Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Chris Henry Oregon Green Party Candidate Blog
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: This is some good reading - I like this guy

.                   .

Chris Henry







This picture is from Chicago in 2006 anti Iraq war "protest" and is on Chris's blog


Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:20 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 16 October 2008 11:36 PM PDT
How to use a RSS Reader Install tips for Sharpreader
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: News Reader - how to use and install RSS ( really simple syndication )
Topic: MEDIA


This little orange Icon lets you know the webpage url is ……..supported by an RSS feed

(which many News websites are now doing)

The orange Icon is usually is found in 2 places: top right or left side, near the bottom

of any websites that support this feature.

Whenever I read a website I like I then look over the page for this little Icon, if it’s there I then know this website will work in my RSS reader client.

To downloadIcon page You click on the orange icon ….. then a new page will open ….. “Just copy that new page url address” and paste (or save) it into “your reader”


The “reader” that I am using its called Sharpreader.

(there are many other ones out there and they all are FREE!!)





Just read the intro and download the installer – that would be “your RSS reader “This instruction on that page – for me …….. I just ignored the NET part reference I didn’t have to mess with NET Framework

(But if you need to I think it’s simple to install)

But first just try to install your reader and don’t worry about the NET issue ….. ……..unless you have problems – if you do then come back and install the NET….


Prior to running SharpReader, you will need to install the .NET Framework, version 2.0 or version 1.1 SP1. If you do not currently have the .NET Framework installed, you can get it at windowsupdate, or here.

If you can’t install Sharpreader

then come back and do this suggested:

 NET Framework install


(PS) - if your Microsoft window upsdates are current you probab

ly already have the NET Framework installed.


Once you have installed the Sharpreader client

your ready to hunt for url’s that are supporting RSS

(Also known as an XML feed)

Just -->  Copy past those url’s you find…..

into your reader ……….

into the address bar ....located at the top …………

And then hit the “subscribe button”.



Below in the screenshot / picture is my Sharpreader …

see the Subscribe button near the top (Pink Arrow) And see the (Green Arrow ) point to where you will paste the URL for website you want to put into your reader.

Then by double clicking on any article in your reader you will open that original website, otherwise scan headlines and read paragraphs all inside your reader  This allows you to see allot without having to open mass website just to read their headlines. Your reader does it for you.


 Using a RSS reader make it easy to skim many (News and Video) sites looking at the recently posted article titles then seeing a short paragraph about each title. When you see an article you want more information on, just double-click to go to that website and see the complete page; “outside of your reader client”

Here is a link to more info on RSS feeds


(Which stands for really simple syndication)

Good Luck – If perplexed just drop me an email


Google and others are now providing their own "RSS readers" that are easy to access and maynot have to be installed like the Sharpreader that I prefer to use.


 The developer for Sharpreader was in the forefront for this technology 10 years ago, when it was "new".


 Before installing Sharpreader you should look at other RSS readers you may find an easier to use newer program. I myself am still using Sharpreader

 6/2011 -joe





Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:11 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 29 June 2011 4:07 PM PDT
Monday, 13 October 2008
Recruiters like the shaky economic times
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Military Recruiters see rise in applications
Topic: WAR

 Shaky economy helps  


recruiting, retention



By William H. McMichael - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Oct 13, 2008 10:57:42 EDT

The bad news on Wall Street is good news for military recruiting and retention, the Pentagon’s top personnel official said Friday.

“We do benefit when things look less positive in civil society,” said David S.C. Chu, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, said in a Pentagon briefing. “That is a situation where more are willing to give us a chance. I think that’s the big difference — people willing to listen to us.”

But while the downturn in the economy is making it easier for the services to recruit and retain people, Chu said he doesn’t expect spending on enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses to drop in the near term, even though more may see the military as a shelter against a sagging civilian job market.

Although there is a lag time in the variables that drive bonus payments up or down, Chu said he expects the military “will probably spend in fiscal year 2009 … roughly what we spent in fiscal 2008.”

Recruiting bonuses in fiscal 2008 for all the services totaled roughly $750 million, Chu said.

“I would expect we’d spend something close to that in 2009,” he said. “But only time will tell.”

Chu touted fiscal 2008, which ended Sept. 30, as “probably the strongest recruiting year we’ve had, overall, taking all elements into account, since fiscal year 2004.”

All the services, including the reserve components, met their fiscal 2008 goals for the overall number of recruits they sought to sign up.

Chu said retention also “continues strong.”

While the Marines Corps didn’t make its “extraordinarily ambitious target” for first-term re-enlistments, it still ended the year at 105 percent of its authorized end strength.

In recruiting, the Marines led the way by making 100 percent of its fiscal 2008 goal. The Corps’ recruiting chief, Maj. Gen. Robert Milstead, attributed the success to the addition of 600 Marines recruiters on the streets.

