Mood: rushed
Now Playing: the return to the states
Topic: Venezuela Trip
well Im back in my home sweet home
what a great time
I have over 40 hours of video footage to edit through
My 10 hours on plane flights has got me feeling spaced out and tired
We were up till midnight...and then got up at 4am to catch our plane
I alsmost missed my transfer in Houston
I went to go get a beer ..then had a second one (which was a mistake) ...and then relaized after Josh called me to tell me everyone was on the plane...and waiting!!!
Well they were ALL ON THE PLANE crap
the ticket lady didnt even check my ticket ...she just said Hurry they are leaving...go ...go...!
wow...getting stuck at George Bush Airport would of been a downer!
I will be posting more latter ..and will be providing video's asap
Its good to be back.... Now Im ready to see some "changes around here!"