Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Restore the Rule of Law
Now Playing: IMPEACH
PLEASE HELP BUILD A NATIONAL GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT FOR CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS – FORWARD THIS WEBSITE TO BLOGS, WEB SITES, AND EMAIL ADDRESSES OF ALL FRIENDS, FAMILY, AND ASSOCIATES. Please add your name to the letter below, indicating to Congressman Conyers, other members of the House Judiciary Committee, and Congress as a whole that you support efforts to investigate and disclose any illegal acts and abuses of power by the President and others in his administration. Declare to the world, and to our posterity, that, as a US citizen: - You proudly support our long-held constitutional principles.
- You are speaking out to reaffirm our democracy.
- You demand accountability for those in our government who have disregarded our Constitution, violated statutory law, or engaged in immoral human-rights abuses.
Thank you for your commitment, your willingness to take a firm stand, and for your authentic patriotism. Sign The Letter Click link below to add your information: http://restoreruleoflaw.com/ * * * The Honorable John Conyers, Jr. Chair, Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives 2426 Rayburn House Office Building Washington D.C. 20515
Dear Congressman Conyers: We are writing out of deep concern for our nation. The President and members of his administration have violated, and continue to violate, our Constitution, significant and numerous treaty obligations, customary international law, and laws passed by Congress. However, the federal courts and Congress (even with a Democratic majority) have utterly failed to hold the President and his administration accountable and to put an end to the egregious violations of law and abuses of power.
When the President abuses and exceeds the powers vested in the executive branch, the people of our nation have reason to expect, and our Constitution contemplates, that the other co-equal branches of government – the courts and Congress – will rein in the President, not only holding him to account, but also making it clear that such abuses and excesses will not be tolerated, now or in the future, in our constitutional democracy. When the courts and Congress fail in their duties to challenge and repair abuses of executive power, they condone the abuses and are thereby complicit in undermining our Constitution, our international standing, and our nation’s commitment to the rule of law.
Our nation and our constitutional form of government are at a crucial crossroads. Either we condone and thereby encourage unlawful misconduct by our President and his administration, or we hold them to account and put an end to the illegalities. We can make it clear to the world, including all U.S. citizens, present and future, that we are a nation of laws, that we will support and uphold our Constitution, and that we will not tolerate the undermining of the carefully structured system of checks and balances among three co-equal branches of government. To challenge, disclose and censure the abuses of power by the Bush administration would also serve to uphold our nation’s proud history of support for fundamental human rights, which has distinguished our nation, until now, from those totalitarian, human-rights abusing nations that have kidnapped, disappeared, and tortured people, and deprived them of any semblance of due process.
In a constitutional form of government, which is committed to the rule of law, the courts are a safeguard against unlawful conduct by government officials, including the President. The courts are intended to be a safeguard against tyranny and dictatorship, both procedurally and substantively. Alarmingly, that is no longer the case in the United States.
Recently, a federal court has ruled that the invocation of the “state secrets” doctrine by the Bush administration is sufficient to deny citizens the right to obtain information about whether their communications have been subjected to warrantless governmental surveillance, in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution and federal statutory law (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act). Without the ability to obtain that information, the parties challenging the unlawful governmental surveillance have been held to lack standing to pursue their claims in court. Contrary to earlier false representations by President Bush that warrants were being obtained by his administration before electronic surveillance of communications was being conducted, the federal government is known to have continually and blatantly violated a criminal law passed by Congress and one of the most cherished rights protected by our Constitution. However, astoundingly, there is now no recourse in the federal courts.
The federal courts have even denied recourse to those who, pursuant to the “extraordinary rendition” program, have been illegally kidnapped, disappeared, and tortured by US agents and assignees in other countries. That dangerous lack of accountability has resulted from the indiscriminate acceptance by the courts of the assertion by the Bush administration of the “state secrets” doctrine. The Bush administration has invoked the “state secrets” doctrine 39 times, compared to a total of only six times by other presidents from 1953 to 1976, during the height of the Cold War.
Without action by Congress, these recent court decisions significantly undermine any notion that the rule of law prevails in the United States in instances of presidential abuse of power – and make it clear that no remnant of justice remains in relation to claims that such abuses have caused severe harm to innocent people. These decisions also call into question whether the truth about these abuses will ever be brought to light. All of this is leading our nation toward an unbounded and unaccountable tyranny, completely foreign to what many of us value most about our beloved country.
Because the courts are not providing a means of disclosing, or holding the Bush administration accountable for, serious violations of the law, it is particularly essential that Congress vigorously assume its constitutional prerogative and duty to thoroughly investigate and disclose the truth about the abuses of power and excesses of President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and others in the administration, all of which have caused extreme damage to our country.
Of course, the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives is best suited to conduct any inquiry into abuses of power by the President and others in his administration, particularly when violations of domestic statutory law, the Constitution, and treaty obligations have occurred. As Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, you have an historic opportunity and solemn responsibility, through the holding of hearings, to discover and disclose, and to bring the President and others to account for, the astounding abuses of power and violations of the law arising from the following misconduct, all of which have been severely injurious to our great nation:
• Authorizing, permitting, and condoning the kidnapping, disappearance, imprisonment and torture of people throughout the world, in violation of the US Constitution, domestic statutory law, treaty obligations, and customary international law. (In connection with the investigation of the illegal “extraordinary rendition” program, the Judiciary Committee should consider recommending passage of a compensation bill for Khaled el-Masri, Maher Arar, and others who have been kidnapped, imprisoned and tortured by U.S. agents and who have been denied any recourse to justice in US federal courts.)
• Authorizing and permitting the arrest of US citizens without charges, and causing them to be held, indefinitely and incommunicado, without access to an attorney, without the right to challenge the lawfulness of their confinement through the great writ of habeas corpus, without a trial, and under inhumane circumstances.
• Authorizing, permitting, and condoning the electronic surveillance of US citizens’ communications, including emails and telephone conversations, without a warrant, in violation of the US Constitution and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
• Engaging in an illegal war of aggression against Iraq, in violation of the Kellogg-Briand Pact, the Nuremberg Covenant, and the United Nations Charter (all international treaty obligations, which, under the Constitution, comprise the supreme law of the land), following a public campaign comprised largely of fictitious and fraudulent representations intended to persuade the people of the United States that the war was justified by self-defense. The fraud was comprised of outright misstatements of material fact and by withholding material information known to President Bush and members of his administration that was directly contrary to the representations of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and others in the administration to Congress and the American people.