The Navy’s recruiting and retention efforts were “green across the board” and the best results in five years, said Rear Adm. Joseph Kilkenny, the Navy’s recruiting chief.

The Navy was particularly successful in recruiting for its special operations forces, a performance that Kilkenny called “unprecedented.”

The Air Force made 100 percent of its recruiting target, but did not make its re-enlistment goals — what Chu described as “some softness” in retention in that service.

The reason, he said, was that in the midst of “very aggressive” end-strength cuts, the Air Force “was not very ambitious about its retention” and cut back on reenlistment incentives.

Senior Pentagon officials eventually halted that drawdown, but “turning that around takes time,” he said.


Posted by Joe Anybody at 8:33 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 13 October 2008 8:34 PM PDT
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Joe's TIP # 1 - PEMMICAN
Mood:  cheeky

Hello Z3 Readers

This is TIP # 1 of my Survival Tips I will be passing along

I suggets you print these out and save them ...

I have at least 2 dozen more to share

(contact me for the complete zip file)

(iam@joe-anybody.com) Cool

Joe's TIP # 1 


Preserving meat requires energy to be expended. Very simple concept. It is the method of using that energy that is of interest to us. The use of electrical energy via freezing is the most common form of meat preservation today -- and the most fragile, as we can expect the electrical grid to go down at some point in the near future. So, what else can we do to preserve meat?

All other methods of preserving meat also require the use of energy -- principally yours! Some methods are easier than others, but make up for that by using another energy source than electricity. Canning meats requires jars and lids and a heat source. Those are medium-technology items, however, and may not be available deep into a crisis.

The most primitive method of meat preservation -- and the most dependable -- requires a lot of human energy. These would be smoking, making jerky, and making pemmican.


Pemmican is the classic survival ration. It is really a paste of powdered jerky mixed with dried berries, nuts, and meted suet rolled up into balls. To make pemmican you must first make jerky and locate a source of fat for the suet. Beef or pork fat can be used, as other animals often do not have enough fat to use with their meat. Other fats, such as from vegetable sources, generally do not harden and are not recommended for use in pemmican.

The jerky for pemmican is made in the usual manner (that part will follow someday), but in thinner strips. The meat source used should be the best cuts available, stripped to be about one inch by 1/4 inch, and as long as possible. When properly prepared for pemmican, the jerky strips should be *very hard and brittle*, more brittle than needed for regular jerky. The strips are than pounded (clean rocks, a cleaned anvil and single jack, whatever) to powder the meat fibers, leaving the tendons, nerve fibers, etc, to feed to your animals.

The fat (or suet) used for pemmican is rendered (melted slowly without overheating) in a large kettle. The kettle is then taken from heat and allowed to cool. Then the fat is examined, and only the hardest, purest fat is put aside for use in the pemmican. The very soft fat can be fed to animals that are working, and/or used with wood ashes (preferably hardwood) to make soap.

Everything is then ready to make pemmican. You will need to make fist sized balls composed of 50% powdered meat (with a touch of salt added, if available, to stop salt craving), and 50% suet with a small amount of dry, powdered berries and/or nuts. The components are then thoroughly mixed (the suet can be softened with heat) and formed into fist-sized balls.

The pemmican balls must then be preserved and protected against moisture. This can be accomplished in a number of ways.

1. Wrapping the pemmican in waxed paper and dipping in wax. This is the easiest way, but may not be possible under primitive conditions.

2. Wrapping in cheesecloth, and dipping in suet. This is the "classical" method used by early expeditions to the west, the old U.S. Calvary, and mountain men.

3. Just dipping the balls of pemmican in melted suet. This is the least desirable method, but works.

4. Stuffing the pemmican into cleaned, washed intestinal material from the meat source animal, then dip in suet. This method works well, but is more time consuming than the others.


Pemmican prepared properly will last for many years and is a highly nutritious food source. It can be used in stews with tubers and corn meal added, cooked by itself, or eaten raw. If a mold forms on the pemmican ball, it is merely washed or scraped off, and the rest of the pemmican used. By itself, pemmican will keep people fit on long hikes or in other strenuous activity (because of the high fat content), and if used in conjunction with corn meal provides almost all of the nutritional needs required for continuous living and working. Only fresh greens need to be added to make a complete, well rounded meal!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 10:38 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 12 October 2008 10:47 PM PDT
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Baghdad Burning - a day as a refugee
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Look what the US has caused ...
Topic: WAR
Baghdad Burning

... I'll meet you 'round the bend my friend, where hearts can heal and souls can mend...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Bloggers Without Borders...

Syria is a beautiful country- at least I think it is. I say “I think” because while I perceive it to be beautiful, I sometimes wonder if I mistake safety, security and normalcy for ‘beauty’. In so many ways, Damascus is like Baghdad before the war- bustling streets, occasional traffic jams, markets seemingly always full of shoppers… And in so many ways it’s different. The buildings are higher, the streets are generally narrower and there’s a mountain, Qasiyoun, that looms in the distance.

