Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Monday, 4 May 2009
SWINE FLU - "Lets Get Real"
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Swine Flue & Propganda ... lets not freak out now on thisH1N1 !

Hey Now...  (everybody got their mask n gloves on?)

Here is 3 tid-bit swine morsals for those Z3Readers that are not in deep hiding for fear of catching this HiN1 virus. Lets dtart with an older propganda video to get our bearings ..then read the two articles I linked to below

~joe 5/4/09


YouTube Video on The Swine Flue (old propaganda commercial)  


 (Please keep all children out of the public spaces you life is at high risk)  (not)



Via: Los Angles Times:  As the World Health Organization raised its infectious disease alert level Wednesday and health officials confirmed the first death linked to swine flu inside U.S. borders, scientists studying the virus are coming to the consensus that this hybrid strain of influenza — at least in its current form — isn’t shaping up to be as fatal as the strains that caused some previous pandemics. In fact, the current outbreak of the H1N1 virus, which emerged in San Diego and southern Mexico late last month, may not even do as much damage as the run-of-the-mill flu outbreaks that occur each winter without much fanfare. READ MORE   


If we are to believe what our trusted international media report, the world is on the brink of a global pandemic outbreak of a new deadly strain of flu, H1N1 as it has been labelled, or more popularly, Swine Flu. As the story goes, the outbreak of the deadly flu was first discovered in Mexico. According to press reports, after several days, headlines reported as many as perhaps 150 deaths in Mexico were believed caused by this virulent people-killing pig virus that has spread to humans and now is allegedly being further spread from human to human. Cases were being reported hourly from Canada to Spain and beyond. The only thing wrong with this story is that it is largely based on lies, hype and coverup of possible real causes of Mexican deaths. READ MORE

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:06 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 4 May 2009 1:12 PM PDT

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