• Abusing and exceeding the executive power, and undermining the constitutional principle of separation of power, through the issuance of a record number of signing statements following the enactment of legislation by Congress. These signing statements have led to an unprecedented disregard by the executive branch, including administrative agencies, of federal statutory laws, and to the assertion of an unbounded dictatorial “unitary executive” presidential power, during the so-called “war on terror,” an undeclared “war” that is geographically and temporally unlimited.
In addition to inquiries into the above grave criminal misconduct and other gross abuses of power, we urge that Judiciary Committee hearings include an inquiry into the use of false propaganda by members of the Bush administration, which has served as the source for articles in the news media that misled many of the people in the United States and elsewhere concerning the supposed “threat” posed by Saddam Hussein and the execution of the war. When our government lies to the people, with the aid of an inept and credulous news media, our democracy is at grave risk.
Hearings on the matters described above could be held for the purposes of (1) disclosing serious criminal misconduct and egregious abuses of power, (2) accountability, and (3) deterrence. Crucial to our constitutional democracy and a commitment to the rule of law is a determination of the facts of abuse and illegal misconduct, then conveying that the outrages of the Bush administration are not reflective of American values, and that our proud nation will not condone the subversion of our values, our laws, or our Constitution by any president or members of his or her administration. Such a result would also vindicate Congress’s vital role as a co-equal branch of our government that will zealously protect its role, rights, and responsibilities under the Constitution.
We urge you, as Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, to commence hearings without further delay in connection with the above described violations of law and abuses of power by President Bush and members of his administration. To embrace the opportunity to discover and disclose the truth, and to provide for the sort of accountability, transparency, and openness due to any democratic people, will be an important step toward a national recommitment to the rule of law, a renewal of international respect, and a return to the national values we Americans have always cherished for ourselves and our posterity. Respectfully,
George McGovern, Ralph Nader, Robert A. Feuer, Rocky Anderson, Blase Bonpane, Theresa Bonpane, Ramsey Clark, Mimi Kennedy, Andy Jacobs, Jr., James Abourezk, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, Paul Findley, Kevin Zeese, John Nichols, Tim Carpenter, Marcus Raskin, Jonathan Kozol, Harry Belafonte
Add your name as a signatory by filling in the information at the top of the letter. http://restoreruleoflaw.com
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 6:38 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 April 2008 6:41 PM PDT
Food For Thought - Did You Know This ?
Now Playing: Truth in Media - Who is this man ?
Food for thought:
In 1961, a young African-American man, inspired after hearing President John F. Kennedy's challenge to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," gave up his student deferment, left college in Virginia, and voluntarily joined the Marines.
In 1963, this man, having completed his two years of service in the Marines, volunteered, again, to become a Navy hospital corpsman. (Corpsmen are the "doctors in the field to Marines" and provide medical assistance to all Navy personnel.)
This man did so well in Corps School he graduated valedictorian and became a cardiopulmonary technician. Not surprisingly, he was assigned to the Navy's premier medical facility in the world, Bethesda Naval Hospital, as a member of the Commander-in-Chief's medical team, and helped care for President Lyndon B. Johnson during and after his 1966 surgery.
For his service on the President's health care team, which he left in 1967, the White House awarded this man three letters of commendation.
What may seem to some even more remarkable is that this man voluntarily entered the Marines and Navy very shortly after the two branches became integrated, and serviced during a time of a growing war in Vietnam with no thought to his personal safety.
(PLEASE NOTE: During the same period that this young man was serving six years on active duty with the Marines and Navy during the Vietnam War, Vice President Dick Cheney -- who was born the same year as the Marine/Navy Corpsman, received five deferments, four for being an undergraduate and graduate student and one for being a prospective father. Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, both five years younger than the African-American youth, used their student deferments to stay in college until 1968. Both then a voided going on active duty military service, or service in Vietnam, through family and political connections.)
Who is the real patriot; who is this young African-American youth so devoted to his country? Who is this young Black man who interrupted his studies to serve his nation for six years while the other three political leaders "beat the system" to stay out of harms way and from serving in the active military? Are patriots the people who actually sacrifice something of value, or are they those who merely talk about serving their nation and their love of the country?
After leaving military service to his country, the young African-American finished his final year of college, entered the seminary, was ordained as a minister, and eventually became pastor of a small church in one of America's biggest cities, Chicago, growing that ministry from a mere 87 persons to a congregation of many thousands of persons active for Chr ist and the poor neighborhoods.
This African-American man is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the recently retired pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ on the south side of Chicago, and Obama's former spiritual advisor, who brought Obama to Christ and eventually baptized Barack Obama, married Obama and Michelle, and baptized their two daughters.
This man has been much maligned recently with snippets, tiny portions of video taken out of entire sermons, from an entire career of devotion to Christ and the poor of this nation. Before passing judgement on Rev. Wright, or on Barack Obama for being a member of Rev. Wright's congregation, it would be wise for those unfamiliar with "liberation theology" and who question Rev. Wright's patriotism and spirituality to listen to the recent interview on: Bill Moyer's JOURNAL on PBS of April 25, 2008 at the following links:
Rev. Jeremiah Wright PBS interview Part I: http://www.pb s.org/moyers/journal/04252008/watch.html
Rev. Jeremiah Wright PBS interview Part II: http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/04252008/watch2.html
Please forward to others who criticize Rev. Wright, and to others who may have questions about the Rev. Wright, his relationship with Christ and Barack Obama, and his patriotism to the United States of America. Thank you for reading this far news from Indpenedent Media sources
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 4:15 PM PDT
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Human Right's in China or I Will be Protesting The Olympics !
Now Playing: Tibet and other activist make a stand aginst the abuse by China
THE FOLLOWING I RECIEVED BY EMAIL TODAY 4/16/08 Despite a dramatic last-minute diversion of the Olympic torch route in San Francisco last week, the spectacle of thousands of human rights protesters jamming city streets was truly an awesome sight! Hearing and seeing such impassioned support for the long-suffering people of Tibet and Darfur showed the power of peaceful protest - and strengthened my belief in the possibility of change.
Stand up for human rights in China by making a gift to Amnesty International today.
