Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Thursday, 8 July 2010
General Atomics - Cindy Sheehan Josh Smith - Protest Planning
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: www.PeaceoftheAction.org

General Atomics Afraid of Peace of the Action by Cindy Sheehan




Cindy Sheehan


Last week I was getting ready to head out to DC for Peace of the Action’s Sizzlin’ Summer Protest when I got a call with a 202 (DC) area code. This is how the conversation went:


Me: Hello, this is Cindy.


Caller: Hello, my name is (I forget) from PM Realty in Washington, DC.


Me: And? What can I do for you?


Caller: I was looking at your website and I noticed that I represent one of the clients you are going to protest next week and I want to know what you are planning.


Me: I am protesting a lot of places, which do you represent?


Caller: I represent the landlord?


Me: The landlord of the White House? Can you please be more specific?


Caller: I represent the landlord where General Atomics has offices.


Me: Oh (this was what I thought he was talking about), and what do you want to know?


Caller: Well, exactly what do you have planned?


Me: Well, I can tell you what we don’t have planned—we aren’t going to call a drone strike on the building and drop a hellfire missile on it.


Caller: I have to protect my clients.


Me: From what? Peace activists?


Then I hung up.


Today, my colleague, Josh Smith and I went to 1899 Pennsylvania Ave where General Atomics has its offices to recon for our protest tomorrow. If you go to the website of General Atomics, not only will you find out exactly where its offices are (they are not hiding), you will find out that General Atomics builds Predator unmanned aerial vehicles that are used by the US military to drop Hellfire missiles from thousands of feet above on to mostly civilian targets and have killed thousands of innocent people.


When we arrived at the building that is directly across the street from the World Bank in the NW quadrant of DC, we walked right in the front door and right up to the front desk (Josh was wearing his Peace of the Action shirt) and asked a uniformed security guard what floor GA is on. She looked at a list on the desk and said: “Third floor.” We thanked her and left. The reason we wanted to confirm that GA is in the building is because when we protested at the Joint Command for the Gulf Disaster in New Orleans, there was some controversy if we were protesting at the right place.


So, Josh and I left GA and walked across the street to the CVS to grab a cold drink. We walked back across the street to head for the Metro at Faragut Wast, and three men were congregated in front of 1899 Penn Ave checking us out. Two of the men were “suits” and one was a black man who was dressed in street clothes, but with a badge around his neck.


I took some pictures of the entrance and the address, and the black man quickly approached us. He said: “We want to know why you entered the building and asked what floor General Atomics was on.”


“Who are you?” I asked.


“Security for General Atomics,” he answered.


Josh: “We asked because we wanted to know what floor it was on.”


Security: “Why do you want to know?”


Me: “It’s really none of your business.”


Josh: “Just stay away from us.”


Security: “Okay, okay.”


Then we walked away.


We cut through some buildings on the way to the Metro Station so I could find a bathroom. Josh and I went down to the train platform and were chatting about and chuckling about General Atomics being so concerned about a few people standing in front of their building with a banner, when Josh said: “Hey, isn’t that the security guy!?”


I turned around to where Josh was pointing, and sure enough, he was walking past us with a ball-cap on, carrying a backpack. When he saw that we recognized him, he sheepishly tipped his cap to us and said: “Hey, how’s it going?” Then he walked past us.


A train pulled up that wasn’t ours, so we jumped on it and tried to make our way back to where we were staying in a non-direct way.


So—what is this all about?


On Monday, my wallet was stolen and literally a few minutes after it was stolen, someone tried to use it at a DC Target Store to buy EXACTLY 911.00 worth of merchandise.


What are these evil “Jackwagons” up to?


What does Jackwagon mean? I don’t know, but I heard it today and liked it and without using profanity, it fits!


If you are able, join Peace of the Action as we protest an evil war profiteer in DC. (Safety in Numbers).


For more info go to www.PeaceoftheAction.org


PS: If Josh and I “disappear” call General Atomics and ask what they did to us.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:33 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 July 2010 12:36 AM PDT
Who Gave the G20 Commander his Orders ?
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: G20 Police Why G20 Police What G20 Police When Questions!

Who Gave the G20 Commander his orders ?

The RealNews asks that very question and more ... Excellent video!


Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:28 AM PDT
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Cindy Sheehan soapbox DC July 4th 2010
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: POTA protest in DC July 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

"We Pledge Resistance to the Empire" by Cindy Sheehan



“Ms. Sheehan, are you aware that you have a stay-away order from here?” The big, burly cop said to me as he crossed Pennsylvania Avenue to confront our small protest of intrepid peaceniks in Lafayette Park.


“Yes, and I am also aware that I am not violating it right now,” I answered.


That “stay-away” order was imposed on myself and five other people after we were arrested in front of the White House on the 7th anniversary of Shock and Awe this past March. I was just wondering if any of the law enforcement on duty even knew that I had a stay-away order--we were there only for about 5 minutes before I got my answer.


This nation is supposed to have been founded 234 years ago today on the principles of freedom. My son was supposedly killed in Iraq defending those freedoms, but if I crossed the imaginary line of oppression and suppression on the sidewalk of Pennsylvania Avenue, I would have to go to jail for a mandatory sentence of six-months—and the police were fully aware of that fact. At one point, we had at least a half a dozen cops facing us and we only had about twice as many protesters.


This is a strange holiday anyway. We are supposed to honor the “founding” of a nation that was inhabited by millions of people at the time it was “discovered.”



The theme for our protest today was “Declare Your Independence from Oil” day and we passed out fliers to the tourists outlining the problem of this country’s addiction to petroleum and using our bullhorn to do chants like: “Drill, baby, drill; spill, baby, spill; kill, baby, kill.” I realize that this is a “holiday” and most people were coming to Lafayette Park as tourists, but it’s obvious that war, environmental devastation and economic oppression do not take holidays. People died today in the Middle East and Asia and millions of gallons of oil gushed out of the Oil-cano into the Gulf of Mexico as families clad in their Old Navy flag t-shirts started at us with anything from confusion to outright hostility.


It is really pathetic that even in the midst of a cataclysm of such an enormous magnitude, so many people seemed to be so unconcerned and apathetic. Many of us traveled thousands of miles to be here in DC to try and throw some light on the violence of this Empire and just a couple of dozen also showed up to be with us.


At one point, I had the bullhorn and I made an observation that the last time I was on the sidewalk next to the White House merely exercising my right to free speech and to peaceably assemble, I spent 52 hours in jail and two gentleman yelled: “Go back there.” Wow, in contrast to the couple that brought their two young sons to protest with us and “witness free speech in action,” wasn’t that a great message to send your children on the 4th of July—that it is “okay” to criminalize dissent?


About five hours after we arrived at the Park, a man on the street in front of the White House yelled that he “had a bomb.” The cops had the man (who had no shirt on and clearly had no bomb) in rapid custody and then they cleared the park in a very harsh way—even pushing a few people who had the nerve to ask why they had to move. I thought it was interesting that many of the families there from near and far, were shocked—shocked, I say—that they could be treated like common criminals, even though they hadn’t committed any crimes. We were barred from the park for over an hour, and many people who were angry at us for having a protest just minutes before, joined us—and we blocked 15th Avenue by H with a few of our newcomers. Some of them even promised to return tomorrow for our protest called: “Don’t Attack Iran you Effing Psychos.” (9am to 3pm in Lafayette Park).


One of my bullhorn chants today was: “We pledge resistance to the Empire.” I know I will be resisting, even if the crowds (that were as high as hundreds of thousands of people in 2005, to 24 today) dwindle down to just me.


If you are reading this and if you can make it to DC, please join us. We do live in a psychotic empire and the only thing that matters to the leaders and corporations is the bottom-line and the top dollar.


We need you all to help us make humanity the bottom-line.


One last observation before I close—a highly fortified paddy wagon filled with heavily armed and armored robo-cops was parked across H St from our relocated protest.


One man went up to one of our comrades, pointed at the robo-cops and said: “those are REAL Americans.”


Now, doesn’t that just say a whole lot about our culture today? People who dissent from the status quo, like the “founders” of our country, are NOT real Americans, but those who are armed to the hilt and ready to crack some skulls open are Real Americans?

Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:21 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 July 2010 12:50 AM PDT
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Blac Bloc Tactics and complicated motives
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: G20 - Black Bloc - WTO - Anarchist - "thinking Outside The Box"

Black bloc protesters have complicated motives

Black bloc protesters participated in a G8 and G20 protest in Vancouver on June 26.

