Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Cindy SheehanReports Back about Fascist US Goverment Lockup
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Cindy Sheehans report back after being jailed like a terrorist

Whose Streets?

(Our Streets between One and Four When we have a Permit)

Report of our arrest and 50 hours detainment

Whose Streets? (Our Streets between 1pm and 4pm With a Permit)









On the 7th commemoration of the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq, there was a rally and march in DC sponsored by the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition that was attended by about eight thousand people.


For quite awhile, I have been having problems with marches on Saturday, anyway. It seems like we march past empty buildings and shake our fists at them and promise that if those empty buildings don't change their ways, we will be back next year to do the same thing. The arrests are symbolic and don't shut down anything, except in the case of large arrests, where the police stations are busy for a few hours.


As far as I know, there were no large civil disobediences scheduled for last Saturday's rally, but some coffins were built on the sidewalk in front of the White House and four protesters decided to lie down near them and not move. Two of these protesters were good friends of mine: Elaine Brower of Military Families Speak Out and Matthis Chiroux of Iraq Vets Against the War. When I went over to check the action out, the four were begging the hundreds of others surrounding the protest to join them. The four were cordoned off with barriers and crime scene tape.


I began to plan a way to join Matthis and Elaine when I went to the front of the barrier and saw my dear friends, who have always been there for me, lying on the sidewalk by themselves. Just as I was figuring out how to get over the barriers, the section I was at collapsed onto the sidewalk and I took the opportunity to step over hoping that dozens, if not hundreds, would follow.


As soon as I crossed the barrier, I was slammed by a couple of cops, handcuffed and then actually run around the front of the White House while the cops tried to find a paddy wagon to stick me in-about 50 people were running with the cop and I, yelling: "Let her go, let her go." When the officer and I finally got to the paddy wagon, I was surprised to find that only two others had followed me. One other crossed the line to bring our detained numbers up to eight.


During my speech at the rally, I iterated the importance of "throwing our bodies upon the gears" of the machine, as well as marching-I got a huge cheer and during the march the participants chanted: "Whose streets, our streets." Eight detainees? Apparently the streets are only "ours" when we have a permit--god forbid we take them when the event is not permitted by the Police State!


Why, when the barrier was compromised, did more people not follow us to actually put their beliefs into higher relief than merely marching in a circle on Saturday? While we were being (tightly) handcuffed and loaded onto the hot paddy wagon, the crowd of on-lookers chanted, "This is what hypocrisy looks like."


I was, to say the least, very disheartened that hundreds of people didn't join us. Watching the video of my "crossing over," you can see a couple of people go over and then run back when the police come-but most of the people step back like the downed barrier is a livewire.


After a bumpy and sweaty ride, we eight arrive at the Park Police Station in Anacostia. As we were being processed, it started to become very clear that some of us were going to be detained until Monday. Ultimately, two of us were released and six of us were held. The two that were released were from DC and those of us held were out-of-towners. Immediately, we knew this explanation was total b.s. because I have been arrested in DC about 13 times now and I have always been from "out-of-town," and have never even been held overnight, let alone two nights.

Was it a coincidence that Camp OUT NOW had two major actions over the weekend to try and hold our campsite that I missed due to being jailed? I don't think so


Well, those two days were some of the most miserable days of my life! We were taken to a lock-up and Elaine and I were put into a freezing room and I had a t-shirt and flip-flops on, being unprepared to be arrested. For four women, our cell had one cement block bench that was about 7-8 feet long, so at least one of us always had to be on the stone-cold floor. Sleeping was fitful as it was very chilly all night-and very noisy!


Thirty-six hours, and eight bologna-like and cheese-substitute sandwiches later, we were taken to the court for our arraignment and stayed in that cell for seven hours and were finally released at 5pm after we all pled "not-guilty" and were scheduled for a trial on June 9th.


Basically, six of us stayed in jail for 50 hours for an offense that ends up to be the equivalent of a traffic ticket and we even had to go to traffic court to be arraigned. I am positive that everyone in DC who gets a traffic ticket and is from "out-of-town" does not have to stay over night. Then, I found out that the penalty for my charge "Crossing a police line" doesn't even carry any jail time. I spent two nights in jail on an offense with no jail time! The maximum penalty is $300! Boy, I will be even more pissed if I go through a trial and have to pay $300 dollars after I have already spent two nights in jail.