The mountain distracts me, as it does many Iraqis- especially those from Baghdad. Northern Iraq is full of mountains, but the rest of Iraq is quite flat. At night, Qasiyoun blends into the black sky and the only indication of its presence is a multitude of little, glimmering spots of light- houses and restaurants built right up there on the mountain. Every time I take a picture, I try to work Qasiyoun into it- I try to position the person so that Qasiyoun is in the background.

The first weeks here were something of a cultural shock. It has taken me these last three months to work away certain habits I’d acquired in Iraq after the war. It’s funny how you learn to act a certain way and don’t even know you’re doing strange things- like avoiding people’s eyes in the street or crazily murmuring prayers to yourself when stuck in traffic. It took me at least three weeks to teach myself to walk properly again- with head lifted, not constantly looking behind me.

It is estimated that there are at least 1.5 million Iraqis in Syria today. I believe it. Walking down the streets of Damascus, you can hear the Iraqi accent everywhere. There are areas like Geramana and Qudsiya that are packed full of Iraqi refugees. Syrians are few and far between in these areas. Even the public schools in the areas are full of Iraqi children. A cousin of mine is now attending a school in Qudsiya and his class is composed of 26 Iraqi children, and 5 Syrian children. It’s beyond belief sometimes. Most of the families have nothing to live on beyond their savings which are quickly being depleted with rent and the costs of living.

Within a month of our being here, we began hearing talk about Syria requiring visas from Iraqis, like most other countries. Apparently, our esteemed puppets in power met with Syrian and Jordanian authorities and decided they wanted to take away the last two safe havens remaining for Iraqis- Damascus and Amman. The talk began in late August and was only talk until recently- early October. Iraqis entering Syria now need a visa from the Syrian consulate or embassy in the country they are currently in. In the case of Iraqis still in Iraq, it is said that an approval from the Ministry of Interior is also required (which kind of makes it difficult for people running away from militias OF the Ministry of Interior…). Today, there’s talk of a possible fifty dollar visa at the border.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:16 PM PDT
Eavesdropping & Surveillance programs - Spying on Americans
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Email from the ACLU

Dear ACLU Supporter,

Reports all over the media yesterday and today confirm what we’ve known all along. Surveillance programs touted as critical to protect national security have in fact been used to monitor the private communications of innocent Americans abroad, including humanitarian workers and U.S. service-membersTwo former military intercept operators -- the people at the National Security Agency (NSA) who actually listen in to people’s calls -- revealed the news in an ABC report released yesterday Contrary to direct assurances from Bush administration officials that NSA monitoring was directed at suspected terrorists, the intercept operators report that "hundreds of U.S. citizens overseas have been eavesdropped on as they call friends and family back home." The NSA even intentionally directed its surveillance powers at well-established humanitarian organizations like Doctors Without Borders and the International Red Cross.

It is outrageous that service men and women and international aid workers have had their private conversations needlessly and wantonly invaded by our government. That is why the ACLU’s lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Congress’s expansion of the NSA’s surveillance authority under the FISA Amendments Act is so critical. Our case, Amnesty International v. McConnell -- brought on behalf of an impressive array of journalists, human rights organizations and lawyers -- shines a spotlight on the devastating effect of unchecked spying power on Americans doing indispensable work around the globe.

Stand up to warrantless and unnecessary government spying. Donate now to support the ACLU’s lawsuit, and help us put an end to out-of-control government eavesdropping.It’s more important than ever that you support the ACLU’s lawsuit and other actions challenging out-of-control government spying.

Just as we warned -- and as our FISA lawsuit contends -- the NSA’s new unchecked surveillance powers invade the privacy of innocent Americans and fundamentally undermine human rights workers, journalists and attorneys doing important work around the globe. This dragnet spying is ineffective, intrusive, unnecessary and most certainly unconstitutional.

Donate now to support the ACLU’s lawsuit and put an end to out-of-control government eavesdropping.The FISA Amendments Act -- rushed through a timid pre-election Congress -- gives the government nearly unfettered access to Americans’ international communications without any meaningful judicial oversight.As this week’s news demonstrates, with unchecked and unaccountable spying powers, NSA officials will quickly run amok. That’s why the ACLU is acting decisively to bring our government’s behavior back in line with the Constitution.We will not yield until we bring this reckless spying to an end. Please stand with us today.

