, 45, was a flight attendant from Andover, Massachusetts.
Jean Roger, 24, was a flight attendant from Longmeadow, Massachusetts.
Dianne Snyder, 42, was a flight attendant from Westport, Massachusetts.
Madeline Sweeney, 35, was a flight attendant from Acton, Massachusetts.

Anna Williams Allison, 48, of Stoneham, Massachusetts, was the founder of A2 Software Solutions, a firm that assists companies in software development. Allison had more than 19 years' experience in the software development industry and was a frequent speaker and trainer at national and local conferences.
David Angell, 54, of Pasadena, California, was the creator and executive producer of the hit NBC sitcom "Frasier." A native of West Barrington, Rhode Island, Angell entered the Army after graduating from college and served at the Pentagon until 1972. He worked in insurance and engineering before selling a script for a TV series in 1977. In 1983, he joined the TV series "Cheers" as a staff writer and began working with co-supervising producers Peter Casey and David Lee. This team formed a production company, creating and producing "Wings" in 1990 and "Frasier" in 1993. The trio won 24 Emmys.
Lynn Angell, 45, of Pasadena, California, was the wife of "Frasier" creator and executive producer David Angell. The Angells were returning from a wedding on the East Coast to attend the Emmy Awards.
Seima Aoyama
Myra Aronson, 52, of Charlestown, Massachusetts, was a press and analyst relations manager for Compuware Corp.
Christine Barbuto, 32, of Brookline, Massachusetts, was a buyer for TJX Cos., the off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions. She was on her way to California on a buying trip. Barbuto is survived her father and two sisters. She had worked for TJX for five years.
Berry Berenson, 53, of Los Angeles, California, was an actress and photographer. She was the widow of actor Anthony Perkins, who died in 1992, and sister of actress and model Marisa Berenson. She is survived by two sons, Osgood, an actor, and Elvis. Born into an aristocratic family, Berenson appeared in the movies "Cat People" (1982), "Winter Kills" (1979) and "Remember My Name" (1978).
Carolyn Beug, 48, of Los Angeles, California, was traveling with her mother, Mary Wahlstrom. They had gone to Boston to drop off relatives at a nearby college and were returning home.
Carol Bouchard, 43, of Warwick, Rhode Island, was a Kent County Hospital emergency room secretary.
Robin Caplin was from Natick, Massachusetts.
Neilie Casey, 32, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, was a merchandise planning manager for TJX Cos., the off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions. She worked for TJX for eight years. Casey is survived by her husband and a 7-month-old daughter.
Jeffrey Coombs, 42, of Abington, Massachusetts, was a security analyst for Compaq Computer. He is survived by his wife, Christie, and three children, Meagan, 10; Julia, 7; and Matt, 12.
Tara Creamer, 30, of Worcester, Massachusetts, was a merchandise planning manager for TJX Cos., the off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions. She had worked for TJX for eight years. Creamer is survived by her husband, John, and two children, Colin, 4, and Nora, 1.
Thelma Cuccinello, 71, was a Wilmot, New Hampshire, resident with 10 grandchildren. She was on her way to visit a sister in California. Daughter Cheryl O'Brien gave her mom a ride to catch a bus to Logan International Airport in Boston. "I was the last one to see her," O'Brien said. "I got to kiss her and say 'I love you' and 'Have a nice trip.' "
Patrick Currivan
Andrew Curry Green was from Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
