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Now Playing: School of Americas - Fort Benning
Z3 readers let start by watching a short clip from the ACLU's website: Father Roy Bourgeois: Founder of "School of the America's Watch"; spied on for years by the FBI merely for organizing peaceful protests. This priest will confirm my feelings, he paints a grim ugly picture of this training camp.
And these two paragraphs below explains more of this school; I copied it from here-->
The U.S. image in much of Latin America has taken quite a beating this year, with Venezuelan leftist leader Hugo Chavez and his counterpart in Bolivia, Evo Morales, engaging in a heated war of words with their neighbor to the north. But one particular U.S. institution already notorious throughout the continent is increasingly feeling itself under the gun.
Now officially called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), the U.S. military-run training ground for Latin American strongmen and dictators was for years known as the School of the Americas (SOA). The Spanish-language army facility based in Fort Benning, Georgia, was responsible for helping to educate such military men as Panamanian dictator and convicted drug trafficker Manuel Noriega, the late Argentine junta leader imprisoned for human rights abuses Leopoldo Galtieri, and Salvadoran right-wing militia leader Maj. Roberto D'Aubuisson. Despite adding a "human rights" element to its curriculum in recent years, the school has engendered so much suspicion and hostility that it was dubbed the School of Assassins.
Here is a Nov 2001 picture of Father Roy Bourgeois, where he leads the mock funeral procession to the gates of Fort Benning. Five years latter another protest is being organized for November 2006
Click on this info link here-->
Now here is an interesting article on this subject about how in early June 2006 U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick had the nerve to speak publicly against “interventionism” in Latin America at a meeting of the Organization of American States in the Dominican Republic. Ironically, a few days later the U.S. Congress voted to continue supporting military intervention in Latin America by rejecting an amendment put forth by Rep. McGovern which would have excluded funding for the infamous School of the Americas (SOA) as part of the annual Foreign Operations Appropriations bill. Here is the full story -->
A joe-anybody link is here -->