Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Thursday, 21 January 2010
HATE WATCH Report 1.21.10
Now Playing: Hate Hate and Hate
Intelligence Report Controversy Erupts on Holocaust Denial Scene The small, bizarre world of Holocaust denial is in an uproar. It began in January, when the head of the Institute for Historical Review, the oldest and for decades the most dominant American denial outfit, published an explosive essay.
Nevada Man Funding Hate and Denial Groups The Institute for Historical Review has had few better friends over the past decade than a Las Vegas resident named James Edward McCrink.
Key Philanthropist Supports Nativist Hate Group FAIR is the leading organization fueling the backlash against immigration and stands to gain almost $1 million from Robert W. Wilson's largesse. Hatewatch Blog Fort Hood Report Calls for Change in Pentagon Hate Group Policy An independent fact-finding report made public last week by the Pentagon in the wake of the November shooting spree at Fort Hood, Texas, concluded that the Pentagon was not well prepared to defend itself from many internal threats.
Racist Group Plans to Run Candidates Nationwide The co-founder of the American Third Position (ATP), white supremacist Los Angeles lawyer William Daniel Johnson, says his new California-based group plans to run as many candidates for political office around the country as it can muster.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 6:33 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, 21 January 2010 12:34 PM PST
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Whats happening in Haiti - Insider report
Now Playing: Love and Compassion ... not your run of the mill terror and fear
Subject: Fw: Good information about what's really happening in Haiti ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] From: "M D" Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:59 AM To: <m @> Subject: Good information about what's really happening in Haiti > Friends and Family, > > Below is a wonderful and heartbreaking account from Sasha Kramer ] she> is the co ]founder of SOIL (www.oursoil.org) ] a group based out of Cap > Haitian whose normal mission is protecting soil resources, empowering > communities and transforming wastes into resources in Haiti (I am a > member of the board of directors). She and several staff members have > taken supplies down to Port au Prince and are trying to put their > working vehicle to good use in the devastated city. The location she > refers to as "Matthew 25" is a guesthouse where I have been staying > for years, those of you have traveled to Haiti with me on a delegation > will remember it. The soccer field has been transformed into a > make ]shift hospital. > > > Subject: Kouraj cherie: Update from Port au Prince > > January 19, 2010 > > This afternoon, feeling helpless, we decided to take a van down to > Champs Mars (the area around the palace) to look for people needing > medical care to bring to Matthew 25, the guesthouse where we are > staying which has been transformed into a field hospital. Since we > arrived in Port au Prince everyone has told us that you cannot go into > the area around the palace because of violence and insecurity. I was > in awe as we walked into downtown, among the flattened buildings , in > the shadow of the fallen palace, amongst the swarms of displaced > people there was calm and solidarity. We wound our way through the > camp asking for injured people who needed to get to the hospital. > Despite everyone telling us that as soon as we did this we would be > mobbed by people, I was amazed as we approached each tent people > gently pointed us towards their neighbors, guiding us to those who > were suffering the most. We picked up 5 badly injured people and > drove towards an area where Ellie and Berto had passed a woman > earlier. When they saw her she was lying on the side of the road with > a broken leg screaming for help, as they were on foot they could not > help her at the time so we went back to try to find her. Incredibly > we found her relatively quickly at the top of a hill of shattered > houses. The sun was setting and the community helped to carry her > down the hill on a refrigerator door, tough looking guys smiled in our 2 > direction calling out “bonswa Cherie” and “kouraj”. > > When we got back to Matthew 25 it was dark and we carried the patients > back into the soccer field/tent village/hospital where the team of > doctors had been working tirelessly all day. Although they had > officially closed down for the evening, they agreed to see the > patients we had brought. Once our patients were settled in we came > back into the house to find the doctors amputating a foot on the > dining room table. The patient lay calmly, awake but far away under > the fog of ketamine. Half way through the surgery we heard a clamor > outside and ran out to see what it was. A large yellow truck was > parked in front of the gate and rapidly unloading hundreds of bags of > food over our fence, the hungry crowd had already begun to gather and > in the dark it was hard to decide how to best distribute the food. > Knowing that we could not sleep in the house with all of this food and > so many starving people in the neighborhood, our friend Amber (who is > experienced in food distribution) snapped into action and began to get > everyone