Mood: smelly
Now Playing: Justification Attempts & the FBI war on Terror
The following article I found on Portland Indy Media
Jan 14 2008
Amazing. Bush's FBI
Attempts Justification
Rarely do we get to see a fascist, terrorist regime attempt to justify its outrageous behavior and its equally outrageous budgets. | This is amazing. Absolutely amazing! The Bush regime came out with a "report" about what it thinks "terrorism" was over the years of 2002 through 2005 and it's a profoundly informative and telling document. What's ironic is that it's an _official_ document by the fascist regime, one they _intended_ to have released in to the every-more-aware public, not something that was leaked by whistleblowing insiders who actually take their jobs to protect Americans seriously. The intent of the document is to justify the Bush regime's crimes against American citizens under the guies of "fighting errorism" however if you step through this thing you'll find that a tally of the claims that the regime makes shows that roughly ONE THIRD of the unevidenced claims could conceivably be considered to be "acts of terrorism" or "planned terrorism." Justification of the regime's crimes against us is closely related to the justification and excuses of this regime's BUDGETS. This regime's FBI's budgets skyrocketed under the fiction that money was needed to protect American citizens from vague, illdefined, non-existant "terrorists" -- and of course even before the Bush regime law enforcement experts outside of the FBI have long noted that the FBI's personnel, budgets,a nd equipment could be cut to roughly one third of what it actually is and still effect the agency's charter without ANY ADVERSE IMPACT in the agency's ability to fight crime. This document is something one would expect to see come from the typewriters of the Third Reigh of from Stalin's Soviet Union. The document and its claims have all of the credibility -- and often the laghable and obvious falsehoods -- that the old Pravda used to carry, and for the same exact reasons. If you haven't fully encountered this fascist regime's official justifications for some of its crimes against humanity and its treason against America, this document is a good place to start. It's some 80 sheets long if printed to paper but it's probably worth at least a skimming. Foremost in this fascist regime's civil, Constitutional, and Human Rights abuses are "thought crimes" for which the regime assigned the label "terrorism." Among some of these gross violations of American's basic rights are spewers of right-wing extremist hatred -- which lends another layer of ironic flavor to the document -- which this regime frequently has gone after just like the old COINTEL PRO activities that the Church Committee supposedly put a stop to. Some of the right-wing extremist groups that employ hate speech are groups that nearly all Americans find disgusting however their activities of speech are putatively protected rights in the OLD AMERICA whereas under this regime -- probably to show that they arrest their own types and are "being fair" -- thought crimes and speech are some how "terrorism." Another major aspect of core fascism in this document is the re-labeling of simple, mundane crimes as "terrorism" or "terrorist threats" -- such as simple tresspass, minor vandalism, graffitti, CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, all the way up to relatively minor and ACTUAL offenses like arson, petty theft, and using a public address system after noise cerfews. What we see in this document is a fascist State claiming that it has the right to violate every law, every freedom, every liberty, and every right of all citizens at any time. What we see here is a fascist State trying to label virtually EVERYTHING "terrorism" so that it can excuse its treason against us. |
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 10:54 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 14 January 2008 10:56 PM PST