
Now Playing: Tom Delay Says Goodby to the House & Democrats walk out
Today at the stinking Goodbye speech to the House by the Liar Tom DeLaya Democrat could be heard telling colleagues to walk out of the House chamber as DeLay criticized liberals who he said stand for "more government, more taxation, more control over people's lives and decisions and wallets."
Then at least two dozen Democratic lawmakers rose and left.
Joe Anybody likes people that stand up and will walk for justice.
This man is an embarrassment to what I call Leadership.
I have Ben Waiting for this for a while!

In compliance with his own party's rule, DeLay stepped down as majority leader, the No. 2 job, last year after he was indicted in Texas on campaign money laundering charges. His ties to former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who has pleaded guilty in a federal bribery investigation, have come under scrutiny.
Two of DeLay's former associates, Michael Scanlon and Tony Rudy, have pleaded guilty to charges in the Abramoff case. DeLay has repeatedly denied wronging in both cases and did so again before the full House.
Crybaby Delay says "I have scraped and clawed for every vote, every amendment, for every word of every bill that I believe in my heart would protect human freedom and defend human dignity,I have done so at all times honorably and honestly, Mr. Speaker, as god is my witness and history is my judge."
God he is sicking to listen to.
I am so glad this Creepy Cheater is Busted and heading for jail.
Finally Justice squeaks its muscles!
Now lets start cleaning up this mess!
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 5:54 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 June 2006 6:05 PM PDT