in the crowd into a line that stretched down the road. We > braced ourselves for the fighting that we had heard would come but in > a miraculous display of restraint and compassion people lined up to > get the food and one by one the bags were handed out without a single > serious incident. > > During the food distribution the doctors called to see if anyone could > help to bury the amputated leg in the backyard. As I have no > experience with food distribution I offered to help with the leg. I > went into the back with Ellie and Berto and we dug a hole and placed > the leg in it, covering it with soil and cement rubble. By the time > we got back into the house the food had all been distributed and the > patient Anderson was waking up. The doctors asked for a translator so > I went and sat by his stretcher explaining to him that the surgery had > gone well and he was going to live. His family had gone home so he > was alone so Ellie and I took turns sitting with him as he came out > from under the drugs. I sat and talked to Anderson for hours as he > drifted in and out of consciousness. At one point one of the Haitian > men working at the hospital came in and leaned over Anderson and said > to him in kreyol “listen man even if your family could not be here > tonight we want you to know that everyone here loves you, we are all > your brothers and sisters”. Cat and I have barely shed a tear through > all of this, the sky could fall and we would not bat an eye, but when > I told her this story this morning the tears just began rolling down > her face, as they are mine as I am writing this. Sometimes it is the > kindness and not the horror that can break the numbness that we are > all lost in right now. > > So, don’t believe Anderson Cooper when he says that Haiti is a hotbed > for violence and riots, it is just not the case. In the darkest of > times, Haiti has proven to be a country of brave, resilient and kind > people and it is that behavior that is far more prevalent than the > isolated incidents of violence. Please pass this on to as many people > as you can so that they can see the light of Haiti, cutting through > the darkness, the light that will heal this nation. > > We are safe. We love you all and I will write again when I can. > Thank you for your generosity and compassion. > > With love from Port au Prince, 3 > Sasha > ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] > > To reply to this message, follow the link below: > http://www.facebook.com/n/?inbox%2Freadmessage.php&t=1192961705524&mid > =1bfd6e5G4bf57f6aGbf42f3G0
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 9:43 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 January 2010 9:45 PM PST
Close GITMO protest day THURSDAY 1/21/10
don't ask
Now Playing: twitter.... FB..... all will say one thing from me on this Thursday "CLOSE GITMO"
War Criminals Watch is joining with the ACLU, Amnesty International, many other organizations, artists and musicians like Tom Morello and Trent Reznor to "flood Twitter" and Facebook this Thursday, January 21st with messages to #closegitmo. YOU can help, by spreading the word now, and tweeting messages on Thursday about Guantanamo, torture, habeas corpus rights, and more - using the hashtag #closegitmo. You can also "donate" your Facebook status for the day with this message. We want to dominate the social networking discussion on Thursday with the message that torture and the prison at Guantanamo still continue, but must be stopped. Follow us on Twitter at worldcantwait or become a fan of World Can't Wait on Facebook for more details.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 8:57 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 January 2010 9:22 PM PST
Monday, 18 January 2010
Greg Palast reports about the Haitian Holocaust
Now Playing: The Right Testicle of Hell: History of a Haitian Holocaust
1. Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:01 pm (PST) History of a Haitian Holocaust Sunday, January 17, 2010 Blackwater before drinking water by Greg Palast for The Huffington Post
-------- "For Gates, appointed by Bush and allowed to hang around by Obama, it's security first. That was his lesson from Hurricane Katrina. Blackwater before drinking water." --------
1. Bless the President for having rescue teams in the air almost immediately. That was President Olafur Grimsson of Iceland. On Wednesday, the AP reported that the President of the United States promised, "The initial contingent of 2,000 Marines could be deployed to the quake-ravaged country within the next few days." "In a few days," Mr. Obama?
2. There's no such thing as a 'natural' disaster. 200,000 Haitians have been slaughtered by slum housing and IMF "austerity" plans.
3. A friend of mine called. Do I know a journalist who could get medicine to her father? And she added, trying to hold her voice together, "My sister, she's under the rubble. Is anyone going who can help, anyone?" Should I tell her, "Obama will have Marines there in 'a few days'"?
4. China deployed rescuers with sniffer dogs within 48 hours. China, Mr. President. China: 8,000 miles distant. Miami: 700 miles close. US bases in Puerto Rico: right there.
5. Obama's Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, "I don't know how this government could have responded faster or more comprehensively than it has." We know Gates doesn't know.