Stephen Hui

Neither thugs nor criminals lurk behind the masks of black bloc protesters, a renowned police psychologist suggests.

Rather, what Mike Webster sees are “very thoughtful people”, an assessment that former Vancouver police inspector Dave Jones strongly disagrees with, likening them instead to thrill seekers.

“The vast majority of people in that crowd are not bad people,” Webster told the Georgia Straight in a phone interview, referring to the black-clad activists who smashed windows and torched police cars in downtown Toronto on June 26 during a protest against the G8 and G20 summits. “They’ve got the same kind of values that most of the rest of us have. If they didn’t, they’d be in jail, locked up in jail for murder.”

A B.C.–based crisis-management expert who has consulted with the RCMP, the FBI, and many other police forces inside and outside of Canada, Webster went as far as arguing that black bloc activists aren’t much different from “well-socialized young individuals” who go off to fight a war believing it’s an honourable thing to do.

Webster’s more than 30 years of experience includes serving as a consultant with law-enforcement agencies during high-profile events like the Waco, Texas, showdown in 1993, the 1995 standoff with First Nations people at Gustafsen Lake, and the 2002 G8 summit in Kananaskis, Alberta.

Webster said that one of the most important things to remember about crowd psychology is that most human beings develop a set of values that is generally consistent with that of the larger society.

However, he maintained that these morals “don’t run automatically all the time”, and that “human beings have mechanisms of moral disengagement that they use to turn off their morals and their ethics in certain situations.”

The psychologist suggested this isn’t different from soldiers going into combat. “If I can find a moral justification for my behaviour now, I can turn something that was previously illegal into something that is honourable,” he said. “The military does this all the time. They take well-socialized young individuals, take them to war, and they can kill the enemy with very little compunction.”

Referring to the thinking of protesters who engage in black bloc tactics, Webster said, “What they’ve done is they’ve instilled a moral justification. ‘What I’m doing is no longer bad. It’s good and I do this under a moral imperative now.’ So there’s one thing that I’m sure was going on in some of those heads.”

Another thing that goes on in the minds of these activists is what Webster describes as “attribution”.

“I say you made me do it,” Webster explained. “I’ve got a legitimate complaint here. There’s a segment of our society that’s being shortchanged in such and such a manner. And nobody’s willing to pay attention to them. So you’re making me do this.”

The phenomenon of “behavioural contagion” also rises when people gather in crowds, he said. According to him, this increases the potential for people to engage in acts they wouldn’t normally carry out, such as breaking store windows in the case of the black bloc rioters or stealing during mass lootings.

“We de-individuate,” Webster said. “That is, we have a lowered self-awareness. We get lost in this crowd, all this noise, all this activity, all this yelling, all this smoke, all this adrenaline, all this danger. We kind of lose our self-identity.”

A retired 30-year veteran of the Vancouver Police Department, Jones has his share of crowd-control experience. In 1998, he was the commanding officer of the antiriot squad that clashed with activists protesting the actions of then-prime minister Jean Chrétien in what became known as the “Riot at the Hyatt”.

For Jones, Black Bloc protesters are people who do “dirty work” for fun on behalf of their “more sophisticated” leaders.

“I think what’s going on is that there’s a lot of people now that treat these events as destination adventure holidays,” Jones told the Straight in a phone interview.

But he noted that events like the June 26 Black Bloc rampage in Toronto, the 1999 Battle of Seattle during a World Trade Organization conference, and the 2001 protests at the third Summit of the Americas in Quebec City raise a dilemma for governments.

“Do you simply say, ‘Okay, we surrender. We can’t have these things in major cities because of what are essentially a couple of hundred people’?” Jones asked. “Or do you say, ‘We’ll just go ahead.’?”

Jones said he has heard many people suggest holding conferences like that of the G20 leaders onboard aircraft carriers. He prefers out-of-the-way locations like Kananaskis. Regarding the latter location, Jones noted that security costs for the 2002 G8 summit were between $500 million and $1 billion, the larger figure being about the same amount spent on security in Toronto.

“It doesn’t matter where you do it or how,” Jones said. “There’s going to be security costs.”

Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:46 PM PDT
Friday, 26 March 2010
3.26.10 Camp Out Now / POTA - is Gone, but not for Long! by Cindy Sheehan
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Camp Out Now - Officially Over - see you all in June 2010

Camp is Gone, but not for Long! by Cindy Sheehan

by Cindy Sheehan
Featured Writer

Dandelion Salad
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog
Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox

March 26, 2010

Activists Set Up Anti-War Protest Tent Outside Washington   Monument

Well, our great experiment didn’t go as well as we planned here in DC. My vision was a Peace Camp that would serve the needs of the campers as far as housing and food were concerned (that part worked) and the campers would then commit aggressive acts of civil resistance (that part didn’t) in the nation’s capital to shut down the violent military-corporate empire that we live in. In the opinion of members of Peace of the Action, living here in the US gives us special responsibilities for stopping it.

Anyway, we had hundreds of people come through camp over the week that we were allowed to keep it up. Dozens were college students that worked very hard while they were here and we were sorry to see them go back to their schools after break. The thing that we were hoping that would happen and never did—was that hundreds of people would stay and help us claim the camp as a permanent presence on the mall.

It’s true that the Park Police thwarted us and watched (and photographed) every move we made. However, if we had the numbers, we could have taken a more credible stand against the repression of our rights. When the Park Police came out and shut down camping on the first day—part of our name “Camp” was shut down, too.

We have wonderful organizers and I know I worked as much as is possible for one person, but we had to face facts that the will is just not in our fellow Americans to sacrifice a few creature comforts to create true and lasting change. It’s so much easier to vote for a smooth-talking snake oil salesman than to roll up ones sleeves and do the dirty, hard, yet gratifying work of empire change.

Even though we had some rough times in DC with the Police State and Camp OUT NOW is physically gone (for the time being), we are not giving up the spirit of shutting down this town for Peace.

Congress is once again taking up war supplemental funding. We can’t just make phone calls and write petitions—we must organize and be in their faces here and in our home districts demanding that not one more penny be spent on killing and maiming people.

By the way, not only was our demand to meet with President Obama not granted—three of our Camp OUT NOW volunteers (including myself) have been given stay away orders from the White House.

We tried to get into the Senate Appropriation’s Committee meeting today at the Capitol and we were followed and harassed the entire time and in the transparent age of Obama, the hearing was closed to us citizens, anyway. I was able to watch the rerun on C-SPAN 3 and I can tell you all one thing, these wars are planned to continue indefinitely. I am not okay with that.

To take advantage of the energy and enthusiasm of our young people, we are planning on returning in June to set up Camp and start our actions again.

So we will be keeping the spirit of the Camp alive until the students get out of school and, hopefully, we can make a go of it in the summer.

It’s really up to you—we have laid the foundation, now it’s your turn to be the builders.

As always, go to www.PeaceoftheAction.org for more info.


Whose Streets? (Our Streets between 1pm and 4pm With a Permit) by Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan’s Speech at the Anti-war Protest + More videos of her arrest + Going over the barricade!

Cindy Sheehan Arrested At War Protest In D.C.

Scott Horton Interviews Cindy Sheehan on the anti-war movement in the age

Democracy Now!: Cindy Sheehan Sets Up “Camp OUT NOW” in Antiwar Protest

Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:39 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 2 April 2010 9:25 AM PDT
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Cindy SheehanReports Back about Fascist US Goverment Lockup
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Cindy Sheehans report back after being jailed like a terrorist

Whose Streets?

(Our Streets between One and Four When we have a Permit)

Report of our arrest and 50 hours detainment

Whose Streets? (Our Streets between 1pm and 4pm With a Permit)









On the 7th commemoration of the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq, there was a rally and march in DC sponsored by the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition that was attended by about eight thousand people.


For quite awhile, I have been having problems with marches on Saturday, anyway. It seems like we march past empty buildings and shake our fists at them and promise that if those empty buildings don't change their ways, we will be back next year to do the same thing. The arrests are symbolic and don't shut down anything, except in the case of large arrests, where the police stations are busy for a few hours.


As far as I know, there were no large civil disobediences scheduled for last Saturday's rally, but some coffins were built on the sidewalk in front of the White House and four protesters decided to lie down near them and not move. Two of these protesters were good friends of mine: Elaine Brower of Military Families Speak Out and Matthis Chiroux of Iraq Vets Against the War. When I went over to check the action out, the four were begging the hundreds of others surrounding the protest to join them. The four were cordoned off with barriers and crime scene tape.


I began to plan a way to join Matthis and Elaine when I went to the front of the barrier and saw my dear friends, who have always been there for me, lying on the sidewalk by themselves. Just as I was figuring out how to get over the barriers, the section I was at collapsed onto the sidewalk and I took the opportunity to step over hoping that dozens, if not hundreds, would follow.


As soon as I crossed the barrier, I was slammed by a couple of cops, handcuffed and then actually run around the front of the White House while the cops tried to find a paddy wagon to stick me in-about 50 people were running with the cop and I, yelling: "Let her go, let her go." When the officer and I finally got to the paddy wagon, I was surprised to find that only two others had followed me. One other crossed the line to bring our detained numbers up to eight.


During my speech at the rally, I iterated the importance of "throwing our bodies upon the gears" of the machine, as well as marching-I got a huge cheer and during the march the participants chanted: "Whose streets, our streets." Eight detainees? Apparently the streets are only "ours" when we have a permit--god forbid we take them when the event is not permitted by the Police State!


Why, when the barrier was compromised, did more people not follow us to actually put their beliefs into higher relief than merely marching in a circle on Saturday? While we were being (tightly) handcuffed and loaded onto the hot paddy wagon, the crowd of on-lookers chanted, "This is what hypocrisy looks like."


I was, to say the least, very disheartened that hundreds of people didn't join us. Watching the video of my "crossing over," you can see a couple of people go over and then run back when the police come-but most of the people step back like the downed barrier is a livewire.


After a bumpy and sweaty ride, we eight arrive at the Park Police Station in Anacostia. As we were being processed, it started to become very clear that some of us were going to be detained until Monday. Ultimately, two of us were released and six of us were held. The two that were released were from DC and those of us held were out-of-towners. Immediately, we knew this explanation was total b.s. because I have been arrested in DC about 13 times now and I have always been from "out-of-town," and have never even been held overnight, let alone two nights.

Was it a coincidence that Camp OUT NOW had two major actions over the weekend to try and hold our campsite that I missed due to being jailed? I don't think so


Well, those two days were some of the most miserable days of my life! We were taken to a lock-up and Elaine and I were put into a freezing room and I had a t-shirt and flip-flops on, being unprepared to be arrested. For four women, our cell had one cement block bench that was about 7-8 feet long, so at least one of us always had to be on the stone-cold floor. Sleeping was fitful as it was very chilly all night-and very noisy!


Thirty-six hours, and eight bologna-like and cheese-substitute sandwiches later, we were taken to the court for our arraignment and stayed in that cell for seven hours and were finally released at 5pm after we all pled "not-guilty" and were scheduled for a trial on June 9th.


Basically, six of us stayed in jail for 50 hours for an offense that ends up to be the equivalent of a traffic ticket and we even had to go to traffic court to be arraigned. I am positive that everyone in DC who gets a traffic ticket and is from "out-of-town" does not have to stay over night. Then, I found out that the penalty for my charge "Crossing a police line" doesn't even carry any jail time. I spent two nights in jail on an offense with no jail time! The maximum penalty is $300! Boy, I will be even more pissed if I go through a trial and have to pay $300 dollars after I have already spent two nights in jail.


To make matters even worse, I was the only one who was forced to come back for a trial even though Elaine has more DC arrests than I do. The other seven have chosen to go to trial with me, but they were given the option to "pay and forfeit" which means to pay the fine and forfeit your right to a trial.


The icing on the entire crappy cake came when the eight of us were given a "stay away order" from the White House-I asked the Judge how could that be legal because we weren't convicted of anything, but the Judge assured me that conditions could be placed on our release. I also think this is very suspicious considering our Camp OUT NOW actions were focusing on the White House.


Many times during the 50 hour ordeal, Elaine and I were asked if we thought it was "worth it," to go through so much hardship for so little gain.


My answer is, first of all, if more people crossed the line with me, we wouldn't have had to stay 50 hours in jail and I was very upset that we were left to hang out to dry like that. Secondly, the war didn't end while we were suffering-but knowing how awful it is to spend so much time in jail and be treated like one is a serial killer and not a protester-I would do it again and again, as I have.