Brian Dale, 43, of Warren, New Jersey, was an accountant and attorney with Blue Capital Management. He was married and the father of three.
David DiMeglio was from Wakefield, Massachusetts.
Donald Ditullio, 49, was from Peabody, Massachusetts.
Albert Dominguez, 66, was a baggage handler for Qantas Airways in Sydney, Australia. He was traveling on holiday at the time of his death. He was married with four children.
Alex Filipov, 70, was an electrical engineer from Concord, Massachusetts.
Carol Flyzik, 40, was from Plaistow, New Hampshire.
Paul Friedman, 45, from Belmont, Massachusetts, was a consultant for Emergence Consulting.
Karleton D.B. Fyfe, 31, of Brookline, Massachusetts, was a senior investment analyst for John Hancock.
Peter Gay, 54, of Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was a Raytheon Co. vice president of operations for electronic systems based in Andover, Massachusetts. He had worked for Raytheon for more than 28 years.
Linda George, 27, of Westboro, Massachusetts, was a buyer for TJX Cos., the off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions. She was on her way to California on a buying trip. George is survived by her father, mother, sister and brother. She was engaged to be married.
Edmund Glazer, 41, of Los Angeles, California, was the chief financial officer and vice president of finance and administration of MRV Communications, a Chatsworth, California, firm that focuses on optical components and network infrastructure systems. Glazer was survived by his wife, Candy, and son, Nathan.
Lisa Fenn Gordenstein, 41, of Needham, Massachusetts, was an assistant vice president, merchandise manager, for TJX Cos., the off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions. She was on her way to California on a buying trip. Gordenstein is survived by her husband and two children.
Paige Farley Hackel, 46, was a spiritual adviser from Newton, Massachusetts.
Peter Hashem, 40, was an engineer from Tewksbury, Massachusetts.
Robert Hayes, 37, from Amesbury, Massachusetts was a sales engineer with Netstal.
Ted Hennessy, 35, was a consultant for Emergence Consulting in Belmont, Massachusetts.
John Hofer
Cora Holland, 52, of Sudbury, Massachusetts, was with Sudbury Food Pantry, an interdenominational program that assisted needy families, at Our Lady of Fatima Church.
Nicholas Humber, 60, of Newton, Massachusetts, was the owner of Brae Burn Management.
John Jenkins
Charles Jones, 48, was a computer programmer from Bedford, Massachusetts.
Robin Kaplan, 33, of Westboro, Massachusetts, was a senior store equipment specialist for TJX Cos., the off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions. She was on her way to California to help prepare for a new T.J. Maxx store opening. Kaplan had returned to work this year after battling Crohn's disease, a life-threatening inflammatory illness of the gastrointestinal tract. She is survived by her father, Edward Kaplan, and mother, Francine.
Barbara Keating, 72, was from Palm Springs, California.
David Kovalcin, 42, of Hudson, New Hampshire, was a Raytheon Co. senior mechanical engineer for electronic systems in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. He had worked for Raytheon for 15 years.
Judy Larocque, 50, of Framingham, Massachusetts, was the founder and CEO of Market Perspectives, a research firm that offers online and on-site surveys. Before founding the company in 1993, she was the principal of Emergent Marketing, an executive marketing consulting firm.
Jude Larson, 31, was from Los Angeles, California.
Natalie Larson was from Los Angeles, California.
N. Janis Lasden, 46, of General Electric was from Peabody, Massachusetts.
Daniel John Lee, 34, was from Los Angeles, California.
