Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Saturday, 5 April 2008
3 videos on 911 Truth - Richard Gage architect structure expert lecture
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Over 3 hours filmed in Portland, of good information on how the Trade Towers really fell on Sept 11 01
Topic: 911 TRUTH

Richard Gage spoke in Portland at the venue 'Barbaties Pan' on the subject of 911 Truth on 3-9-08
He is an architect and an expert on building structures who sees that the official story is not accurate nor truthful.

This event was even longer than the three hours that I recorded
He had a great slide show/power-point presentation but due to where I was set up to film from, my view of the screen behind him is not the greatest.

Richard provides a Q-n-A after the presentation (in part 3) and every single questing was addressed.

The point I remember so vividly is (*in my words) how Mr Gage pointed out the hypothesis for planes causing the collapse do not make "factual" sense and so if the fact cant support "the claim" the person that is investigating should use another hypothesis and see if the fact will support that view or that hypothesis. For when one starts to critically consider "all the facts" and consider all the hypothesis to come to their best conclusion it will then be based on a variety of considerations not just "one viewpoint" <that cant even be factually backed up> you will have an investigation that is conducted throughly, honestly, based on facts, and has covered "all" the possible angles.

The 911 commission did not even consider looking for explosions/bombs as a reason why the 3 buildings fell.

There is a website for Mr Gage it is the same as what I used for the titles in these three films


Google Videos <55-min each> Three Part Documentary

(1) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7150127769734809381

(2) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-716237618164647933

(3) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5359836692921829670


The homepage link below is my Joe Anybody's 911 Truth Page with lots of links and information I have compiled.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:41 PM PDT
Friday, 4 April 2008
Joe Anybody - "Little Brother Watching Big Brother"
Mood:  special
Now Playing: Police Accountability - Joe Anybody gets Interviewed by The Independent Press
Topic: MEDIA



Big Brother's


Little Brother


Cop Cites Videographer for

Recording Investigation


A FREELANCE videographer plans to challenge the Portland Police Bureau in court after a cop confiscated his camera and cited him, in apparent retaliation for videotaping the cop as he searched a suspect in the street.

Mike Tabor, 47, has been videotaping police activities for the last two years with his Sony Handycam, as a citizen journalist working under the name "Joe Anybody." He posts footage of their activities (especially at demonstrations) on his website, Joe-Anybody.com. Tabor started videotaping Officer Dane Reister last Tuesday, March 25, at SW 10th and Main, after he saw Reister hurrying to catch up with two men in the street, one of whom was Hispanic, the other white.

"I just thought it was weird because I wasn't sure why he was stopping the men," says Tabor. "So I decided to start filming."

Officer Reister and his partner, Officer Nick Ragona, searched both men and found nothing on them, so they let them go. Early in the encounter, as seen on Tabor's tape, Reister told Ragona, "We're being filmed," and Ragona responded, "I see that." Following the encounter, Reister approached Tabor and asked him his name, and whether he had been recording audio.

"I'm recording video and audio, yes," Tabor responds on the tape.

"Give me the camera," Reister says on the tape. He then wrote Tabor a property receipt for it.

"I told Ragona I was shocked they would take a camera from a journalist," says Tabor. "I told him I thought this was serious, and asked who I should talk to."

Ragona told Tabor to follow them to Central Precinct on SW 2nd, where after 20 minutes, Reister emerged from the back room with his camera and a citation under ORS.165.540, for "obtaining contents of communication (unlawful)."

"He told me the men were drug dealers," says Tabor, adding that he told the officer he was concerned about drug dealers too. "I asked him how I could have filmed the encounter where he would have been comfortable, and he told me I'd been standing too close and made him uncomfortable."

Attorney Benjamin Haile responds to the cop's logic: "The reasonable thing to do if someone is standing too close is to ask them to move back," says Haile, who has decided to defend Tabor against the citation, and if necessary, pursue the matter through federal court on constitutional grounds. "It is not appropriate, without warning, to single out the videographer from other observers and take his camera and give him a ticket."

