Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Tuesday, 6 June 2006
Worried About The Future?
not sure
Now Playing: The Deppressing Deppression
I have recopied in its entirety from an email the following article. I thought you Z3 Readers would like to know this opinion Here is the original article from a link on the Daily Reckoning Website Link HERE
It's been said that if you spend 15 minutes a year thinking about the economy, you're wasting 13 minutes. That's generally true. But as an amateur historian, I can't help myself. And I'm forced to believe that this is a time when the subject is worth some real thought.
My view is that the longest, and certainly most important, trend in history is the ascent of man. I have little doubt that it will not only continue but accelerate. But that doesn't mean there won't be nasty setbacks along the way. As I have said before, possibly the best definition of a depression is a period when most people's standard of living drops significantly. You can also define it as a period when distortions in the economy and misallocations of capital are liquidated. The distortions are almost always the result of government intervention in the economy, through things like taxes, regulation and currency inflation.
Those are the factors that caused the unpleasantness that began in 1929. Since the government is exponentially more powerful and invasive today than it was in either the 1920s or the 1970s, I expect the consequences will be much worse this time around. Things could have come unglued, and almost did, back in the 1970s. I don't see how we'll dodge the bullet this time. Although that's not really a good analogy, in that, for reasons we don't have time to explore in depth, a depression is probably inevitable this time.
The only serious question in my mind is whether it will be essentially deflationary in nature, as it was the case in the U.S. in the 1930s, or inflationary like in Germany in the 1920s. My guess is the latter because the government is so much more powerful today. Or it could actually be both at once, in different sectors of the economy.
Inflation could drive interest rates to 20%. This would collapse the bond and real estate markets, wiping out trillions of dollars of purchasing power - which is deflationary. Meanwhile, that same inflation doubles the cost of food and fuel. In other words, the opposite of what we've mostly had for the last generation, when we had "good" inflation in stocks, bonds and property, but stable or dropping prices in "cost of living" items. This time the pattern could reverse, which would be a nightmare for most people.
And as people become more focused on speculation in a generally futile attempt to stay ahead of financial chaos, they inevitably divert effort from economic production. Which will decrease the general standard of living even more.
The situation isn't made easier by the possibility that we're facing Peak Oil - the start of a secular decline in world oil production. Or the fact that Americans, both individually and collectively, are deeply in debt and living on the kindness of strangers. The problem with debt is that it artificially increases our standard of living. But when we pay it off, especially with interest, it reduces our standard of living in a very real way.
Wrap this economic environment around the so-called War on Terror, which is rapidly morphing into the War on Islam, which could easily turn into World War III, and you're looking at the perfect storm. The odds of a major conflagration are very high, and it's not being adequately discounted. If Bush starts a war against Iran, or if another incident like that of 9/11 occurs, or even if the trend of the last five years accelerates, the U.S. is going to be locked down like one of its numerous new federal penitentiaries. And that will be accompanied, and compounded, by mass hysteria among Boobus americanus.
At that point, your investment portfolio will be among your lesser concerns. People forget that, in every country and time, there's a standard distribution of sociopaths and misdirected losers. In normal times, they seem like normal people. But when the time is right, they show their colors, and they love to get jobs with the government, where they can lord it over their betters.
You may be asking yourself: Is the Greater Depression really inevitable? How bad will it be? Is there another side to the argument? Can it be avoided?
I suppose it's not absolutely inevitable. Perhaps friendly aliens will land on the roof of the White House and present the government with a magic technology that can undo all the damage it's done. But we live in a world of cause and effect where actions have consequences. That being the case, I expect truly serious financial and economic trouble. And the government will make it vastly worse by trying to "do something" instead of recognizing itself as the cause and backing off. I don't see any way out.
How bad will it be? In historical terms, the last depression was relatively short and mild. The longest depression on record was the Dark Ages. Residents of the old USSR and Mao's China suffered through a depression that lasted decades. I'm not predicting it will be that bad, if only because the U.S. has basically much sounder traditions and institutions and vastly more accumulated capital. But it's hard to overestimate how serious this could be. I sometimes joke that it will likely be worse than even I think it will be.