To make matters even worse, I was the only one who was forced to come back for a trial even though Elaine has more DC arrests than I do. The other seven have chosen to go to trial with me, but they were given the option to "pay and forfeit" which means to pay the fine and forfeit your right to a trial.


The icing on the entire crappy cake came when the eight of us were given a "stay away order" from the White House-I asked the Judge how could that be legal because we weren't convicted of anything, but the Judge assured me that conditions could be placed on our release. I also think this is very suspicious considering our Camp OUT NOW actions were focusing on the White House.


Many times during the 50 hour ordeal, Elaine and I were asked if we thought it was "worth it," to go through so much hardship for so little gain.


My answer is, first of all, if more people crossed the line with me, we wouldn't have had to stay 50 hours in jail and I was very upset that we were left to hang out to dry like that. Secondly, the war didn't end while we were suffering-but knowing how awful it is to spend so much time in jail and be treated like one is a serial killer and not a protester-I would do it again and again, as I have.


There are literally billions of people suffering all over this planet due to my nation's militarism and greed and I know many people would have traded places with me in a heartbeat and think the conditions were pretty damn good.


AND this never happened to me when Bush was president.


UPDATE: Three of us went to pick up our property this morning at the Park Police station and as we were being jacked around, an officer named Thomas (Badge number 628) told me that if I "stopped getting arrested" I wouldn't have to go through all of this.


I said: "when the wars stop, I will stop." He actually then told me: "The wars will stop when we nuke them and take their oil."


I wonder why they are called "pigs."




Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:16 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 14 April 2010 7:21 AM PDT
Monday, 22 March 2010
Solidarity Call Out for Camp Out Now in DC - Police force camp out on Monday 12 noon
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: The Peace Of The Action Camp is being forced to move (no permit)

March 21 Report Back

I went to the Camp Out Now around 9PM on Sunday Night. The popo was there earlier, and informed the activist that the little tents they put up the day before had to be down …as I was arriving all smaller tents were in fact down, they told the group they would be back at 10 pm ..…They never did come back. They also said all of the Camp has to be removed by Noon on Monday.

The Camp Out Now is asking for solidarity at their peace camp on the Washington Monument lawn for the anticipated Monday 3.22. for the 12 noon arrival of the "ENFORCERS"

The camp will "not" be evaporating if and when the popo shows up. Some will risk arrest. some will not. The group is not going to be silenced. If forced to move, a predetermined spot is already in the mix. When forced and arrested out of that new spot another predetermined spot will be used.

As I said Peace Of The Action is not going to leave until the Occupation is called off. Cindy Sheehan (who is still in jail) has requested a conversation with the President. He has ignored her, as he has done with the whole peace Community.

I have posted a dozen tweets from Sunday night on DC My Opinion Page

Help spread the word about Camp Out Now and the White Hose trying to shut it down
Help Spread the news about coming down to show solidarity at 12oclock Monday (or anytime)
Help Peace Of The Action by telling everyone that activists are here in Washington DC on the White House Lawns, demanding peace and holding their ground for peace and justice.

USA is in an aggressive War.... Peace of The Action is in an aggressive Peace mission
Tell everyone to write the President and Congress.... or come to Washington to be a cog in the wheel of the murder machine.
Do what you can in solidarity against the killing machine

From Portland Oregon - In solidarity - Covering the news the Corporate Media Wont Cover
~peace from www.Joe-Anybody.com


Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:52 AM PDT
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Camp Out Now - Day One Report from Washington DC
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Joe Anybody sends his first report back from anti war protest in DC

Hi Z 3 Reader

I am reporting on this anti war demonstration from Washington DC here:


A big march is slated for tomorrow

About 75 folks at the campouttoday 3/18

Read my report / follow me on twitter 

Or see me in 9 days back in Portland 

Funk This War and the Horse it Rode In On

~joe anybody






Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:55 PM PDT
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Dahr Jamail and Others gather in DC next weekend Iraq Body Count Flag Dispaly
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Flag Display out on the lawn - speechs and memorial information


In Wasahington D.C. Listen to Dahr Jamail and Sam Husseini. Help set up the memorial,

participate in the candlelight procession, attend the dedication, and walk the memorial.