Haile says it's very important that people have the right to monitor the police and that video is a powerful tool with which to do that. He thinks the law is either being misapplied or it's unconstitutional, according to the First Amendment right to free press and freedom of expression, and also, Article 1, Section 8 of the Oregon Bill of Rights. Haile thinks there is a strong chance a judge will agree, and dismiss the case.

"If a person observes the police doing something they want to tell other people about and they're prohibited from making video, then their ability to credibly communicate what they saw is stolen from them," he says. "It is very literally stolen from them when the police seize their camera."

Reister declined comment in person, but Central Precinct Commander Mike Reese returned the Mercury's call.

"It was an unusual situation: an officer dealing with a person he knew was a drug dealer from previous experience, believing they were engaged in a deal," says Reese, referring to the suspect Reister was searching. "These are dangerous situations for us, and unpredictable.

"To have someone stand behind the officer while he is involved in a narcotics investigation is a problem," Reese continues. "I think he took an action based on the law, and the constitutionality of these things is for the courts to decide."

Tabor says he will continue to videotape officers in the course of their duty.

"A lot of people say, you're just asking for trouble," he says. "But I'm just concerned about peace and justice, being a good journalist, and about police accountability. That's all."

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  • Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:27 AM PDT
    Updated: Friday, 4 April 2008 11:30 AM PDT
    Thursday, 27 March 2008
    Police Try To Shut Down Portland Videotogopher
    Mood:  on fire
    Now Playing: Joe Anybody - films the cops and get ticket - who is the criminal here
    Topic: MEDIA

    Cops - Cameras - Independent Media

    The follow post by me is found along with some good comments on Portland Independent Media


    Cops - Cameras - Independent Media (3/27/08)

    After my camera was illegally removed from my hand
    And after the two innocent citizens were done being hassled
    I start walking to the police station to talk to his supervisor

    Just minutes ago I was standing 35 feet away just documenting what was happening on a public street in my home town
    The cop let the 2 men go and then took my camera and gave me a receipt. Not much of explanation was given if any and that pissed me off. I was going to talk to their supervisor right now 

    I was about a block from the station central office
    The same two cops in one car  pull up along th curb and ask me if I am heading to the station ...I tell them "yes"

    The one cop says "meet me in the lobby"
    I did
    It took 20 min
    He comes out and gives me my camera back (and the tape)
    And a citation
    ORS 165.540
    Court on 4/22

    When I called my Lawyer he was "very interested"
    When the news hit the ACLU .... they too said "Joe, please contact us we are very interested in what you have on film"
    When Corporate news comes a knocking this should get interesting

    Meanwhile I think I have a story for some of the local Independent newspapers here

    The right of the people to hold the police accountable is paramount
    This is strong arming me into "going away"
    The right of the press and the rights for journalism is under attack

    This is a big stupid move to try and suppress the people who are concerned about peace and justice
    This is a slap to the constitution and to police accountability
    This is stab at making journalist feel intimidated and to discourage the media from getting involved

    Joe Anybody doesn't like anybody taking his camera
    I am glad I got it all on film
    Watch it here on BlipTV
    Please circulate this video


    So my fellow Z3 Readers ...after seeing this mess of the first amendment take place when watching my video... who looks like they were the ones being uncivil and acting like an ass, bully, and trouble maker?

    .....and who looks like they are committing any crime? The two men? Me filming from 35 yards away? Or the cops who may or may not have a "Good Reason" to be doing what they are doing in this video?

    I for one didn't like the cops hassling those men, in fact I wonder if racial profiling was happening?

     And I for one don't like to see cops push people in their chest looking to provoke trouble. I think the cop says two times something about "Do you want to get knocked on your ass?"

    I for one do not like to be cited for a crime when I didn't commit one.

    I don't like the cops stealing My camera and playing games with a serious journalist, such as I myself.