6. From my own work in the field, I know that FEMA has access to ready-to-go potable water, generators, mobile medical equipment and more for hurricane relief on the Gulf Coast. It's all still there. Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honor, who served as the task force commander for emergency response after Hurricane Katrina, told the Christian Science Monitor, "I thought we had learned that from Katrina, take food and water and start evacuating people." Maybe we learned but, apparently, Gates and the Defense Department missed school that day.
7. Send in the Marines. That's America's response. That's what we're good at. The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson finally showed up after three days. With what? It was dramatically deployed -- without any emergency relief supplies. It has sidewinder missiles and 19 helicopters.
8. But don't worry, the International Search and Rescue Team, fully equipped and self-sufficient for up to seven days in the field, deployed immediately with ten metric tons of tools and equipment, three tons of water, tents, advanced communication equipment and water purifying capability. They're from Iceland.
9. Gates wouldn't send in food and water because, he said, there was no "structure ... to provide security." For Gates, appointed by Bush and allowed to hang around by Obama, it's security first. That was his lesson from Hurricane Katrina. Blackwater before drinking water.
10. Previous US presidents have acted far more swiftly in getting troops on the ground on that island. Haiti is the right half of the island of Hispaniola. It's treated like the right testicle of Hell. The Dominican Republic the left. In 1965, when Dominicans demanded the return of Juan Bosch, their elected President, deposed by a junta, Lyndon Johnson reacted to this crisis rapidly, landing 45,000 US Marines on the beaches to prevent the return of the elected president.
11. How did Haiti end up so economically weakened, with infrastructure, from hospitals to water systems, busted or non-existent - there are two fire stations in the entire nation - and infrastructure so frail that the nation was simply waiting for "nature" to finish it off?
Don't blame Mother Nature for all this death and destruction. That dishonor goes to Papa Doc and Baby Doc, the Duvalier dictatorship, which looted the nation for 28 years. Papa and his Baby put an estimated 80% of world aid into their own pockets - with the complicity of the US government happy to have the Duvaliers and their voodoo militia, Tonton Macoutes, as allies in the Cold War. (The war was easily won: the Duvaliers' death squads murdered as many as 60,000 opponents of the regime.)
12. What Papa and Baby didn't run off with, the IMF finished off through its "austerity" plans. An austerity plan is a form of voodoo orchestrated by economists zomby-fied by an irrational belief that cutting government services will somehow help a nation prosper.
13. In 1991, five years after the murderous Baby fled, Haitians elected a priest, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who resisted the IMF's austerity diktats. Within months, the military, to the applause of Papa George HW Bush, deposed him.
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce. The farce was George W. Bush. In 2004, after the priest Aristide was re-elected President, he was kidnapped and removed again, to the applause of Baby Bush.
14. Haiti was once a wealthy nation, the wealthiest in the hemisphere, worth more, wrote Voltaire in the 18th century, than that rocky, cold colony known as New England. Haiti's wealth was in black gold: slaves. But then the slaves rebelled - and have been paying for it ever since.
From 1825 to 1947, France forced Haiti to pay an annual fee to reimburse the profits lost by French slaveholders caused by their slaves' successful uprising. Rather than enslave individual Haitians, France thought it more efficient to simply enslave the entire nation.
15. Secretary Gates tells us, "There are just some certain facts of life that affect how quickly you can do some of these things." The Navy's hospital boat will be there in, oh, a week or so. Heckuva job, Brownie!
16. Note just received from my friend. Her sister was found, dead; and her other sister had to bury her. Her father needs his anti-seizure medicines. That's a fact of life too, Mr. President.
*** Through our journalism network, we are trying to get my friend's medicines to her father. If any reader does have someone getting into or near Port-au-Prince, please contact Haiti@GregPalast.com immediately.