Daniel C. Lewin, 31, was the co-founder and chief technology officer at Akamai Technologies Inc., a Cambridge, Massachusetts, company that produces technology equipment to facilitate online content delivery. He is survived by his wife and two sons. He founded Akamai in 1998 with scientist Tom Leighton and a group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientists and business professionals. Lewin was responsible for the company's research and development strategy.
Susan MacKay, 44, of Westford, Massachusetts, was an employee of TJX Cos., the off-price retailer of apparel and home fashions.
Chris Mello, 25, was a financial analyst with Alta Communications from Boston. He graduated from Princeton University with a degree in psychology. He is survived by his parents, Douglas and Ellen Mello of Rye, New York; a brother, John Douglas Mello of New York City; and his paternal grandmother, Alice Mello, of Barefoot Bay, Florida.
Jeff Mladenik, 43, of Hinsdale, Illinois, was the interim president at E-Logic.
Antonio Montoya
Carlos Montoya
Laura Lee Morabito, 34, was the Qantas Airways area sales manager in Boston. She lived in Framingham, Massachusetts, with her husband. She was traveling on company business at the time of her death.
Mildred Naiman was from Andover, Massachusetts.
Laurie Neira
Renee Newell, 37, of Cranston, Rhode Island, was a customer service agent with American Airlines.
Jacqueline Norton, 60, was a retiree from Lubec, Maine. She was traveling with her husband, Robert Norton.
Robert Norton, 82, was a retiree from Lubec, Maine. He was traveling with his wife, Jacqueline Norton.
Jane Orth, 49, of Haverhill, Massachusetts, was retired from Lucent Technology.
Thomas Pecorelli, 31, of Los Angeles, California, was a cameraman for Fox Sports and E! Entertainment Television.
Sonia Morales Puopolo, 58, of Dover, Massachusetts, was a retired ballet dancer.
David Retik was from Needham, Massachusetts. He was a general partner and founding member of Alta Communications, a Boston-based investment firm specializing in communication industries. Retik graduated from Colgate University and received a master's in accounting from New York University. He is survived by his wife, Susan and their two children, Ben and Molly.
Philip Rosenzweig of Acton, Massachusetts, was an executive with Sun Microsystems.
Richard Ross, 58, of Newton, Massachusetts, headed his own management consulting company, the Ross Group.
Jessica Sachs, 22, of Billerica, Massachusetts was an accountant with PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Rahma Salie, 28, was from Boston.
Heather Smith, 30, of Beacon Capital Partners was from Boston.
Douglas Stone, 54, was from Dover, New Hampshire.
Xavier Suarez
Michael Theodoridis, 32, was a consultant from Boston.
James Trentini, 65, was a retired teacher and assistant principal from Everett, Massachusetts.
Mary Trentini, 67, was a retired secretary from Everett, Massachusetts.
Mary Wahlstrom, 75, of Kaysville, Utah, was traveling with her daughter, Carolyn Beug. They had gone to Boston to drop off relatives at a nearby college and were returning home.
Kenneth Waldie, 46, of Methuen, Massachusetts, was a Raytheon Co. senior quality control engineer for electronic systems in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. He had worked for Raytheon for 17 years.
John Wenckus, 46, was a tax consultant from Torrance, California.
Candace Lee Williams, 20, was a student from Danbury, Connecticut.
Christopher Zarba, 47, of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, was a software engineer at Concord Communications. He leaves behind a wife and family. He would have been 48 on September 15.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