Anthony D. Romero
Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director

P.S. To learn more about our lawsuit challenging unconstitutional spying, visit our

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:45 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 October 2008 1:53 PM PDT
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Military Times website has stuff you want to know about
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: http://www.militarytimes.com/news/
Topic: WAR

Hello Peace & Justice Activists 

 I got some interesting stuff for you all today 

All the links below looked good, I found them HERE

on 10-10-08



  • Ex-enlisted sailor pleads guilty to posing as admiral
    ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A Middletown, Del., man has pleaded guilty to impersonating a Navy rear admiral.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 12:31:10 EDT
  • Col. dies from July nonhostile incident in Iraq
    OCEANSIDE, Calif. — The Pentagon on Tuesday announced the death of Marine Col. Michael R. Stahlman, who died Sunday from injuries stemming from a nonhostile incident July 31 in Iraq.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 13:05:50 EDT
  • U.S.: China cut exchanges over Taiwan sale
    TOKYO — China has cut some military exchanges following Washington’s approval of a multibillion-dollar arms package for Taiwan, the commander of the U.S. forces in the Pacific said...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 16:22:01 EDT
  • Details of Afghanistan intel report surface
    WASHINGTON — The situation in Afghanistan now is the worst since the U.S.-led invasion of 2001 and the country is in danger of a “downward spiral” into violence and chaos, according...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 16:13:12 EDT
  • Webb: Stop ‘propagandizing’ in Iraq
    A key senator is asking the Pentagon to halt a $300 million program to produce pro-American news and public service messages in Iraq.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 13:53:05 EDT
  • Ex-sailor wins lawsuit over CrossFit workout
    MANASSAS, Va. — A former Navy information systems technician has been awarded $300,000 after suing a Manassas gym over an exercise program he says left him permanently disabled.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 12:23:59 EDT
  • Another deserter ordered to leave Canada
    TORONTO — Another U.S. war resister has been ordered to leave Canada with his family after living in Toronto for the past four years.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 9:33:43 EDT
  • U.S. tries tough love before Iraq handover
    RAMADI, Iraq — In the past, when Iraqi police here ran out of gas, they often turned to the Marines, who generally obliged by filling the trucks and generators — courtesy of the U.S....
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 9:21:28 EDT
  • Pvt. charged in gang beating death of sergeant
    BERLIN — A soldier has been charged in the gang-related beating death of another soldier at a base in Germany, the military said Wednesday.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 13:06:11 EDT
  • Sgt. gets Silver Star for Afghan firefight
    FORT BRAGG, N.C. — The third-highest award for gallantry under fire will be given to an 82nd Airborne Division paratrooper for actions during a firefight in Afghanistan, the division said...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 8:57:11 EDT
  • Ike sailor was struck by Super Hornet
    NORFOLK, Va. — The sailor killed Saturday night aboard the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower was struck by an F/A-18F Super Hornet on the flight deck “during catapult launch,”...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 11:18:00 EDT
  • Navy ships open for first time since 9/11
    NORFOLK, Va. — For the first time since the security crackdown after the 2001 terrorist attacks, Navy ships in Hampton Roads will be available for public viewing during Fleet Week.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 11:18:12 EDT
  • Petraeus: More troops or not, Afghan ops a go
    Although a major influx of troops in an increasingly violent Afghanistan isn’t likely until next spring and summer at the earliest, the incoming Central Command commander said Tuesday that he...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 13:00:46 EDT
  • Army widow sues U.S. over suicide
    PHILADELPHIA — The widow of an Iraq war veteran who committed suicide while in outpatient care for depression at a Veterans Affairs hospital has sued the federal government for negligence.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 13:00:32 EDT
  • Bill sets rules for board to review sex mags
    Congress has directed the Pentagon officials to follow new, more specific guidelines on the structure of the internal board that reviews sexually explicit materials to determine whether they can be...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 13:00:12 EDT
  • Sailor warns DoD of detainee treatment
    WASHINGTON — A U.S. military officer warned Pentagon officials that an American detainee was being driven nearly insane by months of punishing isolation and sensory deprivation in a U.S....
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 12:59:57 EDT
  • Applying for vets benefits in advance works
    A program allowing injured active-duty members to apply for veterans’ disability benefits before they separate is reducing the financial strain on wounded troops in the months before they leave...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 12:58:06 EDT
  • Supreme Court divided over sonar case
    WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court appeared divided Wednesday over how to resolve a long-running dispute over whether environmental laws may be used to limit the Navy’s use of sonar to...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 12:56:22 EDT
  • California war vets to get PTSD, TBI testing
    Reacting to complaints of delays in care as well as a recent report that found hundreds of thousands of combat veterans are living with undiagnosed traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress...
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 8:53:21 EDT
  • U.S.: Afghan airstrike killed 33 civilians
    WASHINGTON — U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan on Aug. 22 killed 33 civilians, far more than the military had acknowledged before, the commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East said Wednesday.
    Posted Thursday Oct 9, 2008 8:52:41 EDT

  • Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:02 PM PDT
    Wednesday, 8 October 2008
    twincities Independent Media Report on RNC Ations
    Mood:  amorous
    Now Playing: ST PAUL PROTEST REPORT from the anti-captalist
    Topic: PROTEST!

