Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Thursday, 10 November 2005
I bet the POLICE Started It - - Read on to see if I'm right?
Mood:  down
Now Playing: What started this is called "Oppression!"
Taken from Bay Area Indy Media

On Thursday, October 27th, 2005, a group of 10 highschool kids were playing soccer in the Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois. when police arrived to do ID checks, the kids ran away and hid, because some of them had no ID. Three of the children hid in an electrical transformer building of EDF and were electrocuted. Two of them died and a third, was severely injured. The mayor of Clichy, Claude Dilain, called for an inquiry into the deaths of the two boys. All eyes were on Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy.

The response?
As people were gathering in the mosques for the Night of Destiny, the most sacred night in the month of Ramadan, a night people usually spent at the mosque, the empty streets of the Cite du Chene Pointu filled with about 400 CRS militant riot police and gendarmes, blocking off the neighborhood. Yet very few people allowed themselves to be provoked into breaking the sanctity of this night, despite racist insults from the police. On Sunday, however, provocation turned into outrage as the women's prayer room at de Bousquets mosque was teargassed by police. As people stumbled out gasping for air, the policemen called the women "whores", "bitches" and other insults.

Joe Anybody would consider them "Fighting words"
Ever since that night, Clichy-sous-Bois has been burning, with the insurrection spreading on Monday to Seine-Saint-Denis and on Tuesday night (November 1st) to nine other Parisian suburbs. A week after the death of the two boys, the uprising is spreading throughout France.

A state of emergency was announced November 8, along with the call-up of police reservists, authorizing local governments to impose curfews and permits police to conduct raids and searches without warrants. Jose Bove has urged the French parliament to debate the root causes of crisis, describing the unrest as "a revolution by desperate youths who have lost all hopes." Muslim thinker Tareq Ramadan blamed the entire political class in France for the riots, saying the political class has been "blind" to what has been happening in the suburbs, with their unemployed youth of Arab and African origin and bleak high-rises. Bove has also asked Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy to apologize for his anti-immigrant remarks.

click here for Indy link for the following summary

The mainstream press has been telling Europeans that "riots" have broken out in the Parisian suburbs (Banlieu) this week. In calling them "riots,"the popular imagination likens them to fires and other sorts of largely uncontrollable disasters. It's as if the French are merely being faced with an outbreak of civil unrest, and that someone from the ranks of the government will most assuredly figure out how to weather the storm within the coming days.

These aren't "riots." This is social rebellion: directed at decades of French imperial rule, and ultra-capitalist and racist policymaking at home. After the "decolonization"process finished in Africa (oddly leaving the former colonies entirely dependent on the Banque de France for their monetary policymaking and at the whim of French military decision making), the colonized were supposed to ! be offered life in France as a sort of reparation for the destruction that went along with the imperial era. This, predictably, has turned out to be nothing more than a bone that the French have thrown at their dependents to try to keep them quiet. The idea is this: give them cheap, shitty housing away from the beautiful metropole of Paris, give them minimum wage paying work, and hope that they shut up.

Obviously, "they" haven't shut up. The largely immigrant population of the northern Banlieu has grown tired of being shut out. What's more, this is nothing new. Over the last decade or so, urban revolt has been a regular, if not common occurrence. Fires, car bombings, random acts of violence, and vandalism are all part of life in Paris' most neglected district.

Referred to as the "93 (neuf-trois)", after the first two numbers of the postal code, the northern suburbs have alw! ays been the destination of those too poor to handle the inner city or the more posh southern and western suburbs. Like similar districts in every major city of the world, it has also been the target of government attempts at wiping it off the map.

Wake Up America!! Treat the masses bad and you will be sorry!

Do you want to stomp all over the masses and beat them back with big sticks, and lord over them with your state governed POWER.
Don't you remember the old reveloutionary saying

Go ahead and keep the poor isolated in a cage. Give them nothing,keep them desperate, hungry, sick, cold and poor, Don't forget to beat them if they up-rise for what ever civil reasons or start to complain, also better make more prisons while we are at it...
Oh! ...and pray to your God they never get loose!

Ooops they are Loose ???...and they seem like they are mad as hell at somebody hmmmmmmm???

I wonder how good it taste to Eat The Rich?

Posted by Joe Anybody at 5:48 PM PST
Updated: Wednesday, 28 December 2005 4:01 PM PST
If They Really Cared the Smoke n Mirrors Wouldn't Be So Obvious!
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: ----- Hey! ---- What Happened? ---- They Win! ----- You Loose! -----
Hey Readers! follow this if you dare.