When China bid for the Olympics in 2001, it promised the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that as host, Beijing would enhance "all social conditions, including education, health and human rights" and "give the media complete freedom" to report news in China in the lead-up to the Games.
But with less than four months to go, Amnesty has concluded in a new report that the current wave of repression by Chinese authorities is occurring not in spite of the Olympics, but because of the Olympics.
Beijing has hit back at Amnesty International with the charge that we've "politicized" the Olympics. To this we say, human rights are not political - arresting human rights activists and charging them with 'subversion' is.
Prominent and peaceful human rights activists are being rounded up and jailed. Tibetan protesters are met with intimidation, arbitrary detentions and in some cases lethal force. Web sites are being blocked. TV broadcasts are being censored and foreign journalists are denied access to Tibet altogether - as part of a massive pre-Olympics 'clean up.' We cannot let this insult to basic human dignity go unchallenged!
Your gift today will help Amnesty International to free those wrongly detained for acts of peaceful self-expression and intensify our campaign to push for progress on human rights in China in the critical months leading up to the Summer Olympics. In the coming weeks, our campaign will meet with corporate sponsor Coca-Cola and the U.S. Olympic Committee, and organize a global week of action on China and the Olympics.
You and I must hold China accountable for its abysmal record and make sure the Chinese authorities understand that there are consequences for a lack of progress on human rights - before the Games begin. Failure to speak out now is to miss a unique opportunity to push for progress on human rights in China.
Thank you for your continued commitment to defending human rights in China and around the world.
Larry Cox Executive Director Amnesty International USA
P.S. To read more about China's human rights record in the lead-up to the Olympics, check out Amnesty's new report, The Olympics countdown: Crackdown on activists threatens Olympics legacy
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 4:59 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 April 2008 5:01 PM PDT
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Terror and the Empire (reposting)
Now Playing: Bush sets up his "terror regime"
Terror and the Empire By Jean Ziegler [This article originally published in: Ossietzsky 2003 is translated from the German on the World Wide Web, http://www.sopos.org/autsaetze/3d078e5a987f0/1.phtml The following is reposted on The Zebra 3 Report from here ___________________ The collapse of the Soviet Union in August 1991 and the disappearance of the bipolarity of the international community of states awakened realistic hopes everywhere in the civilized world. For the first time since 1945, a real chance existed for re-ordering the world according to the principles of the UN Charter and the Declaration of Human Rights. The American empire decided differently. Instead of contributing to a system of collective security, the US refused to dismantle the gigantic military machine built during the Cold War. Against the principle of peaceful conflict resolution, the US chose the way of imperial dictation. Against arbitration and multilateral diplomacy, it opted for the autistic, unilateral world power policy. Instead of a normative economy and distribution of essential goods – above all for the third world – through multilateral conventions, it established the globalized world market totally ruled by American financial capital. The American capital oligarchy which largely dominates the Bush administration functions according to a code called the “Washington Consensus”. Its four holy rules are¨total liberalization of capital-, goods, services- and patent-streams, privatization of the public sector, deregulation and flexibility of all relations, especially labor relations. This “consensus” is enforced worldwide by the mercenary organizations of international finance capital which is mostly American finance capital: the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Thomas Friedman, former assistant of Secretary Madeleine Albright, writes: “So globalization functions, the United States may not hesitate acting as the invincible world superpower. The invisible hand of the market cannot function without the visible fist. McDonalds cannot prosper without McDonnell-Douglas, manufacturer of the F15 fighter jet. The visible fist assures the victory all over the world of technology products from Silicon Valley. This fist is the armed forces, the air force and the marine corps of the United States.” On October 28, 2001, George W. Bush declared amid the congressional debate on the new “Trade Promotion Authority Act”): “The terrorists attacked the World Trade Center. We will defeat them by liberalizing world trade more forcefully.” Before the World Trade conference in Doha, November 2001, his foreign trade commissioner Robert Zoelinik said: “The deregulated capital streams are not only very efficient economically. These streams also promote the ethical values of freedom throughout the world.” Globalization is daily terror. Every seven seconds a child under 10 dies of starvation. Every four minutes a person loses eyesight on account of Vitamin A deficiency. Over 100,000 persons die every day of hunger or its immediate consequences. 828 million men, women and children were permanently and gravely malnourished last year. The FAO calculates: World agriculture could feed twelve billion people today without problem. Every person could have 2700 calories of food every day. The earth’s present population amounts to 6.2 billion. There is no fatalism here, only imperial destruction and arrogance. Whoever starves to death today is murdered. Whoever has money eats and lives. Whoever has no money dies of starvation, becomes an invalid and/or dies. * Over 2000 years ago Marcus Aurelius wrote: Imperium superat regnum. The empire subjugates all other powers. The oligarchy of American finance capital takes this lesson to heart most exquisitely. The American president rejected the agreement on prohibiting the manufacture and sale of anti-personnel mines. The US rejects the Kyoto protocol on reducing air poisoning by CO2 emissions and the treaty to ban intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. The US refuses to sign the protocol against biological weapons. The US opposes the OECD-convention on combating criminal offshore markets. The US rejects the Inrternational Criminal Court (convention of Rome 1998). Every kind of military disarmament is horror to the US. The empire spent 42 percent of the world’s military spending in 2002. * Nothing and noone can explain – let alone justify – the dreadful attack on the New York civilian population on September 11, 2001. Over 3000 persons from 62 nations were killed within three hours. However even the worst crime may not annul the principles of a civilized community like the American community. The terror bombardments of the American air force on Afghan cities and villages from October to December 2001, the humanly degrading treatment of war prisoners and the refusal to respect the Geneva convention in Afghanistan are trademarks of imperial humanly contemptuous arrogance. Bush