    Anti-Capitalist Bloc @ the RNC: An I.W.W. Report

    During the first week of September 2008, Republican Party delegates gathered in St. Paul, Minnesota for the Republican National Convention (RNC) - the media spectacle and corporate sleaze-fest that completes their nominating process. An army of armor-clad riot police, National Guard, and private security with their humvees, rubber bullets, and tear gas protected them. FBI-assisted sheriff's raids at more than a half-dozen activist homes and organizing centers in Minneapolis-St. Paul sought to hinder opposition. But thousands of protestors still took to the streets to emphatically reject the Republicans' vicious policies of war, discrimination, and attacks on the working-class and poor.

    Among the more important mobilizing efforts against the RNC was the Anti-Capitalist Bloc, an initiative of the Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) union - Twin Cities General Membership Branch. The Anti-Capitalist Bloc was conceived as an organizing front for the week of the RNC that would unite those anti-capitalist activists with an orientation toward organizing. The Anti-Capitalist Bloc issued a "Call" and adopted a set of "Solidarity Principles" that made clear our opposition to not only the Republican party but the whole system of capitalism. Ten other groups signed on including three other I.W.W branches. Approximately 1800 full-color posters with the Anti-Capitalist Bloc message were distributed over the course of the week.

    But as Wobblies, we know that words are not enough, and so a series of events, actions, and contingents were organized by the Anti-Capitalist Bloc.

    Saturday August 30th
    Police Raids and preemptive arrests:

    In the days leading up to the RNC, police, sheriff and federal officers conducted raids on several activist's homes and organizing centers. The main target were members and supporters of the the anarchist umbrella group the "RNC Welcoming Committee". The Welcoming Committee promoted and provided logistical support for a strategy of shutting down the RNC through direct action blockades around the convention. Eight core meembers of the group were charged with felonies and accused of "terrorism" by the authorities. The activist Convergence Center rented by the Welcoming Committee was raided by the police, who detained, photographed and ID'd the dozens present. The media largely went along with the police story, presenting tires in garages, grey water sceptic systems, and kerosene as dangerous weapons.

    One raid in St. Paul hit the home of a large group of activists including one of the main Anti-Capitalist Bloc organizers. Police with assault rifles raided and detained several activists present, searched the house and copied computer hard drives. The police eventually backed off, releasing everyone without charge, after a large number of media, legal observers and activists arrived on the scene.

    Benefit Concert:
    A benefit concert organized by the Anti-Capitalist Bloc at the Bedlam theater featuring the Rude Mechanical Orchestra, the Brass Messengers, and Mic Crenshaw brought folks together in the wake of the police house raids and raised needed funds for the defense of protesters and the I.W.W.'s active and public campaign at Starbucks.

    Sunday August 31st
    I.W.W. Starbucks Ra1ly:

    The next day, the day before the RNC officially opened, approximately 75 supporters of the I.W.W.'s local Starbucks campaign rallied. One of the worker-organizes who had been fired for union activity had just won re-instatement. Rank & file activists from AFSCME, CWA, MAPE, SEIU, and Wobblies from across the country spoke, chanted and waved picket signs. Labor Professor, author, and activist Peter Rachleff spoke. A heavy police presence monitored the rally.

    At the close of the rally, an invitation was extended to those assembled to accompany the I.W.W. barista back to his first day of work at the Mall of America Starbucks. In an orderly fashion, so as not to provoke police, folks left the picket signs, bought tickets and boarded the Light-Rail Train from Minneapolis to the Mall of America. Aboard the train, wobblies and their supporters, spirts high, belted out "Solidarity Forever" and other songs, and engaged the other riders who wondered about the police presence.

    The Mall of America is located in Bloomington, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis. At the first LRT stop in Bloomington, a contingent of riot-police stopped the train and engaged the I.W.W. about our intentions at the Mall. When it was made clear to Bloomington PD that we were merely accompanying our Fellow Worker back to his job and that we did not intend to picket, protest, riot, or engage in any of the other disruptions being bandied about the media, they allowed us to continue.

    At the Mall of America, it was a different story. As the train pulled in to the Mall station, dozens of fully-equipped riot police were visible. When the doors opened, an armored cop stood in front of each door preventing anyone from leaving the train. Attempts to negotiate were fruitless. No one, either with the I.W.W or passengers completely separate were allowed to leave. Police at first refused, then finally relented to, our demand that a woman and her child be allowed to exit as the woman was having a diabetes emergency.

    Mall officials were calling the shots and the police were enforcing them. Eventually, the doors simply shut and the train pulled out of the station back toward Minneapolis to the chants of "Bullshit!Bullshit!" from the unionists and the other passengers alike.