    I also don't appreciate the intimidation from the police on the media or free honest citizens.

    I do not like to be violated when I am exercising my 1st amendment right. The freedom Of The Press is Under Attack!

    Damn the torpedo's.



    Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:37 PM PDT
    Updated: Saturday, 29 March 2008 5:54 PM PDT
    Wednesday, 26 March 2008
    Cops take camera from Joe Anybody & issue Citation
    Mood:  irritated
    Now Playing: Joe Anybody and the 1st Amendment
    Topic: MEDIA
    Joe Anybody iam@joe-anybody.com

     The Following post was by me on
    Portland Indy Media
    There are comments on this Indy Media post
    which you can read here
    This is all good information
    I am in contact with a lawyer who is very interested

    I captured it all on film... from them stopping the citizens to walking up to me and taking my camera
    (which I got back by going down to the station)(they met me in the lobby & gave it back ... with the citation)

    When I was filming one of the two (police suspects/citizens) who I was filming immediately said loudly 2 time "Look office your are being filmed" thus one could assume the police knew I was filming secretly I was in plain view this happened around 10th and Jefferson about 7pm

    I will be pleading not guilty and will be looking into the other aspects this issue raises with my Lawyers
    It seems the cop I filmed was involved in previous "video tape" which shows him shoot rubber bullets at protesters in 02

    He may "have it out" for journalist who are filming?

    I think there is a law that excludes parades and protests in that one is not required to "announce your recording audio" ...(so I was informed over the phone by a lawyer)

    But this wasn't a protest..... so its different in that respect

    The fact that all parties were aware I was filming and it is on film that "they knew" may give me some room ...
    I was 10 yards at first..... then moved back to 25 -30 yards
    I was never told to move back away or turn it off

    When the cops talk together you cant hear what they say
    I will be posting the video here ...and was advised by my attorney that it was OK to post it

    I will be hoping for some community support

    I feel the seriousness of this .... but I have not done anything wrong
    I work for Peace and Justice
    I am not looking for trouble ...but am being assertive and making the choice to be brave enough to step forward

    I feel confident that my motives for Independent Journalism, civil rights, solidarity, and government accountability will be honored and respected.
    I want honest police, honest journalism, and an open government that respects civil rights and human rights

    My court day is 4/22

    Video coming soon

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 4:30 PM PDT
    Updated: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 5:42 PM PDT
    Tuesday, 25 March 2008
    Greg Palast has a short article for you Z3 Report Readers
    Mood:  chatty
    Now Playing: God Damn America
    Topic: FAILURE by the GOVERNMENT

    [Sunday, March 23, 2008, Forest City, PA ]

    This is reprinted from an email I recieved from greg palast

    By Greg Palast

    The kids were snoozing so I drove along the back roads skirting the Lackawanna River on a dawn hunt for black coffee and a newspaper.

    I think even Norman Rockwell would have found this place too sticky sweet, too postcard:  the weathered barns, the fallow fields perfectly snow-frosted; red, white and blue flags already up on the clapboard farmhouses and the white-washed church in the valley already full for Easter prayers.

    At a gas station, I scored the paper and coffee, spilled some on the front page – the closest thing I’ve got to a religious ritual – then parked in front of a row of insanely pretty salt-box houses shining like mad teeth on the river bank.   
    One was missing a pick-up in the driveway; its screen door was left half-open, and there was a letter taped to the window.  The Sheriff’s Notice of eviction.  Another foreclosure.

    God damn America.

    I know that’s what Obama’s spiritual guide would say.  

    But why?  It seems likes He’s already done a pretty good job of damning these United States.  

    And He seems to have really taken it out on this corner of Pennsylvania.  

    The gargantuan Bethlehem steel works have dwindled to a few robot-operated mills controlled from Mumbai, India. The only remainders of nearby Carbondale’s mining industry are in display cases at the ageing Coal Inn.  But you could still get out by selling your home to ski tourists from New York – until this year when mortgage markets turned cancerous. 