American Airlines Flight 77, from Washington to Los Angeles, crashed into the Pentagon with 64 people aboard.

Charles Burlingame of Herndon, Virginia, was the plane's captain. He is survived by a wife, a daughter and a grandson. He had more than 20 years of experience flying with American Airlines and was a former U.S. Navy pilot.
David Charlebois, who lived in Washington's Dupont Circle neighborhood, was the first officer on the flight. "He was handsome and happy and very centered," his neighbor Travis White, told The Washington Post. "His life was the kind of life I wanted to have some day."
Michele Heidenberger of Chevy Chase, Maryland, was a flight attendant for 30 years. She left behind a husband, a pilot, and a daughter and son.
Flight attendant Jennifer Lewis, 38, of Culpeper, Virginia, was the wife of flight attendant Kenneth Lewis.
Flight attendant Kenneth Lewis, 49, of Culpeper, Virginia, was the husband of flight attendant Jennifer Lewis.
Renee May, 39, of Baltimore, Maryland, was a flight attendant.

Paul Ambrose, 32, of Washington, was a physician who worked with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the surgeon general to address racial and ethnic disparities in health. A 1995 graduate of Marshall University School of Medicine, Ambrose last year was named the Luther Terry Fellow of the Association of Teachers of Preventative Medicine.
Yeneneh Betru, 35, was from Burbank, California.
M.J. Booth
Bernard Brown, 11, was a student at Leckie Elementary School in Washington. He was embarking on an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society.
Suzanne Calley, 42, of San Martin, California, was an employee of Cisco Systems Inc.
William Caswell
Sarah Clark, 65, of Columbia, Maryland, was a sixth-grade teacher at Backus Middle School in Washington. She was accompanying a student on an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society.
Asia Cottom, 11, was a student at Backus Middle School in Washington. Asia was embarking on an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society.
James Debeuneure, 58, of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, was a fifth-grade teacher at Ketcham Elementary School in Washington. He was accompanying a student on an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society.
Rodney Dickens, 11, was a student at Leckie Elementary School in Washington. He was embarking on an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society.
Eddie Dillard
Charles Droz
Barbara Edwards, 58, of Las Vegas, Nevada, was a teacher at Palo Verde High School in Las Vegas.
Charles S. Falkenberg, 45, of University Park, Maryland, was the director of research at ECOlogic Corp., a software engineering firm. He worked on data systems for NASA and also developed data systems for the study of global and regional environmental issues. Falkenburg was traveling with his wife, Leslie Whittingham, and their two daughters, Zoe, 8, and Dana, 3.
Zoe Falkenberg, 8, of University Park, Maryland, was the daughter of Charles Falkenberg and Leslie Whittingham.
Dana Falkenberg, 3, of University Park, Maryland, was the daughter of Charles Falkenberg and Leslie Whittingham.
Joe Ferguson was the director of the National Geographic Society's geography education outreach program in Washington. He was accompanying a group of students and teachers on an educational trip to the Channel Islands in California. A Mississippi native, he joined the society in 1987. "Joe Feguson's final hours at the Geographic reveal the depth of his commitment to one of the things he really loved," said John Fahey Jr., the society's president. "Joe was here at the office until late Monday evening preparing for this trip. It was his goal to make this trip perfect in every way."
Wilson "Bud" Flagg of Millwood, Virginia, was a retired Navy admiral and retired American Airlines pilot.
Dee Flagg
Richard Gabriel
Ian Gray, 55, of Washington was the president of a health-care consulting firm.