Hold on ...lots of spin ahead! .....heheh!

this is considered yet
*link removed?
(click HERE added on 12/26/05)
? Colorado Springs testing radiation detectors at intersections. Monitors designed to detect and help track down radiation sources such as "dirty bombs" will be installed on traffic-light poles in an early test of a homeland security system. "I think this could change the way we do homeland security," said John Merrick, the city's lead traffic engineer. Joe Anybody says this "waste" is not what he has Ben Waiting to see done with his tax dollars.


while this is NOT happening

Homeland Security Misses Many Deadlines. The Bush administration has missed dozens of deadlines set by Congress after the Sept. 11 attacks for developing ways to protect airplanes, ships and railways from terrorists. A plan to defend ships and ports from attack is six months overdue. Rules to protect air cargo from infiltration by terrorists are two months late. A study on the cost of giving anti-terrorism training to federal law enforcement officers who fly commercially was supposed to be done more than three years ago.


and this is slipping by

Students slip past visa check. In its first year alone, the program detected more than 36,000 potential violations of student visas nationwide, of which only 1,600 were investigated, according to the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which operates the system.


while Homeland is saying this
U.S. security chief strives to expel all illegal immigrants. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said his department aims without exception to expel all those who enter the United States illegally. "Our goal at DHS (Homeland Security) is to completely eliminate the 'catch and release' enforcement problem, and return every single illegal entrant, no exceptions.

*** Call it what you want I seen this spin the first second it happened and when it slowed down enough for the average Billy-Bob citizen -->...POOF !..there went our civil rights???...whoaaaa Huh?!
"How Did That Happen?" Billy-Bob says (who by-the-way is probably one of the many Jo-Anybodys "sleeping american" distant cousins)(?) well simple, you were asleep at the wheel and they STOLE the CONSTITUTION and Put up some crazy paper titled The Patriot Act ...which really is a spin (READ LIE!)now this new Patriot Act is sold under the guise that we need protection from terrorists.....oh wake up !

If the government was serious these points made above would of been seriously addressed.,

Yet the "only addressing" that gets done.. is your own possible un-dress at the boarder by the TSA or homeland security. Or even the FBI snooping through my library records or medical bills or EVEN MY HOUSE is a violation of my privacy rights.

So using a Roadside radiation sniffing traffic lights .....good gosh* while the shipping container are left wide open or while major shipping and commercial industry, railways, or chemical plants or dams or blah blah go unprotected. But Oh! better check my shoe -- better make me stand in a line for a FULL searched!
By the way all the 911 terrorists had passports, and tickets, and passed a search. And get this, you can get stainless silverware at your seat in the first class section. (oh brother?)
Who are we kidding as they take Joe Anybody Rights Away!?

*** They Spin The Story On The 5 O'Clock News
problem is it is not what we really joe citizens need or want (hence the word spin)
They sell us a scary "threats" or scary "what-"if's
Then we sit stupidified as they by-pass Geneva and Our own constitution.

"Oh hell" !! ...Im so dizzy now from this run-around bull and the ol` say one thing pull-the rug-out the-other-way ...Im just going to go to bed!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:39 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 26 December 2005 5:30 PM PST
Wednesday, 9 November 2005
Our Ripped-Off Tax Dollars are Going To Cheneys Halliburton
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Guess who is Still Collecting150 million a year from Halliburton
Following quote taken from Jim Hightowers website:


To Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey, and 17 other members of congress: Thank you!

Thank you for putting into official words the deep sense of outrage that a majority of us grassroots Americans have long held about the White House's perverse pampering of the Bushites' pet corporate criminal: Halliburton. If an ordinary American did to a 7-Eleven what Halliburton routinely does to taxpayers, that poor soul would be doing 25-to-life in state prison.

Check the federal rap sheet on this multibillion-dollar outfit: Bribery, bid-rigging, fraud, overcharging taxpayers, and even doing business with nations that sponsor terrorism. The departments of defense, justice, and treasury have had Halliburton under investigation or indictment nine times in the past five years for its despicable, shoddy, and criminal record of performance on contracts it gets from the government. Its ripoffs total hundreds of billions of our tax dollars.

