Mood: surprised
Now Playing: This is Dirty Politics * So Sign the Petition
Can you believe that Congressional offices lately are trying to install new software that blocks email from their constituents?
If the citizens are sending from a wide range of nonprofit organization websites that help you contact your congress person through their site, then this new software would block your email message.
This new technology is already in use by more than 30 Representatives. It requires you to answer a "logic puzzle" question before you can submit a comment. This is designed to limit communications to only those constituents who go directly to the lawmaker's own website to send a message. Now I go directly to their sites anyway, BUT I also send them letters or emails from the website of political action groups that I read about or belong to.
Now what is IRONIC or should I say is SADISTIC is the stifling of the mass amounts of people who are communicating with their Representatives and then getting blocked because they used a web service that is making it easy to contact them.
I would further say that is considered by me to be MORONIC to block the messages from large groups or any size of group that wants to send a message. Now I did see where there was some stupid group that sent bricks to all the Senators for some (stupid) cause, that escapes me at the moment. And there is the occasional Larry Flint type who sends a copy of HUSTLER to every congressman.....but then maybe he too has a message or info that he wants to share with his Representative.
This following paragraph is taken straight from the petition, and sums up exactly what I see as the problem:
This attempt to differentiate among constituent messages--accepting only unorganized communications but blocking communications where individuals are working together to deliver a strong message--raise questions about the infringement of my constitutional right to organize and petition my government. I enjoy using the Internet to participate quickly and effectively in decisions that affect me and my family. I don't want to go back in time to the days when people had to fill the halls of Congress with paper postcards or attend mass events to get your attention. The Internet has made political action more accessible to me, and therefore makes this country more democratic.
This link --> HERE is to sign the petition.
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