Stanley Hall, 68, was from Rancho Palos Verdes, California.
Bryan Jack, 48, of Alexandria, Virginia, was a senior executive at the Defense Department.
Steven D. "Jake" Jacoby, 43, of Alexandria, Virginia, was the chief operating officer of Metrocall Inc., a wireless data and messaging company.
Ann Judge, 49, of Virginia was the travel office manager for the National Geographic Society. She was accompanying a group of students and teachers on an educational trip to the Channel Islands in California. Society President John Fahey Jr. said one of his fondest memories of Judge is a voice mail she and a colleague once left him while they were rafting the Monkey River in Belize. "This was quintessential Ann — living life to the fullest and wanting to share it with others," he said.
Chandler Keller, 29, was a Boeing propulsion engineer from El Segundo, California.
Yvonne Kennedy
Norma Khan, 45, from Reston, Virginia was a nonprofit organization manager.
Karen A. Kincaid, 40, was a lawyer with the Washington firm of Wiley Rein & Fielding. She joined the firm in 1993 and was part of the its telecommunications practice. She was married to Peter Batacan.
Norma Langsteuerle
Dong Lee
Dora Menchaca, 45, of Santa Monica, California, was the associate director of clinical research for a biotech firm.
Christopher Newton, 38, of Anaheim, California, was president and chief executive officer of Work-Life Benefits, a consultation and referral service. He was married and had two children. Newton was on his way back to Orange County to retrieve his family's yellow Labrador, who had been left behind until they could settle into their new home in Arlington, Virginia.
Barbara Olson, 45, was a conservative commentator who often appeared on CNN and was married to U.S. Solicitor General Theodore Olson. She twice called her husband as the plane was being hijacked and described some details, including that the attackers were armed with knives. She had planned to take a different flight, but she changed it at the last minute so that she could be with her husband on his birthday. She worked as an investigator for the House Government Reform Committee in the mid-1990s and later worked on the staff of Senate Minority Whip Don Nickles.
Ruben Ornedo, 39, of Los Angeles, California, was a Boeing propulsion engineer.
Robert Penniger, 63, of Poway, California, was an electrical engineer with BAE Systems.
Lisa Raines, 42, was senior vice president for government relations at the Washington office of Genzyme, a biotechnology firm. She was from Great Falls, Virginia, and was married to Stephen Push. She worked with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on developing a new policy governing cellular therapies, announced in 1997. She also worked on other major health-care legislation.
Todd Reuben, 40, of Potomac, Maryland, was a tax and business lawyer.
John Sammartino
Diane Simmons
George Simmons
Mari-Rae Sopper of Santa Barbara, California, was a women's gymnastics coach at the University of California at Santa Barbara. She had just gotten the post August 31 and was making the trip to California to start work.
Bob Speisman, 47, was from Irvington, New York.
Hilda Taylor was a sixth-grade teacher at Leckie Elementary School in Washington. She was accompanying a student on an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society.
Leonard Taylor was from Reston, Virginia.
Leslie A. Whittington, 45, was from University Park, Maryland. The professor of public policy at Georgetown University in Washington was traveling with her husband, Charles Falkenberg, 45, and their two daughters, Zoe, 8, and Dana, 3. They were traveling to Los Angeles to catch a connection to Australia. Whittington had been named a visiting fellow at Australian National University in Canberra.
John Yamnicky, 71, was from Waldorf, Maryland.
Vicki Yancey
Shuyin Yang
Yuguag Zheng
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