    That leaves Forest City’s one industry, lumbering – which we can kiss goodbye since a recent ruling by the NAFTA board which allows the import of cheap Canadian wood.

    Some local kid has made the paper having been thrown, helmet first, into the volcano called Iraq.  The Scranton Times-Tribune, two pages after the photo of a priest blessing a bowl of who knows what, noted that three soldiers killed in yesterday’s bombing are, “pushing the death toll in the five-year conflict to nearly 4,000” – which is true if you don’t count Iraqi dead.  But Someone must be counting them.  (From way up in heaven, I wonder if we look like a nation of Christians – or an empire of Romans.)

    Phil Ochs, before he killed himself, wrote,

    “This is a land full of power and glory,
            Beauty that words cannot recall.
        But her power shall rest on the strength of her freedom.
            Her glory shall rest on us all.”

    Whatever.     It’s a difficult place to be an atheist, in this America, surfeited as it is on every vista with signs of His overwhelming grace and His exasperated wrath.  It’s as if the Lord Himself is just as confused and frustrated and disappointed as the rest of us by blessings so abused.

    There’s one consolation.  He has apparently granted Pennsylvanians the privilege, come April 22, of choosing which Democrat will lose in November.  

    Which may not mean much to Sandy Ryder on whom the spirit of Easter has landed like a ton of bricks.  Sandy, says the flyer tacked up at the Bingham diner, was, “Recently diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer.”  She’s a,  “Single mother of two – Tony and Brandon – and Grandmother of one – Jason.”

    And there they were in a photocopied portrait, the earnest elder son and little Jason to her right, the young slacker (Tony?  Brandon?) slouched to her left.   The town’s hawking a benefit for Sandy, $10 at the door, “including Food and Beverage” and a “Chinese auction.”

    (I’ll bet Al Qaeda could pick up some recruits here – if Osama would offer health insurance.)

    Whatever. This is, after all, Holy Week, which marks the anniversary of the grounding of the Exxon Valdez, the day the giant oil corporation soaked 1,200 miles of Alaska’s coast with crude sludge. March 24 marks 19 years since the grounding and 19 years since Exxon’s promise to compensate the ruined fishermen. You should watch the 19-year-old video-tape of Exxon’s man in Alaska. I especially like the part where
    he tells the fishermen, “You have had some good luck – and you don’t realize it."

    I know some of the fishermen on the TV footage, like the Anderson family, Eyak Natives. I can tell you, the Eyak don’t feel so lucky, still waiting for the Supreme Court to act on Exxon’s latest stall on payment. They’ve seen plenty of Sheriff’s Notices these past 19 years.

    So Happy Easter.

    George Bush tells us he’s, “feeling just fine.”  And we should be glad for him, I suppose.   

    Bush ends his most belligerent speeches by saying, “God bless America.”  

    So, why hasn’t He?

    Maybe you can tell us, Mr. President:  Why hasn’t He?

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:40 PM PDT
    Updated: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 4:31 PM PDT
    NADER tells Democrates "Your time has passed"
    Mood:  celebratory
    Now Playing: Ralph Nader for President "TROOPS HOME NOW"
    Topic: POLITICS

    Ralph Nader for President 2008  


    What do -

    Code Pink

    Move On

    The Nation

    The Progressive

    In These Times

    And the liberal intelligentsia have in common?

    They all see clearly that the Democrats will not get us out of Iraq.

    They all see clearly that the Democrats will not crack down on corporate crime.

    They all see clearly that the Democrats will not support a single payer national health insurance system.

    They all see clearly that the Democrats will not cut the bloated, wasteful military budget.

    And yet, they refuse to stand up to the Democrats and say - out!

    Get out!

    Get out now!

    We are going to start new.

    You are a corrupt party.

    And your time has passed.

    Time to build something new.

    Instead, the liberal intelligentsia continues to hope.

    Against hope.