and his accolites from Texas autonomously define who is a terrorist and who is not a terrorist – beyond all principles of international law. James H. Hatfield’s painstakingly researched book shows the direct influence of Texan oil billionaires on the Bush family. The worldwide war against terror has to do with the profit maximization of investments in the international oil business, especially in the Middle East and central Asia. The ambiguity of the empire is also sinister to me. Bush claims for himself human civilization, its morality and its defense. At the same time he puts up with the horrific war crimes of the Sharon government in Palestine, particularly the massacre of hundreds of women, men and children in the refugee camp of Dschenin, in Ramallah and Nablus in April 2002. He gave Vladmir Putin a generous debt relief after Putin massacred the civilian population of Tchetchnya. He sends weapons and credits in the billions to the Turkish torturing henchmen. The submissive lackey-mentality displayed by so many compatriots from the Socialist internationale toward the soul-destroying world ruler aspirants in Washington saddens me as a European and social democrat. Gerhard Schroder and Tony Blair are not the only ones. * On the afternoon of November 9, 2001, I presented my report on the right to food before the UN General Assembly in New York. In the morning I was invited by the editorial board of the New York Times for an exchange of ideas at the newspaper headquarters, 229 West 43rd St. I spoke and answered questions. At the end of the conversation, I asked: “How should a European understand the current strategy oif the Bush administration in central Asia?” Roger Normand from the Center for Social and Economic Rights who also sat at the round table replied: “It’s oil and the military.” All those present nodded in agreement. * I hardly know a more fascinating, diverse and creative people than the Americans. In Greenwich Village and at Columbia University, I learned more about people and the world during four years than during any other time of my life. American hospitality and warmheartedness are unforgettable to me. The American grassroots democratic opposition against racial laws in the early sixties and the opposition against the murdeerous war in Vietnam in the early seventies are great turning points in the history of civilization. American students, unionists, priests, writers, journalists and simple citizens wrote glowing pages in the book of history. Michael Harrington, the friend of Willy Brandt, is unforgettable to me. Hatfield and his marvelous book belong in the long line of this resistandcfe exemplary for all people of the world. He paid for this resistance with his life. We owe him admiration, gratitude and solidarity. http://www.mbtranslations.com/articles.php?filenum=335
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 1:15 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 1:20 PM PDT
Monday, 14 April 2008
Listening To The Words
Now Playing: Ralph Nader represtents my views on corportatism
Corporations versus the People I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country. - Thomas Jefferson 
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. - Abraham Lincoln Big business is not dangerous because it is big, but because its bigness is an unwholesome inflation created by privileges and exemptions which it ought not to enjoy. - Woodrow Wilson The citizens of the United States must control the mighty commercial forces which they themselves called into being. - Theodore Roosevelt In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. - Dwight Eisenhower I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves - and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion. - Thomas Jefferson The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. - Franklin D. Roosevelt ********************************************************* Civics Quiz Which of the following candidates for President of the United States best reflects values expressed above? a) John McCain b) Hillary Clinton c) Barack Obama d) Ralph Nader The answer? d) Ralph Nader As the Democrats bicker over the meaning of bitterness, Ralph Nader is traveling to all 50 states to challenge head-on the abusive, corrupting, corrosive corporate power that is undermining our democracy. In this momentous election year, the Nader/Gonzalez campaign has launched an historic challenge to the corporate two-party duopoly. The first phase is well under way - getting Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot in states across the country. Today, Ralph travels to the Land of Lincoln - Illinois.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 9:57 AM PDT
Thursday, 10 April 2008
OAXACA 2 Journalist Shot Dead on 4. 7.08
Now Playing: SOLIDARITY - Outrage - Dont let this happen - Get Active - SOLIDARITY
Topic: MEDIA
Outrage Committed in Oaxaca, Yet Again
author: Den Mark, Vancouver Imperialism takes many forms & is found in many places, & innocent people suffer. |
Community Radio Activists Murdered in Oaxaca
April 7th, 2008. Oaxaca, Mexico.
Two indigenous triqui women who worked at the community radio station La Voz que Rompe el Silencio (The Voice that Breaks the Silence), in the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala (Mixteca region), were shot and murdered while on their way to Oaxaca city to participate in the State Forum for the Defense of the Rights of the Peoples of Oaxaca. Three other people were injured.
According to the State Attorney General, the victims are Teresa Bautista Merino (24 years old) and Felícitas Martínez Sánchez (20 years old).
Francisco Vásquez Martínez (30 years old), his wife Cristina Martínez Flores (22 years old), and their son Jaciel Vásquez Martínez (three years old) were also injured in the attack.
According to prelimary reports, the women had left the station, which is part of the Network of Indigenous Community Radio Stations of the Southeast (Red de Radios Comunitarias Indígenas del Sureste), around 1:00 PM. They were travelling in a truck on their way to Oaxaca city, but were ambushed on the outskirts of the community Llano Juarez.
The two community radio activists were supposed to coordinate the working group for Community and Alternative Communication: Community Radio, Video, Press, and Internet, at the State Forum for the Defense of the Rights of the People of Oaxaca, which was to begin the today (Wednesday) in the auditorium of Seccion 22 of the teachers union in Oaxaca.
The Center for Community Support Working Together (CACTUS as the spanish acronym) released a communique denouncing the murders and demanding that the state authorities investigate and punish those responsible for the crime.
The state attorney general said that 20 bullet shells, caliber 7.62, were found at the site of the murders, along with other arms including an AK-47.
People are encouraged to contact their local embassies and consulates (or to organize demonstrations at their local embassies and consulates) to express their condemnation of this paramilitary repression of indigenous women and community media projects. Read more comments and information here on Portland Indpendent Media |
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 11:23 AM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 10 April 2008 11:26 AM PDT
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Why Did Ted Westhusing Shoot Himself?
