
Now Playing: A Video: Behind The WAlls of a USA Run Prison in Iraq
Now before you let a moment of fresh air help clear your mind from last Friday's suicide talk..,
You need to watch this 15 minute Abu Ghraib Video from DateLine
Now bear in mind this is an American Run Prison
I realize a prison is a vital part of any war and you will have captives in it.
But what happens and should I say is allowed to happen is bizarre and pitiful in all these USA run hell holes. Abu Ghraib in particular but I restate it is not the only one guilty of this behavior.
That all said, the practices are illegal, immoral, and is psychotic. As I said is not limited to one or two Prisons, it also is hardly isolated mistakes or unique bad accidents either.
Mind you this goes way up the "approval ladder and is allowed to propagate" as if it wasn't even a concern or a consideration. How oddly suspicious is that?
This film will show you this country's sick excuse of
Today's USA Military Justice!
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 1:40 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 18 June 2006 2:13 PM PDT