Getting back to whether it's truly inevitable, it's a question of degree. The recession of the late 1970s and early 1980s involved a terrible stock market, 15% inflation with interest rates to match, 10% unemployment and a near war with the USSR. But the country not only hung together, it went on to a tremendous rebound. My guess is, however, that the last 20 years of good times will later be viewed as an economic Indian Summer before a harsh winter.
The good news, of course, is that no matter what the economic conditions, technology - which is the mainspring of human progress - will keep advancing. And many individuals will continue innovating, saving and improving conditions for themselves and their associates. Also, it's entirely possible to go through even the worst of times and not get hurt. Indeed to profit from them. If the price of a house you want now but can't afford falls 75% (as outrageous as that may sound at the moment) while your own investments in the high-quality gold stocks we follow in our International Speculator quadruple, you're much better off. That house now really only costs you one-sixteenth of what it did before. Of course it's a problem for the guy who has to sell his house... but I always prefer to look at the bright side of the equation. There's time now to structure your affairs so that you're on the right side of the trade.
Keep your eyes peeled for signs that indicate it's about to get ugly. One obvious indicator to watch is how the price of gold is running. Gold is the only financial asset left in the world that's either safe or cheap. It's also under owned and largely unrecognized, which is why the smart money has been moving into it.
Then there's the CPI itself - although I don't think it's very accurate, in that all the adjustments, exclusions, weightings and what-nots the government has insinuated into it over the years makes the CPI as much of a floating abstraction as the dollar itself. It's funny how the government plays with figures for fear of hurting confidence. They believe the economy rests mainly on confidence, which, ironically, in today's world, is true. Unfortunately, confidence can blow away like a pile of feathers in a windstorm - and we have a class-5 hurricane coming. If the economy were sound and people for some reason lost confidence, the currency and the banks would be unhurt, and the next day things would go back to normal. But that's not the world we live in. So, higher CPI numbers are another thing that could destroy confidence and supercharge the gold price. They're coming.
Higher interest rates, which we're already seeing, will inevitably burst the real estate bubble, which is floating on a sea of mostly adjustable-rate debt, a lot of it interest-only or even with negative amortization. Higher rates will also crush bonds and probably stocks. And they'll devastate the economy since everybody is deeply in debt. However, I feel the Fed will keep short-term rates - which are really the only ones they control - as low as possible for as long as possible. For one thing, they don't want a recession, which this time could snowball into the Greater Depression. For another, my guess is that they want to gradually depreciate the dollar against other currencies, in part to decrease the chronic, massive trade deficit. And because increasing the number of dollars makes people think they're richer than they really are, it can stimulate some additional spending...but these days that spending is mostly done on credit, so it is only illusionary.
The biggest single problem, however, is that there are trillions of U.S. dollars outside of the U.S. Unlike Americans, foreigners have no reason to hold them. And at some point very soon, perhaps when the Fed finally hits the wall on its ability to raise rates, these overseas dollars are going to start flooding back home, while the products and titles to real wealth flow out of America.
Therefore, when the trade deficit starts turning around - which most people will think is a good thing - that will be the real tip-off the game is over. Trillions coming back to the U.S. will skyrocket long-term interest rates and inflation. The dollar will go into freefall.
But although I think these are the things to watch, to my way of thinking it makes no sense to wait until the stampede starts to try to get out the door. If you haven't done so already, take advantage of the current correction in gold to begin repositioning your portfolio for what's next.
Regards, Doug Casey for The Daily Reckoning
Editor's Note: Doug Casey is the author of Crisis Investing, which was #1 on the New York Times Best-Seller list for 26 weeks. He is also editor and publisher of the International Speculator, one of the nation's most established and highly respected publications on gold, silver and other natural resource investments.