crushed out
Now Playing: Fuck The Iraq War - My Cousin Took His Life Over This Garbage
Topic: WAR

Is David Petraeus Dirty? Ted Westhusing Said So, and Then He Shot Himself By Melina Hussein Ripcoco, Brilliant at Breakfast Posted on April 8, 2008 Ted Westhusing, was a champion basketball player at Jenks High School in Tulsa Oklahoma. A driven kid with a strong work ethic, he would show up at the gym at 7AM to throw 100 practice shots before school. He was driven academically too, becoming a National Merritt Scholarship finalist. His career through West Point and straight into overseas service was sterling, and by 2000 he had enrolled in Emory University to earn his doctorate in Philosophy. His dissertation was on honor and the ethics of war, with the opening containing the following passage: "Born to be a warrior, I desire these answers not just for philosophical reasons, but for self-knowledge." Would that all military commanders took such an interest in the study of ethics and morality and what our conduct in times of war says about our development as human beings. Would that any educational system in this country taught ethics, decision making, or even political science that's not part of an advanced degree anymore. Ted Westhusing, the soldier, philosopher and ethicist, was given a guaranteed lifetime teaching position and West Point by the time he had finished with his service and his education. he felt like he could do more for his country by trying to shape the minds coming out of the academy that were the ones that would be military commanders. He had settled into that life with his wife and kids, when in 2004 he volunteered for active duty in Iraq, feeling like the experience would help his teaching. He had missed combat in his active duty and it seemed like an important piece for someone who not only philosophized about war, but who was also preparing the military's future leaders. But more than that, he was sure that the Iraq mission was a just one; he supported the cause and he bought the information that was put in front of him. Considering that vials of powder were being tossed around hearings by the highest level of military commanders how could he not? This was a man who was so steeped in the patriotism of idealistic military fervor that he barely could fit in regular society. His whole being was dedicated to this path, and he was proud to serve his country. Once in Iraq, he found himself straddling the fence between a questioning philosopher and an unquestioning soldier. Westhusing had thought he was freeing a country in bondage, keeping America safe from a horrible threat, and spreading democracy to a grateful people. But the reality of what was happening in this out of control war was too much for him. His mission was to oversee one of the most important tasks left from the war; retraining the Iraqi military by overseeing the private contractors that had been put in charge of it. As the assignment went on he found that everywhere he looked he was seeing corrupt contractors doing shoddy work, abusing people, and stealing from the government. These contractors were being paid to do many of the jobs that would normally be done by a regulated military, and they bore out the worst fears of those who don't believe in outsourcing such vital work. He responded to the corruption that he saw by reporting the problems up the line, but the response from his commanding officers was disappointing. He had, for much of his career, idolized military commanders, and in that assignment he found himself with some of the military's most famous faces, doing the most important job, but he was terribly disappointed and alarmed to realize that they were greedy and corrupt themselves. The wall of silence about this was impenetrable and the reality of the situation turned his entire belief system upside down, making him question everything that was going on, and his role in it. Having envisioned the top military commanders to be the most honorable that America has to offer, he was crushed to find out that ascending to power in this military could be more due to cronyism than expertise and that these men who he had aspired to be like were greedy and corrupt themselves. Upon reporting to his commanding officers, he realized that not only did the problems stretch to the level above him, but that they were systemic. To these commanders the only real problem was the fact that they had a deeply honorable soldier in their command that was likely to rock the cash cow. Westhusing was so bereft at the realization of his part in this breakdown in the military's code of conduct, and the atrocities carried out in America's name, that he became despondent and finally in June, 2005, he shot himself. It was called a suicide, though there have been some questions raised about it. He's not the first Iraq suicide, though he was, at the time of his death, the highest ranking one. He was an oddity; a thinking soldier in a war that requires blind obedience, and unwavering dedication. The black and white world of Bush's military doesn't allow much for the grays that come into the picture when one is, at heart, a philosopher...and even in the face of seeing the reality of war, how can anyone come to terms with the revelation of corruption on this scale? More crushing was the realization that the leaders that he idolized, and the honor that he held as being the very foundation of his entire world as a military officer, were all a lie, and stories told to cadets at West Point that didn't bear out in reality. The leaders in this war didn't care, and many were, as he outlined in his 4 page suicide letter, that was addressed to General's Fil and Petraeus, his direct commanders, only out for their own selfish enrichment. Thanks for telling me it was a good day until I briefed you. [Redacted name]--You are only interested in your career and provide no support to your staff--no msn [mission] support and you don't care. I cannot support a msn that leads to corruption, human right abuses and liars. I am sullied--no more. I didn't volunteer to support corrupt, money grubbing contractors, nor work for commanders only interested in themselves. I came to serve honorably and feel dishonored. I trust no Iraqi. I cannot live this way. All my love to my family, my wife and my precious children. I love you and trust you only. Death before being dishonored any more. Trust is essential--I don't know who trust anymore. [sic] Why serve when you cannot accomplish the mission, when you no longer believe in the cause, when your every effort and breath to succeed meets with lies, lack of support, and selfishness? No more. Reevaluate yourselves, cdrs [commanders]. You are not what you think you are and I know it. COL Ted Westhusing Life needs trust. Trust is no more for me here in Iraq. What troubled Westhusing was not just the death and destruction all around him, the obvious looting of the country, and the human rights abuses, but the seeming lack of attention to the problem by his two of commanding officers, General Joseph Fil, and General David Petraeus. Yes, that David Petraeus. So focused was he on the destructive role of these two, that his suicide note was written to them. Westhusing's widow said that her husband's death should serve to bring out the truth of the corruption that her husband saw. Author and journalist, Robert Bryce was recently able to get documentation of interviews with Westhusing's wife and many other bits of correspondence and Investigation documents through the freedom of information act. They leave more questions open than they answer, especially in light of the media's blackout on information about Petraeus' part in this...even during a week that he is center stage at hearings being conducted on the war. The book Blood Money, by T. Christian Miller, relates in depth, the deep convictions of Westhusing, and his drive towards a sort of noble honor and how that ended with his death. His favorite saying was by Socrates from Plato's Phaedo: "Those philosophizing rightly are practicing to die." It's more than a little disconcerting to find that he had acted detached and despondent for days or weeks before he committed suicide, often standing around looking at his gun closely and lost in thought, not paying attention to what was happening. In a war where there are a record number of cases of suicide and