Urgently recommended reading - The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L'Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution, the history of the successful slave uprising in Hispaniola by the brilliant CLR James.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 19 January 2010 9:23 PM PST
Sunday, 17 January 2010
WASHINGTON DC "Camp Out Now" Protest in Washington
Now Playing: Cindy Sheehan = Come To Washington Civil Resistance
Scott Horton Interviews Cindy SheehanBy: Cindy January 10, 2010
Source: antiwar.com January 05, 2010 Peace activist Cindy Sheehan discusses the Peace of the Action anti-empire protests beginning in March in Washington, DC, how current US wars are outlasting the public’s attention span and the need for focused antiwar goals to prevent division among allies and derision in the media. DOWNLOAD. Time: (20:23) Cindy Sheehan became a leader of the antiwar movement after her son, Casey, was killed in Iraq. Her efforts to get answers from President Bush, including a vigil in Crawford, Texas, have received national media attention. She has a website and radio show, is the author of Peace Mom: A Mother’s Journey through Heartache to Activism and wrote the introduction to 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 9:45 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, 17 January 2010 9:47 PM PST
Saturday, 16 January 2010
2 programs that I have running on my computer
Now Playing: Computer Malware and SpyWare Protection Suggestions
Computer Protection
http://tiny.cc/pQ13M [[[ spybot ]]] Spybot - Search & Destroy has been in the antispyware game for a long time offering features we've come to expect in the best apps in the category, but bugs and false positives make it difficult to recommend. The program checks your system against a comprehensive database of adware and other system invaders. It also features several interface improvements, including multiple skins for dressing up its appearance. Scan results now appear arranged by groups in a tree, and a sliding panel lets you instantly view information about a selected item to help you decide whether to kill it or not. The Immunize feature blocks a plethora of uninvited Web-borne flotsam before it reaches your computer. Other useful tools, including Secure Shredder, complement the program's basic functionality for completely destroying files. Hosts File blocks adware servers from your computer, and System Startup lets you review which apps load when you start your computer. Unfortunately, the program has the tendency to lock up at times and even during the install process for this review, we encountered several errors. The ambitious feature list and functionality make Spybot a good choice for those in search of a second antispyware program, and recent updates have made it run faster. It still makes errors in flagging spyware that isn't, and overall there are others in the category that do a better job http://tiny.cc/Psfjf [[[ adAware ]]] We have taken the security product millions of people know and trust one step further to give all users the power to protect themselves. By combining Lavasoft's pioneer anti-spyware technology with advanced Genotype detection, Ad-Aware Free is your proactive malware removal tool, allowing you to combat today's toughest cyber threats. Ad-Aware Free Anti-Malware features real-time protection, a rootkit removal system, automatic updates, and much more — to ensure that you have the power to protect yourself online. Shop, bank, and make travel arrangements onlineWe keep you safe from password stealers, keyloggers, spyware, rootkits, trojans, online fraudsters, identity thieves and other potential cyber criminals. Control your privacy. Erase tracks left behind while surfing the Web - on browsers such as Internet Explorer, Opera, and Firefox - in one easy click. Get Peace of Mind. Know that your personal information is kept safe from dangerous intruders and prying eyes.Just set and forget - we'll keep you safe. For full anti-virus protection and advanced real-time protection, including behavior-based heuristics scanning, and advanced rootkit removal technology,
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 7:03 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, 16 January 2010 7:06 PM PST
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Haiti - Report from Democracy Now
don't ask
Now Playing: problems are always in Haiti ....
The death toll rises as Haiti is crushed by a massive 7.0-magnitude earthquake. Bodies lie in the streets as people continue to cry out from underneath the rubble. Little aid has come in as the situation becomes increasingly desperate. The number of dead is almost certainly in the tens of thousands but could be 100,000 or more. We go to Port-au-Prince to get a report from a young American father who is helping to care for the injured in the hotel where he was staying when the quake struck. [includes rush transcript] Much of the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince has been leveled by Tuesday’s earthquake, leaving as many as 100,000 people dead and tens of thousands of people homeless. As of Thursday morning, little aid has arrived in Haiti. Planeloads of rescuers and relief supplies are said to be on the way from the US, EU, Canada, Russia and Latin American nations. We go to Port-au-Prince to speak with independent journalist Ansel Herz. [includes rush transcript] We discuss the situation in Haiti following Tuesday’s massive earthquake, as well as the history of Haiti, with two guests who have spent a lot of time there: Bill Quigley, the legal director at the Center for Constitutional Rights, and Brian Concannon, director of the Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti. [includes rush transcript] Journalist and author Naomi Klein spoke in New York last night and addressed the crisis in Haiti: “We have to be absolutely clear that this tragedy—which is part natural, part unnatural—must, under no circumstances, be used to, one, further indebt Haiti and, two, to push through unpopular corporatist policies in the interest of our corporations. This is not conspiracy theory. They have done it again and again.” [includes rush transcript] We speak with Congress member Maxine Waters (D-CA) about the US and international aid response to Tuesday’s earthquake in Haiti. As of Thursday morning, little aid has arrived, and a desperate search for survivors continues. [includes rush transcript]
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 10:11 PM PST
4 year old kicked out of school for having a pony tail
Now Playing: Stupid school ...kicks out 4 year old boy with long hair
Hi Z3 Readers ...let me preface this with ... "if the school is this dumb, I suggest not sending your kid to it in the first place!"