Yet, instead of jail time, this scofflaw keeps getting more public money shoveled into its coffers by Bush & Company. Not only has it been blessed with more than $10 billion in contracts –often without competitive bids– since the Bush Cheney regime took power, but also, after Hurricane Katrina hit, there it was again at the federal trough, first in line to get another multimillion-dollar, no-bid contract.

Finally, though, Representatives Lee, Woolsey, and their 17 colleagues have said enough is enough. Citing chapter and verse of federal contracting rules, these members of the congressional progressive caucus have sent a formal demand that Halliburton be suspended from eligibility for any federal contracts until all of the charges against it are resolved.
(end quote)

About Time I have Ben Waiting for what seems forever to have these Cheney Scams Exposed!
As Halliburtons own ex-employeees step forward as in Feb 04 and told a US Democratic congressmen, Henry Waxman, a California Democrat, that vice-president Dick Cheney's old energy company "routinely overcharged" for work it did for the US military, in Kuwait.

Halliburton is the US military's biggest contractor in Iraq and the Pentagon's seventh biggest contractor overall. Halliburton unit Kellogg Brown and Root has a logistics contract with the US military that has so far received more than 3.7 billion in business, mostly in Iraq. It also has contracts worth nearly 4 billion to rebuild Iraq's oil industry.

"It's interesting how money follows power and potential power,".
remarked Larry Makinson who did a study on this topic

According to CPI's 23 researchers who examined 2.2 million contracts worth $900 billion ..., the top 7,637 defense contractors -- those that earned more than $100 million from Pentagon contracts in a year -- contributed nearly $214 million to federal candidates, parties and leadership PACs from 1998 to 2003.

The 10 largest defense contractors contributed a total of more than $35 million from 1998 to 2003, with about two-thirds of that going to Republican candidates. The 737 defense contractors making over $100 million a year gave more than $88 million during that six-year period, combined.
"It's a tremendous return on their investment," Makinson said.

They've spent even more on hiring lobbyists to advance their interests in Washington. The top 737 defense companies spent $1.9 billion on Beltway lobbyists working Capitol Hill between 1998 and 2003.

Included in the 737 are 95 foreign corporations or companies owned by foreign governments that together earned more than $40 billion from Pentagon contracts over the six-year period.

The CPI report also highlights problems the Pentagon has in overseeing defense contracts. It has cut its procurement workforce -- contracting officers and the like -- in half since 1991, reducing numbers from about 400,000 to about 200,000, while at the same time dramatically increasing the amount of money it pays to contractors for not just weapons, but services as well. The number of contracts increased from about 13.2 million to 14.8 million, about 12 percent, over the same period. The Pentagon paid contractors $219 billion in 2003 alone, up from $129 billion in 1998. In 2003, just over half the Pentagon's budget was paid to contractors. hmmmmm?

The Pentagon inspector general highlighted problems with the control of contractors in a 2003 report. The IG said that out of 113 service contract actions reviewed with an estimated value of $17.8 billion, at least 98 had one or more problems, including inadequate competition, lack of surveillance or inadequate price reasonableness determinations, according to CPI.

Then secretary of the Army Thomas White told Congress in 2002 that he did not know how many contractors were employed by the service and called for a collection of the data. The data collection has not yet been started as far as I know.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:21 AM PST
Updated: Thursday, 10 November 2005 2:44 AM PST
Monday, 7 November 2005
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Torture is Instigated and Pushed All the way from the TOP
GOOD QUESTION is right here--> HERE
(This was made by writing down all the dead US American Soldiers names into the picture to make up the word. I bet my cousins name is included) It sure is a good question...that deserves an answer that actually carries weight ...not WMD or Freedom on the March, etc..,

OK so I read this
"Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are expected to decide whether to ban torture against all prisoners held by the United States, to merely ban torture for some of those prisoners, or to reject outright any attempt to legislate a new ban on torture. The White House and the CIA are lobbying to exempt detainees held by the CIA from an amendment-- sponsored by John McCain and endorsed by nearly all senators--that would ban "cruel, inhuman and degrading" treatment for all detainees held by the United States."
And I thinking, since when did it become OK to torture anyone? For Gods sake what is this horse shit?
Is their actually intelligent people discussing this? I mean what is there to discuss?

This Joe wants no part of this physco sick torture crap Bush and Co want to do!
Using the CIA, Contractors, or Whomever.
Revised Amendments, Secret Discussions,
This is Bullsh*t!

Are they out of their minds?
They are trying to be allowed to do this spin where they can still torture by using the CIA. Then the White House will say to the masses on the 5:00 o'clock news "We don't do torture"
.. Ha LISTEN....! can ya hear that in the way off distance..?