    That Clinton.

    Or Obama.

    Will stand up to the military corporations and their bloated, wasteful military budget.

    Even though they know deep down that they will not.

    Even in the face of 4,000 Americans dead.

    And more than a million Iraqis dead.

    And tens of thousands wounded.

    They refuse to abandon hope in a corrupt party.

    The Democratic Party is gone.

    And the liberal intelligentsia is gone.

    Yet, as we have seen over the past two months.

    Tens of millions of Americans are ready for change.

    To move past the two parties.

    Toward something new.

    And that is what Nader/Gonzalez is about.

    Step by step, we are getting on ballots all across the country.

    In New Mexico, our volunteers are well on their way to getting Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot.




    Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:43 AM PDT
    Friday, 21 March 2008
    Fuck The Corporate Media _ Student Walkout Protest Interview
    Mood:  on fire
    Now Playing: Joe Anybody tells Corporate camera news-crew "This war is your fault"
    Topic: PROTEST!
    FUCK CORPORATE MEDIA21.Mar.2008 00:26

    Joe Anybody iam@joe-anybody.com

    When the corp tv walked up to me today at the KId walkout march...I was standing on a corner where the cops just got done grabbing a kid for some minor reason. With my goggles on and and face covered (due to being maced yesterday) with a camera they thought they had a story of "He you look like you know what going on here"

    OH i told them in a rambling non stop way what I thought was going on
    not sure if my camera was on ..I still havent seen all my videos yet
    But I blamed them (Corporate Media) for this war and mess we are in now ..told them they have been sitting on their asses for 5 years
    i said they fucked this up by not reporting the real news
    I yelled at them for ..."me having to buy a camera and do their fucking job"
    I angerly loudly said "You fuckers I have over 200 videos on the INTERNET and you never show up and report the truth in any of them...I need to do what your not doing ...............
    shit I dont know what came over me ...i let em have my 2 cents worth ......
    Doubt that will make the news (Ch 2)
    I looked up and the horse cops were all staring at me as I walked away ....
    The two news people stood there staring at me dumbfounded!

    FUCK THE CORPORATE MEDIA..... they come out for some sugar cube reporting / spin
    Fuck them ...thats how come we are in this mess in the first place

    Thank God For Portland Indy Media and "other independent news sources"

    THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR !!! There line went for blocks and blocks

    YOU WONT FRICKING BELIEVE THESE KIDS ...300 hundred "MY ass!!"


    Here is the First Video Link

    And more video coming real soon

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:02 AM PDT
    Updated: Friday, 21 March 2008 5:42 AM PDT
    Tuesday, 18 March 2008
    Semantic Web - A new way of surfing the Internet?
    Mood:  cheeky
    Now Playing: Organizing the Internet. - By using "Twine" ?
    Topic: MEDIA

    Hung Up On the Semantic (Web)

    (Gadgets, Discoveries) Permanent link

    Web Visualization

    The jumbled mess that is the internet has a certain charm. Masses of confusing information and useless web pages sit neatly along side important sites, with Google standing as one of the only ways to tell them apart. Google is still the top dog in organizing the web, but the internet has evolved since the company began 12 years ago (that’s about 90 in web years). In fact, Tim Berners-Lee, who’s credited with inventing the World Wide Web, told the Times Online that he believes Google will be “superseded” by the Semantic Web.

    Instead of simply focusing on web pages, the Semantic Web would, in theory, organize all kinds of information from bank statements to maps to photos to medical research studies. In a video for Technology Review, Berners-Lee talks about how Semantic Web technology could help doctors compare different kinds of medical data, combining the information with nutrition data or seemingly unrelated data like air travel patterns, illuminating trends and information that could literally save lives.

    For now, much of the promise of the Semantic Web has yet to be realized, but companies are busy preparing to take advantage of the new technology. The latest incarnation is a website called Twine, created by Radar Networks, currently in private beta testing. CNet News reports that the company has raised $18 million in two stages to implement the technology.