Thursday, March 18, at 6:30 – 8:00 pm Remembering Iraq - 7 years of Occupation and Counting

Dahr Jamail and Sam Huseini will present: at Busboys and Poets (V St., Washington D.C.)

Friday, March 19th, the seventh anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, the Memorial will be set-up on

the Mall. Nearby, a memorial to the American soldiers who have lost their lives will tell another story of

the cost of this war. Memorial volunteers will join a candlelight procession at 9:30 pm to light luminaries

throughout the memorial for a 10:34 pm observance of the beginning of the invasion.

Saturday, March 20, at 10:00 am Dahr Jamail, Josh Stieber, Salam Hassan and Mark Johnson will speak as

the memorial is dedicated. (time, only, is yet tentatively)

Dahr Jamail's books, Beyond the Green Zone and The Will to Resist, carry rare accounts of what was - and is

- happening in the wars. Jamail is a respected journalist dedicated to speaking the truth. His “dispatches” are

carried by many independent media outlets and can found at his blog

Josh Stieber, along with Conor Curran, both Iraq War veterans, established the contagiousloveexperiment

and traveled the country on foot, then on bicycle, to share their experiences. A read of the opening page of

their journal is well worth your time and will lead you to explore their experiment.

Salam Hassan assisted Dahr Jamail in Iraq as a translator, and works with media outlets to tell the real story

of Iraq. Salam's brother, Ali, was shot in Baghdad as a result of the war in Iraq while driving to work.

Mark Johnson, Executive Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, is recognized as an international

change agent committed to social justice and economic and environmental sustainability.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:43 PM PST
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Vietnam--A Beautiful Country and Beautiful People
Mood:  special
Now Playing: Written by: Mike Hastie
Topic: WAR

Vietnam--A Beautiful Country and Beautiful People

 Written by: Mike Hastie 

We Americans who served in Vietnam,never knew anything about Vietnam's history,nor anything about the Vietnamese people.The American people back home knew even less.Far less.By the time the United States Government left Vietnam,we had turned an ancient culture into an environmental wasteland.We had contaminated the country with mega death.Our government was a non-stop killing machine.Over three million people killed, and millions wounded.Southeast Asia is the most bombed area in the world.So Mike, why do you keep bringing this horrible history up?You seem very repetitious in your writing.You're like a parrot with the same bad news.Jesus Christ, give it a break for awhile.Enough with the shame.I'm sure most of the people who are currentlyreading this stuff already know it.

You're preaching to the choir.


I finally realized,it is not to my peer group who I am writing to.

It is really to my eight-year-old granddaughter'sgeneration who I am writing to.I have to leave a trace of truth for her.She does not realize that Vietnam is happeningall over again in the Middle East.This is happening in her lifetime.The survivor's message is like a loud mantra.Over and over and over again.It's like being trapped under a collapsed buildingafter an earthquake.You keep crying out,until they find you.You have to tell them that the building did notcollapse because of the earthquake.It collapsed because there was never a foundationto support the structure against deceit.It was built on a foundation of lies.They do not realize that they are not preparedto face their future.They do not realize that the U.S. economy is builtover the bodies of millions of people.The survivor is obsessed with bearing witness.The truth has to be told to an audience,even if most believe he is crazy.The survivor is committed until he takes his last breath.His worst torment is not to be able to speak.When he finally steps up on the witness stand,he often speaks with the artless skill of a severelyabused child who has just blurted out some blatantfact of honesty.The survivor's testimony can be so compelling,that it reveals the ultimate evidence--thatLying Is The Most Powerful Weapon In War.Vietnam--A beautiful country, and beautiful people.A people the Americans never knew.Like the teenage girl in this picture.That's why we killed her. 