I hear the War Crimes Trumpets playing Taps!


The real crime according to Rumsfield are not the actual proven abuses but that: "People are running around with digital cameras and taking these unbelievable photographs and then passing them off, against the law, to the media."


"The Torture Path Went All The Way To The Top"
this is a mini - series video collection
Click--> HERE

This Altnet article click --> HERE is quoting Bush, immediately after the president's 8:30p.m. TV address to the nation on 9-11, when he met with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield and Clarke in a bunker under the East Wing of the White House. In his book, Against All Enemies, Clarke describes the president as "confident, determined, and forceful"
King George says (quote) '"I want you all to understand that we are at war...any barriers in your way, they're gone. Any money you need, you have it...I don't care what the international lawyers say, we are going to kick some ass.(end quote)
The New York Times reported that the CIA methods are so severe that FBI agents are instructed to absent themselves from such interrogations so as not to be implicated. One official said he was told that President Bush didn't?t want to know where the CIA held its captives.

Ya know I end this post with this last comment:
Does it end here?
Just how much will change? An indication may be who was put in charge of the Iraq prison system when Gen Karpinski was "retired": the same Gen. Miller from Guant?namo whose visit last fall introduced the changes that led to prisoner abuse and torture. The change may simply be to tighten the lid against leaks, prosecute the "bad apples" to make the story go away, and let Rumsfield return to doing Bush's notion of a "superb job".

Well Zebra 3 Readers, that about sums it up for the US Governments shitty attitude on this subject.

They are going to prosecute the bad apples that are leaking the information that proves following sentence "THE USA DOES USE TORTURE"
No matter what spinning-lies the Bush Company will tell you in the Media, read between the lies and call the kettle "black!"
More to come on this nasty subject...I have Ben Waiting
....Stay tuned right here at the ZEBRA 3 REPORT .......
for updates to the site --> TORTURE & ABUSEcoming Very, very, Soon!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:18 PM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 November 2005 1:41 PM PST
Sunday, 6 November 2005
SonyBMG Computer Program Hides Deep & Lurks
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: SonyBMG installs Rootkit without telling you
What is this I'm reading?

What may seem to be computer geeky talk about software issues, that is only one aspect. But the concept of what is happening in this aspect, which could get a average joe anybodys computer self installing programs without any acknowledgment of the user. All this is from software being installed by Sony surreptitiously when an unknowing customer is installing the music BMG player ...that if you latter, even find it on your hard drive, you cant remove it very easy if at all!
It is called a ROOTKITS

The link if you skim along and not try to understand the tecchno talk will more than explain what all is going on here and a forum that follows discusses a lot more than,the average joe, will be understanding.

Just skip the techno babble stuff about roots and registries ,,,,BUT follow along as the concept and the hiding of this software is explained and proved by the author as he discovers this bullcrap.
Yes reader, one will see this is simply deplorable and a big . SHAME on SONY for trying this!!!!!

It is suppose to hide deep in your computer and look for illegal pirated copies or illegal use?
SonyBMG and First4Internet are in the doghouse now, having been caught installing rootkit-like software on the computers of SonyBMG music customers, thereby exposing the customers to security risk.

As I copy/paste a comment from this website author
here--> The entire experience was frustrating and irritating. Not only had Sony put software on my system that uses techniques commonly used by malware to mask its presence, the software is poorly written and provides no means for uninstall. Worse, most users that stumble across the cloaked files with a RKR scan will cripple their computer if they attempt the obvious step of deleting the cloaked files.

While I believe in the media industry?s right to use copy protection mechanisms to prevent illegal copying, I don?t think that we?ve found the right balance of fair use and copy protection, yet. This is a clear case of Sony taking DRM too far.

But here is a site where the author suggest ways to address this issue click-->HERE

And since his original post which as he says (quote)...My posting Monday on Sony?s use of a rootkit as part of their Digital Rights Management (DRM) generated an outcry that?s reached the mainstream media. As of this morning the story is being covered in newspapers and media sites around the world including USA Today and the BBC. This is the case of the blogosphere having an impact, at least for the moment. But, there?s more to the story, like how Sony?s patch can lead to a crashed system and data loss and how Sony is still making users jump through hoops to get an uninstaller.

At the core of this story, however, is the issue of what disclosure should be required of software End User License Agreements (EULAs) and how the requirements can be made Federal law.
Thats what joe and Ben are waiting for = Justice & Honesty from the bastards!