For information on the International Speculator, click here:
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 1:53 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 June 2006 2:40 PM PDT
Monday, 5 June 2006
2 Short Videos That Made Me Smile
Now Playing: Puppet on a string -&- Wow she can play
************************************************ CLICK on the SKELETON picture
CLICK on the CHILD picture
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 9:54 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 5 June 2006 10:05 PM PDT
Sunday, 4 June 2006
USA builds Wall of Hate
don't ask
Now Playing: Border Hell Wall
Now Internet Surfer from over in the the Free World " Get to watch web cams of the border Wall of Hate" 

From the BBC link --> HERE I read this lovely story about how web users worldwide who are now are able to watch the Texas' border with Mexico and phone the authorities if they spot any apparently illegal crossings. Boy aren't they being high-tech sporty? It's almost like hunting when you have all the cool modern tech gear.....! Wasn't there a few movies on Hunting Humans done by Hollywood?
As they get ready to spend 5 million on cameras in Texas.....over in California another heart-warming story is going around. That is one of adding Military troops to the border soon ....at least that is what I am hearing in my little corner?
I hear too that Human Rights Groups have accused the Minuteman group of xenophobia towards illegal immigrants - but the group denies this which is not suprising!
And for the sake of being clear the word xenophobia means "A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples"
Well isn't that interesting, sounds paranoid to me too!
Hey! ...Wait Z3 Readers, I see right now! ....as I get ready to post this. Yet another "Love Heart-Filled Group" has joined in on the rally.....
......or did I say rage of anti-immigration?

So my dear redaer.... Right Here is that story of KKK marchers protesting the proposals to give illegal immigrants amnesty and chanting in support of calls to deport them. Yelling anti-immigration slogans such as "Send them back!" and "Let's get rid of the Mexicans!"
Ya ...somehow I think I did say Rage! We all Know that --> You got to "sow love to get love" It is going to hurt to watch this all go down. It makes me think of the Israel Palestine border debacle which is a border hell zone of HATE.
*********************************************** ***********************************************
Speaking of Immigration..... did you happen to see the short animated movie clip on the original 1621 Immigration Debate of joe-anybodies forefathers? Well Here it is --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhEl6HdfqWM
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 3 March 2007 5:17 PM PST
Saturday, 3 June 2006
Attorney General Wants All Your Web Records
Now Playing: You May be a Child Porn Surfer = Retention of your web surfing requested
Topic: MEDIA
Can you see where this is all going Zebra 3 Readers? My research comes from this one link on CNet
*************************************************** INTERNET SURFING RECORDS OF ALL CITIZENS WANTED BY US GOVERNMENT
This intrussion by Mr Gonzales, is being requested of all the big Internet players: AOL, Comcast, Google, Microsoft and Verizon. And it was just last Friday, that Attorney General Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller, requested this information in the name of the "T-word". You all remember it was just last month the reason to snoop was needed because "it was stopping child pornography"! Gonzales Speech Here At least ....last month that was what they say the reason to want to snoop was for! Now the Government is migrating the snoop to include stopping Terrorism too! Go Figure!
And the retention time of their proposal would be 2 years of Data Collecting of --> "your" Internet and email records! No warrant required no reason other than "you could be a child porn surfer or terrorist"
The way it is now, the current law is based from a 1996 federal law called the Electronic Communication Transactional Records Act. Which regulates data preservation. It requires Internet providers to retain any "record" in their possession for 90 days "upon the request of a governmental entity." This now new twist can be referred to as Preservation "versus" Retention
Now to this average joe, this new push for information from the Attorney General's Office smells of government spying and civil rights violations to our constitutional right to privacy!
I wonder why their can't be an efficient checks and balance on the Child Porn done on the people that are publishing it, or hosting it. Rather than prowl through everybody surfing traffic, they should be focused on the people that are promoting it and propagating it! Punish those that are involved. And leave the rest of us out of their dragnet. The terrorism charge is being trumped to violate our privacy 'again'. There are already safeguards and proper channels to filter or catch Terrorists using the approved tools and ways and means that confine to our Nations Laws. And further more, if we are referring to Sept 11 terrorism, nothing that happened on 9-11 could of been stopped by any of these Draconian measures! No amount of snooping or spying on innocent citizens could of helped nor prevented the attack. But! - In fact there was plenty of evidence already being presented that was ignored or disregarded prior to the attack that this administration seriously dropped the ball on their watch as the saying goes. And as the Neocons plan unfolded, George went to the Ranch ...and America went to Hell! ....Plan is in motion for "operation stopping terrorism" We have been backsliding ever since, it continues today with this push to steal our surfing privacy. Will reading your mail will be next?