Written by:

Mike Hastie 

Photo by:

Mike Hastie

U.S. Army MedicVietnam


Posted on February 24, 2010



Posted by Joe Anybody at 3:43 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 13 March 2010 3:47 PM PST
Friday, 12 March 2010
Crooked Shady Government - Earmarks - Lobbiest - Defense Contractor Theives
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Finally, They’re Embarrassed --- No Their Corrupt & Crooked

 I say theay are crooked rip-off thieves ...ALL OF EM.... read more from the NU Times article I found on 3.12.10

 Finally, They’re Embarrassed


House Democrats are suddenly in a rush to ban corporate earmarks, those just-for-our-donors legislative favors that benefit everybody but the taxpayers. It is the right thing to do, but it is also a classic case of closing the barn door just in time for Election Day.


Meanwhile, holier-than-thou Republicans are trying to trump with a call for a much-too-sweeping ban on all earmarks, even those helping nonprofit endeavors.

The quid-pro-quo awarding of government contracts — and the scandals that come along with it — has been especially rampant in recent Congresses. Most notoriously there was the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal that bedeviled Republicans right into minority status.

Democrats should have been feeling endangered ever since the Justice Department began investigating the coziness between defense contractors and high-ranking members of the Appropriations Committee. But their enthusiasm only blossomed after the ethics committee gave all seven members involved a blanket exoneration.

The appropriators — five Democrats and two Republicans — steered more than $245 million in earmarks through a defense lobbying firm now under criminal investigation. The lawmakers received more than $840,000 in political donations from the firm’s corporate clients.

The House ban was announced just days after the committee blithely pronounced the coincidence of generous defense contracts and political contributions as just that — a mere coincidence that does not “support a claim that a member’s actions are being influenced by campaign contributions.” The committee, notably, deep-sixed the recommendation from its new advisory panel, the Office of Congressional Ethics, to open a more thorough inquiry into two of the seven: Representatives Peter Visclosky, a Democrat of Indiana, and Todd Tiahrt, a Republican of Kansas.

Whether this embarrassment can be trumped by a last-minute earmark ban is doubtful. Senate Democrats instantly announced opposition to the House ban. That means, in final conference bills, corporate donor earmarks can be salvaged by grateful senators.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:51 AM PST
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Rat Bastards - DC Protest is casuing the rats to scurry
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: The Fucken War Protest is Coming To DC - Like it or not !!!








The following update was sent to Joe Anybody by email




To ___________

March 10, 2010

I am writing to let you know about a serious assault on free speech rights
that we believe is intended to hamper and obstruct the mobilization for the
March 20 anti-war demonstrations in Washington, D.C., and in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

On Sunday night, March 6, volunteers in Los Angeles were arrested for
allegedly putting up three posters announcing the March 20th action. They
were charged with felony vandalism and kept in jail on a $20,000 bail for
each of them. Thanks to volunteers coming together, we were able to raise
bail money and they are now out of jail.

The heavy felony charge and huge $20,000 bail in Los Angeles comes shortly
after a nearly identical situation in San Francisco. Two ANSWER organizers
were arrested on felony vandalism charges for allegedly putting up a
political poster and also each given a $20,000 bail.

In Washington, D.C., the ANSWER Coalition has been hit with another wave of
fines for March 20th political posters. These thousands of dollars of new
fines are on top of an unprecedented $70,000 fines from the two most recent
mobilizations. We are challenging the old and new fines. The posters
conformed to lawful regulations?as they always have. No organization,
corporate entity or politician has ever been hit with these massive fines.

Just today, we received another $1,300 fines on top of earlier fines.

Anti-war organizations and volunteers are also being hit with heavy fines in
Chicago, New York City and elsewhere.

The stakes here are high.

The massive fines and felony arrests with extraordinarily high bail come
just before what we believe will be the largest outpouring to date against
the war in Afghanistan.

The large corporations, including the biggest war contractors and banks,
have billions of dollars to advertise their message of war and profit.
Grassroots organizations have always relied on leaflets and posters to build
progressive movements for change.

The government and national and local law enforcement agencies are now
engaged in a nationally coordinated effort to stamp out the exercise of
classic grassroots organizing.

We will never surrender to this campaign that aims to intimidate and
bankrupt the progressive movement.

We are fighting back. Most importantly, we are continuing to mobilize.

We ask you to show your support by coming to the March 20 demonstrations and
by bringing your friends, families, co-workers and fellow students. We will
not be silenced.