United Airlines Flight 93, from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California, crashed in rural southwest Pennsylvania, with 45 people on board.

Jason Dahl, 43, from Denver, Colorado, was the plane's captain. He had a wife and son. Dahl had a lifelong interest in flying, said his aunt, Maxine Atkinson, of Waterloo, Iowa.
Leroy Homer, 36, from Marlton, New Jersey, was the first officer on board. He was married and had a daughter.
Lorraine Bay was a flight attendant.
Sandra Bradshaw, 38, of Greensboro, North Carolina, was a flight attendant.
Wanda Green was a flight attendant.
CeeCee Lyles of Fort Myers, Florida, was a flight attendant. She reached her husband, Lorne, by cell phone to tell him that she loved him and their children before the plane went down. The couple between them had four children.
Deborah Welsh was a flight attendant.
Christian Adams
Todd Beamer, 32, was from Cranbury, New Jersey.
Alan Beaven, 48, of Oakland, California, was an environmental lawyer.
Mark Bingham, 31, of San Francisco owned a public relations firm, the Bingham Group. He called his mother, Alice Hoglan, 15 minutes before the plane crashed and told her that the plane had been taken over by three men who claimed to have a bomb. Hoglan said her son told her that some passengers planned to try to regain control of the plane. "He said, 'I love you very, very much, ' " Hoglan said.
Deora Bodley, 20, of Santa Clara, California, was a university student.
Marion Britton
Thomas E. Burnett Jr., 38, of San Ramon, California, was a senior vice president and chief operating officer of Thoratec Corp., a medical research and development company, and the father of three. He made four calls to his wife, Deena, from the plane. Deena Burnett said that her husband told her that one passenger had been stabbed and that "a group of us are going to do something." He also told her that the people on board knew about the attack on the World Trade Center, apparently through other phone calls.
William Cashman
Georgine Corrigan
Joseph Deluca
Patrick Driscoll
Edward Felt, 41, was from Matawan, New Jersey.
Colleen Fraser
Andrew Garcia
Jeremy Glick, 31, from West Milford, New Jersey, called his wife, Liz, and in-laws in New York on a cell phone to tell them the plane had been hijacked, Joanne Makely, Glick's mother-in-law, told CNN. Glick said that one of the hijackers "had a red box he said was a bomb, and one had a knife of some nature," Makely said. Glick asked Makely if the reports about the attacks on the World Trade Center were true, and she told him they were. He left the phone for a while, returning to say, "The men voted to attack the terrorists," Makely said.
Lauren Grandcolas of San Rafael, California, was a sales worker at Good Housekeeping magazine.
Donald F. Green, 52, was from Greenwich, Connecticut.
Linda Gronlund
Richard Guadagno, 38, of Eureka, California, was the manager of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
Toshiya Kuge
Waleska Martinez
Nicole Miller
Mark Rothenberg
Christine Snyder, 32, was from Kailua, Hawaii. She was an arborist for the Outdoor Circle and was returning from a conference in Washington. She had been married less than a year.
John Talignani
Honor Wainio

United Airlines Flight 175, from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, was the second hijacked plane to strike the World Trade Center, plowing into the south tower. Two pilots, seven flight attendants and 56 passengers were on board.