PTSD, is there no awareness training of the trouble signs going on? He exhibited all of the signs of depression and despondency, and it's a mystery why no one stepped up and tried to help him. But this is the culture of the military, and this is probably what worked out better for his commanding officers, who were no doubt looking at a loose canon who was raining on their good deal out there in the desert. Was there more to Westhusing's death? There is quite a lot of speculation out there that something was amiss at the death scene, and about who found him, (a contractor who reportedly tampered with the scene,) and that things don't add up exactly. General Petraeus is appearing before congress this week to try to defend his "surge" and to stop any further troop withdrawals. He is also making the case for an additional 100 billion dollars. The surge is not working, no matter how it's spun. If we keep combat troops in Iraq there could arguably be a reduction of violence, depending on many factors, but if its actually "working," as in helping Iraq to be more self sufficient and to end our participation in the problems there?...well, that depends on your definition of "working." The fact that Petraeus has a long history of being wrong in his assessments of Iraq, and the fact that when directly questioned about current violence, he tends to defer blame to Iran, aside, at some point you have to question how much Petraeus' risen star and earning potential is tied to this war and its continuation. To say that this administration is in any way even a little translucent is laughable. Never has there been such an almost psychotic grab for all encompassing power with no body overseeing the actions of a few in power. Never has there been an attitude that the executive is above the law and the need to somehow document that for some sort of long range plan. At some point the level of spending and loss of funds is so incredible that we must be compelled look at management, even if it's unseemly in a time of war. At some point the American people have to demand an accounting. You would think that America had never run a war before. Surely it must be embarrassing when the top military officer has to get up in front of congress and try to explain some very small incremental improvement at such a huge cost. These improvements can also be easily explained away by so many factors, such as payments to a certain faction to stand down, ethnic cleansing having actually worked, and just the fact that more troops might put off the inevitable civil war that will happen now or in 20 years once the US security forces are pulled out. None of that speaks to a lasting improvement or even a partial repair of what we've done there. A lot of this is common sense, and the fact that all Americans want so badly to feel like we've won, or that this was a just cause and not just some construct of Imperialism and the oil wars...much less, plans that happened in some conference rooms above the rule of law and our governmental checks and balances...well, we may be just caught in a nightmare here and waking up is not an option for those in power. We must realize that at some point we're doing more harm than good, and that may involve admitting that we are not necessarily on the side of right. But that's the rub here, and that's where we get back to Westhusing; any action in life comes with the possibility of a later realization that what you were positive about at one point could have been wrong. Real strength of character involves being able to admit to wrong, even if that realization is terrible. In some societies the idea of having made mistakes brings dishonor on entire families. In our society the military culture is such that honor is everything; or it was. This administration has pulled the heart and guts out of any such code of honor in favor of allegiance to their plan for domination and their version of "right." But that too depends on your definition of "right." The fact that much of what they espouse has to do with their Christian religion, and that a new culture of religious intolerance and pressure has grown up in the military academies of America, is no secret. When the love of country and honor...ideas, decision making, and weighing things... is replaced with allegiance to an ideology represented by a very powerful minority, ruling with fear rather than strengthening our collective will by reminding us what our American values are, we are no longer the America of the founders. Westhusing subscribed wholeheartedly to the credo of Honor or Death. He embraced the ideals of this country to the point that they were woven into his being. The realization that so many representatives of our country, of us, were not only corrupt, but committing atrocities, and the realization that the commanders had no intention of doing the honorable thing and stopping these abuses, was too much for him. Was Westhusing murdered? Well, conspiracy theorists out there have some information and I suppose that one could make a case for further investigation. But one thing is for sure; He was a man of honor, he was despondent over corruption involving his direct commanders and said as much in a suicide letter addressed to them, and regardless of who pulled the trigger, he got the information out. I will leave the energy for trying to convict a lesser employee of a subcontractor to others who like to dig these things out. No direct connection will ever be found to Petraeus. It just doesn't work that way. The implication is there, but the bigger implication is about the man whose finger will never be physically placed on the trigger; David Petraeus. This is the man who would immediately stop the very slow withdrawals that Bush began last year. This is the man who would continue to pour good money after bad into a situation that cannot even be basically stabilized after so many years. Today, All Spin Zone covers the hearings and asks that if Petraeus were a CEO or any top management in any business, wouldn't he be fired for this poor performance? What does someone have to do to get fired in this administration? At some point, aren't we going to question the implications and accusations floating around this man? At some point doesn't he lose all credibility as someone implicated in so many failed plans? Where is the honor in this leadership and where is the honor in this war? RIP Ted Westhusing, and everyone else who has given their lives in this farce...RIP. Melina is the proprietor of the blog Ripcoco.com and writes for Brilliant at Breakfast. © 2008 Brilliant at Breakfast All rights reserved. View this story online at: http://www.alternet.org/bloggers/http://brilliantatbreakfast.blogspot.com//81678/ |
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 3:56 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 April 2008 4:29 PM PDT
Monday, 7 April 2008
Tibet - Relay Torch - Bloody Hands - Human Rights Abuse China - Olympic Boycott protest
Now Playing: HUMAN RIGHTS - Shame on China - Boycott Olympia Torch & Games
Olympic torchrelay cut short amid Paris protestsLink to this video
This article was first published on guardian.co.uk on Monday April 07 2008. It was last updated at 17:24 on April 07 2008. The Olympic flame relay in Paris ended in farce today when police cut the event short after protests forced officials to repeatedly extinguish the torch. It was a second day of severe embarrassment for Beijing following similar skirmishes in London yesterday as activists demonstrated against China's recent violent crackdown in Tibet. The Paris stage of the relay ran into trouble immediately after leaving the Eiffel Tower at lunchtime, even though hundreds of riot police and security officials flanked the torch bearers. With only 200 metres of the planned 17-mile journey to the Charlety stadium on the edge of the city completed, the scale of the demonstrations meant officials had to extinguish the torch and seek shelter on board a bus. The torch was relit and handed back to the French athletes carrying it through the streets, but it soon had to be extinguished again. After this had happened for a fourth time, and with the procession hopelessly behind schedule, police decided not to go ahead with its second section. Instead, the torch was again loaded onto a bus and driven to the stadium, arriving at around 5.30pm local time (1630 BST). By