In every free society their is room and the opportunity to cheat or do wrong. We don't destroy the (our) freedom because some are doing wrong within it. We don't cut off our hand because a finger was bad.
Although this request last month was was primarily for stopping child porn. It not surprising this month it is for of course, our favorite excuse when violating civil rights ....... "Stopping TERRORISM" If this new style like the European Union's approach were adopted, Internet companies would be required to save logs showing the identities of e-mail and, perhaps, instant messaging correspondents in addition to data about which customer was assigned which Internet address.
My point is we have measures to monitor suspicious activity that is within the framework of our constitution and we should live by our laws. The current administration is now pushing this new twist to snoop. I don't trust nor respect this Neocon group to be: honest, forthright, or truthful. Nor are they really concerned about anything they are claiming to the sheeple's corporate media, that they are trying to be. The naive will absently buy this constitutional breech, based on fear and manipulation. The ones informed my dear Z3 readers will be at least understanding and able to fight to keep our freedom and liberty intact and protected.
Let me say it this way with an old quote, see if it sounds familiar.......
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Now what the hell is going on with that old adage, I ask?
For what its worth I read in the CNet article near the the very beginning of the article"We have real reservations about data retention requirements because of the security and privacy risks attached to it," said Mark Uncapher, senior vice president of the Information Technology Association of America. ITAA's board members include representatives of AT&T, Sybase, Fujitsu and Unisys.
Gee I can't seem to be too impressed! They should be real serious!
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 2:56 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 24 June 2006 3:46 PM PDT
Wednesday, 31 May 2006
US Military shoots and Kills Pregnant Mother in Iraq
Now Playing: Our Sick Ass Invasion is killing all kinds of Innocent Iraqies
Topic: WAR

A young boy riding a bicycle looks across at a newly-erected warning sign put up Wednesday, May 31, 2006 on a road around 100 metres from the maternity hospital which Nabiha Nisaif Jassim, 35, a pregnant woman and her 57-year-old cousin Saliha Mohammed Hassan, were driving to for Jassim to give birth when they were killed in Samarra, Iraq Tuesday, May 30, 2006. (notice it went up the day after the US shot the two ladies)
U.S. forces apparently shot to death two Iraqi women, one of them pregnant, when they fired at a vehicle that failed to stop at an observation post in the town, Iraqi officials and relatives said.
Z3 READERS: The article below just came across the main stream press today. I am so sick of BUSHMAN's authorized Killing How long can we American citizens sit around with our thumbs deep in our ass's .....as we slaughter women, children, and innocent civilians. In this case today we read where two ladies, one who was pregnant were killed by our MILITARY FASCIST GOON SQUAD For Gods sake we are not even in our own land, and we shoot who ever we want for no reason.
I DEMAND that this killing --> by my MILITARY STOP NOW! ****** damnit! ******
READ WHAT "YOUR" PROUD USA MILITARY IS DOING IN YOUR NAME WITH YOUR TAXES *************************************************
(quote) The U.S. military said coalition troops fired at a car after it entered a clearly marked prohibited area near an observation post but failed to stop despite repeated visual and auditory warnings.
"Shots were fired to disable the vehicle," the military said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press. "Coalition forces later received reports from Iraqi police that two women had died from gunshot wounds ... and one of the females may have been pregnant."
Jassim's brother, who was wounded by broken glass, said he did not see any warnings as he sped his sister to the hospital. Her husband was waiting for her there.