There are literally billions of people suffering all over this planet due to my nation's militarism and greed and I know many people would have traded places with me in a heartbeat and think the conditions were pretty damn good.


AND this never happened to me when Bush was president.


UPDATE: Three of us went to pick up our property this morning at the Park Police station and as we were being jacked around, an officer named Thomas (Badge number 628) told me that if I "stopped getting arrested" I wouldn't have to go through all of this.


I said: "when the wars stop, I will stop." He actually then told me: "The wars will stop when we nuke them and take their oil."


I wonder why they are called "pigs."




Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:16 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 14 April 2010 7:21 AM PDT
Monday, 22 March 2010
Solidarity Call Out for Camp Out Now in DC - Police force camp out on Monday 12 noon
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: The Peace Of The Action Camp is being forced to move (no permit)

March 21 Report Back

I went to the Camp Out Now around 9PM on Sunday Night. The popo was there earlier, and informed the activist that the little tents they put up the day before had to be down …as I was arriving all smaller tents were in fact down, they told the group they would be back at 10 pm ..…They never did come back. They also said all of the Camp has to be removed by Noon on Monday.

The Camp Out Now is asking for solidarity at their peace camp on the Washington Monument lawn for the anticipated Monday 3.22. for the 12 noon arrival of the "ENFORCERS"

The camp will "not" be evaporating if and when the popo shows up. Some will risk arrest. some will not. The group is not going to be silenced. If forced to move, a predetermined spot is already in the mix. When forced and arrested out of that new spot another predetermined spot will be used.

As I said Peace Of The Action is not going to leave until the Occupation is called off. Cindy Sheehan (who is still in jail) has requested a conversation with the President. He has ignored her, as he has done with the whole peace Community.

I have posted a dozen tweets from Sunday night on DC My Opinion Page

Help spread the word about Camp Out Now and the White Hose trying to shut it down
Help Spread the news about coming down to show solidarity at 12oclock Monday (or anytime)
Help Peace Of The Action by telling everyone that activists are here in Washington DC on the White House Lawns, demanding peace and holding their ground for peace and justice.

USA is in an aggressive War.... Peace of The Action is in an aggressive Peace mission
Tell everyone to write the President and Congress.... or come to Washington to be a cog in the wheel of the murder machine.
Do what you can in solidarity against the killing machine

From Portland Oregon - In solidarity - Covering the news the Corporate Media Wont Cover
~peace from www.Joe-Anybody.com


Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:52 AM PDT
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Camp Out Now - Day One Report from Washington DC
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Joe Anybody sends his first report back from anti war protest in DC

Hi Z 3 Reader

I am reporting on this anti war demonstration from Washington DC here:


A big march is slated for tomorrow

About 75 folks at the campouttoday 3/18

Read my report / follow me on twitter 

Or see me in 9 days back in Portland 

Funk This War and the Horse it Rode In On

~joe anybody






Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:55 PM PDT
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Dahr Jamail and Others gather in DC next weekend Iraq Body Count Flag Dispaly
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Flag Display out on the lawn - speechs and memorial information


In Wasahington D.C. Listen to Dahr Jamail and Sam Husseini. Help set up the memorial,

participate in the candlelight procession, attend the dedication, and walk the memorial.

Thursday, March 18, at 6:30 – 8:00 pm Remembering Iraq - 7 years of Occupation and Counting

Dahr Jamail and Sam Huseini will present: at Busboys and Poets (V St., Washington D.C.)

Friday, March 19th, the seventh anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, the Memorial will be set-up on

the Mall. Nearby, a memorial to the American soldiers who have lost their lives will tell another story of

the cost of this war. Memorial volunteers will join a candlelight procession at 9:30 pm to light luminaries

throughout the memorial for a 10:34 pm observance of the beginning of the invasion.

Saturday, March 20, at 10:00 am Dahr Jamail, Josh Stieber, Salam Hassan and Mark Johnson will speak as

the memorial is dedicated. (time, only, is yet tentatively)

Dahr Jamail's books, Beyond the Green Zone and The Will to Resist, carry rare accounts of what was - and is

- happening in the wars. Jamail is a respected journalist dedicated to speaking the truth. His “dispatches” are

carried by many independent media outlets and can found at his blog

Josh Stieber, along with Conor Curran, both Iraq War veterans, established the contagiousloveexperiment

and traveled the country on foot, then on bicycle, to share their experiences. A read of the opening page of

their journal is well worth your time and will lead you to explore their experiment.