the time the relay was abandoned, a planned ceremony to greet the torch outside the French capital's city hall had already been cancelled as members of the Green party hung a giant Tibetan flag from the building. Despite the huge security presence, at least two activists got within little more than an arm's length of the torch before being stopped. One protester threw water at it, but failed to extinguish the flame and was carried away. Police grappled many other demonstrators to the ground, using tear gas to disperse those blocking the relay's route. They said 28 people were arrested. While the turbulent scenes were a blow for the Beijing organisers, the Olympic flame remained alight at all times in an enclosed lantern used to preserve it on planes and overnight during the 85,000-mile journey from Olympia, in Greece, to China. Wang Hui, the media head for the Beijing Olympics organising committee, today condemned what she called a "few separatists" involved in the protests, insisting the relay would continue as planned. "The smooth progress of the torch relay cannot be stopped and will definitely be a big success," she added. The flame was more heavily guarded than it had been in London. It was barely visible inside a 200-metre cordon shielding it from protests as it left the Eiffel Tower, flanked by riot officers and other police on inline skates. Along the route, some cheered and waved Chinese flags but many others chanted pro-Tibet slogans. Around 500 protesters congregated at Trocadero Square, which faces the Eiffel Tower. One torch bearer, the double French judo gold medallist, David Douillet, told RTL radio he regretted the choice of China to host the games "because it isn't up to snuff on freedom of expression, on total liberty, and of course, on Olympic values". Demonstrations are also expected in San Francisco and New Delhi, India on the torch relay's 21-stop, six-continent tour before it arrives in mainland China on May 4. The flame's progress through London yesterday was slow, violent and occasionally farcical as protesters repeatedly attempted to disrupt the relay. China faced already a distinctly chilly official reception in France. When asked whether he hoped there would be a major protest in Paris, the French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, said he wanted "people to be informed" about Tibet. Following reports at the weekend that the president, Nicolas Sarkozy, was still considering a boycott of the opening ceremony, Kouchner said "all options" remained open. China had hoped the flame relay – the longest in Olympic history - would mark the start of a triumphant coming-out party for the world's most populous nation, marking its emergence as a major economic and political world power. However, existing concerns over its human rights record were exacerbated following major anti-Beijing protests in Tibet, in which exiled Tibetan leaders claim up to 150 people were killed. ****** MORE NEWS UPDATED 4-7-08 3:30pm PST ******
Paris protests force cancellation of torch relay Security officials call off final section after huge pro-Tibet demonstrations 4-7-08 PARIS - Paris’ Olympic torch relay descended into chaos Monday 4/7/08, with protesters scaling the Eiffel Tower, grabbing for the flame and forcing security officials to repeatedly snuff out the torch and transport it by bus past demonstrators yelling “Free Tibet!” The relentless anti-Chinese demonstrations ignited across the capital with unexpected power and ingenuity, foiling 3,000 police officers deployed on motorcycles, in jogging gear and even inline skates. Chinese organizers finally gave up on the relay, canceling the last third of what China had hoped would be a joyous jog by torch-bearing VIPs past some of Paris’ most famous landmarks. Thousands of protesters slowed the relay to a stop-start crawl, with impassioned displays of anger over China’s human rights record, its grip on Tibet and support for Sudan despite years of bloodshed in Darfur. Five times, the Chinese officials in dark glasses and tracksuits who guard the torch extinguished it and retreated to the safety of a bus — the last time emerging only after the vehicle drove within 15 feet of the final stop, a track and field stadium. A torchbearer then ran the final steps inside. Outside, a few French activists supporting Tibet had a fist-fight with pro-Chinese demonstrators. The French activists spat on them and shouted, “Fascists!” In San Francisco, where the torch is due to arrive Wednesday, three protesters wearing harnesses and helmets climbed up the Golden Gate Bridge and tied the Tibetan flag and two banners to its cables. The banners read “One World One Dream. Free Tibet” and “Free Tibet.” The 17.4-mile route in Paris started at the Eiffel Tower, headed down the Champs-Elysées toward City Hall, then crossed the Seine before ending at the Charlety track and field stadium. Throughout the day, protesters booed trucks emblazoned with the names of Olympic corporate sponsors, chained themselves to railings and hurled water at the flame. Some unfurled banners depicting the Olympic rings as handcuffs from the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame cathedral. Others waved signs reading “the flame of shame.” The Interior Ministry said police made 18 arrests. Officers sprayed tear gas to break up a sit-in by about 300 pro-Tibet demonstrators who blocked the route. Police tackled protesters who ran at the torch; at least two activists got within arm’s length before they were grabbed by police. Near the Louvre, police blocked a protester who approached the flame with a fire extinguisher. One detained demonstrator, handcuffed in a police bus, wrote “liber” on her right palm and “te” on the other — spelling the French word for “freedom” — and held them up to the window. With protesters slowing down the relay, a planned stop at Paris City Hall was canceled. Earlier, French officials hung a banner declaring support for human rights on the building’s facade. A spokesman for the French Olympic Committee, Denis Masseglia, estimated that a third of the 80 athletes and other VIPs who had been slated to carry the torch did not get to do so. On a bus carrying French athletes, one man in a track suit shed a tear as protesters pelted the vehicle with eggs, bottles and soda cans. The chaos started at the Eiffel Tower moments after the relay began. Green Party activist Sylvain Garel lunged for the first torchbearer, former hurdler Stephane Diagana, shouting “Freedom for the Chinese,” before security officials pulled him back. “It is inadmissible that the games are taking place in the world’s biggest prison,” Garel said later. Outside parliament, as the torch passed, 35 lawmakers protested, shouting “Freedom for Tibet.” “The flame shouldn’t have come to Paris,” said Carmen de Santiago, who had “free” painted on one cheek and “Tibet” on the other. Pro-Chinese activists carrying national flags held counter-demonstrations. “The Olympic Games are about sports. It’s not fair to turn them into politics,” said Gao Yi, a Chinese doctoral student in computer science. France’s former sports minister, Jean-Francois Lamour, stressed that though the torch was extinguished along the route, the Olympic flame itself still burned in a lantern where it is kept overnight and on airplane flights. A Chinese official said that flame was used to re-light the torch each time it was brought aboard the bus. Pro-Tibet advocate Christophe Cunniet said he and other activists were detained after they waved Tibetan flags, threw flyers and tried to block the route. Cunniet said police kicked him, cutting his forehead. “I’m still dazed,” he said. At least one athlete, former Olympic champion Marie-Jose Perec, was supportive of the demonstrators. “I think it is very, very good that people have mobilized like that,” she told French television. But other athletes and sports officials were bitterly dismayed. “A symbol like that, carried by young people who want to deliver a message of peace, should be allowed to pass,” said the head of the French Olympic Committee, Henri Serandour. “These games are a sounding board for all those who want to speak about China and Tibet. But at the same time, there are many wars on the planet that no one is talking about.” International Olympic Committee spokeswoman Giselle Davies agreed. “We respect that right for people to demonstrate peacefully, but equally there is a right for the torch to pass peacefully and the runners to enjoy taking part in the relay,” she said. Police had hoped to prevent the chaos that marred the relay in London a day earlier. There, police had repeatedly scuffled with activists and 37 people were arrested. Beijing organizers criticized the London protests as a “disgusting” form of sabotage by Tibetan separatists. “The act of defiance from this small group of people is not popular,” said Sun Weide, a spokesman for the Beijing Olympic organizing committee. “It will definitely be criticized by people who love peace and adore the Olympic spirit. Their attempt is doomed to failure.” French President Nicolas Sarkozy has left open the possibility of boycotting the Olympic opening ceremony depending on how the situation evolves in Tibet. Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Monday that was still the case. Activists have been protesting along the torch route since the flame embarked on its 85,000-mile journey from Ancient Olympia in Greece to the Aug. 8-24 Beijing Olympics. The round-the-world trip is the longest in Olympic history, and is meant to highlight China’s rising economic and political power. Activists have seized on it as a platform for their causes. The relay also is expected to face demonstrations in New Delhi and possibly elsewhere on its 21-stop, six-continent tour before arriving in mainland China May 4. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/23978408/ Solidarity For Tibet
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 2:58 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 7 April 2008 3:43 PM PDT
Saturday, 5 April 2008
3 videos on 911 Truth - Richard Gage architect structure expert lecture
Now Playing: Over 3 hours filmed in Portland, of good information on how the Trade Towers really fell on Sept 11 01
Topic: 911 TRUTH
Richard Gage spoke in Portland at the venue 'Barbaties Pan' on the subject of 911 Truth on 3-9-08 He is an architect and an expert on building structures who sees that the official story is not accurate nor truthful. This event was even longer than the three hours that I recorded He had a great slide show/power-point presentation but due to where I was set up to film from, my view of the screen behind him is not the greatest. Richard provides a Q-n-A after the presentation (in part 3) and every single questing was addressed. The point I remember so vividly is (*in my words) how Mr Gage pointed out the hypothesis for planes causing the collapse do not make "factual" sense and so if the fact cant support "the claim" the person that is investigating should use another hypothesis and see if the fact will support that view or that hypothesis. For when one starts to critically consider "all the facts" and consider all the hypothesis to come to their best conclusion it will then be based on a variety of considerations not just "one viewpoint" <that cant even be factually backed up> you will have an investigation that is conducted throughly, honestly, based on facts, and has covered "all" the possible angles. The 911 commission did not even consider looking for explosions/bombs as a reason why the 3 buildings fell. There is a website for Mr Gage it is the same as what I used for the titles in these three films http://www.ae911truth.org ------------- Google Videos <55-min each> Three Part Documentary (1) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7150127769734809381 (2) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-716237618164647933 (3) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5359836692921829670 ------------ The homepage link below is my Joe Anybody's 911 Truth Page with lots of links and information I have compiled.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 2:41 PM PDT
Friday, 4 April 2008
Joe Anybody - "Little Brother Watching Big Brother"
Now Playing: Police Accountability - Joe Anybody gets Interviewed by The Independent Press
Topic: MEDIA
The Mercury Newspaper Apr 3 – Apr 9, 2008 issue Big Brother's Little Brother BY MATT DAVIS A FREELANCE videographer plans to challenge the Portland Police Bureau in court after a cop confiscated his camera and cited him, in apparent retaliation for videotaping the cop as he searched a suspect in the street. Mike Tabor, 47, has been videotaping police activities for the last two years with his Sony Handycam, as a citizen journalist working under the name "Joe Anybody." He posts footage of their activities (especially at demonstrations) on his website, Joe-Anybody.com. Tabor started videotaping Officer Dane Reister last Tuesday, March 25, at SW 10th and Main, after he saw Reister hurrying to catch up with two men in the street, one of whom was Hispanic, the other white. "I just thought it was weird because I wasn't sure why he was stopping the men," says Tabor. "So I decided to start filming." Officer Reister and his partner, Officer Nick Ragona, searched both men and found nothing on them, so they let them go. Early in the encounter, as seen on Tabor's tape, Reister told Ragona, "We're being filmed," and Ragona responded, "I see that." Following the encounter, Reister approached Tabor and asked him his name, and whether he had been recording audio. "I'm recording video and audio, yes," Tabor responds on the tape. "Give me the camera," Reister says on the tape. He then wrote Tabor a property receipt for it. "I told Ragona I was shocked they would take a camera from a journalist," says Tabor. "I told him I thought this was serious, and asked who I should talk to." Ragona told Tabor to follow them to Central Precinct on SW 2nd, where after 20 minutes, Reister emerged from the back room with his camera and a citation under ORS.165.540, for "obtaining contents of communication (unlawful)." "He told me the men were drug dealers," says Tabor, adding that he told the officer he was concerned about drug dealers too. "I asked him how I could have filmed the encounter where he would have been comfortable, and he told me I'd been standing too close and made him uncomfortable." Attorney Benjamin Haile responds to the cop's logic: "The reasonable thing to do if someone is standing too close is to ask them to move back," says Haile, who has decided to defend Tabor against the citation, and if necessary, pursue the matter through federal court on constitutional grounds. "It is not appropriate, without warning, to single out the videographer from other observers and take his camera and give him a ticket." Haile says it's very important that people have the right to monitor the police and that video is a powerful tool with which to do that. He thinks the law is either being misapplied or it's unconstitutional, according to the First Amendment right to free press and freedom of expression, and also, Article 1, Section 8 of the Oregon Bill of Rights. Haile thinks there is a strong chance a judge will agree, and dismiss the case. "If a person observes the police doing something they want to tell other people about and they're prohibited from making video, then their ability to credibly communicate what they saw is stolen from them," he says. "It is very literally stolen from them when the police seize their camera." Reister declined comment in person, but Central Precinct Commander Mike Reese returned the Mercury's call. "It was an unusual situation: an officer dealing with a person he knew was a drug dealer from previous experience, believing they were engaged in a deal," says Reese, referring to the suspect Reister was searching. "These are dangerous situations for us, and unpredictable. "To have someone stand behind the officer while he is involved in a narcotics investigation is a problem," Reese continues. "I think he took an action based on the law, and the constitutionality of these things is for the courts to decide." Tabor says he will continue to videotape officers in the course of their duty. "A lot of people say, you're just asking for trouble," he says. "But I'm just concerned about peace and justice, being a good journalist, and about police accountability. That's all." Write a letter to the editor About the author/Author Archives Email this story to a friend
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 11:27 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 4 April 2008 11:30 AM PDT
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