"I was driving my car at full speed because I did not see any sign or warning from the Americans. It was not until they shot the two bullets that killed my sister and cousin that I stopped," he said. "God take revenge on the Americans and those who brought them here. They have no regard for our lives." He said doctors tried but failed to save the baby after his sister was brought to the hospital.
The shooting deaths occurred in the wake of an investigation into allegations that U.S. Marines killed unarmed civilians in the western city of Haditha.
The U.S. military said the incident in Samarra, 60 miles north of Baghdad, was being investigated. The city is in the heart of the so-called Sunni Triangle and has in the past seen heavy insurgent activity.
"The loss of life is regrettable and coalition forces go to great lengths to prevent them," the military said.
The women's bodies were wrapped in sheets and lying on stretchers outside the Samarra General Hospital before being taken to the morgue, while residents pointed to bullet holes on the windshield of a car and a pool of blood on the seat.
Khalid Nisaif Jassim, the pregnant woman's brother, said American forces had blocked off the side road only two weeks ago and news about the observation post had been slow to filter out to rural areas.
He said the killings, like those in Haditha, were examples of random killings faced by Iraqis every day. The killings at Haditha, a city that has been plagued by insurgents, came after a bomb rocked a military convoy on Nov. 19, killing a Marine. Rep. John Murtha (news, bio, voting record), D-Pa., a decorated war veteran who has been briefed by military officials, has said Marines shot and killed unarmed civilians in a taxi at the scene and went into two homes and shot others.
Military investigators have evidence that points toward unprovoked murders by Marines, a senior defense official said last week.
In his first public comments on the incident, President Bush said he was troubled by the allegations, and that, "If in fact laws were broken, there will be punishment." EXCUSE ME **** "HE IS IS A FUCKING LIAR!!!!" COMMENT BY JOE ANYBODY
Former Iraqi Foreign Minister Adnan Pachachi told the BBC that the allegations have "created a feeling of great shock and sadness and I believe that if what is alleged is true ? and I have no reason to believe it's not ? then I think something very drastic has to be done."
"There must be a level of discipline imposed on the American troops and change of mentality which seems to think that Iraqi lives are expendable," said Pachachi, a member of parliament.
If confirmed as unjustified killings, the episode could be the most serious case of criminal misconduct by U.S. troops during three years of combat in Iraq. Until now the most infamous occurrence was the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse involving Army soldiers, which came to light in April 2004 and which Bush said he considered to be the worst U.S. mistake of the entire war.
Once the military investigation is completed, perhaps in June, it will be up to a senior Marine commander in Iraq to decide whether to press charges of murder or other violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
The incident has sparked two investigations, one into the deadly encounter itself and another into whether it was the subject of a cover-up. The Marine Corps had initially attributed 15 civilian deaths to the car bombing and a firefight with insurgents, eight of whom the Marines reported had been killed.
"People in Samarra are very angry with the Americans not only because of Haditha case but because the Americans kill people randomly specially recently," Khalid Nisaif Jassim said.
(end quote)

USA KILLS INNOCENT UNPROVOKED Read more from this AP press report on the two dozen innocent Iraqies we just killed. 2 Dozen Innocent Killed

Posted by Joe Anybody
at 3:38 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2006 4:20 PM PDT
Monday, 29 May 2006
In Memory of Those
Now Playing: Joe Anybody Memorial Day Video's
Topic: WAR

Its not just about Bar-B-Q's Memorial Day is not only about car races Its about remembering those who Fought and Died for Freedom & Liberty This link is my Tribute --> Joe Anybody Memorial Day
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 10:02 AM PDT
Sunday, 28 May 2006
120 DAYS IN PRISON - For not fighting in the illegal BUSH WARS
Now Playing: My Tax Money - US PRISON = Jailed War Resistor Peace Advocate
Topic: WAR

What a Patriot! Standing up to War! Learn more of what this Girl is doing!