Salam Hassan assisted Dahr Jamail in Iraq as a translator, and works with media outlets to tell the real story

of Iraq. Salam's brother, Ali, was shot in Baghdad as a result of the war in Iraq while driving to work.

Mark Johnson, Executive Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, is recognized as an international

change agent committed to social justice and economic and environmental sustainability.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:43 PM PST
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Rat Bastards - DC Protest is casuing the rats to scurry
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: The Fucken War Protest is Coming To DC - Like it or not !!!








The following update was sent to Joe Anybody by email




To ___________

March 10, 2010

I am writing to let you know about a serious assault on free speech rights
that we believe is intended to hamper and obstruct the mobilization for the
March 20 anti-war demonstrations in Washington, D.C., and in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

On Sunday night, March 6, volunteers in Los Angeles were arrested for
allegedly putting up three posters announcing the March 20th action. They
were charged with felony vandalism and kept in jail on a $20,000 bail for
each of them. Thanks to volunteers coming together, we were able to raise
bail money and they are now out of jail.

The heavy felony charge and huge $20,000 bail in Los Angeles comes shortly
after a nearly identical situation in San Francisco. Two ANSWER organizers
were arrested on felony vandalism charges for allegedly putting up a
political poster and also each given a $20,000 bail.

In Washington, D.C., the ANSWER Coalition has been hit with another wave of
fines for March 20th political posters. These thousands of dollars of new
fines are on top of an unprecedented $70,000 fines from the two most recent
mobilizations. We are challenging the old and new fines. The posters
conformed to lawful regulations?as they always have. No organization,
corporate entity or politician has ever been hit with these massive fines.

Just today, we received another $1,300 fines on top of earlier fines.

Anti-war organizations and volunteers are also being hit with heavy fines in
Chicago, New York City and elsewhere.

The stakes here are high.

The massive fines and felony arrests with extraordinarily high bail come
just before what we believe will be the largest outpouring to date against
the war in Afghanistan.

The large corporations, including the biggest war contractors and banks,
have billions of dollars to advertise their message of war and profit.
Grassroots organizations have always relied on leaflets and posters to build
progressive movements for change.

The government and national and local law enforcement agencies are now
engaged in a nationally coordinated effort to stamp out the exercise of
classic grassroots organizing.

We will never surrender to this campaign that aims to intimidate and
bankrupt the progressive movement.

We are fighting back. Most importantly, we are continuing to mobilize.

We ask you to show your support by coming to the March 20 demonstrations and
by bringing your friends, families, co-workers and fellow students. We will
not be silenced.

*You can also support this movement by sending an urgently needed donation
today.* <http://answer.pephost.org/site/R?i=dmpOctRDPjQ-n97rkOqWWA..>

We want to thank the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF), the public
interest legal organization, which has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the
ANSWER Coalition and Muslim American Society Freedom that challenges the
constitutionality of the D.C. postering regulations. Their tireless pro bono
legal effort has resulted in an important victory at the U.S. Court of
Appeals, which allows the lawsuit to proceed. The government had tried to
stop us from even having our day in court. In California, constitutional
rights attorney Carol Sobel has waged a major legal battle against the
government?s efforts to target free speech postering activities.

In order to win this fight, we have to both defend our rights in the courts
and to show solidarity with activists who are facing repression. And each
and every one of us can do our part to help support the mobilization of the
people against war and occupation. Basic rights were never a gift from
politicians. Important change, including basic free speech rights were the
result of the struggle by generation after generation.

Thank you for your support. And please, take action now. Together, we can
make the difference.

All out March 20!

[image: Brian Becker signature]

*Brian Becker*
National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition

*Please make an urgently needed donation!*

Please make your plans to come to Washington, D.C., now. If you cannot come,
please make an urgently needed donation that can help others attend.

*The March 20 National March on Washington depends on the support from
thousands of others like you who are taking a stand against the expanding
wars and occupations. Please make your contribution

[image: Donate to Support the National March on

*A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition*
National Office in Washington DC: 202-265-1948
New York City: 212-694-8720
Los Angeles: 213-251-1025
San Francisco: 415-821-6545
Chicago: 773-463-0311

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:27 PM PST

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