Judy Molland http://www.care2.com/causes/education/blog/four-year-old-suspended-from-school It's never too soon to enforce the school dress code. That seems to be the guiding principle behind the administration at Walter Floyd Elementary School in Mesquite, Texas. Four-year-old Taylor Pugh was suspended from his prekindergarten class on November 24, 2009, because he wears his hair too long (close to shoulder length or in a ponytail), and doesn't want his parents to cut it. When asked why he was no longer in class, Taylor declared, "They kicked me out!" adding quickly, "I miss my friends." Since being removed from the classroom, the youngster has been sent to the library every day to study with a teacher's aide. He's just too much of a distraction to remain in class.
That was the decision of the principal, but on January 10 the school board of the Mesquite Independent School District in the Dallas area supported that decision and voted unanimously to maintain its ban on long hair for boys.
So where do Taylor's parents stand on this? His father, Delton Pugh, told the Associated Press: "I don't think it's right to hold a child down and force him to do something. It's not hurting him of affecting his education." The board proposed a compromise whereby Taylor's parents would not have to cut off his long locks, but could braid them and pin them up. Mom and dad rejected this option.
There are some troubling questions here. Why is a boy with long hair more distracting than a girl with long hair? Is shoulder-length generally considered long? Why isn't the school more focused on teaching than on personal grooming for preK students?
Generally the idea behind dress codes is that students should not wear distracting clothes like shirts that advertize sex or drugs or alcohol, spaghetti straps for girls, or low-slung pants for boys. And of course gang-related colors and clothing. These make total sense, but long hair? How distracting can a boy's ponytail be?
The rules at the Mesquite school district seem to be closely aligned with the zero-tolerance policies, introduced in 1994 with the Gun Free Schools Act, and which were put in place to reduce the level of violence at schools. But when children are booted out of school for bringing tweezers or a Cub Scout's camping tool to class, haven't things gone too far? That's what happened to Zachary Christie in October of last year. Six-year-old Zach was so excited about joining the Cub Scouts and acquiring a camping tool that can serve as a knife, fork and spoon, that he wanted to share it at school. Bad idea! The Christina School District in Newark, DE, decided to suspend the first grader from school for 45 days.
Have school adminstrations got their priorities wrong? Shouldn't they get back to the business of teaching?
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 12:01 AM PST
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
US Iraq Casualties Rise to 73,729
don't ask
Topic: WAR
Submitted on Wed, 01-13 2010 Last Week: US Iraq Casualties Rise to 73,729 Compiled by Michael Munk | www.MichaelMunk.com US military occupation forces in Iraq under Commander-in-Chief Obama suffered five combat casualties in the week ending January 12, 2010* as the official total since the 2003 invasion rose to at least 73,729. The total includes 35,098 dead and wounded from what the Pentagon classifies as "hostile" causes and more than 38,631 (as of Jan 5, 2010) dead, injured and sick from "non-hostile" causes requiring medical evacuation. The actual total is over 100,000 because the Pentagon chooses not to count as "Iraq casualties" the more than 30,000 veterans whose injuries - mainly brain trauma from explosions - were diagnosed only after they had left Iraq.** In addition, Iraq Coalition Casualties names eight service members who died of wounds after they left Iraq but are not counted by the Pentagon. US media divert attention from the actual cost in American life and limb by occasionally reporting only the total killed (4,377 as of Jan 12, 2010) but rarely mentioning the 31,620 wounded in combat. To further minimize public perception of the cost, they cover for the Pentagon by ignoring the 37,732 (as of Jan 2, 2010)*** military victims of accidents and illness serious enough to require medical air evacuation, although the 4,377 reported deaths include 899 (up two) who died from those same causes, including at least 18 from faulty electrical work by KBR and 197 suicides through Jan. 2, 2010.***
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 6:32 AM PST
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