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Now Playing: Obama the used car salesman
Hope n Dreams & Used Car Salesmen
Written By Ben Waiting
(joe anybody is ben waiting)
its like a couple that are buying their first (used) car together
they shop
they look
they dream
they imagine
they hope together
they look over all the options
they get the 'sales pitch' from the car seller, it sounds sooooooo good!
so then they get their 'dream' and buy their car.... the happy days are in the air
but they soon find out
...the car is not what they "hoped for'
nor is it the "dream" they had, in fact its almost seems they were "ripped off"
it seemed like it was going to be so good and so right...
it was suppose to be their "dream"
but they got a run of the mill / lemon ... they were sold out and used and their dreams were destroyed by the very people they placed their hope with ..."the salesman"
their car they bought for their "change for better transportation" that was going to be their "hope and their wheels for the future"
... was not as it now turns out what they were told it would be
did they know it was coming?
no ...they were so ecstatic about their dream car
and they couldn't imagine it would be any different than in their dream, and from what they were "told" it would be
they were warned by others ...but they couldn't let their dream die ....until it was too late
i was happy for their idea and ambitions when i seen them looking and 'comparing'
i was proud for their desires to invest so much "together" for a decent ride
but I shook my head when I seen them go to the "same old car shop"
the only consolation is "now they know better!"
the tragedy is that in this case, here (now)today... is this is not just a dream about a car ....
it is sad to see the rip off, transpiring... when we already know the lemon has been bought from the same used car salesman as time and time before
the dream sounded so cozy and righteous...
oh well
(( i ))
this was posted by me on Portland Indy Media the day after the election: