Mood: chillin'
Now Playing: Im leaving in 10 hours
Topic: Venezuela Trip
Im not packed ..hey I will be ...I still got 10 hours
I need to shop ...get clothes ready ...errr I mean wash some clothes...
Charge all ny batteries and get all my reading material, video stuff ready
I had better not loose <or have stolen> any of my stuff as I am traveling
I need to update my blog ...(Oh) thats this one.... post a tweet on my two twitter accounts, update the pdx venezuela website...maybe post a note on the two FaceBook pages one is mine one is the group...then hit a quick message on Portland Indy Media....
Well that said ...I gotta get BUSY !!!! (*hey the phone is ringing)
(my daughter just called to confirm picking me up at 4am)
Soilidarity = Love
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 8:00 PM PDT