Despite a chorus of criticism over Sony not delivering an uninstaller with their DRM software, Sony refuses to admit blame and to make an uninstaller readily available...

is the link he is referring to about the
Sony un-Install-Lack-thereof

The Sony jerks are acting just like todays Republican National Security are new secret government Leaders do!

Joe wonders if music pirates are going to be called Terrorists next?

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, 6 November 2005 11:19 PM PST
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Crazy Secret Gatherings and Bizarre Connections to Bilderberg
In this very short clip he shows us he is looking into the secret doings of Bohemian Grove ...very odd stuff if you ask me
WATCH THIS 1 min clip -->"ALEX JONES" Yikkks! did you see those hooded people with fire sticks...what were they doing in the GROVE anyway?

....and besides why are so many worldly T0P Officials and corporation CEO's going to these
Bilderberg Secret Society Meetings...this link does have a lot of info to re-search !Ha!We are going to need it folks!

And Hey! Why does it have to be so secret cause it just seems really damn strange to this average joe! Huh? ....hmmmmmmmm?
I mean doesn't it?

If they are getting together we Joe Anybody citizens have a right to know what is up with these networking cultist?
Let me re-say it this way.
If these are all of our TOP Leaders and top CEO's and they are all gathering in private behind locked gaurded resort doors and gates ....don't we as concerned pawns in their big chess game, have a right to find out whay they have to be so secret about and why they have to gather to go through these weird rituals in hiding?....They control our lives and what are they up to is what this joe wants to know.

There are some people who don't like this type of crap! And they are trying to do something about the secret bullshit done behind locked gates, and for example
"You can't shit on us anymore" is what Alex Jones is saying, as he goes inside the gates of the Grove
(see the 2 part in the series below.)

Watch this cool clip of the infiltration into the secret
Bilderberg Groups Meeting at Bohemian Grove
then here is the next clip PART 2 VIDEO CLIP
I just wish it shown more of the actual going-ons inside their meetings etc. The videos are not long enough!!

A great long list of the "Alex Jones Reports" are found right --> HERE = You got to check em out!

CNN has even acknowledged this group as a "World Government who cares" HAHA ya right!

In the following paragraph there is A VERY GOOD LINK!! --
It mentions a lot of ideas and names of, CEO's, Royalty, US Leaders, Weapons Sellers, Billionaires, Neocon's, World bankers, Rockefeller's name keeps coming up, the WTO, Kissinger name keeps coming up, Paul wolforitz, and talk of a Iranian Neocon Agenda?, then the NGO's subject (Non Government Official) (haha stay with me ...). Are you listening-?? Alex talks about Jim Tucker Bilderberg Investigations, Oil scams, Police control.

So listen right here to Alex talk about how those damn Bilderberg's are Targeting Patriots. It is a radio program narrated by Alex Jones with a guy named Danial from Spain.This guy is an expert and is very knowledgeable to hear about his research.Who first handed has been covering/following the Bilderbergs, with his contacts in the Bilderberg, CIA, secret service, MASAD, MI-6 and FBI he is still to this day hiding in Spain hiding for his own life and his assassination attempts. WARNINGHe mentions that the group is out to stop this from being reported (hense read Violence from New Worl Order Take Over) I joe anybody take a keen interest into these going-ons!This is scary stuff "WAKE UP AMERICA" this is powerful people secretly meeting and no one talks about this ??? *WEIRD!!
This ritual of the Owl Burning and hooded cloaks by attendee's's's's and a mock sacrifice of a young child....I mean I have heard of dinner theater but what is this shit?
Most people don't even know about this little cult-get-together. I am starting to worry about these weird-os heck these are major leaders for peanuts sake!

Stay tuned here on Zebra 3 Reports for more to come on this crap unless I get to scared!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, 6 November 2005 10:03 PM PST
Saturday, 5 November 2005
We Will Not Walk In Fear!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!
Topic: MEDIA
Good Night & Good Luck

Lets get some popcorn and sit back for a min.
I have Ben Waiting for a flick like this.
It looks like a Good-One for the average joe journalist too!

"They" have a web site --> HERE

Posted by Joe Anybody at 3:04 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, 6 November 2005 7:46 PM PST
Fingerprints taken to enter Disney World
Mood:  irritated
Giving up your fingerprints to enter Disney World?
What the &^%^%#$?