    Although we did not enter the Mall in force as planned, we were able to mobilize a good group of people in support of the I.W.W. Starbucks campaign. The action highlighted the crucial role workplace organizing must play in anti-capitalist strategy - something that would not have otherwise happened during the RNC protests.

    The reaction of the police at the Mall reinforced our perspective: The police answer to property, not "public safety"; the bosses fear workers organizing as much as they do protests and blockades on the streets.

    "Labor Day" Monday September 1st
    Anti-Capitalist Bloc:

    The first day of the Convention, Monday September 1st, Labor Day (and so a legal holiday in the U.S.) was always going to be the biggest day of protest against the RNC. Both the major permitted march (March on the RNC and Stop the War) and the anarchist-inspired blockade strategy were scheduled for Labor Day.

    The Anti-Capitalist Bloc contingent in the permitted march was conceived as a visible organized contingent promoting the politics of working-class direct action anti-capitalism to the mass of anti-war, labor, immigrant rights, and other demonstrators. In this it was quite successful.

    Over 300 people eventually joined in with the Bloc over the course of the march. The Bloc was led by Red & Black "DIRECT ACTION AGAINST CAPITALISM" banners in front, on the right by the new Twin Cities I.W.W. banner proclaiming "SOLIDARITY" in 5 languages (English, Spanish, Hmong, Somali and Finish - Ojibwe or Dakota will be added soon), and flanked on the left by Solidarity & Defense's tri-lingual (English, Spanish, Arabic) banner against the raids on immigrants. A "NO WAR BUT THE CLASS WAR" banner took up the rear. This "wall of banners" system kept the Bloc cohesive and visible, and gave participants a sense of security. A 5-person "tactical-team" from the local committee was in place to make emergency tactical decisions should that have been neccesary.

    The Bloc was loud and feisty. "Capitalism? NO! Patriarchy? NO! Racism? NO! Revolution... Yeeeaah!" "No War, But Class War!" "No Justice, No Peace! Police off the Streets!" "Ah!An-ti!Anticapitalista!" were some of the chants that caught attention. At different intervals during the march the Anti-Capitalist Bloc would come to a halt to give short speeches and allow space to seperate in front of us, a countdown would ensue and then the Bloc would charge forward to the cries of "Revolution!" The Bloc recieved compliments from many observers of differing political stripes. One union staffer offered this gem: "The IWW...you guys are like the black bloc of the labor movement."

    The full-color poster/statement of the Anti-Capitalist Bloc was distributed to 1000-1200 people at the March on the RNC. The professional look of the poster helped the Bloc stick out and was incentive to onlookers and demonstrators to hang on to it. This helped on a day when they were being inundated with literature from the full spectrum of the Left. Many of the participants asked for extra-copies to bring home, or share with friends - a sign that the Anti-Capitalist Bloc will retain some memory within the movement. The poster was worth the high cost and should be seen as part of any succesfull future major mobilization.

    The Bloc consistenly announced its intention to be a space where all anti-capitalists could be present including people with kids, elders, and people with differing abilities. It was not significantly different in composition from previous efforts however - majority young white guys with a bit of a Black Bloc look. This was by no means exclusively the case - lots of women participated and a few people of color. Only a couple young children and a few older people marched with the Bloc. The Bloc made a serious effort to vocally oppose all oppression, but clearly our movement still has a lot to overcome before it will look like the whole working-class, especially its most exploited and oppressed sections. Interestingly, a clear majority of those that marched with us were not members of the I.W.W. or any of the other endorsing groups.

    The Anti-Capitalist Bloc organizers stressed on multiple occasions that the purpose of this Bloc was not to engage in physical confrontations with the huge numbers of heavily armored police and Guard, but to help expand the base and popularity of anti-capitalist ideas and methods. At the same time it was stressed that we were not opposed to or in competition with those attempting to blockade the Convention. The logic of the Anti-Capitalist Bloc was embraced by all the participants - even among those that had clearly come ready to rumble.

    As the march finished up back at the state Capitol, the Anti-Capitalist Bloc came to an official end. A meeting was convened for those who wished to attempt to go back into downtown St. Paul and unite with the the blockades. A large percentage of those on the Bloc plus some others headed back down. One estimate put the returning group at 200.

    The returning march group soon met a sizable police force who eventually began shooting tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bags, and concussion grenades at the crowd. Police eventually gave up trying to detain the whole group, picking off a few for arrest while most escaped, ending one of the largest stand-offs of the day.

    Across the Mississippi River within view of the clouds of tear gas and confrontation, SEIU was holding a huge "Take Back Labor Day" concert with Billy Bragg, Mos Def, Steve Earle, Atmosphere, and others. Concerned that the concert crowd (nearly equal to the size of the whole anti-war march) may be tempted to join the fray, police blockaded the main bridge into downtown St. Paul. Hopefully some of the performers and concert goers wondered why SEIU had decided to schedule their concert to conflict with the march, and even more shamefully, become the only union listed as one of the corporate sponsors of the Republican National Convention its self.