Capt. Victor Saracini, 51, of Lower Makefield Township, Pennsylvania, was a Navy veteran. He is survived by his wife and two children.
Michael Horrocks was first officer.
Robert J. Fangman was a flight attendant.
Amy N. Jarret, 28, of North Smithfield, Rhode Island, was a flight attendant.
Amy R. King was a flight attendant.
Kathryn L. Laborie was a flight attendant.
Alfred G. Marchand of Alamogordo, New Mexico, was a flight attendant.
Michael C. Tarrou was a flight attendant.
Alicia N. Titus was a flight atteandant.

Alona Avraham, 30, was from Ashdot, Israel.
Garnet "Ace" Bailey, 53, of Lynnfield, Massachusetts, was director of pro scouting for the Los Angeles Kings hockey team. Bailey was entering his 33rd season as a player or scout in the National Hockey League and his eighth with the Kings. Before joining the Kings, he spent 13 years as a scout for the Edmonton Oilers, a team that won five Stanley Cups during that time. As a player, Bailey spent five years with the Boston Bruins and was a member of Stanley Cup championship teams in 1969-70 and 1971-72. Bailey also spent parts of two seasons each with the Detroit Red Wings and St. Louis Blues, and three years with the Washington Capitals. He is survived by his wife, Katherine, and son, Todd.
Mark Bavis, 31, of West Newton, Massachusetts, was entering his second season as an amateur scout for the Los Angeles Kings. A Boston native, he played four years on Boston University's hockey team, where his twin brother, Michael, is an assistant coach. In addition to his twin brother, Bavis is survived by his mother, Mary; two other brothers, Pat and Johnny; and three sisters, Kelly, Mary Ellen and Kathy. The Bavis family lost a brother 15 years ago, and Bavis' father died 10 years ago.
Graham Berkeley, 37, of Xerox Corp. was from Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Touri Bolourchi, 69, was from Beverly Hills, California.
Klaus Bothe, 31, of Germany was on a business trip with BCT Technology AG's chief executive officer and another executive. Bothe joined the company in 1994 and was its director of development. He is survived by his wife and one child.
Daniel Brandhorst, of Los Angeles, California, was a lawyer for PriceWaterhouse.
David Brandhorst, 3, was from Los Angeles.
John Cahill was from Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Christoffer Carstanjen, 33, of Turner Falls, Massachusetts, was staff assistant in the office of information technology at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
John Corcoran "Jay" Corcoran, 44, of Norwell, Massachusetts, was a merchant marine.
Dorothy Dearaujo, 82, was from Long Beach, California.
Gloria Debarrera
Lisa Frost, 22, of Rancho Santa Margarita, California, graduated from Boston University this year, with degrees in communications and business hospitality. She is survived by her father, mother and brother.
Ronald Gamboa, 33, of Los Angeles, California, was a Gap store manager.
Lynn Goodchild, 25, was from Attleboro, Massachusetts.
The Rev. Francis E. Grogan, 76, of Easton, Massachusetts, was a priest at Holy Cross Church in Easton. A veteran of World War II, Grogan served as a parish priest, a chaplain and teacher at Holy Cross schools.
Carl Hammond, 37, was from Boston, Massachusetts.
Peter Hanson, 32, of Groton, Massachusetts, was a software salesman.
Susan Hanson, 35, of Groton, Massachusetts, was a student.
Christine Hanson, 3, was from Groton, Massachusetts.
Gerald Hardacre
Eric Hartono
James E. Hayden, 47, of Westford, Massachusetts, was the chief financial officer of Netegrity Inc. Hayden is survived by his wife, Gail, and their two children.
Herbert Homer,48, of Milford, Massachusetts, worked for Raytheon Co.
Robert Jalbert, 61, of Swampscott, Massachusetts, was a salesman.
Ralph Kershaw, 52, of Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, was a marine surveyor.
Heinrich Kimmig, 43, chairman and chief executive officer of BCT Technology Ag, of Germany was on a business trip involving contract negotiations with U.S. partners along with two other BCT execs, the company said in a statement. Kimmig studied mechanical engineering in college. After an internship, he became the design manager at Badische Stahl Engineering, and shortly after, he founded BSE Computer-Technologie GmbH, originally a locally operating software company. In 1999, this company became BCT Technology AG. Kimmig is survived by his wife and two children.
Brian Kinney, 29, of Lowell, Massachusetts, was an auditor for PriceWaterhouse Cooper.
Robert LeBlanc, 70, of Lee, New Hampshire, was a professor emeritus of geography at the University of New Hampshire. After earning his doctorate at the University of Minnesota, LeBlanc joined the University of New Hampshire's faculty in 1963 as a cultural geographer. With a specialty in Canadian studies, he looked at the Franco-American communities in New England's mill towns. He was acting chair and chair of the geography department for nearly 10 years, retiring in 1999.
Maclovio "Joe" Lopez Jr., 41, was from Norwalk, California.
Marianne MacFarlane
Louis Neil Mariani, 59, was from Derry, New Hampshire.
Juliana Valentine McCourt, 4, was from New London, Connecticut.
Ruth McCourt, 24, was from Westford, Massachusetts.
Wolfgang Menzel, 60, of Germany joined BCT Technology AG in 2000 as director of human resources. He is survived by his wife and one child. Menzel had planned to retire in six months.
Shawn Nassaney, 25, was from Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Patrick Quigley, 40, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, was a partner at PriceWaterhouse Cooper.
Frederick Rimmele was a physician from Marblehead, Massachusetts.
James M. Roux, 42, was from Portland, Maine.
Jesus Sanchez, 45, was an off-duty flight attendant from Hudson, Massachusetts.
Kathleen Shearer was from Dover, New Hampshire.
Robert Shearer was from Dover, New Hampshire.
Jane Simpkin, 35, was from Wayland, Massachusetts.
Brian D. Sweeney, 38, was from Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Timothy Ward, 38, of San Diego, California, worked at the Carlsbad, California-based Rubio's Restaurants Inc. A 14-year veteran of the company, he opened its second restaurant in San Diego and most recently worked in the information technology department.
William Weems of Marblehead, Massachusetts, was a commercial producer.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.


