Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Sunday, 24 February 2013
VIDEO: Unpermitted Does Not Mean Police Can Hurt People 2013 Portland Oregon
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Unpermitted March does not mean the police can now hurt the people for public safety!?


http://youtu.be/RLvJeU_V8ZI [20 minute video]


Unpermitted March does not mean the police can now hurt the people for public safety!?

This is a video with clips taken from the recent 2.14.13 unpermitted One Billion Rising March, recently in Portland in which the police treated peacefully the unpermitted marchers *this time.

In contrast:  There is out-takes added from May Day 2012 and from the N3 Austerity march in 2012 that were both unpermitted marches... where folks who were protesting were then pepersprayed, blocked and tackled by the police. [while in the street trying to march]

There is also a short out-takes from 2008 when the police took my camera, whereupon I filed a lawsuit and changed the policy regarding filming the police in public [and] I got my camera back, [plus $3,000 in lawyer fees and a tiny token 100 bucks for my personal fee but mainly we all got --> police policy changes regarding filming]. A small discussion about filming the police is included in this 20 min video.

The point of this video is to highlight the peaceful marches and the ones where their has been a (uncalled for) call for violence orchestrated by the police.

Which usually always is justified by them, by using words like; public safety, and anarchist [?] being involved, [etc.] The video from Veterans Day highlights the "A" word concern expressed by Officer Friendly (inches from my face) The police were there, for the possible Veterans "unpermitted march" {that didn't happen]. - And same for the One Billion Rising.

As many have pointed out the money paid for these police services, (related to unpermitted marches) could be used for better things, especially than paying from resulting lawsuits and more shift salaries, including OT pay. So rather than wasting taxpayers little money on violent tactics and so called "public safety" the people want better policing. The citizens also appreciate not having the police hurt and threaten them, [which also helps with better over -all- relationships]
There is no need for violence at non violent public demonstrations that don't have a permit. The violence must stop.



Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:09 AM PST

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