    Tuesday September 2nd

    Poor People's March:
    The next day, Tuesday September 2nd the Anti-Capitalist Bloc had called for another contingent in the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign March for Our Lives. This march was much smaller than the previous day's - approximately 800 at the start, but included a more significant percentage of working poor and people of color. The Anti-Capitalist Bloc gathered 50 around the I.W.W. banner - including wobblies from several states, Solidarity & Defense from Michigan, a couple NEFACers (and Jeff Monson the anarchist UFC mixed martial arts fighter!).

    Riot police again had a heavy presence and made several provocative forays into the rally to nab individuals ID'd in actions the day before, or in one case to grab a flag pole deemed larger than city regulations allowed. Several undercover/plainclothes police were quite obvious in the crowd as well.

    The Poor People's march weaved it's way through downtown St. Paul. The Anti-Capitalist Bloc marched and sang (at one point the Manu Chao lyrics "We are the workers/and we are marching/bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao!") Another 300-500 posters were distributed by membeers of the Bloc. The march continued up to the state Capitol lawn, where the "Ripple Effect" concert (featuring Dead Prez, Anti-Flag, Michael Franti, and others) was winding down. The police were refusing to allow Rage Against The Machine to perform as the concert permit had expired. Members of Rage Against The Machine encouraged the hundreds of young people there to join the march. They mostly did, and the march easily tripled in size.

    The march permit held by the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign did not prevent police from again opening up with their full barrage when demonstrators ended up back outside the Xcel Energy Center where the RNC speeches were happening

    Truckers Fuel Protest:
    The Anti-Capitalist Bloc did not end up participating in the independent truckers fuel protest that we had endorsed and promoted (other than one SDS/IWW member from North Dakota who was a key organizer of the truckers action). There had been both logistical and political problems. None of the IWW OTR truckers were able to make it - originally we had thought a few were coming - and the main Truck Driver organizers had been insistent that all vehicles in their convoy prominently fly the American flag. In the abscence of actual revolutionary unionist truckers present for the action, we did not feel we had the capacity to challenge the American flag "rule" for the convoy.

    The convoy ended up being much smaller than hoped for and, like the other actions of the week, heavily policed.

    Wednesday September 3rd

    Anti-Capitalist Bloc meeting:
    The next day two dozen participants in the Anti-Capitalist Bloc gathered at a meeting hosted by the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter at Macalester College. Besides SDS and the I.W.W., members of Solidarity & Defense, NEFAC, Class Action and WSA were also present. Discussion ranged from "big picture" analysis of the current situation to an evaluation of the RNC action that week to more general info-sharing on the respective groups' activities and plans. While obviously incomplete, the meeting was an important opportunity for folks who'd been running around together for several days to take a moment to introduce each other and exchange ideas and experiences.

    Rage Against the Machine:
    While their efforts to take the stage at one of the free outdoor concerts of the week were consistently snubbed by the police, Rage Against the Machine did play a scheduled show Wednesday night at the Target Center in Minneapolis (at $60.00 a ticket!). When the crowd of 10,000 emptied the arena at the end of the show, police in riot gear were there to meet them. Many of the Rage fans chanted defiant lyrics at the police and hundreds occupied the street around the Target Center, many of them sitting down to get arrested civil-disobedience style.

    Whatever one thinks of Rage Against The Machine's sound or their place in the music industry, there is no doubt that they are treated as dangerous by the police. Their political message and attitude has struck a nerve with a sizable fan-base who seem willing to follow Rage's lead out into the streets. Tom Morello, the ground-breaking guitarist for Rage, explicitly promotes the I.W.W. with his solo side project, the "Nightwatchman".

    Thursday September 4th

    No Peace for the Warmakers:
    On the final day of the RNC, while John McCain prepared to give his acceptence speech, the final official action opposing the convention also took place. Organized by the local Anti-War Committee (one of the main groups behind the Monday anti-war march also) the demonstration was boldly titled "No Peace for the Warmakers". Some 800 protestors left the State Capitol grounds in an unpermitted march toward the Xcel. Individuals from the Anti-Capitalist Bloc were present but were not organized into any contingent this time. Riot police blocked every path toward the Convention and succeeded in sealing in the march several times long stretches of time. Despite the march's theme, the march organizers were not preopared for direct action confrontations with the police, but did encourage a massive sit-in to block one bridge (already blocked by police). The stand-off ended when police moved to make mass arrests, and one final time attacked with pepper spray, tear gas and rubber bullets.

    Some Conclusions
    The Anti-Capitalist Bloc @ the RNC was a succesful intervention by a small revolutionary workers organization and our allies in the week of protest and activity in our Cities. The hard work achieved results. The Anti-Capitalist Bloc was able to articulate a popular revolutionary militancy through a number of different types of events that involved hundreds and communicated to thousands more.

