
Now Playing: +++++ They Want To Take Your Guns +++++
In what is looking like a UN Gathering in NY to stop handguns I see this as another unsuccessful attempt to mess with our right to bear arms.
This 4th of July, while you and your family celebrate the 230th Anniversary of the founding of our great nation, there's one party you won't be invited to...
...And that's the party that Kofi Annan is throwing at United Nations headquarters in New York and using your tax dollars!
I find it obtrusive in a slightly insulting.....
"Are you talking to me?" kind of way.
Not only that but it is bad manners to have a discussion about taking away my gun on the 4th of JULY.
In fact are they out of touch with reality?
Man this is weird and worrisome, if not ludicrous.
I don't want my gun right encroached or violated.
I can not sit idly by without voicing my opinion as this anti-American meeting starts to commence
Furthermore I will not support any type of UN restriction on my right to bear arms.

Hard for me to mumble that "too loudly"...especially since I support the UN in about 90% of what they are usually trying to do.
--> BUT this gun issue is not getting my support <--
I don't take this very lightly when it comes to my freedom my liberty and my right to vote and have a gun.
******* Watch This short video on this subject
**** HERE ****
Here is a NRA link for three letters to print and mail, the wording is a little bit "not-joe anybody's" style but my anger is as sincere
NRA pre-written Letters to print-n-mail
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 10:11 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 14 June 2006 12:31 AM PDT