*You can also support this movement by sending an urgently needed donation
today.* <http://answer.pephost.org/site/R?i=dmpOctRDPjQ-n97rkOqWWA..>

We want to thank the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF), the public
interest legal organization, which has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the
ANSWER Coalition and Muslim American Society Freedom that challenges the
constitutionality of the D.C. postering regulations. Their tireless pro bono
legal effort has resulted in an important victory at the U.S. Court of
Appeals, which allows the lawsuit to proceed. The government had tried to
stop us from even having our day in court. In California, constitutional
rights attorney Carol Sobel has waged a major legal battle against the
government?s efforts to target free speech postering activities.

In order to win this fight, we have to both defend our rights in the courts
and to show solidarity with activists who are facing repression. And each
and every one of us can do our part to help support the mobilization of the
people against war and occupation. Basic rights were never a gift from
politicians. Important change, including basic free speech rights were the
result of the struggle by generation after generation.

Thank you for your support. And please, take action now. Together, we can
make the difference.

All out March 20!

[image: Brian Becker signature]

*Brian Becker*
National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition

*Please make an urgently needed donation!*

Please make your plans to come to Washington, D.C., now. If you cannot come,
please make an urgently needed donation that can help others attend.

*The March 20 National March on Washington depends on the support from
thousands of others like you who are taking a stand against the expanding
wars and occupations. Please make your contribution

[image: Donate to Support the National March on

*A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition*
National Office in Washington DC: 202-265-1948
New York City: 212-694-8720
Los Angeles: 213-251-1025
San Francisco: 415-821-6545
Chicago: 773-463-0311

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:27 PM PST
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
I never thought I would join the Army ...
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: By Army Spc. Marc Hall
Topic: WAR
By Army Spc. Marc Hall
February 20, 1010

*"I was made to train without a weapon due to the song and my ongoing
counseling. However, during that time...I felt a surprising sense of peace
for the first time."*

I never thought that I would join the Army only to one day be incarcerated
by the Army. I have never been to jail in my life, until now. The Army is
charging me with Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice,
?communicating threats? towards my chain of command. Yet I was only
communicating how I felt about what I have experienced in the Army and how I
felt about the Army?s ?Stop-loss? policy. That policy meant that I could not
leave the Army when I was supposed to, and after I had already served in
Iraq for 14 months.

I guess this all started with a hard core ?rap? song I made about the Army?s
very unpopular ?Stop-loss? policy back in July 2009. Like any ?rap? or rock
song, I was expressing my freedom of expression under the US Constitution.
Being that the Army?s ?Stop-loss? policy was a Pentagon decision from what I
had heard on the news, I decided to send a copy of my song directly to the

I don?t know if anyone at the Pentagon listened to my song, but somebody in
Washington DC mailed the package back to my chain of command. My First
Sergeant called me into his office to discuss it. I explained that the rap
was a freedom of expression thing. It was not a physical threat, nor any
kind of threat whatsoever. I explained that it was just hip hop. He told me
that he kind of liked the song, that it sounded good.

1st Sgt Chrysler and Capt Cross, our company commander at B-CO 2-7 IN [Bravo
Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment] at that time, just
recommended me for mental counseling and evaluation. I attended mental
counseling at the behavioral health clinic on Ft. Stewart from late July
2009 through November 2009. I had about four visits to the clinic, but I
couldn?t attend all the appointments because we were always training in the
field. In the end this counseling still left me feeling the same way about
Army life, ?stop-loss? and war in general.

I spoke to our chaplain and told him my feelings, including all of the
domestic things I had gone through with my estranged spouse and my
three-year-old daughter over the last four years. I let him hear the
?Stop-loss? song and I explained that he shouldn?t take anything in the song
personally. He said he liked the song but wished it was not ?gangster?.

[image: marc hall]Later, when we trained in the field in Georgia and at the
National Training Center (NTC) in California, I was made to train without a
weapon due to the song and my ongoing counseling. However, during that time
of training without a weapon I felt a surprising sense of peace for the
first time.

At NTC, in October 2009, I spoke again to our chaplain after attending
services one night. I explained to him how I still felt hurt by the Army
policies. He replied that my chain of command had already ?forgiven? me
about the song. But that didn?t really help me with what I was going through
and trying to deal with.