    At a time when the State was seeking to take advantage of some of the weaknesses of the RNC Welcoming Committee's strategy and base, the Anti-Capitalist Bloc conveyed in a non-sectarian way another approach for radicals.

    While the number of people from endorsing groups that came from out of town was small, those that came contributed significantly to the collective success. In this way it was an important continuation of the new spirit of collaboration among the groups and militants of the "Red & Black" revolutionary anti-authoritarian movement.

    We welcome comments, clarifications, questions, and criticisms.

    Solidarity Forever!

    Anti-Capitalist Bloc
    Call, Points of Solidarity & poster:

    Benefit Concert:
    http://vimeo.com/1649987 (RMO at March on the RNC)
    (Mic Crenshaw)

    I.W.W. Starbucks Rally:

    "Labor Day":
    http://vimeo.com/1657220 (ACB starts at 2:53 S&D banner visible)

    SEIU corporate sponsor of RNC:

    Poor People's March:

    Final Day:

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:58 PM PDT
    IvySea Inspiring the average joe anybody
    Mood:  bright
    Now Playing: in these hard economic times, here are some ideas
    Topic: FAILURE by the GOVERNMENT

    Z3 Readers this is an email I recieved from IvySea

    (click their link to join the email list serve) IvySea 

    They always have great positive insights to the many stressed out topics we all deal with in our every day joe anybody lives.

    This short email below was inspiring,

    so I am sharing it here with you all!



    In these times of change, when systems and institutions seem to be crumbling, and fear and anxiety seem intense, it's helpful to remember that seeming crisis can also be an open door that invites us to unparalleled opportunity.

    We have a choice in how we see and perceive -- crisis or opportunity, limitation or an invitation to unveil hidden potentials and capacities?

    Rather than isolating ourselves -- which is a 'default reaction' when we sink too deeply into fear and anxiety -- we can choose to open up, expand, seek allies both seen and unseen.

    Often, even a shift in our perception invites a whole new range of synchronicities and openings before us, and we're able to see what wants to be born even as something else might be dying or falling apart.

    The old systems, organizations, ways of working and so on are wanting to crumble because something else wants to be born. There is never death without something else being born, or rebirthed anew -- energy is constant; it just changes form.

    There is such a wealth of wisdom available to us to help us see our way through the apparent crisis and limitation -- and see into the wonderful new potentials, doorways, and opportunities for creating, and co-creating new community, new ways of working, new and healthier systems and organizations, a new marketplace centered on wellbeing for all and sourced in a belief that there really is more than enough.

    Caroline Casey, the visionary symbolist, in her wonderful book on working with archetypes (Making the Gods Work for You), quotes Mathew Arnold: "to be cultured is to be reacquainted with the highest possibilities of the human spirit throughout time." Casey goes on to point out that the first definition of 'culture' in the Oxford English Dictionary is "worship; reverential homage." She asks: "Do we live in an economy or a culture? If we live in a culture, what will we cultivate together?"

    This is an intense time of change, and it offers an unparalleled opportunity to create -- within and for ourselves, and together -- a culture and an experience based on the very best possibilities, with beauty, loving-kindness, ingenuity, wellbeing, and plenty.

    We have an invitation to release what is not authentic, what is not truly aligned with our highest potentials and greatest joy, and embrace that which is.

    Really, given that choice, which do you choose?

    For guidance and inspiration on choosing the highest potentials and expressing those in your life and livelihood, schedule an insight-and-inspiration tele-session or series.

    Wishing you well on your journey in these times of opportunity! May you see through the seeming crisis and go joyfully and intentionally through the doorway into greater possibilities.

    Joyful Blessings,

    Jamie Walters, Founder, Ivy Sea

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:44 PM PDT
    Video Camera + Bike left unchained + Bike thieves = TEST
    Mood:  not sure
    Now Playing: How safe is your city? Put it to the bicycle test

    BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - How safe is your city? An Argentine publicist has developed a bicycle test to gauge crime in different neighborhoods.

    Using hidden cameras and cheap bicycles as bait, Mariano Pasik, 37, films how long it takes a thief to steal an unchained bike in different areas of Buenos Aires. His hypothesis is that the longer the bicycle is left the safer the area is.

    "It's not a statistic but in a way it shows that (in) the places where the bicycle gets robbed really quickly perhaps the quality of life is poorer," said Mariano Pasik, 37.

    Pasik speeds up the videos, sets them to music and puts them on a website (http://www.lapruebadelabicicleta.com/). He hopes other videographers will join his nonprofit "Bicycle Test" project and create a worldwide insecurity index.

    Z3 Readers you can read this complete full article here:


    ps there were no women bike thiefs' in this test so far (?)

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 3:24 PM PDT
    Updated: Wednesday, 8 October 2008 3:31 PM PDT

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