just checking the facts
Now Playing: Headlines: 7 Terrorists Cought in Plan to Attack Sears Tower
Watch this News story closely
No sooner than I say
"show me a terrorist"
And next thing I know
7 kids in their 20's are arrested
For Attempting to:
Attack The Sears TowerNow these stupid kids
want to attack a building
And The NSA thinks listening
To me or reading my Library records
Will stop any of this?
I doubt it....Be leery of this news
It sounds like a Columbine type deal
Not a TERRoRIST ATTACK on the US (oh My God)
What concerns me is the spin and ...the
... trumped up terror that is
exploited for the fear party agenda.
I realize that guns and violence is rampant
I think that most of this terror stuff
like this case....is not really terrorism!
Any more than a man shooting at cars on the freeway
Yes that is a terrorizing act but its not
TERRoRISM AS WE ALL know the word to be used.
In fact this type of terror by these kids and the
freeway shooter (for my example)
Doesn't warrant ditching the Constitution over
Jut to provide a placebo-false sense of security.
Yes this is in fact serious and scary
But GUTTING the Constitution is not the answer
I think that normal law enforcement and
Special FBI units should go after these types
All within the boundaries
of our Laws and Constitution
Its a no brainer if you think legally and within
our founding fathers guidelines
As I conclude this post
I will be monitoring this story
Was it really "TERRoRISM"?
Or just a bunch of wanna be
INNER CITY PUNKS WITH A ATTITUDE?That is the question that means the most
I already know the answer)
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 8:08 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 23 June 2006 1:54 PM PDT