After we came back from NTC, in November 2009, I got to go on leave. I
thought maybe two weeks leave would do me some good. But during my leave,
from November 21 to December 7, a deep depression sunk into me. I just
wanted to be alone. I did not want to be around people. I stayed at home
alone. My friends and family were worried that I had turned my phone off. I
did not feel like talking to people. I barely made it to my mother?s house
for Thanksgiving. I thought about all the depressing things that brought me
to this state of mind. I thought about how it all pertained to war. I
thought about the times I spoke to the chaplain at basic training at Ft.
Knox, and the legal assistant at Ft. Stewart, about my divorce and the
safety of my daughter and my rights as a father, and how neither of them
could help me. I thought about ?Stop-loss? more and more. I started drinking
hard every day to help me forget the hurt and pain I was feeling. I thought
about how war brought me to this war, and the war I would have to face to
remove myself from the presence of war in order to keep my sanity.

When I returned to Ft. Stewart, on December 7, 2009, I really felt from that
point on that I did not belong there. I realized that I was not fit for war
anymore. I was burnt out and war was the cause of it. I was feeling a little
unstable and shaky and I didn?t know what to do about it. The very thought
of holding and being around a loaded weapon again gave me the chills. I did
not know who my enemies were anymore.

About a week later I spoke to my commanding officer, Captain Wynn of F-CO
BSB, about how I am still feeling. I explained to him that I felt a little
unstable, angry and depressed about war and how unfit I was for war. I said
I did not want to get anybody hurt in this war?being that my battle buddies
might have to depend on me. I did not want to be a misfortune to anybody. I
explained that I had made an official I.G. complaint (with the Army
Investigator General) about the treatment I felt I had not received from my
last visit to behavioral health, and the unfair treatment and words that
came from my direct NCOs. Behavioral health just rushed me out the door and
left all decisions up to my chain of command to decide if I was fit or not.

I know my behavior health treatments were pushed aside so that 2-7 IN could
have more bodies for this deployment. I believe that this was not fair to
me, and it?s not fair to my battle buddies to put a troubled solder on the
battlefield knowing that I still have issues.

Capt. Wynn got me in to speak to the Lt. Colonel about my mental state. I
tried to explain about the indirect way I might hurt other soldiers in
uniform due to how I was burnt out. But he took it as a threat, basically
read me my rights, and put me in the Liberty County Jail in Hinesville,

I realize now how going to war can bring unwanted results. Now I sit in jail
at the hands and mercy of our US Government vs. little old Marc A. Hall on a
charge that was not a threat before, but all of a sudden became a threat
now. I communicated an extended need for mental evaluation?not a threat.

The negative sworn statements used to jail me are false. One of the Soldiers
who wrote a negative statement told me that same day that he did so because
he thought it was a way to ?help me out? as he knew what I was going
through. Another Soldier who wrote a statement said that I was ?his hero?
because I stood up for what I believed. These negative statements were also
the results of jokes that my battle buddies said about me?and I had played
along with them at the time when the jokes were presented?while passing long
boring hours at the NTC in California. I do appreciate the ?help? guys, but
the Army is now saying that talk were real threats, and now they have me in
confinement awaiting court martial.

I have to say that I have never been so humiliated in my entire life. I?m in
jail with and next to people who have committed real crimes, including
murder. And I?m in here for trying to get real treatment, voicing my
feelings, and for asserting freedom of expression through my art.

Marc A Hall

*Forward this e-newsletter to a

Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:52 PM PST
Monday, 8 March 2010
Womens Day
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: March 8 International Day

Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day

from Wikipedia

International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on March 8 every year. It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women.

Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries (primarily Russia and the countries of former Soviet bloc). In some celebrations, the day lost its political flavour, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love to the women around them in a way somewhat similar to Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day mixed together. In others, however, the political and human rights theme as designated by the United Nations runs strong, and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought out and examined in a hopeful manner.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 9:33 PM PST
Federal Reserve - Banks - PBS video - Fraud on America
Now Playing: watch this video

Introduction to how Banks and Wall Street Fraud set up a shell game to take your home...click below to view 30 minute video...


Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:30 PM PST

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