Mood: mischievious
Now Playing: Around the corner - garbage is a pile of burnt / melted / news
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: irritated
Now Playing: Its all over the place
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: lucky
Now Playing: shopping baskets
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: irritated
Now Playing: street trash
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: lazy
Now Playing: red and blue - pictures from 8.24.09 Portland Oregon
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: a-ok
Now Playing: the usual street - the usual garbage found on June 23 2009
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: irritated
Now Playing: Found This and Had to turn Around = Toxic Dump
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
NE Portland - in the gutter along Sandy Blvd around 13th street.
Mood: celebratory
Now Playing: a walk through the neighborhood garbage convergence
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
The Gutter
The Sidewalk Blues
More Blues for the View
A beautiful Gutter with leaves & Garbage!
Winter Gutter
White garbage bag & pretty pink string
Mood: chatty
Now Playing: December Garbage - Shopping Cart Leftovers
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Picture one
Picture two
Picture three
Picture four
Mood: don't ask
Now Playing: A day in October - Looks the same as last year in October
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
I dont park on this street much so I have not been taking GARBAGE pictures lately.... but things look the same as I walked by the familiar "spot" today
Who's garbage cans are these anyway?
Mood: don't ask
Now Playing: newspaper press
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: caffeinated
Now Playing: nothing new today
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: crushed out
Now Playing: Wet Shopping Cart and ......litter
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
The Usual Suspect ....
2 Pictures from the week of 20-26 (January)
I Hope You Enjoy These as Much as I Did?
Mood: amorous
Now Playing: trash - nothing new this year - so far
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: chillin'
Now Playing: Cold - Wet - Trash
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: irritated
Now Playing: wet garbage, a cart, a new sock, and plastic bags
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: smelly
Now Playing: Been to busy to post these lovely trash pictures from this week
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Enjoy! - It is a beautiful time of the year!
two from yesterday
The green grass and leaves,
steals the beauty away from the trash
(Above) Full & Not Tipped Over! <wow!>
Now...... its tipped over ......
Now that is really what I would of expected to see!
Wow! we are
This good one is from near the begining of the week
Its time to go shoping - Hey! This cart is full!
Mood: irritated
Now Playing: Black Garbage Bag is back & more along with it
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage
Mood: blue
Now Playing: lone loaded cart
Topic: Another Day Of Garbage