    Right now, Twine looks a lot like Facebook, MySpace, or other social networking sites. Users create a profile, upload a picture, and connect with other users on the site. The company hopes that users will soon begin dumping massive amounts of emails, research data, and other work-related information into the site, so that people will begin to make sense of the information in new ways.

    The difference between Twine and MySpace, Facebook, or other social networking sites is that “a social network that is about who you know, Twine is more about what you know,” Radar Networks founder Nova Spivack told CNet News. If the Semantic Web works as well as Spivack and Berners-Lee hope it will, people will soon start to know a lot more.

    Bennett Gordon

    Image by Noah Sussman, licensed under Creative Commons.

    Just for fun, here’s a very cool video about organizing the web:

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:24 PM PDT
    Monday, 17 March 2008
    M - 15 Peace March PORTLAND
    Mood:  cool
    Now Playing: Sucessful Peace March - And a Grannies Special Video
    Topic: PROTEST!

    The Portland Peace March was successful and was positive

    There were no clashes nor any reports of "police abuse"

    I have about 3 hours worth of video from the event that should be on-line by the end of the week here (3/21/08)

    I will be adding it to my website and YouTube-&-Google as well up on www.PDXpeace.org  and www.Portland.Indymedia.org

    I will have a heading under my videos titled

     "" M15 ""

     For all the video's I will have from the March 15 event in Portland Ore

    ----------------------------     Meanwhile    ----------------------------------

    Stay tuned ....  I just spent the past 24 hours working on a video called

    "Seriously Pissed Off Grannies 2007"

    I have a completed "quick-rushed-copy" finished and it will be used in a presentation tonight. I really rushed it an d will be going back over it in the real near future to dial it in better. I didn't have the time I wanted to in order to make this as professional as possible.

    I will be posting "what I got so far" in regards to the Grannies 2007 ....but expect to see it "modified" in the weeks to come.

    I also have a project on the burner of a special Grannies Video with music provided by one of the Seriously Pissed Off Grannies daughters..... now that one is gonna be "special"

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:29 PM PDT
    Updated: Monday, 17 March 2008 1:45 PM PDT
    Thursday, 13 March 2008
    Mood:  on fire
    Now Playing: streaming LIVE video from Washington DC
    Topic: WAR

    Live telecast on the BIG SCREEN at

    Portland State University:

    Winter Soldier II. Iraq/Afghanistan
    veterans will testify giving an accurate account
    of what is really happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    This is information you won't find in the mainstream media.

    THURSDAY, MARCH 13: 4 P.M. - 6 P.M.
    FRIDAY, MARCH 14: 6 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.
    SATURDAY, MARCH 15: 6 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.

    Also on Portland Cable Access TV:
    Fri. 3/14 Channel 23: 6 a.m.-9 a.m. and 10 a.m.- noon


    On Channel 11 at 7 p.m. Jim Lockhart discussion
    Sat. 3/15: Channel 23: 6 a.m.-10 a.m.

    Veterans of the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts will give public testimony and share the eyewitness stories that have been censored from the American public about the true human cost of these occupations. Spread the word about this historic and profoundly significant four day event - and please join us for live internet telecast presentations of testimony and panels.

    In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman."

    In 1971, a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War in an event called Winter Soldier. Once again, we will demand that the voices of veterans are heard.

    Once again, we are fighting for the soul of our country. We will demonstrate our patriotism by speaking out with honor and integrity instead of blindly following failed policy. Winter Soldier is a difficult but essential service to our country.

    Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan will feature testimony from U.S. veterans who served in those occupations, giving an accurate account of what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground.

    The four-day event will bring together veterans from across the country to testify about their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan - and present video and photographic evidence. In addition, there will be panels of scholars, veterans, journalists, and other specialists to give context to the testimony. These panels will cover everything from the history of the GI resistance movement to the fight for veterans' health benefits and support.

    Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:37 AM PDT

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