Joe Anybody PRoTEST Page
Portland Indy Media
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 2:16 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 28 May 2006 2:23 PM PDT
Saturday, 27 May 2006
Now Playing: ACLU and The Patriot Act ~ Libriarians Gag Order Lifted

So Zebra 3 Readers, when was it that you threw down your civil rights and didn't care anymore? Do you recall being asked to forgo our civil rights? Well when the Librarians were told to SHUT UP And when they were "GAGGED" so to speak, about this type of civil rights violations, They stood up along with the ACLU and fought then as well as "now" for all our rights. These Patriots "rock" They are My Hero's Read this surmounting and aspiring link of dedication for civil justice and the freedom to speak and read what we want, in spite of the NEW NEOCON LAWS that are replacing what we hold true and proud "Our Old Constitution"
I am excited to tell you that the ACLU won the right to address "in public" some concerns of the Patriot Act's National Security Letter Provision which next week will be getting challenged in the open public!
The controversial "NSL" provision authorizes the FBI to demand a range of personal records without prior court approval, including records of Web site visits, e-mail addresses, and certain library records. The statute also "gags" anyone served with such a letter from revealing that the FBI sought or obtained information from them.
Well due to this challenge ....The appeals court effectively lifted the gag that prevented Connecticut librarians who received a NSL from disclosing their identities. The gagged librarians will speak publicly about the case for the first time next week. Civil Right are on the March! (MAY 30 2006)

For more information on National Security Letters, go to The ACLU Page on the NSA LETTERS
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 28 May 2006 1:43 PM PDT
John Trudells New Film
Now Playing: I had to Die to get through it ....They cracked down hard...
Watch this short video Trailer Which starts out with the comment "There is no clear thought being exercised right now in the America public"Is this a guy.... who is a threat? Hardly so, Listen to this Native American Activist Speak up and Speak out Z3 readers, ...this is John Trudell!http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6927088246731642640 
Also please check this wonderful site out of Johns Trudellthemovie.com
I really liked his MULTIMEDIA Link
Enjoy & Peace From: Joe Anybody
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 August 2006 8:56 PM PDT
Thursday, 25 May 2006
It is a crime to NOT Fight & Kill for the USA Criminal Leaders
Now Playing: I AIN"T MOVIN !
Topic: WAR

The following excerpt is from the March Issue of the Oregon Peace Works Newspaper by Kevin Benderman He is currently serving 15-months jail time in a Military Prison for being a "Conscience Objector"
He opens his letter by stating: (quote) "I consider it an honor to be put in prison for standing for what is right and all that I can say to the men responsible is "I feel sorry for you." The reason I feel for them is because they refuse to see the truth, and self-deception is the worse kind." (end quote)
He goes on to state what I have felt and commented to my Congressmen just last week by my passionately written lengthly letter: (quote) But on a larger scale, the American people were lied to by men who care for nothing but their own personal agenda and are willing to abuse the goodwill and patriotism of the American people in order to reach their personal goals. This is not what our founding fathers envisioned for this country. They did not want elected representatives to use fear as a governing tool and they did not want citizens to give over all of their rights to people who would let absolute power corrupt absolutely. (end quote)
Then Kevin mentions what I also feel strongly is what we citizens can do about it by:
(quote) I, for one, believe in the Constitution when it says that the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that this country is run correctly lies with the American people and not solely with this government. While we do hire people to do the work of government it is up to us, the citizens, to ensure that they are doing this in accordance with the law of the land.
True freedom requires eternal diligence and it will take everyone doing their share of keeping watch to prevent freedom from slipping out of our hands. (end quote)
And Finally the sweet reminder that: (quote) It is the small things that add up to keep all of us in line. Which brings to mind three small words spoken by a woman who had had enough, "I ain?t movin." The woman was Rosa Parks. We should think about her courage when we feel as if we are too small to matter.
"I ain?t movin." Are you?
--Kevin Benderman, (end quote)
To send encouragement and thanks for Kevin's stance please write to the following address: c/o Benderman Defense Trust, P.O. Box 1122, Knoxville, Tennessee 37901.
********************************************** For more information on this travesty see Joe Anybody's Protest Page
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 5:45 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 25 May 2006 6:08 PM PDT
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