This is how I got that list of names of the passengers and crews of the four electronically hijacked planes. I went to the Internet Archive advances search page located here:


Then I pasted the old URL below from CNN into the search box along with dates in 2001 when I knew the link was active. When the archive gave the old web page, I clicked on the links after having copied it.


The result was this URL:

 link to web.archive.org

To read about the bomb that killed the auditors who were looking for that missing money please go here:


Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:23 PM PDT
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Have you ever seen the rain on a sunny day
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Creedence Clearwater song
Someone told me long ago there's a calm before the stormI know, it's been comin' for some timeWhen it's over, so they say, it'll rain a sunny dayI know, shinin' down like water I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?I wanna know, have you ever seen the rainComin' down on a sunny day? Yesterday and days before, sun is cold and rain is hardI know, been that way for all my time'Til forever, on it goes through the circle, fast and slowI know, it can't stop, I wonder I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?I wanna know, have you ever seen the rainComin' down on a sunny day? Yeah, I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?I wanna know, have you ever seen the rainComin' down on a sunny day?

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:53 PM PDT
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Martin Luther King - What we can learn from him in 2011
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Thinking For Ourselves (Beyond Protests) - A letter to provoke

The following letter was sent to me by email, by someone who thought it applied alot to today in the year 2011. I do not know the author or the oriinal dte it was written ~joe


Beyond Protests
By Shea Howell

April is a time of reflection for me. I was a senior in college in April 1968 and vividly remember the news of Dr. King’s assassination. We had been planning to join him in May as part of the Poor Peoples Campaign. This was Dr. King’s effort to reinvigorate non-violent strategies with a visible presence in Washington, demanding an economic bill of rights to end poverty.
In the chaos after his death, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference decided to go ahead with the occupation of the Washington Mall. Thousands of people converged at the Capitol, demanding the government end the war in Vietnam and commit 30 billion dollars to provide full employment, a guaranteed annual income and low cost housing.
It was a dispiriting time. The leadership of the SCLC was in chaos. The weather was against us; the tents and shanties of Resurrection City sank into the mud.
Two months after Dr. King was shot, Bobby Kennedy was killed. The Poor People’s Campaign faded and the nation elected Richard Nixon its new president on the promise of “law and order.”
It was a time of despair. The country was drifting further away from the promise of those early days of the civil rights movement when we felt that we were remaking America into a democracy that included all of its people.
Those moments are on my mind now as we witness the vicious attacks on unions, teachers, immigrants, urban dwellers, students, the homeless, our young, our elders and those least able to care for themselves. In honor of Dr. King, thousands of people around the country have rallied to protest against those who have taken over the halls of state legislatures initiating and supporting policies to strip away basic rights and protections for people.
These protests are essential for our own self-respect. But they are not sufficient to turn the tide.
A year to the day before he was killed Dr. King spoke about breaking the silence on Vietnam.
King came to this speech with agony. He had witnessed the uprisings in Watts where the young people challenged his commitment to nonviolence. He was increasingly isolated and exhausted. He said early in the speech, “Some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak.”
Dr. King said he was compelled to “make a passionate plea to my beloved nation” because he “knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today—my own government.”
From that perspective Dr. King challenged us to recognize that we were on “the wrong side of a world revolution.”“Increasingly,” he explained, “by choice or by accident, this is the role our nation has taken … by refusing to give up the privileges and the pleasures that come from the immense profits of overseas investments.”
He challenged us,  “If we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. …We must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”
King did not live to give shape to this transformation. But he left us with the challenge to “engage in the positive actions” that “make democracy real.” This requires much more than protests from us all.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PDT
Monday, 4 April 2011
April 4 1968 - My Hero, Dr Martin Luther King was shot in Memphis
Mood:  down
Now Playing: MLK shot in 1968 on this day in Memphis Tennessee
April 4, 1968
Martin Luther King, Jr., 39, was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, where he had come to help with a strike by sanitation workers.

Riots in reaction to the assassination broke out in over a hundred cities across the U.S., lasting up to a week; cities included Chicago, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Cincinnati, Boston, Detroit, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Toledo, Pittsburgh, and Seattle. The federal government deployed 75,000 National Guard troops. 39 people died and 2,500 were injured.


< Revs. Ralph Abernathy, Jesse Jackson, and King on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel shortly before he was shot.


Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:55 AM PDT
Flux Rostrum Foreclusure Evictions in Rochester
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Flux Rostrum Video - Police Evict and Arrests - April 4th 2011


Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 5 April 2011 10:59 AM PDT
Video Editing tools from YouTube
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Brand New Tools for Video Editing
Topic: MEDIA

Xtranormal Movie Maker

Xtranormal lets you to turn anything you type into a fully-animated CG movie. Set up your scene, type in your script, and animate it instantly. Easily share something funny... by XtranormalCreate Video

Stupeflix Video Maker

Tell a story with your digital content. Mix pictures, videos, maps, text, music and watch Stupeflix produce a stunning video in a few seconds. It's fast, easy, and free to ... by stupeflixCreate Video


GoAnimate is a fun app that lets you make animated videos, for free, in just 10 minutes, without having to draw. You can even create your own cast of characters. There ar... by GoAnimateCreate Video

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 5 April 2011 3:17 PM PDT

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