Come on is this part of the
Bush Plan to Stop Terrorism?

First this practice fails the proportionality test.
Proportionality answers the question--is the amount and type of information being collected equal the level of security being sought? Check more about this --> HERE

Just about any joe anybody would have to say this is getting a little personal isnt it....?

Posted by Joe Anybody at 3:30 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 5 November 2005 4:10 AM PST
Mood:  chillin'
"What Do You Call It?"

1. What do you call it when a group of people take the law into their own hands and kill people without a fair trial?
~ A lynching
What do you call it when the United States takes the law into its own hands and kills people without a fair trial?
~ Operation Enduring Freedom

2. What do you call someone who explodes a bomb and kills innocent people?
~ A terrorist
What do you call someone who drops a bomb from a plane and kills innocent people?
~ A brave American pilot

3. What do you call a weapon that can kill thousands of people?
~ A weapon of mass destruction.
What do you call a weapon that has killed 1.5 million, including more than 500,000 children?
~ Sanctions

4. What do you call an attack on the Pentagon, a command and control center in the United States?
~ A cowardly attack
What do you call the destruction of an Afghan village by U.S. bombs?
~ An attack on a Taliban command and control center

5. What do you call it when about 3,000 people were killed in the September 11th attack?
~ An atrocity
What do you call it when about 5 million people were killed in the Vietnam war?
~ A mistake

6. What do you call someone who stands up in front of a crowd and tells stories?
~ An entertainer
What do you call someone who stands up in front of a crowd at the Pentagon and tells stories?
~ Donald Rumsfeld

*My apologies for not giving someone credit. There was no name to give credit to, when I seen this on the web. It was being passed in a fourm as nameless.

Posted by Joe Anybody at 2:35 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 5 November 2005 1:35 PM PST
Friday, 4 November 2005
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: FTAA hurts the Poor = and lines the Corporations Pockets
Dang if Joe Anybody doesn't like a good

Click HERE
for picture from the streets of Mar Del Plat which were posted on the
Indy Media In Argentina!


MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina Nov 4, 2005 — A crowd of 10,000 people chanting "Get out Bush!" & Chanting "Fascist Bush! You are the terrorist!" Swarmed the streets of this Argentine resort Friday, hours before the hemisphere's leaders sat down to debate free trade, immigration and job creation at the fourth Summit of the Americas.

Bush was meeting with Argentine President Nestor Kirchner as well as Central American leaders Friday before joining the 34-nation summit and promoting the Free Trade Area of the Americas. The deal proposed by Washington would break down trade barriers from Alaska to the tip of South America.

Click HERE to read more about in what Washington maintains is the proposed free trade accord, which seemed to have stalled amid opposition by several Latin American countries, is vital to creating jobs and increasing wealth in the region. Yet if this is such a good idea ...How come so many are protesting it hmmmmmmm?
Oh well lookie here! The leaders attending the two-day summit agreed ahead of time to focus on creating jobs and reducing poverty, read the organizations link
But that is not what the laborers and poor and social activists are saying! Far cry from the Corporate WTO claims that they want to help the poor and the labor movement.

In recent days, however, attention has shifted to the free trade issue and sparring between the United States and Chavez, a leftist whose government has used his country's vast oil wealth on social programs for the poor. I like that idea!

I found this HERE on CNN web site

Planning to join in the protests is 45-year-old Argentine soccer idol Diego Maradona.Maradona, a friend of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, said he would take part in a "protest train" that will carry an unspecified number of demonstrators later this week from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata.

"We're going to repudiate the arrival of Bush in Argentina," Maradona said in an Argentine television interview Sunday.
Of Bush, he said his policies have only led to war and bloodshed, adding "it seems brutal to me what he's done with Afghanistan, Iraq."

YES Maradona! just about every Joe Anybody I know says the same thing, !

Labor activist Juan Gonzalez, one of the organizers of the People's Summit, said the protests will condemn policies that promote globalization as a way to reduce poverty and create jobs but it has only hurt the marginalized and worsened conditions for the poor.
"We personify in Bush ... everything that we don't want," Gonzalez said,
adding that he thinks free markets and more private investors will not help create new jobs in Latin America. Maradona, a friend of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, said he would take part in a "protest train" that will carry an unspecified number of demonstrators later this week from Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata.

Get back to Crawford they dont want you in Argentina either!

Posted by Joe Anybody at 4:06 PM PST
Updated: Friday, 4 November 2005 4:48 PM PST

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